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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Mar 1947, p. 8

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r. anru Mrs. 4e Union Jck aivlits osi ie th of a bay BoQ Winn talked on 4Wld Min ethe Ccllege os-ne country, -woives and their hlabits and ooe haorpslie proup o the had rakeni. a suVsfi Jere were- plenity of em)Pty seait o-f Mi'. and at tlice iiy olrili service andj keishnorec'iln"e aie hopig t s eemore ot as ils. oeas the non sare i btter con01- nireh srvce5 il'ion. 'lihe 'Rev. E. A. Bunlt prcach- b ut Our Or-edA nfune se non on the minis'ry of owVe ecede jesus aiid cf teCuc 'da.The iport by h", cblrnsstr asnost intýerst- abou k ? ing 'and we uld ike Vo repent this Blnt, Mes for he beefitof 'th-e su-n. Cha. oristold ofra-boy whoVook thientino 1 the WM5 sig his ihands inany ihues on Tuesday, ti~uhî li )dY, ni whcnisolde the Presby- 1 roàhernoicnFg this, ased Mm the Ver *'ttendeýd. [re son, liesid -] keop i iy handsl year bchind deain so that 1i mey lbe sn" for the year "'Buit hat wovit make Y01u strong" I sil! id hia rote. -0-1.h, pe t will", the little fiwreplied, ý"Ilt ays> in Jeile in the 1'75hdhaptPerOf Job, È Pviie '; ndlie 'tlth la î, f Mlth, r' . is brother hpai3 o lm1 -end.that the-re was nolrway.of keep- ÀAriel Lan -g- ing one's ibands cdean, by doing only or- Êhe w'eek- Food needu anid not all'wing your liands to take part ile any sîrsfuil ae- Ri Geoge lins. lTle Eas',tei, service, April th, »pota, Tor- cil] be 1010id àe he ehurcli and the sarcsenit of he Lord's Supe ill W. I. Meeting Tie 'W. I. met in the iberyon ï~eredyaternooni, Mareh 19t, l Vith th pesdnt Ms Wili. Mer er iin thlechiri. Thie roill wa s 'A saimpie of your hnicnt e -ionie beautifl 'wok as on ispa S Smýock'ing 'ýoin a cbild'.sdeî b Ms ~~~eg. ~,(ý- Elitt rce ekand hem) wcatr byMrs. GrdnMarItincli, u;l apr(on byMrs.Wm M cra sock 1)y rs T. Hlichadcohtwork dmkea donaition (>f tIlrebenc o th Irstitute rv'ol-k w itb thi2.5 due ber for i, en.Ttna eie o have a'pot Iuck spe rly n he Orneil onl April 11, ~av soe erybcpfii ints con1t1lis ubctsucli r asputting 'itlgur- prssin cbiîldren'slnh boxes anidc naw frit, w ilte echiid-ecleliny. A discussion followed aed Mis.il- %ehc gave a good flhlbg for s'ad- wichnes thclhconsistced ef cbopned- eggxî'th saidi dressing ,nd onicon und also coped amm. Shie ise found that the men ere, fond of a fli'nd Ceseçetý" ial i kngun lnh esI. Mrs. ROY Mrersi that bot luîhs es c11ho)ols ýwcre advocaItOd lie salrof coke fodn'th a ce Ms.Roy Merýicer spo'kuoln the Ibceitaldi'aion plan ced it wsvotud 1b3't uapon _Mls.R. Me-mrumn eu rupeettv fer it11i s. Tire ý mceeiîng closed i Ith the sigig f ,i beT- Naio'n]A l Athi-ýnI. Phionàe 66r] Orono $5.50 ver-,i 12l... 35c, .$2.75 >shlel,S$31.09 .... 32.25 TCLES )utdonr Fun 0, $19.5,,0 luMINUM CULTIVATORS 95e3 . a nd $1J.45 BROOM 1RAKES Prieed at 9,5r, $1.9 and$24 Fene LVYYAINV ILLL 'ititle Ag-nes Hale las sbrfdback to achool atter hier illness. Mrl.. .I1line', o N ewc ns'tl1e, Wise t r. lHec-or Mlsnsi Mrst We.Stri!lger ,land Mrs. Bb Aldea penjt the paist v week -en d eToronto, Mdr. and -Mis. Fost-,er fhave mtoved1 from -,tlh lcnace wl"ere- they dweIltile homlýe. A lrg rod tendedtheparty hed t Mc hariieCoans -a s t ANNLMVEETING OF OF TIE tW. M. S. KEND0AI1 ne for tle week 's. Bob Winn anlic .tv e mo i t 1firfi Attedane atquetionblepic- thîrusolution atid pare'nts were for- their chil!drn. 'Pilheleo seaiefort te nraugiig.I cenecten wîth Il bbth obser vacF: mily attunldance at cbiuî,ch n'a urud n'dais cvryefforltot kpSuayna day of reat and initt ilonbhafo f St.Paul',s Piesyteral t bolitsecxt an rve6Tiisvîxsve- I M DEE-TEE MOTH FUMlE CRYSTALS Certain death Ù) moths 1 lb tin... 3e Wood's MthBloek- ettes....10c, 25C LARVEX LIQUID For mothproofing ail Jabries 16 ozs . . ...ý...... 83e 32 ozs. ý........ $1.25 Moth Proof Garment Pats, sifde open- ing each ....... 49e Heavy qulality ,, .... 8e BItIGUTEN YOU-R HOME WITII SUN WORTHY W AL'LPAPERS' Sce our large stock of New Spring Wallpapers Over 100 designs to choose fromu Brandram-Henderson Brandram-H-endersou PANTFRESCONETTE PAIN A one coat velvet finish Quarts..... .... $L70 for walls. May be ap- Gallons.,... .... $5.50 plied over wallpaper if Enamel, quart ... $2.00 Quarts ... .....$1.65 Agenit for Jaekmian Flowers ChalesB. Tyrreli 1)R UG S Pbone 68 Orono, Ont. Moteir E quipment KINDNESS ,Northcutt and Smith Funeral Directors andl Furuiture Dealerq COURTESY Equipped ta take eare of the amlodest funeral at the niost reasonable charge aE weil as the largest ai mQûst exancti.ng Telephon-îe Office 668 - Residence:ý 523 and 726 Telephione Colect Bowmani-le, On-t. SERVICE spiritual centre bru ,,tgeetijjgs frum .the Oshta purtrance ofr Missionary w and misnry gins v A. C. Ieunnmn, of Grenwood. bruh rectings, and paidbis ki- ltribute to Wj-.S. 'work. ",You are fie icle'e of the lunmpl", he said. Mis. C1aytoe Lee, Presidenit ofThCe Presbytery womnan's AsýSociationl, slaid 'they wvere juast ini the baly sýtage and congratullated the flWo- mnsMýssi0onI ry Society 0on becig so stong and so well orgaized". Tiie afternoon se.ssîon 'was fitting- ly prefaced !by a 15-inutc orgIe ru-_ý citai, by MVr. R. G. Oee Tihe epnnupaesiere ld by Mx.G. C. Qug x ho prýayed forý Unaity le tHomýe; by Mis, Charles I comcWhitbyWCo pÏayed for Unity je tbtle Cbulrch, andMr.ow Scymeu. EniSidlen for Unit in Mise Noria WrV, cnuc'd a jpen forumiI on tha themei,5 "The Cru- sade Conin !ues". S 11e vwas e.s siStedI Mr. . . ilit, l Impton; MeS. Richad os; i, owaniie;Miss Keenin ltercsýt washoe n r S. Osore' ccount of the o]rganIlza/LI- lion and actîvitiesc,-of tlie IHeppy Dobe"Cilub leKinig Street United Cbrh shaw-a. 0Onu point stressed w as : ttrough tis Club emer ae-erd for the Officiai Board of thle locil church an teaichers for, the Sunday Sohool. Extends Welconie Ciemunîty effortsLý to we 1conie back returned mnec and to welcomne their oversueas brides.,regiven te înteres'ting detail. At Hmtn each!- of the 40 re-ýtureed miec \va s prcsented vith a beautifully bound Mes 1Caries W liglht h'ad echarge of tie open f'oruIm on "',C!1r is ianý,,r Stewards 1 ýhip1)". Associted with ber, were rs.Cameron !lQuigiey, Mrs. Sear Jamles and Mrs. Luas Nichlîs ai of owmnrilc; Mrs. H. F. O,'orieCurcand -Mirs. Arl-ihur Blancard, Iapo. Visi- tationevan'ge1i was stCsewd i n this isu'so The . buIr1_c declar- î d Mirs. WigbIt, sbou d go to th(- peo - pie. 1-1s. A. A. Croule sang "Anit-. tic Bit of Lo," acmpned a the p-ianljo by Me. Cecil Vedn Thie Rev. George Telfor, subl- Psti utingý for' the ReV. Dr. A. D. Cor- ne, rucdanimpresive in]-, s talltion sr iceini ib te inie w offcers OF the Presiryeral aMdthe degtswere rernýinded off their re_- Mrsý. W. J Lonrimer on beb if o theý Courtesy (Commnilitee, movefia vote of thaks -to aiL1 wh hýad] 1-1p- cdI ir te meetig ofthPcs- Mrs.A. . RiharsonofAWhit- byP prcsented froin the resoluiens con,îmittce e,ýve-ai s'tiong recom ntend tions. ' -he :w0mn, wýere ro- jques'-]cdoto rfrain fýrojiluig ok tNiU nul aso from servig them in ther hmes In vicw cfthe manly fatl brrngs bcechidren aýre left ahoealon.e, parenits wepreremind- cd or their responsibiliy toward ther amlis.Parentis neealso exhotcdto akeevery e (ffort to in- sti al'veofgoo)ditrature in lt1heýir chiildren and Vto enîcourt/ ge tem- Ipe ance ecation. 2T. i scadde ar ived,-, on unay We I. ý <, ý . 1 < 1 1 1 1 1 M I . ý> 1 1 MONVAM EASTER CARDS, GIFTS AND BASKETS f or ail the family Children's Plastic Apr-ons, sizes 29 to 6 years... 29e Children's Cotton Overails, assorted colors, sizes 2- to 6 yer . . . . . . 57e Kiddes ordroyPant's, sizes 2 to 6 yrs, pair $1,39 Trushay, the beforehand Lotion, bottie ....... 49e Heather Line-n Envelopes, pkg of 25 for ...... 10e Fresh Roasted Salted Peanuts, 'dtirect from" the roasting ovens, IL........... ....... . 39e Lady, Beth N, ylon Hose, 42 gauge, pair....... $1.50 Arriingtis eek, New Collars, Vestees, Brunch Coats, Apronls, Vests, Bloomiers, etc., etc. GROCERY FEATLJRES Coupons valid March 27th - Butter 1B46, Mý'eat 1M,78 Vita B., the Wheat Germi Cereal, 3 lbDpk..23e Tilb.-est Quick Muffin Mix, 7 o z pkg.......13e SwasdwnCake Flour, 2 3-4 lb box....... 32e Wagstaff's Peach Jam, 24 oz bottle, 1 coupon.. 37e SPECIAL -- Dr-ied Apricots, 1-2 lb pkig.ý......13e Hornie's Jelly Powvder, Kits, assorted flavours, complete ........ ..............65e Kipper Sniacks, 3 3-41 oz tins, 2 for,. .....27e SPECIAL - Wyvlers Chicken Soup Mix,3 pgs 35e Welchi, Gr-ape Juice, 16 oz. bottle......... 3'ilc SPECIAL --H1einz Soumps, Vegetable, Celery audf Green Vegetable, 13ins for ... ý..ý11>....25e Spic and Span Cenr no rinsing, no wiping, per pkg .........................23e Bon Aii Cake or P'owder, pkg ......14e URONO 5c. TO $1.O0 STORE YOUR POPULIAR SHOPPING -CENTRE Private Ambulance '

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