Vo.1.MýORONQ. ONT., TH U PSOAY.. JAN. 22îid, 1948 sbciL0- $1.50 perYear Hoke and Da Fi yht Oshawa vs. Orono rîpoýý ments T.o Orono Park:Ae tpesEetd eir~dGil Fox And Tlwo Jacks Bag B d D bt Warden Ol Uoited Uoonties Cornplete Special lIranngDL Ht i-laces hi Reeve ie.x. Stepheil of Ilaidixand Saflday evenilng last w a Vil vJ',Qn iau oar e ~~~~Towiiship was eleeded warden) at, the pleusii-it one for t'he Sen~ior PatroI of-_______________ Owinge maüChpe and of the Nôrthumbera1nd~ and Oron Gir GIX uides and Capl. Arni- te Phail oni. orc!o usa Over t hirty entusastic huuatrg h0 raiu g&i'aetii.- giil tw Caanî C ttulOurches sQni~i t ro id y ýtroi direct~~~~~~~~s lir, l v te4dtea- ~ ~ LÇ ~ een ast The J.anuary sesiùýl I was senE at the -boine of 1'vrs. -h kOron iiua:ùueeti.ii wl Conina until Freorge Janiieson f o roeuo ak 'aa r1letty ,ý "ilP ' n1ua mepbing For Reie Ara1GM ht, y popua leader ofpart in th1e arnnual rabbit hut ind0r -Reeve' Sephenls polied 2voe oteSnoPtû.Ec Wdsay Ii Newcastle on Januar itte~ haate~~h io~~e Tddy millions il- Western Europe 18 polled by his opponent, ReevelW M. eveng sie Septemrn~ M L'uto enteieýi îito 'his eterrnal rest a bc- 1 uiL iClub. ýinMna venn hIst. eed 'dAi ryeu o eif The i -i of iSeyrour Township. On has used her tinie talenut, anud homne 'toved and highly esteexned Citizen Tedyhrkcerannslfo Th. nadl tien, w h fst buallot the candidates were te~ g v these girls sOllUO verY SPee>ýil the person 'of Georg-e JanÈeson. th!S alnmal event. The o'ne~ grpeat vbr, te yeiir 191,soig reeiu 1 plight *S esperate beyouxd ,vords.. Sitepire, Wigh-lt,*Reeve ýL. 'Gordon of traifning. S-anday cvefliig inartred Though in failing health for, seue drawbhack to the hant this yeèar w, re ý$84580, and 1expese 1, $ 21M. 77, 1'h Caodin ýf(Slriie, auii Reeve Aý. Wattman~ of the Cilosing of the 41est~ group of t- weeh-s previously, h--is sudideu Da teseps-whtw.sth' o~4 envin a baIiice onhad f 55L08. aPPeais fer 'used l othin-for~ Wes- Perey Township. At the en o',f six'Cl~asses, - 'cm a. a great shock to rel the deeda bio tlv in to c- e< ua hee er unai lsoueanlu TireWhtTo$e1 oting- Periods uôobody had the rue- Svrlgirls m~e eiry te help ar ad ail wle n asedl peacejully inorth-of Orono.< The nters ttn ýhernuin -we unpa bils u tancl Wha To uèd rSend~ f quirec total of 22 voles. and ne-ý range 4a buffet suppe&' Wiéen al! had suLay in hs seventy-fourth year. wer wallowing through fino% up tere.4~d $755.50 aW111 theae~ *urel ing atl urgitnds a for nominations -were eillkd with the, list arrived - Ms i4wton gave a short :Il Is i.ntieiestlig te note thatý iliý thirùI-fips as the Seow was Soft. u ->ak Bar wih deieL o $04 7 -,,-e, fr babesfo bos nd lrs na-rrowed doewn te Stejbhen -and bt extremely hellfuI talk to ýhich. father, James Janiîeson, was bori n o ther dir: Whacl wa the scarcity ).t F6 ~oad wtha e~ii& 6 $04,7.agsfer- q(abis, Arile bos a irls thhte g,-ils lisýtetodiItent$. BotilM4s reladii18 anid wheil a Iad of tenuaeta e t el hspr Tlhe ýOrono Cihaiber of Cnuirero ,aie andXf aduits. Ae lele ion need-ai 'lnia-g over' a chelque ,for $10000, ed are: 4Smis, CotPese arBT eW aednwsb a larAmes, rdh g l xieee LidhL a1eve tteea n îýa'a Ilich wlll bi the deît te $0, e,-Udrer cig, Sck asim e0 vilg, ?i , Wcres ef lthei ssinceae thans 'to etIlrs. LI(el\-,,i> stOnnýý spfnt the second decwd of the aftenut1 the~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ yerl wek KntarShecnthgheedaud, nd le 42 years of a-Pe. --fur thle woiferul ii teest she is tak-. w r-kn stly wili th&e Iig-- br hI'5 atc h- feno -.----- -rglutî or:-n the -cr' auen17 Ki1-er thtoe seItïo arou: niic fL t liuae-r ware transportedl by r-o.c .RW-d1adA. E. West, wee Tcuhe ,upe ÇXpsI (potel ehjts>, d-di.n8gcete i lak.Whl 'ag TheR twdetîlng i e eels Mesrs 1a toe-hr are setes Auxiliaîy Meeting lýThi evenim h e yed fir li 1 r8e8 hatleds MargaIce. MWf ' on un nnarh-dtýe ,e-eleÈted to the Board for -a Lan boshl ieBakt, ute e ail 1heoeîgW1 errsir~h' emt 5 Muaê 51ho if serh ofe theyc exbtens -f N~e yar - Quilt , Towe1e;, Isois Notions, sOeee h lj~ t i-iag rf .Mr. --ani _Mrs. Victor-feLlusnh t aIrbbt fie ~ ~ ~ 04 ass onee gf ehe t e year M îdfiug 1ac-e e LekeiTh e t u rea faI yvears pravi lie nu.- - -As there is still nri -e %t k-t asc~aTr ,N--IapPn theen Auxar ae h-eln ---lin y~- -.i -Clou ine -Li be te-'tty.A ',o a o,.ne On tha park. the PBe-d will' ea( od a nadc safety}. l ta hehj,ý of Wr e u le - hur_ - 'i y . er, te- ~~~~~S î~~Gê rge's Chiurah, ?Slaewcait]e in~ jope-tbni--i uack rlbt- ýe arter more douations t o tn e C1liiii1ýl1f 1ý,-I1 -%ýssili-I. T ete - lein een pleLjeet of the oaada ln w7 Frn Arrntreo si tiui thir -six poete asd t. e ftllrêi rij~ iperat--lin -be anný NIEa-O U E lieu jSeter and, Oonthe an wre -iv pstartit-g -whe-e a - tht 1eft tCuc s i hal Pea tt o Cor The ni ,etîng upeiiad wl-i cvea - {l" aJon ihia--" 1e nia. Kby wheira they fo aii- a ime fo-111 StFiali, aild lbr nxt FnIl orcil ahetc-YW IC Illte q tdaent f yn nesug I-irea part -hum ý 'li g ~aste 1,s ami-n teu ieat u tica a i seicit ýiark sheuld bie te best east oe Tor- _Gb hýian iMVwemanti and hai Clitle- ledh- s A. A. Dnunun iio , toi- reou Cecij j(liak ,er ethti and- ih 10. - - hanWo -k amp Felox shp areclwed by e-perte froru le liertd bi-ctherj Mir. Tone Iltf,- e ffis fah-i1yý bu ieJcsw ihtdadou - -~Owng u -a a e~iu~6f ht thee etla. -ingSecretary au-I the TreasrrI -ogtlatet2f SÛ Jte As a ycw nmail iGeerg( a a -l'li d ujn rogt clown. hy t ei n t, tr e n o o fr ~ s p e n t o t ha r a l aul t i n t ei a r e a t. P ln t h h u a a r e sr r1 --rctr V a1 r cfhiIe bu ne 'e A rler bca en-on .3,-&lsy &-, in flua nar future te, d-at oI le or h1i the home of ',\I . Davy. En -ta.eeongauniu I. 11cIl -ans M1îz b reyer u siene 1:1. nAuulaen î, - tan s-ak h-air pilane fer the Coofing- SI-111uer. We hlope o -gnrïsrsos 0 h r&lnMei~.1 V' nl Arlen en tha -brth of -a-Lileciel eae sap urwt oruth sew covaira strele. C !----- is aIppeal. ilei - -i- tê gve nu ij -ès1 ig nc in- dauigh-ter. -o as - ~ a t-ht~i r AIwit-lehun e, ein . ofU~ U7 LV!n - et I n et imploritnt o-ga _î-iIwakee, U. S. A, - Miý -1e- l)Mso-n"ek pr - bythe Icitas Of St. S&vioim'a Àngi- 'On TïnesdayT -Jamir -2 - tOl th, fR>.i ino theolLAci a--ac r ibnL sfa T Bntnk Ien tn ibhome wihe h-aupied t-an chuçich c asistin O4f rutcf . ont-hiy mtiieetiiig -6f th4e WVon.ra- ýIU-!1)u~-pineipies aùc nd rd -ald [ive- 'lb hvif i tet . r, Mis. M le Lf a hng - hatm fbl.dn-. R~wf ~ ,sl- -p aa t. At _ýChristia-î Ta-enp-er ilce Unioniv a 's t lb-eau! P-epic-eus nw i s t ifr al _Mr. liid Mrs. Toi la- i Eleanor diad Juiy 19,18, everye ie's -appetite~ b-ad beau) sea. eid vuhih the '»uesidant,llfrs. WaIshI In the, issue cf Jea.ry 1t-h et ,ha- th-y baIlla ea aad thtl-isa-l 1î's-- 8 9-,M.Jme n id a4sa tn er - reslding. - - - - - Bannrie -xanu uTer tha e appe-aredI the fni et vfng. are. Theu ch-unch ia s r. and MV1ire.Le Tiluscutt, Mx. 18. uniteh i umig wtUrn IIKai n ul uo - - - Afer tre openijg hymu the dano "icture ef Lawr-ence T. F-esteir, a fer- lhe cu ni auL of s'gt1he w d ille rd Tniiscott and i Mr. -and e~Mu tkidb oms iha -E sur i wou fl itvm l onlwas tulkil byv Mn,1 R. Raue nie OrnoitLe, who goe frnl B mid ad we iiee hotan moe or cfr e-i ff WUlliains Toronto, vuer ed with euaid. AIill tey ve, nl bloe ox et ineres lie~ h-e -tle[Iin -vl e ave lb-e- b'ible reading wiiuh-c11) -ý o Barri- a el- end cf tIis chIirch w,.ou- and man-de, i sd Mmr. S. R. Joeas on- Suni- -lt - a lu ells t e-pner Qopi lu i bT-t ni nt' f a rnho S -u » ~ i~pitç Ias lasI 1-1 \r ne hhmee c los Georgýe taýz aI las ye-ar's an-n-ua1lbu .T the~-ye tepi bing "hu mhl Io succeedc C. C. Pensons a,- In osiil g >rs. T'ri!II - oi h'- d -Bes-yt ~tueai hie e~ el' Bn itOe balance frth evanlng,- was given O'yi Iýý1ievÉ,~~~~~cdA e- il,,-~Tr ted --_Îl Ii dasu$n-g nimil of, i resrr e eoraipplfu ,P 0ro iL' 'n~ ~ ~ ~ ~h y. M('ana-she a19 iiccia af cregt e'f Vflul- WInlnta Rin Mrle. ýIie acso Tnd r.no J n o the byruAlnimadi r .ilto wuth p rh-y -enjoyabr was Moni t9 n lal rbogi i F,- Batoind u on 'Mr aiet sug-ec -e tb-ajuI -Uýilb-a village cf Oi'on-e,- Durbiai-u C-orinty, avn1,t-;ei~,-h W imakia ,-Toroio o,raI w'have t l tterCnsl caet-eNsosI 4c11 i1I eOCa for -hï YeaIr-'b e ()i i 'd \*ns e-duc lad eat t-h-e Or'ono publ),ic -ltl as - u n is tls- ii daxu-ghter, : îs. snce tehte >iet c,-ate $ 0 aid E dt are mi prtbbeui-; the Wais e -,,1 'e hanc set olb- Ornoalt1r Log leiif The Pr esbytenisan annual quee ng I-uil- tix yL stv s-(,iy e aise pào- i Coueu InWlfFuwe day c e tde uh c rte Mi!ý n he ha iarica of tIhe Stan- - aiuilauc-y vnnuhn h ere ia c iut-eluer b 1ýine: uncl(erý th tes!J ýn the iüaumperaec Iesseîi, urill gifle. da 1.B -,u11 1 92 as a. junior e-t Tha li'iti 194 meeiu cf 1Unt "au- og eain ejyc lik ie--etJc nadJmeo.Rt ~7bb ue The treusuitr -haýpo ,eci, a se hbe-f11uît Oriono. At the egae et 27 hae wras Rablg kawId a , rne d n' tlue-vea- fln, r.-F l'w au r G cu-ger--e ilI b -le ha Duneni e91 'bulle on I,- n,id fiowèr seèènetarv repore od-n -d aae f the fle-fordl -Park inerTed-y Mrnuay 31- F.opan Law ai , - c mas. , 'e- ( . 't-tic asie. Iba ,enera1 presîmastar- pells e r ena i plc u uy tle clark cf f -eanding- fruit to la sh-ut la, ami tha! Bench et thai Stan-dard Ec.Aflar iihna o Tesait..ow J iitr ho' li wene[ aise caVera il( the g a -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ he -u-ft-ýi viiti rrsehno-ecae-nadn omsrvnrsmnge tohrb ah n-' Mie Wibmi-ýie st m t-nst cf Fa ruany I-lisý y. alhe w ulld iî C -n ila os. Thsamunnit, cf -ertr thad lel h-e Lodga brluavel.Sitrae oultdtwnyn-ueyer 0cshda e vebecang nd-ad c iuuk m ppai-es awcmal aagre ic D I FTipear Jebaistoa au Mid ss Olive gir< f on A latta uruas raad byt th pr. f Caaa akcfCnrue la Wiar- P.D e f 0.sh, ý a usere Ja ,ehs a attLeded the fiui e-tali cf - apùb l servn lar tha Vilaeiî o fl h i- e lhby t th-ba saîia -uit froiri Mrs. Grmea ay, p rovinci 1tn la 1939-. Owiiag te wer condi- eney1n.l.c Ohua --eteir cousin. MT E-nea sharpe un -w I h inbuu ita (1 s anc GaIfa it~~~~sldanI,~~~~~~~ reu lngprb- eeen hee h ieroabePu a lsd esei n ian et-jinta capacity. sise oulent on Saîurday aft-riuos h Ca s fl e. -iýI an - 0 a ny u î e at at ai( id leulp caryeoa a W. C. la1942, aad M'r. 'rFo-sel - as apoit Mo, Bùcley Athull re le déigluta o'f ;Mrn. aund the t Slnice blis dÎemise m- a isn- Club- tale to9ct -,ove fs T. 3. a-a-e giri le i -m-et Golise- ed ma aget Bradlford, colnîgs-ttv ut- et - 4c .Win. S-hapa rlue forey r-e-eceive5l a pe-reuai lette-r troi Mir. B a. -,, r - n. - and it 'urs decid-ed te -send~ e thare- unIl -ha acainedi notiýe et thla saes .-E--uet Ihs ais sca hea.:h teuld b oa A. SuIn-geler Distriet P. 0. Isetr $-13.01 -donationi. - un va te Bairre.caieu:e~acc n ~argu pbi -clioe s ii 'Lc -h l lue b-ad. lea-aiec l e hyl -'o in y cg t- The pnesident -Mr. Walehi, epeke Mn.Feetn le- a nillier et the Lolge bcd m-adaeîsIds l- Tha iSuaday service urne agn h-aid lb-e p-aeeing ou fr 11 a-lsnw a u eadeetrst l- ie - êliulye- tt ceîn Ars R tI.mie-l --ucfan0bs uad mpariy short limne silice its C O Cla41 F neuýruw, Is eoifEt ne lEiaaup- lièlu cf Steard Alhegl rthu inttution. S li i uiuev beartelfl-g 1h91n9yad cuait tth. a. iTeh ne o ru- yiCoj felon.7 -on, -e--h 'h-a-lu an alctiva menulber frai1eaI1 affliliitiens, hae bas been ac- m- agecfgattdeae-e-ea t service m-(y be sacrificed, bot 199 Th su tM-.JuiOtWen-dyateun J iy7 cf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ofa -W.ttuï CTr rei ter seayas ii acmunt evc aBa-- --neyotsl ytawr eid-dageat c s- - tb-e po"tj îeY loeIy L t flro tit-s -nd bas race" bmndu-ase~~~~~le-es exte-ncladduig b -ne- , -anc fn offinset cf. h on-rtln i ofine caamnu h a a ne uet-tmo.-l i - u t h W ý . . .y o j e s o n i e yway . - t o r d ; i n g r 'ii l l t a - - p i c a id e -a t c f " I t 1 c ti Y u l -as i d - s e - a c c u , t t h l : c e u n i el t son.~ th 'Cil -f anl Col ailn lor huae-. be-Id.llint Ba ids thtlgt y ti man ar,e ht y - s-bjc bai gnd vD- ic - oun sf Tlede Lov î:d Tofl atae awe xprs l ene agaticaulv oigig -ii Mm mese- ent~~me lbetd t-be parsof v iIcesïgý -ppe reyi -ihe Order-l n>rae- 1cý The îrc r n-e- .ta -ian ine -~ Ne ) -oclle Uni1eh 'GI-ir ec , e-a s Id.he , meetinget adhp ayýerebd lier cf -h îMîeiticry heat crnf lire - l anu-i mTtlra(e,,(mdi te cor all-cahion- et fenc $1i. th 1fud bee - ns ch i-unauu et a Naw-l lIe H, p o sin - -i Il- - îiI j a - l uîuFuuuo the Unie-cl 1-GhrCturad o u be W m as fhLe -Si trurbo clec t-eG ni- co e-be-cl.n A wiu d-ll .1f erdi i-s o ne ýGenieo tr 1 - IL& iur2 T lheind -r e - w.F R àr,". Ln'ý wuihl communityý fran tip scor er-e w- The___ meein e-se wes-i -fye --1-lSadyS-iclv-t ~ 2 , 0 -ind - 9 . 1 Pýiý~~ti- y-îluai e Sundi %vs h de Mr t e Thn br ý,s r e idOre luds Iba,-i;te parte enw ca Wdn eed -aven-la,,n Ift 1 4'10 ha TIo a ew so 1c l lyio(o-i1ýý - Mci. pe- end ciruakauupen wg ra e Ulita munucabl cm-lb- in stage cf ,iba-uryPyn egenhéJno s'u'-n ea Me eista (,ie-aataonuu2nlcbed- emptiue,'dl- slto ftiep os hs nl- bec tM- 3t lAie-es- Si La C6ei clan Eý be-n W. of~~~~ý contacts. Chie-k unlI . n -"Cd We atlast r l epstintegvam c'nIe I.- g. shtows tal , epon ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ is deve ia -t- f nt ra.ed- n nlne-e gclosn-e ofth no-g e eff te, toIn-8e: Mmm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j el buaa- nei--tlc -- e ~u ecae IamsIreht o lt.--Sp lutid ut.r -icnia t you-i teR preV t tact cocuemn ao i Car-valsi et 1-4 adalbeug - eara a mui'chlecf dleaas. ha F-mmlFcuum ur bld t-t-be Asl~ u cnintndan, U M. onc. n ojet aout bichlb-na beban I - l anli'lmee nsare I2t -~~~~~~~~ç -0(l noTattiu enlt et td aeo Msiîs- And i--Cni lacecaahou fM. aiMs.RcïdiB-tScakne lndJua. n c ala-bspetweko eMWeost--;-l,'bc- c ufaee menthe. c 1 - ô ,r e pr1l o i dur g'- -- -194- -lb- ra<~îj- u-rng acaba nuSe-ma-é 316 -W asdey vnîg aîtba v-rygedl 'h- Ir hae peine-dwcia: ba be ciun edy l-e i lge e a-e t tt uionlIn Ibs ln g- - i ae--- islaliyf n let--~1t l nfc17cdi144balac c -i AdrsnbIePa uR't - -i s;fi C W-ly.bsiE--OnSn-W-LauucuE-,-Mr mne -l nilaLodmayEt