FAIRTIME IGIILIGHTS! By Your Ful-O-I>ep Reporter To countleIss thouisands t-hroughIout thlewrlth r namle 'r is just anoýthier, and mlore poeicwaofsyn Irlad-nethlat cornes lhanidy tosetmna song- w'riters' and radi-io tenors. Buit to mnultitudeIs M ilal parts of Onitarîo-including, o(fecourise, youriFul-O-Pep-Reporter-Erin means some- thing enitIreIy dfeet It stanlds for one of the very loveliest of ail ouir lbeauty s5pots; and when xvord cornes thiat die Erin Faîl Fair is on the cards, your reporter, alasplans for a uer ariy stairt towards Wellington Coty.tv Thýat your Ful-O-ep Reorter is not alone in bis appreciation ofRua Ontario on Sow nt ils best- will bc stuen fromn some ofi the shots our camnera-man made while thiere. Favored by (]idel abr the Erin Fali Fair wa7,s a hutge succýess as výiewed froir any angle; and those repnible for it M- dsevig f our hleartiest congratu-7 ., hOtOgravoh Là!your Fui O -Pep Photug,her "Agood timei was hiad by all"-H-ere ouir rov Illpliotoýgrapher- gives us a dIace shot showýiing the generil Iayout of thie Erini Fail Frgroun d(Is. where so rniany thousanids 'spent a most enijoYalble ai-d profitable day recently.. Photog'raph by your Fui O PeDPphotographer L kySev-en? Prize-w\1inig earling Hereford sbown at Erin- Fali Fair by AMargaret unarof Guelph. Prize Ayrsbire Boar, under Turnbuil and son. Mr- Turnbý, Fall Fair Association.i, s showJ v * Photograph, by your FiOPpPo. MachneryhasnlCl yet banished the, horse. At tlhe Erin FaIl Fair the lighit hors.e Stakedewt entries, here shown durin g the process of judging. IPhoto Grom.-yko said "o.Orstaýff Pli of anim iipressiv-e but somtnvlut( neglected to teiilus its ame, or, sonie (fourreai-, whlo sav i