way big in f-or &agedtio beau- eek to 0 report Ms.C. 5ent on the siciç lis'. to M r3. Jh hi -of a scen. gtoi) is in, Ottawa,, per. pl dhis own as house after the is in Toronto visit- MVIîss A.- rrtn ridai sto0res v a n out of teri and coiloh while the ts snîow' bo-und, im, bais prlis a few' lis in ths istrcictlfor to- utt's brohthers have plurcias- Fail-s' -farna. Tlii-s was the hom-sead. lclçJSOn was succeuslinB er- Grade 5 piano, aSo) hler Grade 83Pino, and- ir Grade' piano. C ERurley suffered an in - il4 foot whIIilting woodý iamcadea'sM hut i s get- 14 alrIgIt nonw. ýrg-e Merer ant present oWesýtern lHospital under 1' in connlectlnwith a.1 hip We are so-rry te leara that MNr. lV'Layfatev r o as Roy Mrr ès vey -slck ainci oVe tosoon hear that lie isonthe rond to recovery. Mr. ClarnceBell is noou Ot'of hosita afera six weekssour, ,ut, is stijli not -wefL.We 1hope ho will soon lie flilly rcovereci. MiA anie Thioiînpsniwas hm for thie we-edofMarh2ndan-d hadii to 'walk fromrokel Ceek asl thec caws'taile ý!to m-ake it thrtough the deep drifts, We ,ar-e srrto repor-t tAt Mr. Wm. Patteison's sister passed away l-[ the 1West amdis ein ro-h Easit fruia.Our ypahesg ouito tete ravdfarni-,lly. le Il ~ a k rney te Co rrCt ware, U,;5., sor h'ert tbi'scon ago, called on1 sýo mouch anovw, er see,!n Four cma and a truk xlere stucki in the deep rn'o'w (dl i,> on the road from Kendal toNew nv-l and sev- err-ai of the village-ns had t-ospd the niglht eonroute, imcludînIgMr and Mrfs. Eddie Oouron, ot- 1En iditch, Bob1 and Ghawlie Winn. -reat cIredLt is due Ito -"I. Dean fo- bringing the bread. through1 even though b is sleigh dld cpieon Lie way. The Kendal folks zapp-recated hic' efforýt Very, mucli, as ýthey would have been terribly hungry if ha hada'tl" bee'n -rhie to get threugh. Mr-s. Chiarles lKenny set off for her. suhool in Osaca on -,undr-y, March 2Ind,, but didln't get to tnle end of lier journey, the ro0ad provîng impajýsa- ahie, and s-le hadttdost2y wt an couple of naies of the seho-ol for a few days. Heowever, she mnanage-d Vo make it ýto the school by W-edneaday. At th-e Scout mieeting lPil in th'e Suliday Sý- last, AMv. ers f rosii Voici of PL b)er res'ouj apent in taiR m-st ti'1e A f-woa'of the nlea from Konua have been busy slov-eliing a way threugh te the hgiwyand 0on sun- diay the snow plow cam-re th1-rough bringin-g forth cheors from tHe-Ken- de! folks, Who have been A~thout m-ail and- a few othier omoite during the week. A big "thanrk y" ou ot to the Kendal men for their srenueu; efforts ith the snew shovels for four dm Ys. Tbey Ave always doubted andl smil-. e c ih merryglee Wh-nI old thena orf the ld day and storms wý;-e LusCi to Seç, Uoonteir kidswiflgrin iac t thenani douldt they'1I go to heavonl WXhen they tell them w theSn-ow piled rLip)iineteen fryavn N EWTONVILE (Tooýc late for iast, week) S"eeral endaie, -ere sran, ded ona Oven's Ili]-on saturday nîig'7ht. lMrs. Zenna Carlaw, Warkwerth, visired berpisteMrs. W. H. Jonies. MvIss Margaret Redfernl, near ELur- ton-eýn-Trenti, Eglniisthe guest Lf M'I. ani Mas. Roy Stacey. Mrs. llarry MeGee, Toronto, i s visitingbier sistea, îMas.Raymond Bruce. 'thle W. A. met on Vond -y eveni- ing", Feb). 24th, at the home of Ms W . 1-1.,Jonies. -plans wrelaid for the anuaml May navesay.Mas. Jais. tark, -Mrs. H. A. Bunit ani Mrs. W. Hil.Jonies were ppont a coin- mlittee te chose asui a eplay. MIrs. Bunt gave a reuading "D)o not scold". -Mas. W. HI. Joes paper on a "Pi to Mexc" I~LS. 1Red(knaýp rendereci a fine solo. uh and ;a sociai lbourbogtth noa eveing to a closýe. WESLE'YVILLE vistig er i~p-, Mas Pe-y Stiel. Mr. aný1d fMs i-m Snell, M an-i Mr.s. Keni. Dnn spenl t ih Mr adMrs. P.eicy Sniell. Miss Palinep Peters, of Mreb spnr ite xekod witlh Mr. andi Mrs. C. Patyne. Mi. and Mas.- R. HliIl, of 'Port - ope e nt 5u1uldy witjb1Mr. and Mrs. EV, rocluh ( Chluch and1( indvyScIlool was tbeý lci tiswekfoi, the fi-ast tii-ne in thre wee ks, u'n Waneo amil, spent laat week at tdh hme eoMa.Clrk' OnThrsdy thi sowpowwitb getthaough os ,far as Ml.. Ma CLARKE Ur'NIOY-N iibarnd i rourmmmni are gettua- pi lgh d dseoldOut. its rg Li a-1ot:yhly metngo n Tus-ayhurch 1ith. Dr. McKei- Zije so-dhis mo)viaig p-îitues. MUrs Bru ce D i rumenid. ho bas been viaiing ~th er aetM. and s. ohnPates-e, --asretuia-r' -edtaberhe-e t ikainLak e. MEAL FOR GIFT USE1 THE NEW Gift Papetries New attractive Sftationery in Gift Boxes, in smart CCIlor shades of Tan, bine, Grey, Green ,anad Whîte, two size boxes.....55c. and 85e. Floraltone Papet-ries, featuring floral designs, at..... -... «......... ................ 75c Super Jumnbo Sainr Special, box contains 72 folded linen notes and 48 envelopes to match, per box ........ ..........25e SEND COUTT'S BETTER ST. PATRICK'S GREETING CARDS Next iMonday is St. Patriek's Day CARDS PRICED FROM...i k.5. to 115c each Agý,,ent for Jaekiman Flowers Chnarles -B. Tyrreli Phone 68 Send a C Anew SI tern ali D R UGS AY ARdPCI 7th iEnvelopes ... 5c and Books, Mysterýy, Wes- dC wide, yard(I...... ýBrushes, vlaie Baby Blankets, colors of plink or bluie, eaeb.... 63c Baby Blankets, larger, size, pinkony each. . $1.0 Dressingl Com-bs, Fine Combs and Bobb Comnbs at .......... ...............c and 10e SýPECIvAL -- Vitamin Bý Plant Food, bottie con- tains enough solution for 2900 gullonis, bottie regular 25c,, for..... ......3e Jergen's Lotion lielp-s softeni, smooths t he sk1in, two sizes ........ ...........0c and 9ce SetPea Seeds, 6 assorted pkgs.......25c salily Annm Pop Corn, bag...........1e Wigleyýs Spear-mint Chewýing Gum-. We can now- fi your wants, pkg. ..........6c, SPECIAL -- Dr,. Jackson's Romnan Meal, miade of Whieat, Rye and Flax-O-Lin, Nature's NuLt- Brown Food, 2 lb pkg............ ... -27c Mother Parker's Orange Pelkoe Tea, 1-2 lb .... 44c Mother Parlker's Coffee, vactumn packed, 1-2 lb) 29e 1 pound lfor..............53e SPECIAL -- Quiakýer -"Pu-f*f edl'Wheaièt*Spark*ýies, 3 1-2 pkýg., 2 for .................17e Gillet's Lye, per tin .... ..... .....lc Spic and Span, pkg............23 e Sweet Miked Pickles, 16 oz botties.......... 30e Mapfle Leaf Wieners, lb ........... ......-37c SPECIL - K7onsert Brand Golden Wax Be.ans large 20 oz tins, reg. 15c, Special, 3 tins.27c. New Cabbage, solid CGreen iHeadis, lb......7c Cheddar Chleese, 1 lb Baby Rolîs, each 42e Heinz CrTeam of Mucshrom1 Soup, tin1e ORONO 5c. TO $100O STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE Motor EquipmontPrivateAblne No-,rthcutt and Smith Funieral Directors and Furniture Dealers KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE EqluipPed to take care of theModest funeral at the jmoSt reasýïouable Charge as weIl as the lar'gest and Alost exacting Residence : 523 and 72r, PB-5 Chrhtian "Oice68 ---------------- ----------