* *ardPFa Ori a-ried forwattt from I pceipts during 1947 to 31s't, 1947....---...... Nov. and »eù. expenses<et Est. bal. et endi of 1947. Potal -levy afterdeetr dedueted.. ..........--- ------- Sýtanding agreemient -with Granship........hýp........ Dog Tex rabate---.-....... Est. bal, for 1948 --- From Hydre ------ ----- School Board Elected 'r and hea the Sec ports fi Ru~sell Morton arlington en aSon Y of N ewcastl e e were prenant fromt .,Courtice, ilamaptoni,1 skillenl, Zionl, Orono Ile, tha gueLICnts )f M l, ois. The C:orûhiuskers csiec for botis rounid ai amss ~ptatin ofth AraBoard, under thse able ieaolens of Russeli Oseborne, who has niz the study of edut7cationalt matters jdb., Three tru stees retir ed, seralhers were noinatetil take their place, Blalke Alexand Reg, Elliott, Stanj Rosce, Chas.ý dtead, anti Russel Osborpe. Ti woqualifieti.wreelected by neý matin nt a public meting on 54t day aftern-oon, se that the uer i consists of Wes. Wood, Go.Movt Russell Osborni, Re.g. Elliott Chas. Alireati. Orono Womnen's ,Institlite bled SI 'Sonvember meigon FridsIv lsi thecounicil hmer Mr Ta ,n yn. onvenior -of tihe igi ant Caadin pélstrescommit wxas in charge of the prorammne Mrs. N. iM. Riail gave a niost bi esting talk onl hylon. Onle of the1 gent manuifattringý centr-es: of ,ny iýs at Klingston, Ontario, atidthis wcls chosen because of its proxii to the cold waters of the St. L; rene River anti Laie 0Otario. mnlufacture nrylon, hoechief ,-redlîentsý are coal, water andi air7 plant must be air-cnditinpdI by waterfs and t wsfoui nt latil peratdure thm a aywhere else in wîhother secretuigr aint, ] thn nylonn thýreadsý. Nylonl is mauacl- et t r I as. ~nd t- Hope. rd ics tot