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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Jul 1947, p. 1

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1mut VolAi. No.28 High Class ArchmeryEx Hamilton Townshi-- School Wins Carter Trophyý :he schoolwhIlidch ahee is ard iii. TheImprovemnent of Rural -a t has bteen wade t S. S. 1411 antoBethiel Crove. The teach,- ~Miss Audreýy Lno.Tihe seýhool fin the inspetorate of Northumhiier- ndad Du rhamN.1 Whben iss Linon was engaged as eptemiber, aninl nte cas in lier cintracýet was that S. S. 14, hi loshould en(ter the Provincial Cometiionof 1946-47, for the trus- tees had prlanned and were undertnk- àng suchipoemn as Wouod foman. excelent backg round](1for' chis endeavour, they la had the ad-M ice cf 11r. John F. Ciarke, Horticu- ualFieldmiian from the Department -f Arcltrand lViss Lntnhad guie S. S. S, Seymourý ,>tothird paeini 19414-4-5 ink the comîpetîtion. Dring the summer the truees 1fad h the school painted insýide anrd ou;they hnd i e sciroaf wired for fi grade one bncberd th under h yr, and laInd sanitary cleszets andl cupoar intaled.Thie ground utvas eiýýIývatedI; thre yard nias leeldwith a truck-scraper; a nec ferce was erected To provide a wider entry to7 tenoith -of thIlIE-" chool, 50ot te[ I -ar thý hotb awn, ýMr. itor Lightle -ed lanýd froui hisý farmi. l1be fenç crossthe frot etthîs en- maed yard const of two rows of two ry foursteperm-it eaier lmo- j-ng cf teg'rass andto etedthe -Sliwnae to th e atrive boule- -!ard. Bfore settinig the ritbw lag- po-e, it naspainted to nmatch b thc ferce and the school. Theý grounds e been graced for yýears ,with soeewi- vlpdhardwoode, but '-Ihe c wer e .iprve y pruning. Gunsand bouflevard were thickly 30vown te gassT'he cýýonmunity co.- cpen-ated in th-ese. The guidancýe cf,' Miss Linton, and Ste co-operation cf the PUPils found ,ýtynression lii hie planting cf spruce 0--fesontrree ides of the rounds, int- {bplantînig of a aren in the mak- ln-g and seedýing of window boxes, in thnlcation of shrulbs, and in tire de- Teiopmntof decortive fionien beds. An,-, to the pupils mî-ut go special- mrinfor Lthe splendid epqiitwhc tyshowed in aefly vidngthe ïrecently pnepared groundq ; hey ap- in6te nd rsetdte courtesy ?di hmpaýrt ofhi field. atyerS.S. , Hldad o firt wadanid S. S2,IlamIltIîon, second award, 10oWii1g are the firet four wn- ingschoiols : lý st .S. 14, ililton," J.r. Crter Trophy; 2n d, S. S. 6, SyaehamN.,theien P. M1. Dewan Trophy; Ir4 . &S. 13, Corntal, the T. Eaton Ce. pris; 4th%. S. 2, Bel- riet the T. Eaton Ce. priz. SS., ai nBethel Grove, isý -uernh o eS c~el Grorve Church. To >me ï t might offer soe suggestion a'ppicaJble to youy echooL, ~Diving Schools Teach Saflety At The Wtheel WVith Otari' mtoring -public becoming1in11 asinglysafety con- seus hools of diigare now he- ginn o play a, usefuiil part in mak- in ur sreetand ihways safer- foYr drivers anid pedetrians and chul- drnat pLay. Under competent in- strutor, bginersaretaughct how to op)eirate tielir cars skilfully, and wihdue rgr to tr'affic rudes and safety requiremiIent's. Extreme n-ervousniess and extremie over-confiidence are common causes. of t rafric accidents, accbrding- to one prýofessional drivîng school. In the ore instance, lessons ýare designed toe remove the tense attitude of-'tihe pu- pýil se that bis refiexes util1 be equal to an -emergency; in the other, the :schiool insists on periodic chec-p on the pupil who "knows it al". One of the Toronto driving schools reporit.s that about the same number of mien ,an-id women take the coursel butt-feerwomen fail to pass tihe rýequir-ed test for obtaining driver's3 licenise. No;t onlre they as apt es the men .at;larnng irefundamenIitals, of drivng u t the reember better- Wauteyaretod an instructor Driingseholsreports marked in- cre ýase ini enroIlment since the amend- m!enits to!lihe 1ighway 'Traffic Act cam inti-o force ls July lst. With stetrneregisiai amed at ridding the, roaýds of eklsirresponsible chanes sate themanager of one drivrsmotriiss ae tking feiver s3ehool. FHe said that 4-0 pupils a day wsnot unuu_11al at hbis Scirol Prýactically ail drivin1g schoofs h-ave rdopted a ,ýsystern of teaching ,th at enerene as prýoved imost work abde. on thýe functîinsof aas rks dieshaft and other naPrts thlat coni- cýern the control1 of the car. Theni fiosa lesson in corr:ect startîng and topp'inlg. Pupils are grad1ua1ted1 into, heavier traffic areas as 4LheyPro- gesfroml lesson to lesson, with a tripbhoh heavy ýdowntown traffic as a final test of their.abiiity. The eýchools d'a1im that it requires frýom 10 to 15 lessonis'to 'turn out a gooid, safe BRITAIN'S %,000 h.p. WRD RECORD SPEED BOAT It was recenitly jmentioned th1-at Sir tain struc uralaerýat!is beore the atertbe e oni the world re- cord. It î i now leirned that fthe tests vvith ithe De llailland jet. engine ha-ve been completed and great re- sults are eixpected. Sir Malcolm's ennier record speed of -141. miles perr hour nwas achieved wilh a1,900 h.p. ?ýols-Royce piSton enle.The niew jet engine produ!Ces300 h. p., a fore neer before considered forý setiy raft. Committees Now Formed Ftor Newcastle Lion1's Carnivalý - Tre awcstl LinsClub imembers ar uyplanning out tamCarnival niicrnl be beLldin Oroni eieoiai Community Park on WXedaewday et- terneen and evening, August 2th. TIns nul b[I 'e the bîggest spoinIgý evant, ever held iin tins viIllage fer som-e yea-rs. Many heurs atre requin- ,d te maire plans te have every,,tiing j)u--eadiniese for the 'big day, and tint ~s juet ihat the diean membens cf tireClub aUre dig At a recent meeing the tollowing comaittes ine lected teo r ýaflan the diffamaent avanits that will be hield!: anivai lCirýaiinDanIe Founda; GaeChasý. Kn-ox; Dne Roy Fer- rester;Rides Parc. liane Band an! U'Cowns, et-c, J. Dyer; Fiet Ad Dr. Bomer; P. A. 5-nan ?ed Wood- Ret eszhinents, J. Talvor andKen. Stehenon;raille, Stanî. Grabai; Sports EetFred LcetFranuk TMllnand Carnet Port-ler,. CMhe~tine talle fer the diffenant ~ets wil be as follouwe :2o'lc ~ feehent; 430o'clock, Orono vs encasie Idget Baýi!L Clubspayn for unhn ContyCampionsIhip, wibnclvrcup bin ofeedan ,t ire played for each .year, 7.00 pan, Band Parada-, and games xiii be in fuli .swing;800p.m, Baud Concert; 9.00 pmdancing on an open floor under the stars; 11.00 p. Grand Dran. Clowns and amuseýýments xiii he on ice go alil alter neon and even- Theýre differenft committees niould ike anyeue Who can, te belp them eutL tireday. et the Carnival, XVdues- daiy, August 20Qb. There je a great deal etf work i.nvolvedi in leokiag al- tertediert boothe anid gaines. 'The more there are te heip the easien it nl b fer everyiee couiceraed. The(,moniey ised býy thase-service ubs go for a geod cause amonig the uner~pivleedcilidreal. Tuhyen are neét a,'membfer oet the Clu, th meniens oul gretlyappreciatle it ayext1ra ý bedtn e:ogeedo Th -blload i cularswill soon he tir hde n bsytie greaiten pa.rtofi ta1 attarneen. Wi"h go w xeatblIler the ewcetleLios Clb-aeleiig or rdte a bamperucrenid. Storms Ii, This cause Danage turne11d ounythi predited blth aiypapers si woul be briglt and rain fIl pratcaildj aaloniiht able damage in ti The heavy ram, ed hay operatins q stM out in the Wfie thlat have al-ready,ýý e&, Wheat and oa from the storm mot sectons of DIAZ~ 1weil -flatt en* e d eo \v 'Y'Jti ertsv Gie Ditrit DraoonyC-prtv er th e-e we*thrmn.Tý s djlistit ameigof thte Dlurh Fd nofAgiuluefnlarn- hav ben de for- the Dr County Co)-Opera,,tive HI{ealth ha-,s aanretard- i -I> nd miany arsare ery adr. 7i3s, with mnny tons o wa eencutnowspol-Tren&urer ats crope suffere i Alth ýt fieids in certain o rtri am Counity pleuttyu, erof The barn belogjng te Mrn Caries Conivan, Lot 16, Concessýion 4, ClarklJe Town ýs h ip, wva s de-stýoyed byte rund 3.00 a.m. on Sunday inornng when tthe strm iaat its nioret. NeTý alinimaIs. eerotdlest In thiïs fire. Iii Cavan Tov fi ire ignited the lbarn ef Beatty Fee, burniing teü the grioiunde ihile rerMillbrookli, twe younlg Cydeal orses owned by Elderich Nelson, w ere ild 1 Some of the a1,pp ham 'Couinty suifei trom thie hail, wh» the ditrict southut( t'rees being.2 upr'(oo winds ta acoly ei rhad aDur- rst o rono, S'ome ed bythe heavy SPORT EVENTSý ba:ck Ithe vicýtoyr i m th-e Juior1FanI- ler's picnic heHidlat Beilevilie oni Wednesay aternoon 1Last. Tire Durham niCe nJty ean cnis ing etF1 layers 'rom IINewtonvile Necsi.Courtice andàOrono drew a bye anI d playedl off îhllsig Counybsingby thie coe score o 6 te,5 AtLheen of (ýthe econd ini- by 2 te ý0, ,vith atn tingte score atithIýeriendof tetiu Hiirdini]- ninge. Own ()teerr-orscmmte by the Dunhutan C ý.'teain11astings scored 4 truajs intl e furth, ith thle Dur-uhamtam seerýng 1mn, main tier heoe- te a the oend)e1, tire fouhrh. Olnly fewnigs ten e play-ý, Etle n tehnso d'îingou SaIom rounte Sihineeuee ]i îrsThe ginte 7n5 edm 6ated frlIHast(-, îl u-gslà. tem nere aised fatred eu th pic niTb he one-idd coe i 6 te 0 irley Flin to if ws he et girl atieteothe gro n e rmhe isx jums p nd 3rd plaintirbighjup Tere weillepoaly itiree evntswhic play nNexvcWstethsforidoytevea-f this gamne. Tire Orono footi themeelves on Mot nihen they defeate, latter ph ,ce by a s 1. John Loweryv xvere the igoal gett( A. E, Eustace was the Oreno team iai himeelf by stoppii £reom close range Orono boys had the team, given ýtimes them g o next ye-,aî K.1 goodeteanw ethe Thre u r M. and e. I ll team oul di d nday: evening ls i Haîotu at !Il" cor et goýals te anid Carl, Finitof goail tender tonr nd d!id credi t'te Ig a penaýlty shot Wc kne'w the emaking of na good nfdpractice. Wýatch i -e gldte cee semai echurecir service rildai1. fornday «Wiliamsýon-, Enid cd wit Mr, and is touch e nmoved. rival Pf a snsudi C siaup, . us nl pevd nspedical serices on tinlie Cc)-o prinoÂiples foi-r ceuebrs etf Forum, WcensInstitute, Professionai, Bsns rFý Informatioýn That The J 0f Clarke Should It seme tht mainy peý To nsýhip (of Caieare 1 withI bbe building :a d rel awthe rgsrto f cases Tuthe case eoft-1th0e e new bidnor the r epý building., that cneet $2;00M0 macdele tltie Cleri, of tille inwihtire cild is b. bth tkes place il, HTospital, thecn the rc-gis be sen.t it-e hecark in tl 'stead o(f ourTenhl people i l te Towuosip certifcate tô IJ. J. Mllor-, muet send tiremn 1te D tire Toushi l'ebe thre beetyarlad '!St ferars.Al turetc maueup te hePrvi w w Oronlo CIaimm Canada Wel Thýe Canadiailn edicýal Aý nlow lias "oine docter f or evP oPIetoirs se r ada. Know la tire greates amil iliatr co resîco ny oi~ yv tuhe New encir year ippe muet J Goveru- Two Children Baptized At Park Street Church Sunday Desp'ite dhe iniclement uteather, aï fair- sizad conigregatiion attendedLtire mornia servce, at park St. Cuc the Saometf Baptim nas 1eR H. C. Wýolfraîim et A,1 i.lmo nt e. Mn We[iraniim ýte nuncie et Mc. andi Mre. ob.Keane, whose -(,infant-l daugiter. Glnys Barnicem isbp tized. The came ber ýutItlritenis pernormed for Douglas Artiru, in- tant son cf Mr. anld Mrs4. JoSeph Waiker> Mr. AthrBell, e' o mnauville, contibuted nexceptional-i ly fillevoalsolo Whichhlnded i chanacter xith tire sermon of M,. Eustace. Owing te inie oniin n other difficulties the service ant Nev-i castia Beach in the everng na s post- pond utilflunthaer notice. Bynee cft tiroe accidentaI ob vaýt(ici'u fanchemical chang ie, simple substýan)ces, wihhv f11-ar-ebing crîsequenPceS - the cery eofpesnici e eof the kueutan exa"mpls-a great dIeve ment in'th-e imakinig of lipetickc bean brouht bout. fil ircuinistances soeha ilar te t1iosýe w1hiclh s tart 11ed searcirFor peniillin, Dr. S. Gottd M.D,, Sc. hvin-g noticed gs th1iag lhad ocutrred te ena ingred od a stae sandwich, %vas led oc maire a suiies e' xernens 500 iil-re l il-,the diszcc, of a solveat et - Roijie (orBr acid as it is semetiues CAWYd> ad One hundnre'd nd tourtea di- ethe lngtnle st o Pest'sien , whih incli'ue,' bas cookies', ;along r itail tire you dsired pîcte o d paetnas oi 0fPo -edBy e c!hldO olaio0nr Mrs, lU' r the meetinig, al the eodlheur, thoeecf us whi mon er bettel ece,S as amiir emit oui- ug folloen-1 f ocd lesprotcted, basDDmy (5) Wash ail c uten5ils în;l (O) De nothat lut utater: (7) Do net aIle ex î~îse or tint bey da . Avoid Tu ase et 'lina: îmily do toi sire N OU~OiNOI NW1., T-

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