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Orono Weekly Times, 1 May 1947, p. 4

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)rono Weekly Times ýes on request Susrpin$.50 o-date Job Planit. Our prices are- asse, and our. Work iîs of the best Thur-sdafmjorn,,ing at tuhe Timces office R. A. Forrester, Publisher tablisheciJauay,197. she haci On Own Land nf) governmlent «f thle Pro- 'ili Vo al-iend the Gaie tanes will -prevent a and. The effect of the mer puts -up sga N ally be-omies designauted hiimseif, can hl unt or fisli 1 te rec- o peCrty to at sort of caIse is as ual liber- It far-1ileer Roil Along quite 1a, Was courrgeienito )tn-e 'Guides anu bu Seniior Girl Gidsfor, t-hein woi k nikngthe eveniiiig sud-- a sUocessý [ALL -SUBSCRIPTIONýS NEED)ED sco Pfar the response Voute park s been goodeven thogh tha huar eds ýa lot m-ore donations Vo do the sa sould he done Von keep the Ak au you vaiw~d like Vo have it. Pie Board ila disaipj-pointed that, re inC moare one antI two dollar bscriberla. Mmdi you Vte park ed aiwants 4ailof ite donatios fine dollars and over thI can it but would lille Vo neake it clear at smailer donations- are appre- ted and wanted. So no niatter mt yen gfive it shows your inter- ,tr lieVh park; and la evidence Vo e Board of your co-operation. You irtay leave y-our donation with asAIma Cuttel l i R. R. Wad- 011h fce or m.-ail yonr cheque wo 0-ro1o0Cosnmiantity emrorial Parkl Board 5----- .00) -d............U.0 E. Davey.---1.00 .10----- Wed. and Thurs. April 30th, May lst "Sinbad The Sailor", WiMth Douglas Fairbanks Jr, and YMaureen 'Haira (lu »CoTr) F'r. & Sat., MIay 2-3 "LADIES' MWAIl" With Eddie Bracken aad Cass Daley THE BRASHER OULON ,Withl George Motg-omiery 'Mon. to Thurs., May 5-8 Eveninga 6,'.40 and 9.00 (D.S.T.) Mats. Mon. and Wd,2.15 'Rit in Years m rS i. J4itrtIn mici m. i,,. &,Uuae wer iSnday vstors uwith M.an Mrs. Wn. Mercer. George is etn along fine and leigciefl u is, still confined Vo lied amI dis leokingý fowrto The Vum lien lie «an get lp gqiicl71iCb ili, e a meek or sOi hIence. The liasebail teai l bsket social andI;( duncsproe a suecceso. on Wed- nseisday eveing of elast week, Mr. B11uns FIoy msthe auctioneer aniid th e twelve bakes ro7u-glhit $4Ï.50. M . K Gureux's bsktweniLtaVothe hi bit Oder. A lovelyVchocolate cakemadeby 7M11. M. Luxon en Vo) Mn. Cec-l Mercer,Eialehil, lor $7 anm! a l-bxox chocolates naide by Mvrs. MltoiinRofinsua sold for $325. Tlie proceeda for Vhe even- Tise anterin~e utChurcli On Sun- day fnioaiag mas very lew and lti T Ihoped thai tise ipeopie wib iake al sipecial ,effort tVo ge t nt nowthat the ran-ar better. The ,Stiriay School antI~~ ~~ c'rl sriesmi ie on day- it azaving time for the summer monts, onsmnicng ext suadcay. The ninsehsermon On«a Suday me 'ing- asOn t e t st'lai, niake fr suceess. So conte alonge f oit o Sýuady - iri-ngandI -ive a littieelcouragenient to tieInister faid ïont forget dayigbt -àVin J Send la the your visitons to -hhe Oronio TinTies, your 10oal P8¶POr. IINGi BRUTAl N of the Township Coiuacil, the WV. 1. and the W. A. ng, Food? Money wlu be '(I eecteýdf rom Y 8th to MAY I5th ara' are appeinted2. Ail ldonations te be broughit [oshpHall, Orono, oen the afterntoea of any of m'a dtays. Ta good cçndition. Lay ettes arei COMIN'lG EVENTS The Oronl oflmecraft Guild will presenit iMiss Irene MeBr'ide, pyhl ogist of the W. L Banh f fthe D)e- partmnrt of Agriculture, Toronto, ýas tie utta'dni speaker for a series of mieetings toc oncelude the winter ten.Ail the publc, especially par- ents, are cordially invited to aýttendl ny of the f Ollo.wàng meetings. Mrjs. Ken. Sopier spen-t SUnday with Mrund MUrs. M. Soper. Miss MyteFalîs was homne f or theweknd Miss JaiaMercer spent the week-end zathee _Miss Betty Waliters viýsited rwiýth Mr. and Ms.Lloy3d Glass ar 1 son visitli(ý( er mother, MAirs , ýPort Hiope, on Suiniday." WeIi, Jhiwlien la it coming oýff ? We niotice BfetV-y is wearintg a Mr. and Mils. Samn Ceac[h and fautun- ily vîsibed lwi1th IMr. and MrsLý. Gay «n, SuInday. Mr. iaid Mrs. Verni Joihn&on viîte-d friendis in Kendoal and tokinVe basket social and lance. Mrs. H. R. Reynohds, of Toronto, sipent a few days -wdh Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Reynolds. MUiss Selina TherteIli s visiting witih M11r. andIVrs. John Bailey, 'Mrs. C. Hoskin spent a few days with Mr. and _Mrs. Ken Soper last week. Mr. George Pope vislted with lisý sister, Milîs. Wmîi. Geory and ýits fath- er, IMr. George Pope Sr., on Suinday. Aï r. r.a4dMm.M. Soper and 7Mrs. S. Patton visited Mr. anid Mr1s. Mýanso0n Pa,,,tton on Saturday last. MUr. and lVfs. Stcliff e and failyý have mio'ved Vo the old Robinson hcmnestead on the Fi"fth Li ne.-4rt We are aiso sorry -0olher tat Mrs. Blake Alexander is on the siek Eist andi is very weak, and we -wishd bier a speedy .eco-,ery. Mr. and Ars. Alvin, Lowes and bahy and Morris alid Rosa are viait- ing wvith iMýr. and IVrs. Norman F-,,i at- ton, We are ploased to see Hrer c"1rscadîden is out and aroiund again,,ý although not qulte hils old self. W hope 'lie will aunam be reastored to colin- plete health. Mrs.Coecil Glass, wbli s' noV been well dumng the wlnter Ymonths, ila higMrs. Osear Wýrigli1t to stay with hier for a ferw weks we are pleased tVo heur. îr. arid Mrs. Roy M~ercer and fani- iy went Vo Wesit 11i,11 on1sundaky Vo iathe latter's par1ents, 1Mrj . anrd Mrs. MicKnay. Mr. 'l'eny is stili very M'r. Caveh il1 be sGhorwýing pic- tures in te Sundciay Sehool0 roori on" Tusdyeveing '-and t)hese xvviili e f ol0wod by roresiments and a so- cia1-l hou1r. W7%e are SGnry fVoearMrs. J. 1Ho0y ils at present on the se list, having suffered a heart attack aând we hope s1te vill soo-n le restored to liealth axi s trengtli a-ian. 'Mr. 1rnd mrs. Vance Allen amri fa1miiy, Mr. and Mu. Harry Mjercer làn FiEredia. nf lrr.no. (Gracie .Jnn , MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Heurs : 2.00; to 4.00 pm.; 6.30 to 8.00 p.m, Suntdays and Wednesdays by appointment only PHONE 47r] - ORONO I, LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMAýNVILLE, ONT, Phones:- Office 688 Home 553 W. F. WARD Phontes: Office 825 Rlesidence 40>9 BOWmANVILLE, OT VETERINARY DR. W. W. SIIERWIN VETERINARty SURGEON THURSD-AY, MAY lst, 8.00 p.m. Tepie, '"Play In Irac" Other pro- granume arraniged by theMohecrf FRIDAY. MAY 2nd, 2.30 p.n. '4Getting Alonig With O thers". Un- der the ausipices of thie W. L's oi the district. FRIDAY, MAX 2nd, 8.00 pa. "The Sehool Ghild's Lelisure Time", aniprogramme ar'anged by the Hoeecraît Guild. AIl meetings w111 lie held in the Council OhialÎioer. Silrver collection at eacli meetinqg. The Orono Rantani Hockey Club, Easterru Otario haonare staging a Coýncertad Dance on the eerhnîng(f May 9tli, at the Orono Towvn hall, featuring Roy Forrester, aand his popular dance orch-estra. WvýatcLi this paper next week for fur- ther particulars of this grveaýt night in Oronio. FOR SL Good Juaiity Colier Potatoes, grown froi certifled seed, $1.25 per baýg of 75 Ills. A. H.1.Xeane, phone 51 r 3, Orono. --p .FARM FOR SALE 70 acres ofSanyloam, one-h-aif miile froini Oromo and No. 35 Higil- wa.y. Six-roormed franie lieuse, newV, steel barn, pig pen, Îlien hoîuse, milk heuse and driving shed. Elecýtricity Výhrougheicut, alis'one basins in covw stable. Or'chard and!imlifruits;ý good creek ln pasture. Aipl'y Vo LewVis J. Woed, R. R. 1, Orono; phiono [84 r 4, Orono. -5p GIBSON'S BARRED ROCKS Buy youîr Rarràd Rock Chieka sfroni a reliabie long- estiblislied O.Bý.. Breeder H àche o'f,«er1060blod tested birds. Fer bred-in -1ivaility, e-arly aend continuous production of large eggs,. don't ojveilook oui strainr, Take your chicks a not earlier if possible. 1Iatches weekly. Write for circulai, and price list. Ail inquiries arsîw'ered promptly. Donald E. Gib- son, Pownmanville, Oturio; Phovne Clar4kp 381L tf. WANT TO BUY, Five or six roomed house na Orono. Louis McFees 56 Coni- cessio-n St. 'East, Bwunil.Day timne phone 674; vnig80 FOR SALE Afew bushels o-f Cobhler Potatoeï, either for table uise or seed. Jack Cliapnan, phonle 51 r 1, 'Orono. c-17-p FoReSALE Lan-ge-sd,ýzed -Uce Bxonly been used 2 years, in good' condition. Aip- ply to tihe Timon, offlices. a-15-P. FOR SALE M-.Binder, 6 ft. eût, in' goûd sLa-pe, le~w canvass; :Cckshutt 13- tooth Sprinig Cuijtiautor, Practieally neOW; M-11 Disei Seed Drill, il-hoe, piiaeticaljy ineîw; Kid BnaroPlorw, Practically mw;M,.-EI.Mower, 5-fit. cut, PPacticaIIY neýw. Apply to M1r. Raymnond RcDonald, plione 62 r 2, Leskard. -7p SALERGST S The undersigned lias rece-ived in- structions fromi the Exec!utors ofE the Estate of the Late Harriet Lowes, to ýsouJ by puhI( lijcoction at lier late rosi- dence, p.ontyîpool, lier entire house- liold effEcts, on Fridiay, Mlay 2nd. Ternims Cs.J Payne, Auction- eer. I have heen instru4cted by the Exe- cutor-!s of the Eetate of tlie Late Hr iiet LowL, sel! ,r pufliIiç aujction at lier late residence, Pontypool, O«n Flriday, May 2nd, ail lier hiouseholId fulrniture, etc. Ail furniture is nIod- ern and la, fairly good .olldition. Ternis Ccsi. Johnr Payne, Aucetion- eer. Main. St. 1Orone Phone 63 r 7, Oronto J. C. GAIMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Autombile and Liability ORIONO - OINTARIO MANUFACTURERS LIFE REPRESENTATIVE will gladly ast in planning financial security for yourself and your family. DANE FOUND Phone 8r1 ORONO Monuments The R1UTTER GRANITE COMPANY phone 501 - P.O. Box 62". Port Hope, Ontarlo Monluments, Gravemnarkers Engraving, Goldleaf ing AUCTIONZEERS T ED JACKSO0N Auctiloneer and Valuator Conduets Auctien Sales of ail éaises and at reasonable rates Comumunlicate with him at Port Perry, Ontario, or "e bis Clerk, A. E. Morton, at Orono, for date. JACK IREIDTJ Lîcensed Auctioneer and V aluator Specialize in Farmi and Fu.rniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates Phone 1620- Clarke Do You Know That, for a man. age twenty-foujr, The Imperial Life Assutrui'nce Cent- pany- will guarantee his family $5,000.00 in event of bis death prior te age sixty, for betweent 2% and 3 of that amount yearly. And If lie lives te age sixty, the Cnmpaan, w-ill pay hlm the $5,000.00. Why neit onsult your local representative FRED LYCETT to see what a plan sucli am tiis vii do for yen? Winyosx are in need M fprlnting, eaul the Thiaies oFfice. W. prlu.it everythiig in fineý printiug - Lt teiùheads, Envetiopes, Wzddîng St-- tionery, ledger !rzniý, sLtmna biedaadvoerHsiing billsMe & kJMùs tCpr ratnea IvIas Classified 1Professional Directory Office

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