GRE1E Can be easily mnai it pictï,re. And C'hristmas Card Christmas Greel that treasured p CHRISTIMAS Made from your dozen is as f Our f avoir- togra-ýphie i orçinary w ,,ay into s-lu rere-ived the (.oC5ôI)f r t- n 's fir-- 1 n ,i ' ws- q', NE WTON ILLE .Mrs. G.,*W. Jones anidM Jonie- in the city. -- Mrl. and Mrs. W. H.Jos visited ,Mr.Joncs' moth We are sorry to report M! P'eosiii eîsc it Mr Stevensý. Tht' W"X. cr held n er tletcv eat, Is and Fa Standad Card, 1 x 5 1-2~ inches, per dozen... $1.00 De Luxe French Fold', per dozen ....... .... $1.50 Personal Photographic Calendars, per dozen. . $2.00 We have excellent samples of the above cards on display in the store. Ask to see them. Christmas Greeting Cards Box ojf 12 Assorted Cards------------ ------------- ------------- -25c. N.Box of '12 Assorted Cards, "The Saunshine Line"', each card -with a Tus- Scripture Text _- - --... ---------------- ---- ------------__-------- ..49e izd CaainWnelnd, a Canadian _Artists Series depieting- Cana- > heea.. diarn Scenes, box of 12 .--_-------_----------------- --$.001 ro the The Frank S. Panabaker Series_-12 full color réproductions froin original oit paintings of Canadian scenes ----------- ------$ 00 Rov Bu' - aonivei Charles B3. Tyrreli DRU1&ýS AGENT FOR JACKMAN FLOWEIIS Phione 68 -. orono, Ont. I Phone S89 r i KNOW! fscrvinglý of yu ORONO VOTE for J,.H.tL aIs sus ILad Stb- was M Boy oriaI tai1 Wo- Nov. cih at iMrs of one 'hunldr ingý as -grouunw n sT nýuc lU) rio with'in -ia week Mr. C, Bly ave n, inersýi aenit f t tpftl Gi~lnhto h~ . IGolenAnniver- bMr.Farrow _and(lhelro .The mneeting next nmonfth wl eheld M".C sok' in Newcastle MtS Xrr Jaioh' e ',q n ~aneThe dcv '~ haned t ,+h ifth. Is maember is rcques'ed to bmrng an an- tique. ORONri POLCE TRUTSTEES RýETUR-zN 1By ACCLIAM,%ATION (ConItinued from page one) 1948 a wealth of iCanada and ýol and 1 1 and Ci sizes 7 to 10, colors of grey or brown, pair.............. 45e Ladies' Bemberýg Rayon fuse, Full-fashioned 42- gauge, new Fali shas1es, pair...... ... . . $1.00 Children's ,Plum Colored Vests, Short Sleeves, sizes 24 to.30O, each ................. 5ic. Children's Plum Bloomers, Elastic Waist and Knee, sizes 22 to 30, pair ......... ...... -. ic. Children's Plum Combinations, sizes 20 to 26 -only, pricecl.............$1,09 to $1.25 Misses' Fine Cream Colored Vests, Short Sleeves, sizes 26 to 34, each . -............... . . 79c. Autograph Books, New Style ......... ...... 15c Christmas W"rapping Papers zives that warmi,--cheery touch tè) your gifts Join our Lay-Away Club. A smali ldeposit wilI hold any article à Srdded W'heat, 2 ',gýEE! Shre.for ....... 27c ~RMN GOGG3l MLaren's Tasty ARM - Spread, 8 oz btle 3c ffil,11 LareWs OiI-less- rV 'Mayonaiise 8 oz.- ~~~ h-, ot le . . . .. 5 kéta Sailmon, Fa'ney 2 pkgs. for 29C. Quia1itý, 1. lb tin. 37e SPý[EC'IAL - Kipper Siakst OMecphisto Brad - 2 tins 23e Whoie Peels, Orange or frxnon----------------------------- -4 ozs 10e. Whiole Peels. Citron ---------------------------------------- 4ozs 15C Nuts, Walnuts, Light Quarters, 2 ozs ----13e Nuts, Almonds, w-hole, fresh, 2 o& 15e GEMERA SPECIAL - Whole Dili Pickles, 1-igai- ion tin --- ----- ------------------ ------ --- 95 SPECIAL -- Sweet Relish, gallon tin $1.39~ Jamns, Raspberry or S'trawh-ertry, 24 oz. bottie for ---------------------- ----50e--- 7)o Jams, Apple and Raspherry, or Apple and Strawherry, 24 oz, hattle -- - - 40e Chrisýtie's Sodas, Salted or Plain, i lb. miNuÉS box for - ----- -------- 27C Bi3lk Cocoa, Pure GoId Brand.,1I lb pkg 15ce AHLTHOnTVE FOOD Mincemneat, 1-apie [Leatf Brand, 2 lb)ti. 42 1-4 lb. Pkg--29ü. uJRNO 5c., TO $1l00 STORE YOUR PPJTT,'4 SJPP1NG CENTRE Motor Equipîuent4 Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Funeral D--irector-s and Fura-iture Dealers KiNDNESS COURTESY SER, Equipprd to take care of the modest funeral at the lnost H reasoniabie charge as wefl as the largest and f Telphae :Offce668 Residelice ' 2 n 2 TeehoeLolc Bowmanville, Ont. d Dr chiurch onl the ilu the eveli- IIEA' and VOT