~o' 1.Nol 12 ORO-NO, ONTi., oeamn Producers To Meet In Oroi ~gn As ZonleComne Olionlli brandies in th1is brwas cha-nged -one F1;th-ree tsd; and from .caîne the news retire. jamrmined the Le- n stmed 10 Ajax; 25 frein Borwrmlanville; 1 ve from 11Port nI thfie Os - 12 va rw raadian Le- Sunnieland a-nd imnitted' by ,asked that 1-1t te0 evict ,tr purcirase Lrn oil fines ennil em t b y fil a-o(, the pecnalty ni in p'art: ïpa-ny tne ed ry foÏllewiing n aflecta iita aces- ,vitrh tha- Ian <avîce a-s -oa-comr-1 tir e <' erit orieou s ition of ott-dn Il-e reýca-i vae irhe asida-uts' expresse-d zonle commanda-r lie br:incir clains a 5. Mr. Hi-e-sun con- mateder should ha- ment fortLira etr ICream Producers 0f Durhams Cohmntî,y T.0 bfl Me etîing Thre Durham ontiedrtOf r Agrliculture 1meit on h.sla, April 3r'd, at the home or- Mr. A Ms. R. R. Stevens jusit west ofBwrinile There -wes a very go tedac and for t1he firstl timie in nths it w'as psil to ge thtie business a-t The Presidient, Weslton Bntr m'as in thre chair andi adftr ihe àn- utes had -b-een reLad aind appreved, thre followincg businecýss sas tanî-td The report af the Conitte.on se&lariés for the Seéretary and Treas- urer wmas adepted. ConîsierahiediszcuSssion fllw on1 plans for tire annueil picale. and tiere, -sit vvas t-irait thieCdate shah ire Pam rs'Dy, dune 21,st, ltIne place Or-ono P1lark, thiat a sot onnte cnnopoed of the floigshah be in charge orso rt H cs activites, H. Dlavey, Cairman; R. Larmer, A. and Elmore Scott. Thaît Wa'ltelr ReYrnolds and M'. 1H. Sitaples sýcurýe -a-tspeakýer. Tha,ýt M. H1. Staples look nfter tha- pi'l-tforar andchis Th1at J. J. Mellor sýecurec a Iloudi A report Con the camp ite 'as given by tire Secretary and the Pesi- dent, and tire Secretary be tie-Fed- ertion ra- rpresenitatiïves onilthe Ca-a-, A report 0on tiire ok tha m-iCopntonplan for arn nionj crs -%va-s given iby tire Pra-ideit. a-nid tion tire folloning ware nppoined a com- na-k- miittee Vo secure asm n-ch informlation t- a-s pos"sible a-ad reporbackte the Dýiay. Federationi: C1rt-ivv righit 1onip, fac.E. Iorreil; Mauriivers To-wushiNm ma-n W!ýoisn;'Ca-vanTo-nsriA, il to Stwr;Hope T nisfip, ' Spe1icer di aMrtonz Clnarke Towashtipiq, R. Os-i C,-iî_ I 'ere Dalng o Ton'n-sbip, Foiebes ore Hea- a-d. jIl - It asuý decided to publiab 300 copies or? tra-Federa-iou papa-r for un-Ch a me of JMe. as Tire Creai-rPreduiers- vote na ex- viirg plained b)y tire Scretary, a-ad tira(au a- a- S oucenet ade tirait tire pulic tIr- nimeeting fok.irie County w,ýould ba- Vat- I irai 0laOroo Hall on11tirh't, no and IafAprili Lir, for. tire -u ie o? r- 1The next r,ý"Igla ir 1meet in'g wiIlbe h el!d at tle hýj <? ie Peiet 'Weston Bnstr.in Hrope onh 01n the evenling of Mayth fi r st. Ailprsei ppreci:,ted ver-y much tihe ~ ý kidnhsor Me.and MsR. R. Stevens ini eniertining the mec- berspreentat this April meig ing zn oiadr r he -old. 11e zassurred the mi-eet"ing t-hat Bowffianlville votes wolfavor AMr. ]Jhrenasgold. Fo1]coiwdng the b.usýiness of? the eveni- ntlireeneraim n sprovided b)Y O5a talent, withthe pogra. in Chne'fEnetaetChair-~ man JacirUur'c. mJunior Farmers Wcin Warden's Tropy ah2Ls,fotthe eHrgible for graýin rizesaseachha n Count.îwe, namely,alrdybeawdd a simuler prize. ilastngs, Ontaril-Standing orfsiTn Boys and Dua, etrior- Oth- Durham CuntyCem'petïitors Sa took part in the 1j David Cr g, 7Y½points, 2, dging Competiton ati rvile Indman, 760,DurAwu Coun-l a. il. Llffetin, AL.so- ty; ,Fý ci isn 756;, Ontario Ëf Exbtnsdop, ]eprt- Counity; 4, JRToss2Cydrmn,754, 5, tu e, TÎoronto, wras in Donald Presctt, 72, Durhiain Coun- ColettiaIadI the ty; 6, Bb let,74 ,ý 7, Eversýon Nor- reerds. Each Cou'ty ton, 741 ti0%, 9,Wllim Wrry, enter tel, boys ih7-40, Ontnarlo CGounIty; 10uHnsGeiss- coring boys cospris- berger, 71%6 il ithc rs go, 735, 12, John Aorton, 7342-, 1.-,Arn Taylor, '1Vro1hy for the hih 22 19_Merr ili VanCamp, 699½, ininrs l ha roba Tireusiso, Oatami lei McKaga-,Victoria Eversoil Nor1toni, Ontario William iiM o ora- , Nor- Couirlty. Willim WerrOnl- -B ob 'Flett, Onao Autin Ai.ocký, Outarbo The diietors oefthe Orono An0a- t eur Ahetieï AssocitIion eda nesdav eveing la-t for the fomig cided to have a girls' softial league with Stan, Payne and0 C. B. Tyrrelil j hr'g,lihe lee,,gue to be madn o whateer tems cen beognzdin the surauiding district. Thee wll alsoSea e's sfbll egeof \viH W ý. E. Armst1>ý'ronlg nd La Lorw'ery l inhartige, Pand a boys, soft- Ïbal l:eague, 14 years and under, -witTh J-Tmbynard Fr-ed Lyce-tt fil charge,.aiso made up of teamssà thle sîroni district, 0. W.Rop nias mardè mian<ager o F the îmen's hardballI amnd hro wallapon the coaches needed. This lau . to be arranriged by the basbai er- imriteeof? sliich 1Fred Lycett la laîke Townshiip Counil by M Le n'a Oro-ne lived Mr. E We think :tire g'ranýlYd ilhbvgl for -munity and hoap, ,et the, $2,000.'0 Yeou prohabiy but n've kl0 kLosis aild wý arlemlbrance Vo fi The Cia-mirke TQwnslhip Counicil mnet ar e paking. on Tua-aday AprIleiî, in tje Councuiv e are ha, IChI mber Orono, Wvih ailtira-ma-n- sîpring here ir bers ra-set. .lots orroses, Tire minutes or? te previous nmeet- lloqian W'iichi ing errend aapproed s read. , esa-ason. A lettier froni- the WVorkmen's Coin- Wve take t. pernation stating tiratcrtain Town. ead it ear ship officiis anere not covered accord- keep trpo j cg btirdea- atwas filed. go'in1g 0o n la A leter from Mr.C. H. 'Carlon re La-n 'Iligir sio oDsrits npas ordered Ontario agreed( 1,tinet njeidiýuW ESf $45,00o on rondls and m!-acincry in the Township during 1947. ud A Aftcr the enp laation awas imade R itsungd ad wa- graed to accept the responsiblssge ity afL Ganarasire levy orf ,40for Mr. (Frank eahyear up to and incluiding 1951. s Penit the wve Several hospital nmatters niera- pre- Mr Pter( s'enta-d, -butir-touce was nout spent a fa-w r greed to acceptÀnrg. cespnsiitY Am.anrd< urntil furtirer investigation, bad been son, of Toronl ina-de. lra-. Ken Mit The trea-sumrrreportedia-t hale-' d AMr.and rMr ra-ceived noerbehat Mtira aance orSuneIl spa-atS 194G road subidy a-muting to $4, r rdT 251.84. had been passed by nie On- Mliss Croi T 'tarieDIuMammne't of Highrwa1yisss.ol A relief cli-n frorn ira Cityorl! r -i - sawanas acca-pta-d. s n Tlie' clurk n'as given instriiction as; Mr. a-ad 'Ain &io th e re'ply necc-s'sary rgrigthie pent S'uaray overherad bridge between lots 8 and gar Harmwïie 9, Broken Front, Afiss Aube ,John Arsto Lg, R-.W-deldays la-.Osba, and Ciraàs. Mllr'apnrdhafra- Ll0oydiLu-(rley, connil os'king for' the use of Tqa- A 'r. and Ml shlip m1-acinery to la-va-ittha-Memorial ton, iit ed o Prkl grounds. Their request n'as Barr'clough1 granted. IIir M. H a-ouin1351 :Auithorizing tira- home in Pres purchasa- or? a G rudedw ighto sa-il-d tire - truck nasrescînda-d. Mr. Geonge Tire following resolutioins vera - pent Su'adalý' pessed : a-ad Murs. W. 13457 .. Lowery-Hawke : Crs ring Mrs. GArrol 1te ra-quaStof? tie Conmuiéty Park a fa-w deys ýý B3oard. and 2Mrs. 4511 13458 ...Cmouing C. F. Awe as iMisslokrý Collector il',p to aninsad ingMy 6, iug er Hasti 1947. grandmkother 1359 - MeKay-JTon.esss : MSaPUl îng te itrea-erer to h1or-row *money w u-eek-ernd i for currenit accounts if IneceSsarr'y Payne. Tire fol4ining buis were ordered Miss He% paid : spending tire Jasa-ph J. Mleulor, salary pot- ta-ne.. age and excornge ..$921 Ms.W-T Ars. bMorris...........00 o'da-ys wit Musý. E. J. Raaîl, jvp'o300Niclis. Aftar 're . . ............0100 r. andil Worwkmen's Compensation .50.00 tn"mng !a Colem"-n & Philp, to'n h!iaIll eirng. FUPPHPSMqs. C. p9, Bun-Kitelabour in town'ýli(ile hall............ .. (',.7 rihChri OrnoTlehoeCo., rent rmngthe and long distance celis 30 83 r- an"i Mrs Stpllt'n~Storcd, suppli<'/ 9 ")Lorraine Djiý R. H. Wood,on e or? halm . 2160 Mis eonu -i liolph's Hardware W33 rW and IL Orono iWeekiy Times, 'd- r.W. T. ; tmos reports nd mnte 050CI -rrnoon ,witý Buriey's Garage,taxi, pnumo wca tesoNe, refla............650 Mr. a-ad 'Il C.3. Tyrreli, offic-e supplies filo fa-mily, orf ofa'ck ......* 33 62 uer. Oron Hyrotow hal 1166 DespiteLun! April' -ple? c'henuPss7113~ od trr Roa-d VouCfieo IcKa : 53190 chion Suj 1350- Tat hisiorClrýoir s-uls IS5 --!Hviellupy Th th inéei, a-ad Ili Council do amwadjour A to met aganin latue tjouncil ChmbrOono, oura-d us witl onI Mfa-yteSîr, 1947., a-Utehouir1 of? oee écock on the aftarnoonfor Tire Womer the transactin or? geneal busine .St. United C o - -April 8Ë1tir, j API EG î EE'ÉTE-NG TO roojin. Mr1,Sý BE HELDIN ORON cSijlJoules v fý FI VI i, pr1 1ra- NI 0 P el Tire ArPril meingor? the Bown'a- Iw '- ville Branir -ortief n-ia-nlesi sj ay-, lir ei 1 cWi beche% in ire basement or? Oron was il <iharg Il vin if il 15' ha- -ni ol tire aI wa- wiý A' 3 -. ,