VICE ROBER 21st, 1947 APRIL l5th, 1L948 A Up Return... Return... Return... NE WTON VILLE ! a compte, w k Candy Specials Wrigley's Gum, Spearmint, andJuicy Fruit ...6c. Chiclets and Dentyne Chewing Gum 6c. Life Savers, assorted flavors, pkg......e CHOCOLATE BARS A large assortment of Fresh at.,ý...... ý. . .7c each Chocolate Bars, 2 for ..ý....... 13e. r Mr. and Mrs. Willis rF1arrowý with! Mr,. and _Ars. Rusýsel 1MoNeil, saa AkU -~ evice betweenl NewtoVIi,,ile andc Keiidal beg-an on the 22nd mast. Mr. %aod rs.Lennox Vasey, Port lcNichol, at hiome. iA large nuimber have takeni in the sliow this Week, "The Kgg andi J". Mr, andi Mïs. 1-rwin Srith, Spo3- kane, WVash., vîsited their runt, 3Mrs. Ahýiert Wragg. ~Qhuu1~tQnsto Mrs. Arnott, w4aio ceebrale J a birthdnýy o0Wed niesdlay. Liýtie Betty Marie and Winnlifred Gilbbs lhad thÎeir tbonstis removeti on îBowmianYivlle Hlospital this week. We are ýsorry to report the illness of Mrs, Joe Se2xamit'h, iii Port Hope a-ospital. a 1W r. Dudley, Bwavhla commnenced' teaching a ciass iiu piano on SaLurday aîternoonis in the School hous> e. Eleven hiave enrolledl. Mr, Siîlney Lanca-ýster and Harold Bm iey were two in iiiis dis,rict to at- tend th~e ploLiglii;ni-mtch at King.- M1r. Elsworth Caswýell and Jim, 11r.1 C. Burley an'd Keith 'iand Don Vinkie spent the week-end in thle Northi Counitry. MuÏLnicipal Oling and Spraying,- Go. hav7esecured thie cotract for san-,d- inýg o f the hig-hway during the'1 comi- ing wintei. A fair cnrgto ree Rev. Mr. _White, of Rosenlerth on Sna eveing. Rev. H. A. Bunit was preachi- ing- ainiversary serveices inl Rose- nleath. Conratlatonsto Doreen Milison and Laurie Stapletoni who tieti for lst plcein thepuli peki Con-test in the United Church blasement last Wedlne-sday evening. These coinig yonùrators took secondi and thlird place for the twsi on F riday even ing. MIr. R(oberts, of P~ort Hlope-, Mr. L. H1ughes-, of Port Biam and rs. Raby, of Zion. 'School, werie judlges here. Mrs. Lioniel Hu-ghles' gave 'two finie niLihler-s. . CarýIrutheris, chýair- man, and Mr.Ceo. Stapleton, Sec- Trel, s., o f R1te p ayvers As s ci ation,ý spolke a f ew mimutes on the impî ortý- ane of a.ttending. the r at'ep ayers meeting. Yeunig People Me The young peo)ple held thieir flrst meeting, and crokinole part1y last Tues dhy niglit. The younger. set wer e there. Mfter the game, eeto of officers was held. President, Miss Mary Burley; lst vice-jpresîdent, Fred .Rowe; secreta-ry, Budf Jonlsitras urer, MsDorothy Brown; conven- ors, Miss Porothy Stapleton, Keith stapleton, Jiim Glner, 'Miss Ene Joiues. lit was rgýreed to ca'l their organization "Thep United-Cuc Commnunity Club" that the eider peo- pie would feel more at hm in the mreetings. Thie executive was left 'n chreof the arrangemients for th1e *Halow'enprîy 0on the 28thf. Lunchel was enjoyed hy al. WhenLr you haive- somethini to sli, rad(e or wanit to h)uy S0,me articles, ry an acivertisemoent in the Oronio Veekly Times. lt ïrlways pays to ad- eritilse, ROOFING 45 lb. Rolled- Roof- ing ...... .... $2.45 90 lb. Rolled Roof- ing ..... ..... $3.5 Asphaît Shingles, per 1 square. . . $80 EXTENSIOIN b LADDERS Al PIopular Sîzes ini stock 110W« POWER TOOLS Beaver Table Saws; Craftsmas- ter Table Saws, and 4-i c h Plnrand J.inters; Ci -inceh Electrie Dr-ilîs. ELECTRIC MOTORS Quarter, Third and Haîf-horse P>Ower Metors $19.9,5 and up PLASTIC PAINT 80e, 85C. $1,00 35C. 25c. COMING- NEXT WEEK CANAIDA'S GREATEST DRUG SALE THE REXALL ONE CENT SALE Huntdreds of itemis that voit cannot afford toý miss. 'un this year, w-here prices are rising constautfly, thîs Important Drugs Sale is of special impotrtaniice te YOU. Please watch for your O-NE CE-NT SALE Bill i the mail this ýweek-end in Oroino Village deliývere-d t* your door. If you do net receive it, ]et uis knrew-ý and -we wtill 'send yýou another. IRenmembe)r the dantes of the Sale: October 29 October 30 October 31 Wednesday Thursday Friday November 1 Saturday C'harleh.s B. Tyrreli DRUký'ýS - AGWENT FOR JACKMAN FLOWERS Phone 68 . . Orone, Ont. Ladies' 'Bemberg Rayon Hose, Eaul Colors, sizes 9 to 10 1-2, pair...........$1.29 Ladies' White Rayon Pantees,' sizes Medium or Large, pair ..................35e, Ladies' Pinik or Blue Flette Pyjamas', sizes Smnall, Mediumi or Large ... _.......... .$2.79 Newlands Star Glo Novelty Jumbo Yarn, 2-ply, 2 oz. skeins............ _...... ...... 55eC. Pailomac Rainproof Berets, each......29c, Children's Plastic Chambers, colors of pink or blue, eaeh ... ........ ...........9c, Lindy Low Dish Cloths, each .........15û. Men's Grey Ail Wool Work Socks, pair ...... 69c. FRESII ROASTED PEANIJTS DIRECT FROM-v THE ROASTING OVENS Large Virginia Peanuts, Blanched Salted Virginia Peanuts and Chiocolate Coated Peanuts Hallowe'en Candly, Kisses, Gumn Drops, Jelly Beans Stere Heurs 8.30 to -5.30; Wed., 8.30 te 12.00; Sat. .30 te 10.0 mnt GROCERY FEATURES Kraft Dinner, for delicious Macaroni and Cheese, 2 pkgs. for..............39C. Miracle Whip Saladi Dress- ing, 8 oz bottle ....28c. £Ayýlm-er SwveetRelish, 16 oz.» bottlie........24e. I I I einz Kthp 13 oz bot- A ofe,,t,,tnindSeedless Raisins, 15 oz. pkg. Robot Soap), a soft soap, ex cellent for- any heavy cleaning, 1 lb. tin for . . ý. . . .... .........«24e 1Cordon Blue Meat Sandwich Spread, assorted, 3 oz. tins, 2 for .................25c, Vel, for dishes, lingerie and woollens, pkg...29c. Whole Peels, Orange and Lemon Peels, 4 ozs for 10e Whole Peels, Citron, 4 ozs for........15c. Stony Creek Peaches, standard quality, 20 oz tin 30e 0OROÙ'N0 5 c. TOU $ 1.OO0%S TOR KE YO1JR POJ'ULAR SHOPPING CENTRE~ Mtr E, Ppmrn Northcutt and Sn%ýf Fmcc.ral Direetoeaand Fritcr, D..i KINDNESS COURTESY Equipped tOt. take eaReOf the (fuuma res.a l chrg, a» veil arnthe ilargo imaut actimç SERVICE at temu Tel.eph,ie: 05o 7e 1 udu. 2 n 24 ephoeeColli.t DwaIlOnt. FRESH- BOXED CIIOCOLATES Annie Smiles 'N Chuckies Anne McCormick Gold Seal......... ...... lb McCormick Peppermint Patties......b Maple Buds............ ..... 1-2 lb bags G aiety Toffees, wrapped . .. .....6 oz. bags