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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Mar 1947, p. 4

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son reques -date J01) le, ;an"dour 'hur-sday im Seek ýýthe* irpricesar ofthe ib-est' rester,Pulhe IIOLY BAST] C)ond C, Marc ChrhSunday S e ster i to cnteo 1ePativ 'idy ae aiig, he tsree sarvin si"tuated here for good ainsi- ni dst about it, Aano he(r hosng 0, di neraa ob ady an,,! wortiwhile. frmaer, ds criinatig lisIen- y orhus of its character. h good nuuse, at sud enter- s Ulm lura te lesser tbings tûigVowr co-ope'ratively ChishbaIIcs gieclubsanud entý aa,ýd he tickish uins ah( Vhficecfi1-eene ,n tion hÎeicen lu Vhsregad, w asserting i self uponocaon nid wh us',e tI-eir gi Ls isely ouiy is destned Vo retan a Wthet.her we ses fnt Voshare mility. is kept rou n-cg.Ounr general, while chiangle r hs ecurgauction upa new geptee ýthV Viera !Ssare in hs, hauds cf those sale is a meaiýns 'Vo àan jand th creý,-ation of To HelIp * * To Go" [e froi celer: [PARK Thie locail aiSpeaker, rVices ara a ý'co- WVs are bo,(ping" ga tLo attend lail1 insýpiriOlg tima of Apil 141hlat i Clhtrech atOrn iday service. Thel te quie-tand sin-j STIILENE S iOEDOAOS About fifty years ago before ha i died hs laVe Bb. MeG-lîloLd som o s bi ra d ita "1brswole m ansdry aye is funral' an fro al reports Bob's prophesy n'vas ne hulidred perýcent correct. hove, tha tVhs woild will be better ecuetliey lived, a 11 onl of Vhs wý-a ys Vorc com i p i iht hat i Vj hl olIhers. The 01,on1c) mmuiîy Meni- oriel Par with al of its fres public COIIuven Pinces asud pleasures fo>r young suad old, la one institution that niakes Vhsworlda leeter placýae Vo livce in, sud is w,,orthy cif u.sp por't. Tfie park needs $,0.0 Will yoi -pissas leaive your donation -with 1"iss Alima Cuttelilin ,Mr. R. R. Wad- deIl's office, or lmail yoch'(- ý-eque Vto Orono Commun.iLjity Memnorial Park Board previous totl.........$---- ' FF.Mo-rris Go............10.00--- Total Vo date.............$--2----- THE COUýNT-RY ROAD oh, teO be 'a Couuity fRoad Now Vhs iesnows are bers, PIon lred.t ,lo iglit nand ploug,,he Vtoi evayml elcer AVï,e-ý khs blaIow il S'no)uld be, -But i's plainicVoses Th-ey'výe circled alil aroundl and Misdpoor ]Wttle lina Tdiey pieughed ie o- nýe or Vwice at I lhoght wasin coir But 'whernthse srew feu tili and deep y' suny »days wl"e-e ove-r. NI rlya usfr 10snno Anid hs people living b 'y my side îCar't orîing home Vihe bac'.on.. .Anid ne'w m iy als cf wo-e is slpun, l'Il carry Vhlroig~h my !eadi; But ilisn'V lwayslley, folks, To be a Out od "Tie issingLik (Conlcession -lSix) Help make yen locail paper m'iorel niewsie-r by sither "hnn r br""g- mgi in yur vsior.Phis l la lil mt alve a betVsr news'paper. Makýe il a poinf17to edk Ibis. Phios ý-1 [OPE Lýr. 26-27 Forever" -field aind ND CIIORLJUS" at. - MNar. 28-29 JE MADELEINE" li James Cagney ty and Tuesday r. 31 Apr. i roRloUs" snt) >r. 2-3 On WednecýM( VoMr, and Onon-o, 'a Son iVarrilOh, 1947,1 [rs. Rom Hall, of HANOC -lit Bomanville IHos- piaon Wedùesoýday, Marchl2h 1947, ho àr% and -misBruce IHan - cka dauhte ,idth Noreenr. CA-RD 0OF THANKS We epesOur appreciation and thiankjs to tleie Týs aid eubr oýf Orono Lc o of the finde- pendent Ordef Pf~l o-ws, for the fi, Oivef ~Z~S atcons uri myihessi oiiýT. ah home Broher, ~ kindùiess -wsll neyer be forgotten. Iellknow Wlhat Odd- f lowl.il eans tVo me. Yor truijy, HwadClallis. Mr.William StutI wishes Vo ex- prs o her n-liy friandcs, relaltives andig 'li ertetthanks for1 !thaie i .pressions of sym- p1thy, ir beautiful floral sad t rb er n~ in har rasant sad oer ,Velosen iofth dear husbsud, also thannkinig- the Rsv. S. LVtevwood for blis ,om 1oring'- word an kiduea, lsoDr. -Mc- COMING EVE-NTS The 0Orono UomemoR aGuid is Of- fering a special SPring progrmme or Thursday evcening1, March 27th. Vlrs,. O W. Rolph il spe ak on ir- terior decorations. Mr. M Lito has -jioseii nS lher topic "Fashion iS as lion' Poes". The meigwl îhe held ini the Councýil Çhainber, of the Towîn Hall, Orono, a t 8 0 0 P.M on M&rch 27th. SElver Colletin. The third3ii~ last Social Evening, under Urhe a~e eW.-A.,w!1 be 0 elm'day Schrool room Fr a rh that S.00 Ifa- ny time vou are in neced of any kind of printng cali the Times office, () r 1, You fillfnd tha-t 0our prices a-re reasoniabe sud our wiork is satisf'actory. S-ALE REGISTERS A salef ousehdefecVs will bne hekM on Church- S't. North, hs prop. erty of MrVI. J. Martyn, on Sal- urday, LMari _9th, aI i p.m. Termis Cash. Jaelk R'eidi, Auctioneer. The vundersîgned lias recsived lai- eVutosfromn Mr. Wes. Falls, Lot 5, Coni. 85 Clarke To-wnship, i1&ile east 1n in mile nïorVh of Kendal toi sali by -public suc tien on Friday, -March 2-Sth, his hiorses, caIlle, swi1ne, poirhay and grain;' harness, nia- chnretc.Trns ash. P&Sitirely ne reserve., Jack Raid,Autoer 1 h11ave lreceived instructions fromrf Rsymond Bruce, Lot 8, Concession 2, îClarke c-TowaIShip, at Newtoniville, le ssii- Ïiy phlsauct'!iior.onMonday, Mari-eh3isV, Iis herses, catlle, hay sud grai,.n, machinery, sud seins, furitus.Sale Vo comumence aI 1.00 p.i. Teris Cash. Pes>tively ne Re- serve. The proprielor is giigup farniin.g. -- Jack Reid, Auctienseer. I have been inistruc-ted by Mr. Del. Whitney, Feri Manýager cf Long Acres, Lot 35> 9n-sie , Clarke Towï%i-4sp, tVo sail b iyipblic ajuction on riaApril 4tbcsnnenigat 2.00 pmoaYorkshiire Bo-ar, fiva Yorkshir1j'e Sowvs, 16 Yorkshire Sheats at 112!5 li. each, 15 Yorkshire Sheats aI 100lbs each, 10 Yerk- sbire Gilts S, weeks ülii, sud 5 Fat Pg. Teris Gash.,-Jack -ýRaid, 1 have reeived instructions fromi IMr ZWoRy Slee-p, le sel]by public auctien I, bs resid!euce, Kendal, on Salu-rday, April "5th, bis Ihousehold furniVure, etc. Teri-s Cash.ý - jack RadAuclioneer. f h1ave beau auuthoriZed by John D 1. iJoffalt, Loti 26, Ceni. 3, Clarke Town- shîp), hialf Mîil e ast of FHirWay 7NO. ! 35, o s i i by p ublýc i uct on on Wednisday, April £t, 194.7, his en- Vitre stocj(k cf hoess cattie, swina, shesp, pouitry, and mrachilnery. S!ale te coninIeidna aeeocoksharp. Ternis Cash. Positively no res&erve. Jack Raid, Aueusn'er- sTuctions fron Dônald Moton Concesionr ope TowhipMopo-, sie 'aa 1h11 ere, te eil bypo publicauct, ionidator, April titis 1947, is iLctsi ne lIï(l, iplets, etc.7 Sis ct cmmewnea a 'lc sh. al e Tsrcm tCsh. neJack Raid, 1 ha1,ve bceri a uîhIloriz e dby Mrs. LOST One hubl- cap for! a 194-6 1Hudsonl adOrono, on Thutrs4(1ay onig B!le Ski Mt on Sqturd ly even- i n~g in front of Colenmn and Pihilp'ýs Store, Oronoic. ineplaeeaea i-, es office. WE HÂVE ON HAND A limritedt quntity of Mlolasses. We atre also building up our S'apply of fertlizýer. Place your order early Wo ensure your needs for flie spring steing. LOCKWOOD BROS. Oronlo, Ontario WANTED A sanall trnicyole. MUrs. W. A. Reidl, poe3, r1.15, Oronlo.a--. GIBSON'S BARRED ROCKS Buy your Barred Rock Çicks from' a reliabie ln-sabihd O.B.S. Breeder Uatcliery Of over 100-D 1)10od- tested 'birds. For bred-in livabiýlity, pearly and conit!innous production of large eggs, doin't ovteilook o0ur strain. Take- your -hicks a month earlier if posile. i{tehes weekly. Writ- efrý circulir À-id price Ust. MIl inquiries ansrvered promptly. Donald E. Gib-ý son, owav1e Ontari.o; Phoile clarke 3811l. tf. FOR SALE J. C. GAMEY Suif olk Ram, 2 years old this sptin., Phone 6 r 6), Oromo. c-10-c. FOR SALE ElcrcFrigidaire, in excellent codto.Apî,p'ly Box 43, Orono, On- Valio.c--p FOR SALE A six-room-ed-' fra-me bungaç-,low and 11/4 acres of land on Churrclb St. S'Outh. AUlaoan covnecs Prïactdcýally a new house, aad two- ea r gara ge. Goo 0d Ioa ni y garden with good raspherry an-d strawberry patch. Poss-ession iAprUi st. Tennis. F. ýC. Roi&tli ee, Orcono, phone 7' r 4. FOR SALE Three yointgcýs con's (ýtwo Hol- steins and one Jersey), Vwo to, fresh-, en and one jusýt freshened.- Lew Wood, Phone 84 r 4, Orono. a lO-p. FOR SALE New equipm'ent : Bissel] Tanidem ITr.ýt.or D.ises,- SIeiglis,, 5-ft. bunlks; nber Tired] Wagoms, Stel Whaeel with 600xm1G ias' Rissell Maniure Spreder; Spring-Tooth Harrows; Seuffiers; DragEros Cow Bowls and Piping. Agent for Port Hopel ~Feri(Izrs;Phofne CARL TODD FoIEng )Cot wYth Mattres!s, excel- lent co>nditioyn. Siza 36 bihsby 70 indches. Mrs. -A. WIhite, Orono. Ban ais, $1.Ù;0 par pair-; lisais. vMs, W.-A. URaid, phone 85 r 15. extra Ovoneo, a-tO-p. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Ir, Orono, ýa good hoiurS, -well locat- ed, seven ooUbath andhydro, inl good eondlitiori limmnediate posses- sion., Appiy.v o Box 46, Orno. CHEW SLOWLY vlys ucli ilcetrs se ostriches cn afford Vo "oll»food lDoctors cessary Vo ensure proper digestion, and Vo get the inost ont of ihat iwe est, Yioung (ýhi!drer, should take 'froiin 25 Vo 35'iminutes fUr their me-ials. Radio Servicet. Tecombinatio)n of experience, corn- lete data on almks and moeri te-st equipment wîilI ensure PROMPT,lREASONABLEAN EXPERT REPAIRS Professional D'irectory A. F. McKENZIE, M.D,) PHYSICIAN and SURGEONX Office Hours: 2.00 te 4.00 p.mi.; 6.3U to 8. 00pa. Sundays and Wednesdays by appoilliment ontly PHONE 471-1 - ORON 0 LEGAL, Lawrence C. Masonl, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BoWýMANVILLE, ONT. Plunes Office 688 Home 553 W. F. WARD NOTARY Office 8'25 Rsdne409 BOWMNVILEONT. VETERINARY D.w. W. SIIERWTIN VETERINARY SURGEON Office Main St. Orono Phone 63 r 7, Oronio IN SURANCE F'ire, Casualty, Automobile and ijabilîty ORONO ONTARTO YOUR. MANTJFACTURERS LIFIE REPRESENTATIVE finlai alsur aity onyusl and your family. DANE FOUIND monuments The RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phone 501 - V.O. ]Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario ;~ I Engraving, Goldleafing TED JACKSON Auictioneer and Y7aIuator Conducts Auction Sales of ail size and at reasonable rates Communicate with him at Poil Perry, OnLtario;, or see Mis Clerkr, A. E. -Morton, at Oronoý, for date. J A cKI pL.R EID Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize iii Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates Phone 1620 - Clarke Do You Know That, for a man age twenty-four,. The Impérial Life Assuruance Comn- pany will guarantes his family $500U.0 in event of his death prier te age sixty, fr between 2% and. 3 of that amount yearly. A nd If ha lives te age Sixty, thse Company will pay llm thse $5,009.00. Wvhy nlot cOnSult your local representative FRED LYCETT te see, what a plan such as ti>wl do0 for yCo? YO RK'S TAXL>'- Ilavingdson'nd h nv ui less, w,ýe take VMs oppertunity têý thsnk our niny ptosfoi r 1,ý YORK TAXI BARRISTER SOILICITOR -, ORONO 'ý > Phone 8rl,

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