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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Jul 1947, p. 2

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1, tiWn flx', wo u elIlk thc annuiial Toronito Po' Iered In id dsble 1ýcd te! 1ic On%% offlic cal ilnd t111c ce okes at1ionl U1ii0ilL)cal! 23. lace wýithl rapid riscs and dc- sU tiiile cesýt ,cf \ling inidex, shaîl lic jcetdbY 25 cenits CI; for- cach f,,i l point r 5tpril 0, 1917. Sh1oct1d fi(c co ng ilin ,h bonus sha1)h2 1,111 pelof o declinec, but ont-ý tue Iuîexfiur ais: 'atAp sii, uening ou i e( ncsvcisîe of ,M]iS lToroniteof 1947t ,ice, A.A-. gaes The neuvcontract, whiciisuscen- cilusded in aIconuplctey aicaIf a- miosphere, aise inicliuded a ugeneral 4' cet oulyIncrease a -da He Found Out for; doiliqelewi/e eîiaesr she uoisld iak od/eîei Mveetng a Crisis t/!Ë: radion md ta/k ", a cr;iilk t/NS there is, ne th;ii t tîi . WAY By J. R. Williamis nCl-EP NVTREL' ONME/AL ONoE6 VER O r CREA E id'WLL E ETH' EM$ TQ FOR. FTURE £HACK$ Av HL- <INJ'~~~ IT f LIURPE! ANT&TNI)AL7( -, $0IRKIA Iy FRDRGA OCIIARD, In the ChnistLi n Science Mvonit]or Mantîiand fHle'iov o Chiuit ad obta and Rju andlRst ad oep ine and Mlng, bolic e, in a anmïade %or1did 10 wcbt1iere h u1tile distnu1st inor laey îlliii Higli Scibood,me Marinisbebaline-,idea tbat su cuudbcomu t fostr moîerhute, bundrda .e fured an feahered cretuesLtis~- eenMatiiwb Snnay Afý Frdlo'd i telokath a very -ýtîafa Then (nu day, lmarid for abi take careef léin es, und Hel yen ?- Se l iptMIn nd cite monirý cd te report f- lie passed wIf-, Keprof tbe L put in cajrge anmaI, and bct lias eneyer s(e By ibis Ctime ing prtof tee one .andvkee Came t(pe dv ceivad like ffw ing. Sm'd fln cu, and ikes broughý-t it ljoin fed it with a in' cred fo ifsitf fion vusa epr, but Helen and wastlarly înCj1, The Zoç ternroon jaunts naîîd Helenlos 01-d Fred wanC ted ,f0 go yl.l Sunday aero 5lins. Heleny went ' :d a Fred. lî wase ltery aangement ut five ya, Fred an applicaCionand of yasnn y -ir anleainatien. re 1asn'lt appeinte, .inlieuse ý1lai-once ah coicated and-s p penicslip ba aklein eisd- ofvrioslse t)ii Fred andHln n a nms a tbe Hei:len was spend-fiLl i eànmasan d Ti ibue ,Ig lîye that Fredle- toc appitrcot a ci liureryioswr 1 j1iciyii fnrsery iS flot iinlike anïerd ary in>sery fe fiultaInïlu lîen tlias pse sls and oî is Th w tecgso like se Flaiy. %ushie cnib, anK cad i5e vipp sit(lci a woole lilanketc tinited p nk on ])b b Ie. Tb(ere 's a bîg usv-biite refr iigeýraten nd aa -ll e e1elctri, stes , arnd thr reilcfec d iîî idisli-estofpicl k plaIstic, 1ligiliït ;10 su1cgl Vt a'iI u Th ouganal ls are nea m lthy and liappy an1d Jeao' a ne anaIý l !of tfli iln, a sidgel, -ci nckor bark on ss-hlin or su biiine;a denu uiid ferinstant ait !- teoloî Sh aks tîcroun 1ýds w iîsflng, alkng pîtiîg.Cbiquita" an1d Lolita, flic cos llu i oek like bosets ýaîîd caoili chas-e seý dîfrnlstop l1eir tuminillg and' coss-Iagains tube bars teulias thleir cars pulled csd their Oscm ttro-ked, Miing, the is friendly oIIIy 61ray Leuri 1s-iti mn nae an-ecptin 1 Hlnscase.and besfor ptinlg wVt!]tb very pretty wiein bis reýpertoliie. Even bsuspi- clou Ru t, he Cd qirerare ini ibis partiof t h(eworld, hewa5 found h ýaif fozniii the park wh\lere stops biskmad gyratins and rod VoraruCd f hur momen!affection nu ly Joephte, he aîf1ro go, oncals er ag-_rnes, becuse cstoi o tigbpulco n Peryyprou i e cagsanuersail not ai th 1(teyaight bc sural, a lay my rlaxa bt-iI)beierui is ao1,dul bins u per itaisil]y Ishe wpeshii :r hda on' oï Flier saggycoat, anid Wlatsdi ue dorisened prnsinoI 1~n' hiu and snggles gntbe lyý If priù'iLontb agend, aC onhr ltl chirand atsdi ilyifroa spo n, splling n sigl dop I seforgtan mornl, e1e sl esan 1admoro tory fjinge o fk wn11d o seph iidNýecilu1iner Sie lfth animai be ork for ap th«ty and Hlen bottlefed them) Others wreacqulired(l 10 iinfalcy, an id 1Helen nursed ( (ithero ,too. She 1k:ept afa le lýlion (cub) and(1 a fem1ale tiger cub', 11 bo1 ri 1amIio >Es imul- taneonlli0lber hmefor al while, anild rthe 1wo aimais played l1tu- gether and fongot thir beiditary d î t, anid îodlaý fui1 gr(,,%n. tlhey 0hare a cage ni the lion busand iger, Lion Take Tnrn Tbhy do sovinivalnO forDelen'is affet ,In. TheIigeris nice aboutIl it;sh jitpunrs ýlike ,a Ikiiten wben Helen sclratIches berbead, he rnoovestaside aîlets the iýjlion bav ber tr.The lion is se lfish; h pus'hes0te figer aside and ries iuces-ýi baies Heenevr had 1H!e vsas, borin 0the ZOO 10 iii,I C, cf a litn of bree.Tlir nu ïother didni'î ike thero jand wold ave mo MerNartini tok ve, s li se cotendoes. pupl," and eveN (iaýtIthe dvantIiced a1 cf sixmonbs woldcoax Ite bet pounds no l'lbt lestill tii bes Ec lns kitteni, and ill roll )eu"i foril(in. he pts hilm froinuutd thait i ecne cfli, ie nsuol CM Crnl Ir Black Leopard Her Pet Lt senlî lieliar for[1( f0ot lic îia.dc i oi ea i e fuir leaopard fliat lîeriscd on a etle for i l I bis frci n cs, is fricuTIsi te 00C nin aiene s oma folUs'eilie( frnu eoi e ee, hue ini nigît liatlicis-a lcPt ho fli Zoo Hlen sae lccte 's saIic so dît b afai. -i sa't afr l aidad Hleîua sryprend f l-nj 'Hu scba n 1ier an ial"suc o'l'yenbut tiien l e sas1ui bot il e flliens.T a dse au if'f, b t unly ii1 tjs,*leauciftru. Definition li irliat v ates s- 2 kahiiec. , sj)-(t , , (l -oi tle DERANDALL Aoand Terywer yung. They we-re ) nloeThat'swh thl i: skylooked 'iuri: od ariliciou 1tflu fes gee gas "usý i thîk," satid :An111 "Tomon.r renc Parick PiHabcoran." "Sue ad i he'Ha1lleraiîs were After ie edîngif was ýgrand fun geing together te flice littie wh',te rame lieuse tlCieyliad sé- Iectcd, Most of thir savinigs had gene, into the modestly ýfnrnisbied Ji ttie place But if was a h, fome. Their s, TI)en iMariantne was bo (ýro, A sweet paleý baby but se delicaLte, If toki a great deal oýf Sk1;ýC iping1 te meef a1Il te epenes 'leyit vedsimiply -and Ami knwliow te get fltemfestit of Rigýltit bthe mliîddie eoffltis ýce- nomilical !but(ecstatîCltýc avn flicirsý a thuniderboli crashe(d. 'Ieiry les(ýt bis Job. Buit yo1tl i ,isot esiydisCour- a ged. ,Terry vset eut te iifndanother job). Hl(-as cager te werký, le as sure te finid somthhniig better. Hls entbusiasmi was-ered how- ever. after several wceks. Tee many, "Serry, young- fellew, but 'we're net taking anyene en.' Back home evenings with Ann tlieugh', he was eptimistic, «"I've got a good prospect teorirow," hç weuld say, and Ann's answer nvriably would be. Dont - worry Tcrry. We've s f111l got a litle nîoney'10 the bank," 'Ferry thouglit te himself, how littIe if was' An tried te keep beýr uvorries from iihlm toc'. Sbe didn'f'teil ihlm that th(ee ias going te be an- othe(r bbuntîl it ivas impossible teo keep if a secret any longer. Ete lier inj bis armns. "Ano darlinlgit's onerul" ut ie conII(l't kee(p fic nïote o-,fdepi oui of Ilis voic ajs Il(csad"If it', ài b Cy,10)C 'lie, ah"tcrsncs thian Iam." Their irooney dwinidled dewn t noctinigý Debfs pilcd lîigb. Thcy io0st thein little hoine. Thley mnos-d te a smcliy, daok tenement. But they iverent dis- Conraged 'yei. -The future surely held sonîictlîing geed for thein. Bult'Tcri-ygradnally dcclined; pulîrd hinîiscîf loto a siiell. Anri was swecf anid kind, Terry niis- under-st-od. Hie îheugbt she g..:ev cd, The re \vas enly the one ssa3 eut, Suicide It sseuld look liki an accident. G a- woufldbcle icbest way. Hr pianned tbe whoie thing stealtbîly, He( knew lie ua a coward. Butt hi had ]te -do it. He couldn't bear tG see Ano lgo n, th,ýis way any longý 'fiTe l,0 insunanjce wonld- menAnn oudgo te) a hospital when the icbaby was horn. After that , ieculntihink of -iny lis enpportunity camne quickcr thn iliue11had expected, That niglif Amoi zd she wasgoing for a ivalli in10u efresli air. She issedhilmgoodbye, Cicr wente out, telling, hlm to take car, of Marianne'il take a nap," lic said, "my head aches," Alone, he wenîte the kftchen Turnied on the gas. Then laid dowt exhausted. Heý dozed off. lie didn't ko how seon after, but it seemed likec an efernity, Anu usas gently sfroking ,,hclad. Ilt was the Way he leved te wke-up ii0 the nuorning, It aIl seeied £0 unireal,Anws excitcdly wV,-uï1g apaper 10 ron of hlm, "Itfs fronm youir firnu, T want ye-n bacý. Tingi arcpiko up. Yeu'Il take old Jini BI.,kce place Anîd bcelilà a$10 naise."1 NovTerny was sure- e -as drea -milig. "The gas ."hesaid. "OhI, Ihow)Vdid yen knw?" -ues tioïned A -l."Jdidn't wîfte tdf yon but w c ýao have it mmcld o13 tomorrew, Tbeliy wuc renaiiy very polite, wsaifing until aiten suppen tYs a Id Terry, "The O'i-al- 1orans sucre always lncky," Lakes anQj rivent are more nîu- inr ns 0Finlauîd flan i0 any other 17uropean ceuîitry, CFOCESTO0WN By Roland Coe "Lock,

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