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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Jul 1947, p. 4

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CARD F0 TA1 K Mr. CharLesphlenson, IHelen andi Shirle, 61 ro~ nStreet, Pot Iop tion for ac ofkid'es, essages o.fsypaty d beaultif I florl-I trbtsexte-end d'"to them int et-tir rýecenit sad bereaonent in the loss of a loingwif a moterespcially thankinig 11ev. J, W. Gordn ld Drv. McKechnlie for thil Comforting,> ,mords. CARD OF TANWS andn" ei hjsr heupand --m r, VM Frank Parke R,R R. iN NEMORIAM MORmOiN ' I loviaig m oyof La dear daughte]r and sistee, Dorthy IreneHoingoth who passed awyJuly 2th, 1945,-. Deejp in our hearts her inmeioryis Wue loved" her- too dearly toe ever 1 forgetr E ver-ý rememb~red y Mothier, - i ili ciTh POR,- PiToç6u r HOPE "ILL B E YOURS" With D NADURBIN and T0OM DRÀ-KE Saturday Only, Auig. WVith JOEl, MCCREA and VERON ICA ILAKE AIsa "BPEA T THE BAND"' APTER SVNDAýY MDI Mon. & 'fes., AVie4- "Lilving I lua Big YWay" Wih ENE KLYalla Wed. to Fn., Augý,. 6-8 "THE HJJCKSTERS" With CLA~RKGALad DEBQ ýRAil ER for the po:lin Erop, _ceed. letrfrofm a --,rried wVoma in i- 1WANTED tadwic easin part AU types of Live Pou!&;r an'd 'We thalk -yOuvery mutch for t'he Feathers, Top icespaid.M. green winteu ot which w eeiemet ethay, R R. l iin 7 r1?, on the Srd ol July, Mly husb)and rle-3-p :ceived thecoatwher. he wals on bis w'orSaI Sttrdïaim. We wreurgent-' WANTED TO RENT' !y in need of2tde coAfr the textile inu Oro, two or more rüOMS, or goods is not very good à la o 1d a smaîî ouse, sitMbe for Beauty arn 98 years of age, m1Y 1husband 0, Parlor. Apply to Box 17, Orono.tf. ;Wd we have one Child seven years WVe lad a teribfle experience dur- ing the 'war., and especially in the hnatiigry winter of 19-14-45. My man wýas sent Vo Germiany ,vitl thousands of other peopfle just like 1beasts. H1e succeeed in returiining to ITollaud while we werec yet in the wvar. Now wo years a'fer at Vne war we are rnuch jetteR ofMtan rnany in other -onti oibt there c-are sti11 mwany %Aigs Mhat have to be done Vo build up th-e country. The bomba,-rdmients destrioyed man.,iiy louses whichi have to be relbuilt. At t'he pe ttirnea numher of famiilies live iine buse bt w e do et-,ive up and hope fo etter times. We ope that you! wlwite bckto us. nd lose wt tbe wihthat God hbelp you.ti Township Of Clarke COUNTY 0F DURHAM3 TENDERS FOR BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION SEALEID TENDERS learly mark- ed as Vo contemntsuil be roceived up t12 o'cock noon, Friday, Auig. l5th, 1917 f or the cntuto of the foilowivng ,a) Ore 12' x 5' x 26' conert cuivert A tLot31, between Concessions 7 and 8. (b),n, inf 12' xV4' 26(' cncetocuvert at Lot S9, btweon concessions 3 and 4. (c) Onte 18'-x 8' 7'cnceebridge mith handrails, att 9, bctiveen Concesions 3 and 4. Furter nfomaton n plans, spe-i cilotinsan tndr ormo, imay be s(een at Lthe office ofrIeundersigneod. Shaked cloeefor10%0 f o ntract blid muýst ac!om-pany eacih tender, Lo wes rany tender not nocessar- iiy accaped. Tenders muade separately or col- J. J. MELLOR, Clerk, Orono, Ont W. A. REIn, Rond Superintendent Orono, Ont, 1-29-c, 'c T~~~ý RAIINI#,Aelas alwvays 1becen distr-k. buted îin green bttesbut, üow;ing b the-uc prsen shortage of ýgreen gassý, som .e Aile is beig bttld ii witeor amber b)ottles,ý ineasue-and oes fot In any of the product.a TR y FOR SALE 1 Cockshutt 72ft: Binder, iu god1 condition; also Kid Kan4garoo Plow. Apply Vo W. A. Miller, Phone 62- r 16, Orono. a,28-c, FOR SALE DeLaval Cream Separato!r, Junior Table size No. 7, In perfect condi- tioni, Strainer, etc; also child's Rock- ing Horse. and child's Commode Chair, like new. Apply to Mrs. Fred Storagý,e spaýce for trunkýs. EnquiÈre at heTimes Office. Fa-28-p. Woman Boarde , i nice quiet ho(me. Ajpý- ',o Miss Ida M. Taylor, Main- Street., Oono; Phono, 65 r 12. AUgý'ust4 s a pbi holiday, Reevc Free Eistimates will be Given Cheerfullyn Rock Wool Home Insulation By Blower System, Four inches thick, GILPIN & CO.1 Insulation Contractors, 57 Bloor St. West, Toronto DititRepresentative for Dur'ham County- GEORGE WADDELeL, Phone '23àrv22 IBETHAýNY EXp~ - Radio Srie Tne coýmbnation of experiente, coin- plete data, on aIl makes, and modemn test equipment will ensure POPREASOYNABLE AND EXETREPAIRS Cail R. L. MYLES Phono M, r î - RONO MEDICAL A. -F. MeKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Sunidays and WNednesdays by apipointment only PHON-E 47rl, ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A., Barrister and S olicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office 688 Home 553 'W. F. WARD RBARISTER - SOLICITORt NOTARY Phones : Office 825 Residence 409 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. VETERINARY DR. W, W. SHIERWIN VETJ-ERINARY SURÏGEON Office Main St. Orono Phone 63 r 7, Orono J. C, GAMEY INSURANCE îFire., Casualty, Automobileý and Liability ORONO - ONTARIO YOUR MANUFACTURERS LIFE REPRESENTATIVE will gladly assistin planning financial security for yourselt and your family. DANE FOUND Phone 8r1 OROÔNG' The RUTTERGRNT COMPANY Phonle 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, GravemarkerM -Engraving, Goldleafing AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of al siu and at reasonable rates Communicate with him at Fort Perry, Ontario, or sec his Clerk AÊ,4 E. Morton, at Orono, for -date. JACK REID Licenised Auctý-tioneer, and. Valuator Spýecialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms and, dates Phone 1620 - -Clarke Do You Know That, for a man age twenty-four, The Imperial Lif e Assuruance Com-. pany wilI guarantee bis family $5,000.00 in event of his death prier t o age sixty, for - " tween 2% ani 3 of that amount yearly. And Ie le lives to' age sixty, the Company will pay hlm the $5,000.00. Why-flot consult your local representa.tive FRED LYCETT to Fec wý'hat a plan Hsn2-asth WSW do for you? Whien yoru are In need of pit caltoT'mes offie& e. ,e pe r-v£eryit-Î.g Mfine prin±hig teiedEnvelopes, We-ddlng Ste- tinrledgzer forma, tte, kindz, botr~programmei, LInvte-. 1, AMG.I MG00p,

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