idyAprlil ISh onPinne l.ernil as. on SaVurday, ser, ~holidiunt Donald Mr toin,Autoer a Township, opeo treVoselilt'y . " Ur, orizedi by Classified Becauise Gary Cc stanwycka laBecause it's The Motion Picture Wozneyone EVel rs Towul- ypool, to "MEET Jq 'hursdayý, OROINO DI ,,grain, CI imujp- SATU RDA' GO VERNMENT NOTICE ina Price Control 1-published fer ;not give the fuli ade to the Order.. of the ' I 4 MAXI MUM PRICEREUTIN- -- ýo. 71 1-effcctivc April 2, 1947 MTON PROPUCTSe Sewing, embroidry and cro- chet yarns, threads and flos rof ail kinds. of any of the yarns and k such as doors, threads referred to above. windows, stairs sud e Bobbinet, dress ai-d curtain nets and nctting. :d and veneers. 0 Elastie yarns, fabrics and lumber products de- webbing. for use in residenatial * Hides and skias freim ammnals n bujildings, b'ut not of a type, ordinaqrily pro. ig f ulIy pre-fabricatedi cessedi for use as a leather. gs. 0 Leathers aud synthetic leath- a board and gýpsum ers of ail kinda. 6 Sheepskin sbearlings, tanned, ards and building but net fur-ther procesýsed 'pip and than, combed or sheared and iroft 5011ip nid Coloured on the ficsh side. PULP AND JMAER r1RAIA4tiIY, *Watepaper. NTS, EQW'PMîENT AND WooCt pulp, except (a) dissol ving grades, (b>)aph~ grades ofbleach- sîily ail itemns of farin cd suiphate, iery, including plant- (c) "Duracel", edîag aud fcrtîlczing (d) groundwood and un- ient, plows, tillage Ibleachd suiphite grades i iente andi cultivators, sold for the manufacture I machinery, harvest- of newsprit or hanging hincry, trac tors, wag- paper. lairy machines and *Nwpitaeecpwe lnt, sprayers sud sold by mnfcuestee s f bars an~d barn- * Papeýr board used ini the I uipnent, nîufac-ture fsol fbeor tors, brooders, poul- corrugated shipping cases. eding and watering e Boxboard grades of ppr lent. board, except for wrapping iary gas engines. niewsprint paper, or kng ;s andI harsess hard- n)ewsprinit cores. su ad feace. CONTAINERS AND PACKÊAGINGâ wie sdote fa- MATERIALS Da r 0w s. aud feed products of *Containers, packagîng suýid la cxcept horse mneat, wrapping devices of a type )ds, st1raw, clam shell used for the sale or s hîiment I ultry grit. of products, wý,hen m1-ade from crs of ail ldunds, but a textile fabric and încluding ludiug humus, mnuck, bags, cases, envelopes, fold- Sspicagm me s0sS or ers and sacks.I ýdmats chiefly 1Peas. SERVICES - wheat; ,d; buck- * Transportation of goodsansd ufl-lower services associated therewith, gs. Warehousing; dry storage of general merchandise and houschold goods other thsun wearing apparel; cold storage, icluding rentai of lockers sud ancillsry services such prodluc-ts as processing charges in cold ng pig storage plants. >,' icIgtS, c Supplyiug ofm-ealsorrefresh- nd wie. ments for cossumption ou sud fnb- thse sieler's premîises, the iof the supplying of beverages (ex- La ucetals cept, alcoholie beverages) by copPer, puarveyors of meals or re- ,nclding freshments; the supplying of n, rnfg eals with sleeping accom- animal, modation for a coxnbined ie orgin charge, but not iscludisg the mcnd nme- supplyisg of meals, refresh- d d~ ments or sleeping accom- , d ahes- modation by su employer te his employees, directly or e-- sed a through a servant or agent. PP, j te e The paccng or packagcng or bres sud suy other msuufacturting pro- glass, cees ini respect of suly gooýds for cOn- ubject te maxmum prices, brcs lt- whcn p r-ned on a customn or commission basis. cehes in tted or USED GOODS uk-g sly eads re. Usedi bagesud used baggisg sud baling miateniaLa ,ande- - Wartimne Prices and Trad' American cnt Every- PRIL 12 ANNOIJNCEMENTS, Ai11 ladies vIln to attend the Oronto Wcin-en7s ¶nstitute vegular April meeting iii ihe Qounacil Chamber, 2,30 'Friday, April 18th, -when the Soial Weffare Gr7oip are lnug a programme of ini-terest and health toevery mbr The Go odmwill F.venng -Auxlitlar will mneet next Thuitrsda,,y, April l7th, at 8.00 , a the home cdf Mrs. W. E. Ansr -,wîhenl a group from the ,BowmîanvîIlle AuxîIIiary will¶ pro- vide gipecial music ýand a guest sjpeak- er. Ail nernbers please tTy ta at; %end aýndJ brinîg a friend. a--c There wxilil be no 'meietings of the Motherora-ft Group or the Hoimecrafit Guild duiing April, but each -wil -windudiip the seasvsn vwitih spiecial meetings or, the Ist and 2nd of May vheýn Miss 1-renie MeBricle, psyýýhol.a- *gist from the W. . Brauch, Depart- me"znt of Agriculture, -wi again visit Orono and speak : tbo tlwe Mothercraft >,u-iid, Thuirsday, 8 p.m. May 1st; to the WI. LFriday, 2.30 ., May 2nd, and to the Ham'-ecraýýft 'Guild Friday, 8 prm-., May 2n'd, on different topies suitable to each grolip. E'acIh meet- ing wil-l be held In the Couneil Cham- b er. DAYLIGHIT SAVINC Unider the authority 6f tre Police Trustuees, Da)ylight Svn Time wlll commence in Orna at nidnlight on Apiril 26th and continue to milni-11t Spt.ibr27th, 1947. Wm. Riddeil J. J. Mellor CharnnSe(retaryt c-18-C. W E HAV E ON LA ND A limited quantity of Molasses. W. arxe aliso building uit our supply of fertiliz-erJPlace your Di-der early1 toa ensure your needs for the spring LOCKWOOD BROS. Orono, Ontario GIBSON'S BARTRED ROCK Buy youir Barred Rock Chicloe fram a roible Io)ng--establisbed O.B.S. Breeder Hatehbery o f over 1000 Ulçao-d- test,ed hirds. For bred-in Ilvability, ewrly zud continuous production of large e-9',, don't ov'e-roa>k aur strain. Take your chicks a ionth earlier i possible, Hatohos weekly. Write fowr ircla-R1s0 )rice list. Ail inquiries eswedprornptly. Donald E. G-ib- soDn, Raw-mnmille, Otrl;Phonïie Clarkve Bray chicks immrrediate delivery. Aiso, started cockerels (Youll want these for the ibroiler nmarkets) and a lewv startled pullets. If You rwant laterchics, Apii-ffay elivery, or- der niow to insure -getting wliat yu ý'ant Agent, -Jack Hudson, Orano. FOR SALE Boys' Bro'wn Twýýeed1 Suit, size 15, Pi goad condition. Phaone 5 r 16, Orao. a-12-c. FOR SALE Phree.1piece Gilciard solid Walnut, Bed, îChifffione-er and Dressing Table and Beuich, Queen An-ne design. For particulars eniquire aet Vhs Tîneý of- fiee, Orono. c-14-p. FOR SALE Weil 1bred Clyde Mare, 6 year onld, Lroken ta ali woruk;'.GradeHa- ney C olt, grey, q years old; also Pur&e-bred Y-orkshîre Boar, 1 year obLd A. 1-. K Ph, lone 51 r 3, RELESTATE FOR SALE In Oroa grood homne, wciil losat- .11, -zeven rcns, bath and hydro, îra gýûçd eonLdition. Jmmediaite posses- Sion. A.pply V Box 46, Gro-no. WANT TO BUI-,Y Pive or six roonied house lui Vron o, Louis ' MelFeet1ers, 56 Coûn- cession ,St. East, Bawmanville. Day timle plins 674; evening 8«Ô STRAYED Osto ýthe Iprexuises of'R. Rans- 1)erry, Lot 2.5, Conýcesýsiou 8, about 'ýa week aga ilast Snnday' ancew@'eý Owuper uiay have same by prmîi.g proýp(-rty and paying ecpenses. c-14-p. W-ANTED To buy raiisaykind but,,tAn- enoras. Ap'ply at Times office, Orono. Radio Servic e!. The combination iof e--Per;fflce, co-- plet. data con ail mke, nd moderm tes eqipmntwill ensure PRMP, ESONABLE AND EXPERT REPAIRS Cail P~'I M Y E professional Directory MEDICAL A. F. MclKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours: 2.00 to 4.00 1).m.; 6.30 to 8.00 P.1U. Sundays aaid Wednesdays by appointment 0111Y PHONE 47rl - ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Soicitor BOWMAN VILLE, ONT. Phones:- Office 688 Home 553 W. F. WARDV BARRISTER SOICITOR 1NOTARY Phones:- Office 82M Rsdec 0 BOWMTANIVILLE, ONT. VETERJNARY DR. W. W., SHERWIN VETERINARY SURGEONE Office Main St. Orone Phonie 63 r 7, Orono J. C GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casuialty, Automnobile and Liabillty ORONO - ONTARIO YOUR IMANTIFACTURERS REPRE SENTATIVE will gladly assi8t in planning financial security for yourself and your f amily. DANE FOUND Phone 8rl ORONOý I Monuments The RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phione 501 .- P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monumîents, Gravemarkers Engraving, (Goldleafing AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Ati.oneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of ail sizS and at reasonable rate% Communlicate with bint at Peut Perry, Ontario, or see.tais Cierk, A. E. Morten, at Orono, for date. JACK ZARID Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consult mne for terms and dates Phone 1620 - Clarke Do YOU Kno1w That, for a maxn age twenty-four, The-Imperial Life Assuruance Com- pany will guarantte. hi8 family $5,000.00 in event of bis death prier te age sixty, for between 2% /oand 3 of that tmeonnt yearly. And If he lives to age sixty, the Company will pay Mm thle $5,000.00. Wby not consult your local representative FRED LYCETT it se whbat a plan suc as Mswt!J When Tou are 1hi ueed M01priting, cali1 the Tini-aes offike. W. ErniL evpneryitliing i fine pritig -- Let-, teiibaads, Enve-lopes, Weddiug Sta- tionery, ledgerfrmsamet bil"lheads, advertî.sing bilisM I kinda, bottes, rogrmmes k