TPwo bees were held ini Orono on WeýIdnescday afternoon làst. One waS t the park where a nunibey gath1ee te c m thVe Stones from nthe ewiy graded portion, which has been ail hand raked. In a few dauys tnese grounicl wil 3e harrowed then sowni Vo ras seed. The other Ibee a at th 'hme Of'Mr.Cifford Cooper. A inmber of men were present to help oerthe eoutsqcde wal o make it conffrtalsfor a-,ýwinter 'habitation. Mr. Arthur Bel, hus been invtedl j a Ohurch grou-p to sing through the faciiities o)f ie Oshawa Broad(- catn Gompany"ý duing the Period1 Of One o'ciock o eue thirty, next Sunday atron The station identificbo is C.K.D.O., and thie number on the dia! 1240. Air, R. E Lga, who piurc'hased the Township building recently', and who ha,- nearlyz completed ren'ovatin.g came, has greatly adddVo the ap- ,jearance of the bddn.Upsiairs hie is comtýipietiug the building of an atpartment, which he and -Mrs. Logan expet o occupy in a- couple of -ee' Vie.le has had a large plate g1as window p1iaced in the front of his store, the lowerc part, and h as nlow L~ one of the nC"St disply Windows inLo a our villge. 0 Aie Mr.RocsBoyd, of COMING EVENTS home over ',the xveel- A iffsqurae dnc will be hield Mr. and -Mrs. in the Orange Hlall, Poniytp)ool, on Boxumianvilie, were Friday eeînOctober 2tl. ÏRo(,Y îas'tweknd Forrester and hic', Popular 7M'p)iee- Mr. and Mrs, 'T. DanceBndwill be fin ittendlaniceý. tewrges a FORMER OR-ONO BALL and Mrs.-MeClIor last PLAYR LAD TORESTMr. N. Po)rter h PLAYE LAI TO RST dcorations which OnModa -lst-hre'was 1laid Vo restI 1theo remaýinpÏss oft Th omas Vincent, a formi-er resiýde-nt of Orono, lu hic S55th year. lHe was a miember of the famious hsbî ecm when gioves wene conspicuous by their bene This eaux was dressing in a hotel sîituaVed on the s'ouith-wvesýtcre of the four corners at Nmwcastle, 'whený ToyM, w h yed in centre fleld, said o 'Orme Gam-islhy, ijsten Ormie, if a! basébali is hit hard and cornes your -way why let iV go, l'ýIl tuke care of it and the runner will neyer csee second base. lie couid allwaysý be depended upon as a mnem(ben of thie anvisory board. Tom is gone but not for- goume. Camnnada Saviing Bondls 1947 W. E. Davey is selling Canada Sav- ing- Bonds. No Better Secuity. 10 years non-callable. May be cashed at any Time. PHIONE 34 r I., ORONO W. E. DAVY SrECIAL NOTICE Laundry and Dry Cleanin Will be picked up every Mlonday, Wednesday and Friday, commencing Wednesday, October 1, 1947 FOR EXCELLENT WVORK AND SERVICE CALL ON US. Oshawa Laondry & Dry Cleaning Co. Liuited Agent. Payne's Restaurant, Phone 97 r 16, Orono R RE D &WIITE STORESi Greent Split Peas, lb., YellowSpiiPal 16e. 15e. Australian Currants, lb. 18c. RICE, Selected White .... ........ lb 20c. VI-TONE, your f avorite chocolate drink, lb tin 72c' OXYDOL, large box, Friday and Saturday .. 34c. RAISINS, C.'alifornia Seedless ...... lb. pkg. 23c. VANILLA, Ilarry Hornes Artificial, 16 oz bntle 2,5c MIRALE WHIP Salad Dressing .. bot4-te 27e. CIIATEAU CHEESE ,.:,. 2 lb carton 95c. LYON'S BLACK TE .,.... 1 lb TR' 98C. and you'lI agree that Our Homne-made Sau8ages are TOPS large, lb.' 35C. TIURINIP-S, Waxed 1ail 11of flavQrý.~ b5. (LPRE ELORIDA Ç'IAPEFRIUT ...4 fr29c. BLUE CRAPES, Swet ,..,.. 6q.6e C-ýRA,NBERRIES, Choice Quality , 45c. a%»m VMu & -0 B a MI Dyei. of Newcas,- th le homiie of lMr. ~d cargeof the gr'Ced Park St. Alrenuaïbe of local people at- teddteProvincýia1 lc~iu Match at Kingsýtou during last weelç, Mîiss Watheni and Mis arr, of Toronto, spent the week.eid ,vith 1\. W. H. Barrett andl M'. Cratie. Miss M4yrtie Tvmiyiý-, of Toronto, spent. the \week,--enclvwith frienidsand relatives here. Mliss Baýsnet andi Miss Gray spent the week-end at their homes mn Tor- onto. s.n JatmsDicon "Mtent he week-end' inHamilton, the guest 6fi Mr. and Mrs. teck and dbiighters. Mr. Ha,,rry Bailey has aceelited a position-'with Loblaw's store in Osh- awa, in themetdprieV M1r. Orme Gamisby was, in Oshawxa yoesterd'ay attendin, the funera of the late Dr. F. L. H1enry. See Arint "Tillie" on her "'Tnp Vý o Hawaii" in old style costumiye. Friday evening, in the T'own Hléall, Oro-no. -11-e piking and grading are go- iyug on apacoe, helfped by the season o f fine, warmr weatJhpr. :Mrs. Betty MclýKay, Fieid Secre- tary for theWC.U, was the ýguest of Mrs. Howard' Walsh while ini Oro0no. Mr. and Wirs. N. F'. Adamýrs and, their ýfour chil'dren, of Toronto, visit- edj their aunt, MNiss Florence Cobble-, dick- l'ast Sunday. SuInday visitors With i re Leroy Hamions rM. ïand Mrs. Perey Parker andi Mr. and Mrs. 1Robert FLpps-, nail of Toronto. M àr. and Mrs, Les. Alldread are re- ported Vo have pnýrchased the formier Sisson homie at thie south end of the, village. Mir. ansi rs. Gordon Maorad Penniy Joyce, of Bowmanvilie, visited on Suniday witlh Mr. andMs.R- s e1 i Mj or,, j"Bill" Armistronig, sont of M ýrs. W . E. Armstrong, u d r e tan cqperation on, Tues diay monngist for leg trouble, _.rChiarles Brown, Î formner tins-1 smithu andi plumb-er, of Orono, passed away in Bowývrnanville one day ianV weeký. IntermYent Was toade iiiFeue- ionoý; Falls Cemnetery. SMn. and Mrs. Hanold smith and dauogfter Elea11oï, of Nagaraý- Fails, Mr. and IMrs. Aib)ent Bcceitt, of Ow0ýen Sounïid, wene receunt visitorsý of Mrs. Fred Tamilyn. Messrs. Danle Found,ý Ed. BiS Berry, Raymnd ClGhnpmu and his,; father, A>ýIf. Little -att,-n-dpà the TPro- vincilPlowing Mlatch ant Ksto on. Thursdlay (oi lastwek 11ev. A. E, Einstace condlucted the work oin te Courtic~e Pastoral Chïargeý, las Suday 11v. n.Yardley, of Courtice, wvas thie îministei for the Park SI. 'Church anilversary here. ïA ,ibary Board màeeting a heid oni Tuesday evýeïing la,,st at the 'homne of Mrs. . Ci edcwhna-omn- mitte ws apoituVobuy mr nez, books for Wiuter reading. 31r, and Mrs, A., Zav'tz, of Tor- reuce, iskoka, were visi-toýrs ut*,le homne of Mr. andi Mrs. -D. G. Hooper. Màrs, Zaivitz is thle former Mes.(D. MJcEroy. Tlrey leaive on Novetnber lst Vo speid the wnterilu ioia ReaiAntu Contact Rat Po ison is aprenk1iller for rats an(, ice. Tt is doulbly effecti-ve. Mie i eal dhey ueA i. Dmtd ontheir =usil; 1kilîs temthrough contact. akae T.,yrreil's' Drug Store. Auy boys, 16 years of age and un- der, whvo are Iinterested in hiockey, are asked Vo attend a mepeting at P ere. Lun's stoýre, ou ýMonday uty ext, Octoen 27%h, eX'7,30.The rmeeting is ilfor, the frigor' a nidget hockey Sctu, 'vistesi -wilir and 'Mmc SWilfred Froste over the week-end. W xiifred, hile on his tipe to Seot- 1lnd onthe Meý"Irchant Marine urn the war, imade bis heasquarters witl îre AlcGiiy. On Tlesday morniug, a iumibher truck cmshed .'int o otrees neicar ithc gaste leading Vo Madisop Hall'slhouse, auigcns-,idelle damag e VohVe front of the vehicle Noon me Mw Thurs., Frl., quarts of Quarts El BEATTY DUTO- IN TECIINICOýLOR ,Starriiag Eddie Da LAUREL anid HARDY COMEDY Cartoons ard Short SPECIAL POLJCY Mon. - Tues. - Wed. Thurs, - Fri. Oct. 27,28, 29, 30, 31l ALSO MATINEE WEDNESDAY, at 4.15 "THE EGG ANO 1 y CLAU~TTECOLB-ERT auld FRED McIRA Fox Late News Seetdshorts i LColeor TIlIREE SHOWS DAILY, i FOR THIS PICTLIRE 6.1 pm 0 ..-1.0pm PARE ST. MITED GHURC Reve-rend 1SUNDAYý COER2t 11v .F. Gardiner, Carkton Cher e wili be no eeigser- vs evcsa n 3 p.m Ovrôno Tinshopi MARLIN .22 RE] COMBINATION 1 at..... ALUjMINUTM BRANTF( Phone 43 r 1 Ladies' Flowvered Sh'eet Scarfs, priecdî....- Large AiI-ove(r Priit A il Colers. priced Tea Aprons in Slub, tr i Fiewnered Prinit, a It ......---.-----.--.--. Nylon and L'isie Hîose, Ladiesý' Rayon andC pried.......... Beoys, Pryjama, t eavy iplan- nelette, sizes 7 te 12, iced at ............. ...-....$32,95 Girls Flewered Wolette Pyaa,2 fte12, pie from.....$35 te $2.0ë If you 'waut iaNew Winiter Cat er Rat, ce e ours. Order yot for the RICE Rie pkgs DRIED HIAND-PICKED White Beans 2z lbs. 29C., week-e 'Oc, fr, - 25c RAISINS per lb 24c