family îas a r m an mypu t on a ridinig mge t b bck, for tbhe agood elolscns epol vhlo livc dee rl aorkaong ithem Ife huvelear~d o Iveandc wa ,Faith' flang by the Dl vices, ~r~tîsl w, Malaya, the East Co la JIned iihverv ilmedtht tins realppýlite e bv thel State lodînalvilyleffec- disînifectiln ,an3d Ie ime.) lThe ICd off iwi co- mg lis;. na RinG os n-f ani a amboopole i mly car.Wheni lie had been i i montbs, ut bis x heald anfhec spiriitS, hospital fo, rnnds ivere asc in -v(erY U t was niot onlly sicknecss 1 had toý deal w ithý; there wa asoapall- ing poverty and need. One day When 1 hall was évisig a village 1 o wastu of a famiy who wishedi to come and see me butvcould not becase heypossessed.1n1Y -'ole garment between tbemi and that ,'as beinIg wr by thema-h to t'huïei omle they co'vered tbem11- sve viL t thir flýoor mats. 1 maea garment for each of tbeml and they ee tLou Cilingl ygrtfl Onmuanly occasions 1I penetrated into the jungl1e to visitreoehm kesMsme of whicb we r remhe either on, foot, witihe beadmuan of thc ïarea or a 'rlative cof te ick leainig thie way, olr ini a smaldj native 'boat lnourle of thie winding ri-vel's. On these occasions m-y iM_- pending arrivai would be anniouned tothesrrounding con-ntry byth beaipg of a drunm Stili Best System WVith ail its faults, demilocracy is the ojl y jpoù]it ical1 system lunidecr Wicb people can pet rid of Gov- ermnsOf whIich they disapprove in a peaceful and orderily mniner. Educain Edulcatiol il; not learing: ti the rie and dev-elopmejnt of the powers of the mmd; ae:nd -lhe two great metbod(s by -wbiich this esnd may be accomplisbed are Ji- thei- hal ls ring orin ftie con]- f lis f f Pictn ve T oo Much Laziness WVortk bas neyevr been sose un- popullar as it is today. Jts be- gininiig to appear thalt lie ibumanl- race will soon have to learut ,ive without working or if il perish from th1-e fatce oflte eAuh -Kîtichiener Recor Thounds Thslly Hlear about tlhe youn11g coule whio played k ith and km --every evenig? Hle sid: "Can i 1kitbyoi And she sidi' "Yeth you ki." Or~iayWanes Perbaps it is a sigu of decadenlce, but some of the cwomens Spring hats now on display acalY look -Wn soStar A terIii Error lu Montresa a usiness manager gave a 1-erodboy $2, Ot take t0 a bauk for-,deposit. The b'oy got onl a train, buit\was takIenI off wvii t te money be!lehad Plannedý( to spend smnbr oîbw Whatever he waS guýily (oF' lbewa flo-t thie 0oly one at fault in this case. -Port Arthur Necws Chronicle. Iii the old waýr edays oDur onily cl -Quebec Crcie-egap Peace otive Praswe ned1abeteýr motive for eacethanfear of war. -VancuverProvince Foc r£ ui ftlWoqs ltchng cau6ed by eze'jj Lttt'a fot, qeabieBý, Minples and otheritdIir e dtim, i, u ecoliï Iatd, E1k nc oltD . oS't our ru à n 19emember thie storY of thie monkey wýho tried to withdrawý a fistful of nutls throuigh ilte narow neck of a jar? Belcause he wasnt ontn ct eting one lusejous inutat a timie, leended u.p by geting neting rinst-,'ead ofsoetig That story is wrhremeIntoday. Greedyý grabbing of goods stili in short supply can have the same resit- notinig inistead of something. finflated prices, like the inàflated paw,, of thie monkecy, cani as urely prevent ea-eh of us front geting bis fair share of available goods, Canadians have hadilie wisd1oito ýlw iecotentwith a moderatel nethn, koigthîat as production increases thiat eesomtethingiç,ý will growv larger and larger. This is good sense, and is founded n th principle thiat MODERATION is the key to CONTJ-NIED ENJOYMýENT, a princ(ile týo which the 11use of 'Seagramu hias JalwayS subscribed., VIE fi C'lu, U S PE-LNTY S, l YEA --v iis Sor BY J 14L"ARWAT y 1 E r,Ž&e\i r C)F r _777l - 1.