WEEK Club LD DAY and RN UVAL Memorial Park ernoon and Eventing ~,Aug. 2,0 -MND CONGCERT E-NTERTAINMENT elý ~nthraces and other n, cmmeningUt 2 p.m. ViB13 e presented with a o tf whatever theýv want. Rp PLANTS ructiooc t meet the press- :triity, The above hg r an- additio-nal ý70,000 system from tihe DeCew nôw of Otr'sindustries and ut cafls f0-r more and more hat the war ih over, the staried during the war, rid haeas tmuceer as nbaloI4wever, y~~~-- sprigy 0 ta al and aiu ndsrisWil shore. 31r. and Mrys. Brown F 1eted stagrt iost (Afus yet, "bu-nt "e hope'wthat il t1he nar futur- ew shahl knol uv o ttr.ae hpe that youi ilik1;e yoýur new home lum thhwondnfulSection 01f thecun The address aaigned y 4 r y 1r.3L oy Bron is thle son fMr and Mrj.D Brw, fOrono S15~~~ON E - % in saGera is piaon Wednesday, August 7th, yer.Servicewas eld at bis late residenlce, MaLin Street, orono, con SatudayAugst Oh, t 2.00 p.m. Order ,your glas ow STEP LADDERS ORO-NO MADE * COOKERS THEMOSJUGS B-UG-LlITZERS DUDT. Aerosl nsetiid Beqmbs, Sudeden eath te fies andmsqtoec $2.98 for R.efus SCIREEN DOORS WINDOW SCREENS CHICK ÏFEEDEIIS ELECTRIC CO, phone 8S9 r 1, O3rono C The .autiful PORT HOPE Wed., Thuar, Aug, 13-14 "TUlE TROU BLE WLTH WOMýEN"' Wixth Ray Milland andl Teresa mWright "ïTUE ARNELO AFFAIR" "CHEYENNE" WihDennis Morg-an. and Jane Wyman ALCUTTA"y Alan Ladd, Gail Russeil ami Wm. Bendix to; Fr1, Aug. 20-22 wng of lte Southi" Withl H ANNOUNCEMENTC Lassi f 1e 1 ticltual ocetyi StI ltNo ep 1he,2d in Ceron-ationHalOm ee FOR SALE on Auguovst l9th Admnission '25c. Rc(ules 4mniold. Aplýy1 Sh)ow pn u .0 .. Te'a served o Oif Covan, Phonoc 51 r 117, Orono. fromn 5 te 7 p '. n the bas1--emntoa--c the United Chulrch. An-y mmbrof the rono Socýietyitremy oh- tai aco -,f tire prize ýlst from îýts-e FOR SALE SeetrMrs. VýW. W. Harison.l One11 blac'k cow, 6 yeairs old, dLie thre zt m. f R. P ihortt. confer A,4NNOUNCEMENTf -iinvitedi to attend tlhe Augusi meetiing otf the oens -inslitute on Fridaýy, AUgust l5th, at 2.3,') P.m. uinthe to'wn hl.Special guiest spne willi ho Mrs, Anne Raby of thle children'"s Aid Soiety. WTE rHAVE IN STOCK Asphait ShinglesI Fr immeiae elivery 1 And, ]Nils -te Apply ORONO COAL & LUMBER~ m h. ORDER YOUR FERTILIZER 0W FOR FALL USE ArreYfid aypsil hr Pply GRO-MlOREC PODB Lockwood Bros. AUCTION SALE hendersge asrcio 5'trcinflu rn to sou by pabl i auction at 6.30 p ".m1. oth-e veiof FRIDAY, AUG sTIth, 1947 Implemnts, tc.: Herse i ie Prcern arI (leaCr s, 1.400 lbs. à yearqsjusteresybened, milking; 1 Rei Durham Cow, 8 ymam, red June 16Cmlkng 1 ldDurhaIm Co,8 years, red July 23, milkg; 1 Grey Durharn CoFw, 5yearshr)ed junle 25, milking; I1 Grey Cow, 9) yoars , bred July 21. miling; 1 Black Gow, 5 years, bred IFeb. 13, milkng; i1threy Duram ow,4 years brd Mch30, mikug ereford Hoiifer, 2 years, brdApi th, ikj-Iinýg; 1 Fat IHeif- er, yers;2 2-earold; 11-year- ol;6SpigCaives. 1, Brood Suw, due, Sept. 4thn. 70 LgonPullets, 13 moritbs old. 1 Set jDoubl'oe res ýGrasn nand Feed 17 ac-res of Oats te ho sold hi field; iacre of Standing 'Corn; 8 load zf Timcithy IRay. Implemlents 1 Ceksutt3-furrowPcf Tractor PIow, inuigood econdition; 1Cokht 2-urowd oo-lftR i din g Plow, niearIy new; 1 Yga Cream Separa- tor, -nearly new,; 1, Wagon; 1 M--1. Morwer, nlearly new-, i 10-foot Hay Rake; 1 fI-.Cltivator, new; 1 McComic-PeeingDouble Plowv; 1 set Diamorrows, in good conidi- to;1 Jog ýCatrt; Single «ilw;, Sffeand many othler- articles tee, numriýe r ouis 1to me ntio n. Rmards : os.rPamer havIng had biis bari destroyed by li're, must dis- poeof his goýods and chattels 'with- o-ut reser-ve. Note time of-' sale, Fri- dfay evening at .30 pmsharp, TERMS CASH Pos,,itively No týRerserve W Lord .Iael Reîd C 1rk Auctioneer qD CEMENT SEPTIC TANKS "VI OntaAo.c32-p. FOR SALE Barn.30 feet by 40 f eC iss M2ciCusa , R R. No. ?, Orono; Phone &4 r 18. -0c 'WANTED A-jl types cf LvePouItry and Feat!!hers. Top prices paid. M. FletBetiayR. R. 1, Phone 7 r 13. WANTED TO RENT In Oron'o, two or mtore room's, or! a small kuse, sutle for Beauty Paýrlor. Appiy to£Box -17, Orono. tf. FOR SALE Two Good Jersey Gows, rmilking; also Top Buggy in gond condtion. Orono. C-31C. Village Property FOR CASH SALE luClarke Twsi A good hme(,Ill located, 6 iroomsu, Ifurnishedp(; wood shied and grage large gardon; a good 'cernient h1ard wvater -'well at thep door; soft ae anid puaip in thle ]house;cle to cliuchschol, usineýss places and P.O.; hYdro available.Imeat 1 P o'ssessio'n. Alo a 7-roo mie dl se i- furnisihed homne, a n-ew summeiicýr kidt- chen bahroimhot and cold taops in kitchen and laundry roomn, blît ll i kitchen cuphoards, ellar cuphoard, hYdro ail new; good gardon ith fruits. C ose oP., storeýs, church, soho lprk anýd swimm-'Iing pool. Posesson Sept)lt. For further partculas aPlY to Box, 46, Orono, Boy'sBlyle, ue rme, nmaroonýt feners an nw hndl brs. Any- Une noighew reousof this biceyec, kindlHy phonoeBb.Hall, 74 r10, OonM,30p NOTICE To WVhwmizt iMay Concern I ltkets opp)ortunity of inform- ing- thsewh o not knowýý, that 1 pair] $290 i'nr y part oni thefi-mn on cur popet tthe -Tannrery HllI. Mrs. nî. Jmes ycett OrnOnt. WANTED TO BUY 1-ome x ith 2 tu 3 acres of land in or neairùroo. All cash under pro- visJins of Veteran's Land Act. Apply to A. H. Stevens, Poniitypool P.O. 1-35-p. ARTICLES FOR SALE Caroenter's Tools, Gardin Tools, new Cross-cu,.t Saw, new Swedish Sa w, Steel WeiarsQuebec Hleater, used one winter; Lounge Chairs, Sc!reen Door, Sad Irons, Step Ladder, 2 Steel Douible Bedsteads, opee.P-hone 62 r 20, Miss R. Gravel, th Lne Farm, mile north of Leskard. Free Estimates wvill be Given Cheerfully ont Rock WooI Honte Insulation By Blower System, Four luchles thick, GIL1PIN & Ce. Insulation Centractors, 57 Bloor St. West, Torento District Representative fer Durhnm Cmunty GEORGE WADDELL Phenle 23 r 22 - B-ETHA-NY .-0T EXPT 4O~~ Radio Service! ThoS emibînatie)n of rprlnem- plet, dtata en ail m akep, aud mndera test £Q'Qîpmet-nt ii ensur. PROMNPT, EAOABEAND EXPERT REPAIRS R.L Phase 10 i [YLES ,ý eoRNO Pro fessional DirectorT MEDICAL A. F. lMc(KENZIE, M.D. PHYSICLiN and SURGEON Office Houlrs: 2.00 te 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 te 8.00 p.m.. Sundays and Wednesdays by apptoiiinmeflt nly PHIONE 47r1 G.RORN Lawrence C. Mason, B.A1 Barrister and Solictor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Offie 688 Home 553 -W. F. WARDJ BARRISTER SOLICITOR lO0TA RY Phoules - Ofie825 fResidýence40M BOWMAVILL, ONT. D.W. WV. SHERWIN Ofic Min iSt. Oroigo Phonle 63 r 7, Orono J. C. GAMIE Y INKSU RANCE Fire, Casualty, Automobile and Liability ORONO -ONTARIO TOUR IMANUFACTU RERS LIFE, RRES ENTMATI VEF Will gladly assist jlu planning finantci security fer yourseff and your family, DAINE FOUND Phoneo 8rl ORONO' Monuments The RAUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phonre 501 - P.O,ý Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Engraving, Goldl1e a f ing AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of al ilium and at reasonable ratesq Communicate with hlmý at Pos-79 Perry, Ontario, or see his aerk, A.ý E. Morton, at Orono, fer date. JACK 'é'.REID'" Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consunit me for termas and dates Phione 1620 Carke Dio Y OUKnow That, for a' maftî age twenty-fo-.ur, The Imperia] Lift-,Assuruance Com- pany will guarantee bis f amily $5,000.00 lu event iof bis death prlor te age sixty, for between 2% aend 3 of that &amount yearly. And Pf he lives te age sixty, the Company wiIl pay hhlm the $5,000.00 Why riet consut your local FRED LYCETT te sec wha.t aplnsnch as h. do for yen? WlThen ycuen aflne.d cpuiatîne< caIl the. T=es offime.We prIai ever~t Ing fine prlntlug - 1*- zeahede, &Laelppes, W6d&gMa tioei.y ledgefooea, "It à bLlibeJa, &dv&-twnag WhIlb âU% mwnfle. p sum., ma-I~ I - -i :1