NE! Subscription $1L50 blshi Oy of ligl, .5 fie b: -a te-x o0 Linde- ýnt reli zo n \ a ilospital on 1t94-!7, Ed iard F.' [sadof Ro-wenal 12rid year. Thie fron-i is latere- t, Orono, onMon intermienit Orono cOiBLEDIICC - -in the Sick Chiu- dren's sitl Toronto, on Mon- dlay, âmne lOth, 19417, Morley Rar- old (JCon ledick, dlarling son of Mvr. and Mils. Harold Cbldcag-ed '2 years. Resting at«the failiy resi- douce, Park St., Orono, for service on Th-ursday, Junie l9th, -at 2.30 Initermrent Orono CL--entery. DELLNE - At Bowmianvllle Ho- pital on Sunday, June 154h, 1947, Walter Deline, Newcastle, býeloved buLs 'Land of Leapha _M. Davis, i bis 604h iyear. Funreral service was held in Ne\wcas'tle United Churchi -on Tuesday, June l7th, at 3JJ0 p.m--. Intermient Bond Head -Cemieterýy. UN MEMORIAMtN UEY- In lovi11-ng emory of aur dear fath!er, James Builley, who passed away on1 June 6th, 1937, and aour dear m.other, who passed away on June lSth, 198., n-Tc re bot 'gee buni" t forgotten r-And. as d mnsaotlher year, et Tu our ,ýlnely hours of tiingiii Thouighýts e f them a re al aysnar- uv Dasc sadneliss will come o'er us, a- Fiends may th-ink the wound is xl ealed, n-But theyý littie know the sre neie Tat lies wiâthiin tlehe berts conceaîled.-. t, 1 -Always remem eil)redl by daugh- gh ters Peani and Hzl er1per]ance last e- id net playl dear father, John Gay. who ot irritate by y on June2nd 1946. bor-se with- fig- -Ever rem7embered al-d arest ef gifts, nrissed b-, bis chil-dren, Cal eneapproach ilîva bs Sn-n-Lrw IHr. ponets. i~auhterin-Lw Iazel an( s in oeweek rncblrn i because she o he;ý rdie pan- CARD 0F THANKS Plea1se note Mr and Ms.Wmi. Haljowjel IA. Bunt was t than their friends; ana nei! iniersry er-for their kindess a nd for Cari day, Julie lst; ingýc his receat fliness. was inhag ~hey tel!l mre it wasý repo'rtedl CARD OF THANKS 'e-t'retsof We w1ish to takouir mny ,,t isaohe in eighi-bours- in Ooo an 4 miuity for thleir kinid words o;1 reday ater- pathy anld florlributs.Youl &S ement o f thi el ness and help bajs ihee grea A. But -iii prpecated du ing ýthe illiness laid ta sefI a death etofVIr. Ed1ward 1F. Deanl Thiank-Ofïe - cerely-, Mrs. E. Dean and Fam 7and1 A Uguist _____ >ack -\,liMs. ATJCTION SALE s com Lions tien s ana senit 'Ce 1rst of Barrie wsunavoida Mm. orris very ab tb atchapter i wil dia, Thie Society w coeMs. Van Allen Mr. ouu ofthe1 day venirg, Il 'h,m ailse nt s20 ok clharge of study Of In)- glad t'o wel- eor Bible Se- Dýwn iast Fr,*- an Eniglisbl Tyndaaîl, w aetagîv Thlere er las-t - --T 1-1, a15fl wor [Ur., Julie 18- el[ 1,114 1,le iSSistance and of Bowm-an- e fine recordJ choice miight COMPIE that a f C'KET" (S.3G) te Day and [bherne [une 20-21 On anid ers The undersigned ban receîved HARRY A. FARROW ta seil by, public auction at Lot 5, C«n. 75, Clarkze Townshiip 1 m-ile nïoirtbl of Shilab Gtrnrch on FRIDAY, JUTNE 20, 1947 the followîng: Helrses Gray Mare, 8 years; Oh-estnnlt tMareand ColtI10years, BlackGAld ing, 3 years. [JUIL i -Cattle1 ds have 1 Red Cowv 5 yeas full flow milk; ýsof the ReC, 5yersfesheed6 eoms Red HeifÎe r, years, caif at sidle; aps to - Spo-tted hieiffer, 2 years, caîf at side; fut0Brinidle Heifer, j/ yar;W't -eetedcd Heie, ,1 y a r ereford He Esvesss er, 8 mon-ths; Holstein Caif, 4 monfc Hie,1 er Hrfrdvef for , t b s. - 35 Hiens, 3 Duicks ýand TXcklligs. Haritess Set of Tean-, Harnesis; Set of Single larness. ~l~fCoraick Deering Binrder, 6-ft; Peter fHanilton Seed Drill; Spring- Tooth -u vao;3-section Harrews; 2-furrow Kid Ploug.h;e Single Plough Rubbe-tiedWagon; Sleighis; Rake, 10 ft.; B uggy; Cutter; 'Meclotte Cream Separator; Elletric Pence, nea4McCorickel -Deeing Silo Filuer, No. 13, niew;, Waterloo 33-45 Thresh- ing Miequippred with Grain Thrýow- er, AI condition; La-wson 40-60 Trac- ter1 onrbber, Ai' condition; Cock- shutt Cori B-ind,,er; Whiffietrees, Necyo E orkis, etc Furniture New PrinjceýssPat Cook Stove w;ith Réservoir; Stewart-.Warner Battery Rýadio; sonne other 7furniture, TERMIS C-ASH- Sale at 1O .101.~ Jack Reid, Auctioneer SALE REGISTER 1 bave ýbeen instructed by AMr. Mil- ton Grahan te seil by pubjic auction 1. 3-24 fatot 19, Concession 1, Clarke Town- s'h i,1 concession south of Merrans RETCII" Corner, % mI'ile.west, lat 1.00 ..o RUTHl Mornday, June 3ird, lIpa1horses,cate de ane, harness and illrpielents, Tenms Cash. ira -ak edA tine;Fred Lycett or-)rk The undrsgnd asreceii'ed in- ructLions from rs.W..Sut hurcb t Sub Oronuo, ta, selb 11blic acinonSaud-,Jn 1 elr hoseol efes.Sae boe si4hofahr gs'ouunds. Ternie Csh1 skedAuctioneer, C1assifiedà ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Annveraryservices-.-ýwill 'be helId at Kiilby Chiurch on Sunday, Junie 2nat 3 00 and 7.30 p,mi. Rev. EBustace, the new pastor, wil1 have chreof thie servicles. Special musîc.b-22-c. WANTED Ail type-s of Live Pou'ltry a.nd FeaV-hers. 'Top prices paid. M. Flett, Bet'ha.ny, -R. R. 1i, Phone 7 r 13. 30-p.- FOR SALE Fitury-Bisseil Sprinig-Tooth Scuf- fiers at $19.00, Otace Stiff-tooth Scuf- fiers with ilillers, Otaco Roud Master Trailer Wog-an at $137.00, Wagon W7heel Sets, Autotrac Attac'hments andil repairs, Cow Bowl s and piping, r7econdit;tined MXa s s ey Cuitivator, Wagons,> etc. Phone Carl Todd, lm- plement Dealer, Clar-ke 15-20 c-22-p._ FOR SALE NLIumLer of cernent timie forms. Ap- ply to George Fobe ,R R.. No. 2, Oronio, Phone57 r16. c-2c STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL The W. AýI. of Park St. Uni tedi iChurclh aré plaing ito hld 'a Stra'%- be-rry Festival iin thle near future. Date ta be a-nnounced later. FO R'S A LE Stewai-t-War-ner Electric Radio, nef-w; Dishes and Cookding Utensils; smiall Centre Table; Rocke(,r; small Extension Tabile; Bedding. Mrs Mary Ledrew at Wm Wtsn' rs- denýe, LMain :Street, iOrno. c-241-p. FOR SL Two bans;i7e 30 by 45 f(eet. Ap- ply to Llew Hll'w lione 7 r 8 Bray pulets, cockerels, nonsexed, Most varieties. ImmiediajtedIliver.y. Aise some started. Ask. for list. If you want August chiicks, they should, also be. ordered now too. Contact us soon for Bray Ciks. Ag-ent, Jaek 1Hud-son, Orono. frrien os f sym-FOR RENT r kin*d1- one cbn situatedaon side of tdy a-Oronlo Park. >A-pply to Thios. Cowan,1 and 'rono -Sin- S-ALE REGIS TER 1 have beent authiorizedI by Lansonù Mý,ilîsen and Son to sel] by public auction at Lot M0 Concession L, Clarke Township, haif mile west of Newtonwll.e ad half mile north, on Friday, June 297th, his horses, caktte, swine, feed, andi ilachinery. Sale to; comi-nence at 1 o'elock. Tremvs Cash. -Jack Reid, A-uctieneeer. AUCTION SALE ces, Standin.g Timiber, C-Lit Stonie suit- abrle forbulig the property of E. A. WERRY North-half Lot 19, C'on. 9, Cartwright 2 mniles eas[, 1 mile north of ,Caesarea (Note: the property is kow as thè John Armstrongl farm-). on TH'IJRSD-AY: UN 26, 1947 .dattîe, 31 head of Hereford Steersý, 11/2, years ýold. These twill be sold in a carload lot.Otsadn qulty Number of weEýk to mt-onth old calvesý; nuiher of sees llIpleents - SeisGid stones, 4 wvagon ge-ars suitaIble for rulbber-tired wag11ons, horse cart, hr rowÀs, cihaf cutter, scfe, wagon tgngues, wnml and shaft coimplete witlx pulleys, etc, 29 hay fork rods aboýxt 50' feet in, le-ngth. ffay fork ,car,'omplete rope, pulleys, etc., sin- gle plew, potato digger, turn!p-'puip-. er, co'w chins, aibout 100ý pounds of scralp Diren. ~Bara-, apoxmte 65 iby 45 feet, barn, upproxiiiiately 54 by 24 feet, hoth in goodJ condition. One year to Stone foundfation with beautiful cut stonles ïn it, suitable fer- building or fancy rockery work; ai se two stone fenk!ces s.uitaiyle for- m-iscellan- eeu,-s use. These ail' close 'Lo Caesarea cottages; aiso a, number cf rail fences an'd wire fe-nces to h'Le e-ioved fo>r lirewood or remi-odetlin- fences, TERMS CA-'SH. Sale et 1.3M ocloclk sharp Ted Jacksûn, Auctioneer Radio ServiCe! Tii. comblnmaticuof 1 epret;in- ýplt, data on a&l makes, une. modem toat equipint eill effmure PROMPT. REASONABLE AND EXPERT ZRPAIRS CaR R., L. MYLES Phono I71?r 4e -ORONO A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours: 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 to 8.00 P.ui. Sundays and. Wedniesdays by appointment only PHIONE 47rl ORONO Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor 'BOWMAýýNVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office 688 Hoeine 53 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Phoynes : Office 825 Residence 409 BOWIMAN VILLE, ONT. DR. W. W. SIRWIN O ffic e Maïin St. Orong phone -63 r 7 orono J. C. GAMEY INSUR'ANCE F4ire, Casualty, Automnobilý> adLability OROINO -ONTARIO MANIJFACTURERS REPRESENTATIVE wilgladly assiat In planingi fhinancial security for yoursell and your family. DANE FOUND Phonie 8r1 RN The RUTTER GRANITE, COMPANY phone 501 - P.O. Box 629 Port Hope, Ontaric Monuments, Gravemarker TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuatoir Conducts Auction Sales o'f ai sizes and at reasoynable rates Communicate with hini ut vPnB Perr-y, Ontario, or see bis Cierh, ËA. E. Morton, at Orono, for date. JACK RI Licensed Auactioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit mie for terms and dates Phone 1620) - Clarkie Do You Know That, for a man age twenty-four, The Imperia', Life sune Com~- pany will guarantee his fmî $5,OM0OD0in 1 event of bis death prliur to uge sixty. for 4etween 2% anit 3 of that amüunt yearly. And 49 hie lives te age sixty, the Compein7 wiIl pay hàm the $5,000.OO Why not consuit your local represenitative FRED LYCETT te se. what 'nplanSuch as tblawul do for Yeu? Wlien yu are in need of prittng, ,- cVe Tuier ffcev? W o everyhla fine prinïtlng - Ie teiedEInVoopesl, Weddng Sta tlnrledger r ma, stelm5I billueud, aderssau à,e s lidblafiter, progrmmes«, tinita.. , 1 . 1 1