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Orono Weekly Times, 1 May 1947, p. 3

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"EALDI iClandesine Love Not For Nice Glu BY AN IS M aiwbt enStLon a tbc aëain Kparen is tquitc anuth1ler ticet. As ina,ýklike and cold as Ible Sulow Queen Couerue, bu unrffled if you kuw haî t ea.She, gible, but Ifgot te distinct imi- pression sbe'd only alk arouud the COrpsCaud go bercayp A bit too controhed. "Vctoia ias neuL. Ce few ilu ,ilh ;a book unmderlber arm. Ha been rovsngarounid tile Public Me,ýCa;le pulrsed islis Iu- agiliel she screarned once, made an inppopiaeremiark auid fad a lmig 1hooker oS wh,ýisky vOu. il," "You are tvery adroit." "Iiean unusual nind, Ig1 s, crack did sh13aCel She looked doîvu A te corpse în a kind of m-kixture oSf rigbIt a'Aie Sheer c aem nad çsid, Te soeoe id bave enre. to>pher Storn-i:hegluythal id't get th)e gil-or almosl dîdn't, Hhî epiobably wIl nw. H 51wears thiat lie wý as %,vdling b)ack and forth aiouig the loîver 'Commion Pab, hoping tfoiner-cept Veronica on beýr way omif iishe shnould ýGnCome Iat way. licShedd' how, so lie camle on lip to ~ebue Thfiere'sSu?nnify ting, ukth aIl breakingupilu otmesesf e h ivedding rhara.Oh VeI.W "Vroicadove pplitn a cl-h [asIta arrive. Sh3e sa tag e xc i tred, tlouighlt She'd beeni doing some last miiiue shIoppIing, awIl asgettiug loauad got a ,,L at the coner of Boy ison and - Tremont." He hestaled. iShe sad. He lkt is last two words k=ng jin tsir, course, BartL.ITle accuisation o ShariLynu; tekaîa teboU iHss Bigelxv ad I aw a girl lugrn recly aler he urer.Too bad sesoudbaecked t'le Co-rner of Boylston nd Trcent street 101 ge lier Cal). There I e vryfW sbhops fthere naud, as you bIav-e noled, Use paîb ruunig frounthe galeoýp- posite the igeiow" bose 1oerth presise point. "Thenth aealanicb 10' seCal cl!for It is' smal. A wouîau canuot throVv oLMr" "I ykosv that." A t hortdlo came o'rDueyscag ae 'We'e ha seia quad fbu-nt- inlg it for tbircee hours. So f ar, flot fallen leaf, (empt1ýied evcry a sh bre fîohibs nd tuiried upil)every; '~ha, hefor t!i ()t moment, is that." Fuunly, but MCiesmm eem- TFilase as droppcd cmomen- tarly wbl 1te alketd o"pef at et' thiings. 4il was iueaytwle "I aliertbugt," lie siid a, file door, "thlat you1 were r-etalinedý by the0old lady ýBigelow toget a tce truth. Now, fin sure you're sird tu prtet te girl."He trie toputil Over wiîh a slowv Smi% «"N'otbiuig of Che sort bas be su1ggested 1 toime, I Lailassureyu" MetSale rturned b(lis siie srdni cal."Thalt's tie trlbi."ý "Oay.i have my dulty 10 do, you kow. "I'd Slnd the, weapoufist."' "Oi, 'sure, "sure. Ve'P il bd il." Tfelecho oS Barton Donhevy's fotteps Ild baýrd1 l didouî !the tairs wlîeu MCaýle, tanding be- fore thleldiu1g SrspokeC.i -I ei1 oton 'hetor it iioS "iSo 1Izse, chlieS. Yoli don'ttb thie girl lu green waýs the Vero!nica da, the?" The(re was a ilenice for amiue chenr ocky sabi, They have ua Sound tberod." "No" cCale's eýyeS ighited Uýp asie Ilooked quizzica iat bis Sriend and enîl"oee He smiled as -tbouzh lhe 1knexCv w1hat Rocky Vwa, thiking. "Didn'lt you sythie gai who rai avystoppe:d a nîlunte ta o ok b fack whu she gol 1n the cannlon on the bYen*" "'Well. chlie," he ,juimped Up "yuve Ibeen wailiug t ose e i' tlikoS il. OS cour!se Y.bve.Aftes al, 've heard yon t,11iài l tbr ýee limecs, Thal gun ougbittD la e ýn the beily of that cno. They Ii theoffce lu a 'nad rush-. A cab d (eposiîed thde)ntin raIpid lme aIthle Cmmnntruce. It was lie and aniy police wbo "ad been searcbinig for ,?le gun we'ý-re gond. lilence, tey climbed the rise cf gr-ouud whe-Iire tbe oid Worid Wa,îr camnon stýood, It ýwasRoy who psied ins loniger arriniito ils aregropiug, grnting, He Wiîh- drew it lfialy, growlîng is dis- Nosoap, Duke,"le sai " tounlcd bottoini.'NothiuIg there bu a handfl oSfleaves." MeCale iaspuzzled."Lave a lte bottll.of oS ha saft? Non ' csnse. et's Se." He snlappedthe butnli 1of Iis SIaslighit. Iluibe i rond yellow uciîrci1e a& !lgJt, bie examniuled the "evs RockIy lhe),d lu bis hbaud. Ane\1l a mialion oS, surprisCe escrped bis lips. The hndfuiof "leaves," tangled, wet wa obiouîya womnan's red- 'V 1l 'h bIe-" said Pucky. TheBasrut]h bad once quarter- edthe eme de la creeof botel dwellrs.But làdu't auy moe, dtogli. Now il wvas juist a 11111e arsedand tired-lookmirg. insuite 802, il was vdry bot and v-dr quit. eavy draperies _were puled ogthe aross thie win- lu.Sheloledouibe icdivn uinau, h aassedoli or was dcad. Oh"Sue si,"if's you."' -He door was ajar"," lie ord anld kilew that intan tat she had been expctinig a viitoir. ll Slîe sxvug lberself off Itle divan ahruphy aIdm1 ad stggered 10 lier fetShe loeda ini, lber "C ",t o iofLere beo 1 Icail "tlie dek îi lase u îwou uI'e got uutiiu im ord ,0 ay to youi- ,EAR ANN IST r li iasH ad1l ary bs ie * ich ekep as iîig .me toL g *'i hov ldlke -!BtIi ke e * t b huet. '-or)rl -Loe r, D E HONESTý, Onetinof l oeis ta de- sireLth -apnsso the lo-2ved morre than you ldes"i Your wn Is ,IbiS the way you feeltoar tLhis man? If yudO, you will hlmr, ?and give hlm a chance taý make bi;s marrageagood pmar- niage. Iis -ýconsiS"tently bardfr hlm ,ta be loyal ta bis wf bl he tiniks hbe eau slip ouýt wt you. Yo o uld'tlîke Ith ind oS a date, you know. nakn ïiný places wbere nobody YoU,ý knw ould seescc conslantîy eaiggossipl h migbj,,jt intrigue yau for a whîle, but sooni youn vwouid Sfld yo~u could not bear 1 Everytling decent ln you would rebel. You twa, wouid comne ta haate eacb o.ther, just because yau are partners ln guilt. It js -would not work- out. There are bhearî breakts and hertbreaks> you know. Now YOO are suiffering fronou pe. But i copoised anid beutiifial lu thi dress! tus Pattern 4100 wutses Bo -tier<for feminine ftte2ryI! patteru 4650 cornes in lasizsM4 p6 o8, 20; s2, 3, 3S3, 40, 42, Size il muks 2 34yds. 3) u0 Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (2àC) in- Coins (tmscannmot 'be acetdior thlis pattern to Ror 421Y:3 Adelaide Street est T- ronto0, Print plainly SIrZE, NAýME, ADDRE, S1 STLE UBR orr fintheleunat redy" es med. p tion o r to1 ndgive you smead 'Ce. "Look hee," he sidf Iko it w'Žs you w otna' yf, n h 'valicutmureYuwr Ifcol ra woruoe h Re-ývoit of Northýern ' Kin gd(Jom Revlutonsaresange end un- if they areude herlea 'Iaoss n rgnze mldr afndng sweepiWng.hi-tc Solmon s îd libcdMthme kndorn A mneume Jeobarn " of King Solmn adsuht-t ful anýýd had been foricdt tur'nig fror gipt1%he ucces- wocualdýn't cmpreto th, - ms- erable- re-morse, you wouid feel' later On, Yau could not forge2t yuare Sha1ming ,your famuly, catng is wife, breaklnzg up a& home. A girl as fine as you coul& kno n pace. 't î,3too bad that yQu evcr sa nhm even conce after you knwyouwere- in lovec. Don't let there be oneieocher time. Tel hlwhen necxt be, cals, that you cantsee hlm, ever Pagain. H-e wll knw wyand honor you for t--noimatter wathe -mnaY Ltr o, wbien you me anwhc, is free 10 ,marry you an att, there w>;ili be notb- ing ,o you consýcience to pre- ventIt. ow 'aodyou will feel, *CHIýJLUDREN COME FIRST DEU ANNE IRST.A wee * tha I relly lve, tnd Ise Iove1 * ~ ~ ~ ý( leibuele i mrred!Mybu *~ ~ ~i drn.Weboh wrkd, an ha *,m ouron hoe, ad vt as a 1nic< * wee mariedfor 1 era Go back to your husband, and a2sk im to try a:gain, for thr- chiîldrc-n's sake. Flow could you bring yourself 10 leave your little children? No ninslove ila worth that-and this mran can't mnarry you any- ho, Ifryu hd had no cilîdren, you wuidhave' no responsibil- 13' except to your marriage VowiS. But you have c-hildren. Th'ey aýre your first responsibil- ity nowý. HQW aret tey getting along without their mecther? Do you dare 0a thmnk? Youi and your husband brought -themi inte the w,%orld, and they look to y ou both for a d'ecent home wbhere they can be raïsed to be srocod etizens. Il vou szav away What's new, in housigi Ail th hnsinven-'te"d""ring e iollal LExhibition. neýw sig'_nificanlce tte .. now that ihousïingisoiprtn very iatesýt buesadthi ur- nihuson vew rs.At part of heexibtswil ho wasof )makinýg vu te( ati7 of utransformiulg baeetros BE SURE 0F SUCCESS h3 ýssine-Lined pose Grinld). vyw, anld Ili jue naitiOnj znd di:: your best t(a with their fatber. You Trubedharts lurt Hlîs knwiugsile -w sta,ýnd and bep. r: Modern Etiquette Bly Roberta Lee 1,IIJ Wba suud iedoe ï fnrïind asks you to rtcommetlîd bu for a job nid, anoîber friend oS yours? 2, r place calrds uscd aIt Je informai lunch eou? 3ý. f!hefahe of thie bride givcs be-r awywc n does beoier berwbu rocedngdown theý may tehsespa for bler guesis ater a frai dilnner c, lseil permisible to open ud read a message or telegrani that is brought w0 one wbilesiting and talking wtb guesîs Answers 1. îv b a not of inîrou- lino peaIk t10 h i Sind abouLt bbut ive an oes pnino hoîcs (ivs ircions ;as 0the'li lLtdJLy tijal p'a'-. 3.i Hivigbî rm lxusebeoep Maet ing:G onlto audi;ince tht bealîb amog an hf o I a place inu greissed set il) warm pIlacf draft I1eIrfise uintil hulk. about 2 hou dough 1 V" i place un' gre-ased from rft, ni I / or.Prîck tg about ilhI foirk o.f,,

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