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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Feb 1948, p. 3

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W h~. v .1W ~ ~,. of (ab.) miss By Gver Adhov littie suli)-zer ty ý sui- in, 31ï the trifl wei Ie filled wih]- tmend u avefelin La certainsoeth plie filinigs- s ceunoteracts a elcrf if may b oie W-lnu gasu msaugetatr the flàegr will be himprojv It h unildcrsfood, of col the sait tselt mnist neyeý cernibie. Its iuse is merel: pyabit of saver wich u p the batsic fiavor cfa A"New Look" Caused a Riot T1Ce question Of flic lonjg 0or short shirt lias canseti anme curvry but ln the late 179's niev fahllon causet ,I mucJlimore excitemenI!t, says teLendon, Englanti,, Telegrapli. At that tim tÈhe siik hiat horrijfietij peffepii lufe ,streefs of Lendoný, starteti a gen-.cral dstrbance pnnc- tuateti by yells, screamis, yeIling ef dogs ant ii iinaýting lu tlicrapi kng »nderfoot, of a chilti. The avarr nti erginator net the unusual heivicýar vins hable tle a finle of b40, icause of the danger, of cauising a breach ef flc peace In ithose days alsursu minhl aleast ene pair c o 'cs:slu he wrdmh% bWaterRalîgl t ne respct, by fallewing tIce fasien. 1He evep viere lý iiat 1ightl Mïe» hav dncaou s mn alarming tliings Vîil t ircote as voieen are reptitedt-)tedo. The ucxt time yeno u u "a a «vieman ilu treusFers" reeme thiat transeïs wceaConi deretief- feninafe :1n ancient China, se mIncit Se thaithet maleS lon1g golvn, seo ebaracteristic et irelit country, aas rimie expressly, 'te cover the hame During tIc SixteenflllCetuyni Germiany v, ives vrappet touer areuni their hu-Lshantis' heatis las a Ccertain crefer beatiache! Worrîed by the pre,ýenIltcr.din faho, a younlg lady rmkti e othr day îtirt "Whatwih bustîca anti paddinig coniiing ba:1,gaîn vie shhseon be ging "ail,<ne-,a andi laing crinolines!' Apairt froua the obviçuis difficulity Of -steerîn'g these wide hoopeti cre- ations along crowded streets and jte mnodem cas, she v orrei about fhow one sat dtiw!! Somneone u iennaiilu1887, vwas simiil-arly pertu1rbeti 5 a paten-twa taken ent covering a useful addi- tion to thc staniàard cioie Thtis was a feldIïing chlair lnî iwatehIe heop framework, alowing the lady torethlegs"by sittig devi wheevershe ,wshetil Less Fertunate A couleetgentlemen i sef a very chiccry "niiglïit eut" fogefter, Anti lyben they met a fem, days lates thycompareti notes. "hasjt vasa iglit ant(1Ilne-aaistake", Saiti one eti then. MDeyen kuev, Ifinisict up in tfli police station?" ,'Luick dogl" saiti flicefltjer, il bittenaress in blis voice. i founti PW wtay home!" Tise vieçltwestandg ~ age. 5 "Ycs, tbaf'p fui4ee I we'd have gcc ef I <celti vilur lu tie summei-ir vihil is waamer; Insteati f0n; treithe r, w'd be Waltete o o wîlit4a ireanise ceai, h measure aperates 8y BARRY IMURRKAR ______ its best riglit now Accordînig toth paeS, the sport is inecxpensiv-e as ;s conce-rneti,,at 4Ganladîanyouth y have the mkn 1 i of Mnme very niesk;iing 1ma1 '<s" trri as fa-a tesiimeets Jhe.r e bagmar nw lIas two Ski towS and a niew lotige, whsle Raglan bassits firîL. modemn tow .Farthier afielti, Otaais, ant ihas bena great ski wcnryfor 'l Ue teeManyyears'-an the peopfle in the areaP have a vait of Ski Spots to choose fromr. AS far as we e a er, the teeners ofvWest- ernIi O1ta1110 lose ont on this sport withvery f W reallygooti skiig his. Suemis ,;the guys andi gais dw thecre go lui more for hockey anîi skating. When ,yojur local Ski club has a mwet, senti long the results aIntiwe'li beplease i t pbUiIze the evenct. In the meantime, to' break your neck. IBrde's Dress Sets* TonsfWed& ng~ Cleuis t-itulle! The peai et beil1s! Ai you -thte scerneani loeybride. To creafe suicb a weti- din pitur, sart eariy te settie questions , f1liutgeing dIsu eti quette. Thre type eft wediîng yeu have tiepentis nyouýr weting tires. If x'î to e i'a fermaI gown itîveil, gýoti faste s , thiat et etils lie fom i teeBut i encheese a fleor-lenlgth ei, a shorIt vei or nenme, the other (details ecau aIý,se lfiess leilalierate, Ies up te you te detite vihci yncan afford, fer te yenr famiy falîis most oetheflic epenise, Thcy, pay for invitations, yeuir vitîg otifft antitd ssabeqesanti gifts fer your attendr.ants ,1ailex- penses mcnctetÎ ivitrthe uChultrch- (e-xcept cergyma,,n's tee) anti re.- ception. Wbat are icgroem's expenises? Wiat re liest man's dies? WIVat ise fcetiquette f et tr retiel? Sece us Re-ader Serice ftbeeief Ne. 204M. Aise data. en secondmari agesý proceduýre he brid's par ents are diverceti. Senti THIRTY CENTS (30c)>ilu coinis fer' "Flow te Plar niour Wcd' ding" e cRea-,dèi r-esice; Rona 421, 73 Atielaide St. et, Tes- eneP inaie, atidresi,bekf Oite ant iNo.2041 Winter Wen-deriand W )i n thre subject efMinuter, vie Woodit lie te mention what ie thin is the m-ost picturesque winter spot Teweelcs ago vie leftt1,1home1 cait 7 a.. o th cltkismJnury ir- in l aany years <rut 20 lie- loy rniebe?)for Merni-isbuirg, Prescott anti otheri points. Wlon- flIe way wvie shot orlth t avlo Promthee ve en t as t t Irmr anti MadeIc-anl ,titatfew ileI(s te Marmora is semetling te sec in mwer. The reati is intiig ani hullybutMmisatsemer IHueL triy acanaramn's pai-adise. As yen cerne ever a shortrisc1 au finti a smnal ieuse nestietl iatthe 1foe ai hli, a tail spiral oif suieke sen ing f rom ifàs chimuey.Travelling ateng etwcneu h wo ih viails of snow yenu weet aman iltihrse at sieti. His deg, jumips anti relis lui the mevx) as ;t tags aleng behlii or lieunis on) aheati. Yes sir, hreisa vcry scenic spotetofai.Frte cast, lust eut ef Merisbng, y na se ic etrix ghteO r thatsauk lunfli St. Lavrence lait. Sep)tembier. Sti!, lying in te it itdie of the riv iib ber bew sticking eut et the ivater sIre preDsents a picture indeeti!1St&a riigfrom the rive-r !ilireutis ber lu mnaysýtcry aýýs thieice anti watfcileoývis ever berdeck antipaît. Wcl se ucilifor îkiingat wite ravellin-g. De TIey Make Yenu Sicit, Tee? Haeyen beeni iîteing ýLýte -fic pelitical f ailk et late, silice Kingb as, decitieti te retire f rom tht t icît, idt since. fIe ia r 0enIprices baslign Yen seuti, rexitIing, et course,. that yen <vaut te lie sick;. We hv liceici te tese raliiq speeches laey Anifa make us langlI. TUi abouit kids fîghtîng o- ver niarles,- brtîer, fîey are left biti a najile Boe dcatetiMien, mienrdtsupposet dgnitanid (istinctioni, eu al ,,k anti act se childuîhliy ranticman ralgets me; antisil our parents antiders voi vte -ni ceiic themii sn fli ceunty.Ths gees ouvile weare iaeingtanget te lieWons ismereat real geeti ladies -nigentlemran. Don tle'y rmate yen sick , tee If se,- wrtend feuï us abouti1 it. TIre Letters Are Cemning L-etters are cemiing'in, flein fli aunouncemneut t ou r baud cen- test nti veWC iihave flhe winning letter lu thus space next wcek. My ocle ye i ,1 otlerle, wri;-tethis tm.Wlyen have a chanve nx menli, utmore abouit tal,ý,ater. On TF e Radie Dia! Diti ye n kovithatt01eMaofe yeur fovin m ew nd ail fic ltti places is unwonouflicair escii Satur-i Clay n-iglit at 6.45 p.m.?' Yes sir, folles yonl r tieniant i mine, AudyCiarke is teling ;lis famious seie v ere S'atnrdaiy niglt. on lcnjoy 'him EverClybedy dees. wiii enljoy o Sndvevnigia Suci tfamens siuiginig staris as Nelsen EddlyJohn Chane i Therais anti Jen iclimson viiili e slnging fie th(,brr m theo ',as she was11 nilit tu te; be ,lie ev eiraiis an they 'ajse vi was fic ianut Peraii riugh is tankabou luaneu-o Afe reak fast.-and1(1a f ter thle birthý andutmeydeai, of thie cýaif hatIIbendiscussýeti a dozenl times, youn-g John l wenit te ltart isF car-lie uses ià every-' day for transpor-ttionin a ýpart-time job). Thei car, of course, reýfu-seti to start. Buit Bob baý,d no trouble at ail with is truc:k$0 lie towed Johnnly dw thec Lle. In a little whlile thle mçor startti-ad thn itcauglit fire! The auiti-freeze hacl boiled over on to) the holt motor and i guite4.- De- twen terethe e boys got thie fîre nte control hefere teo mucli daae i beenl donie, exýcept thar aniti-fr-eeze te the tune af$.5 batji to be rpacdaid- %ome re- wîiran3g may be) ee ssa r îY. 0John saidti th anlti-freez hladti tsted ele'ven hbelaw just rcnl.Usuially that is ple-nty but i always insisteti on, a !twenty-lielew test wheu 1 hai ayhn*te do with a car. Whichl but tientovn if. 1Earl,7y last Lall Johi nIogIlt it. I1nerongrfelt thle need of a car as Bobj bas a very nicel( litte tonit ikup hc is juist Das easy for me .to drive as a catr, -Ant'ii since most of rny tiriv- ýing is, just back, anti forth to îowui- anti flot any more thlanI h1ave te in wnc-h car sceemeti like ,somnething we,;ouldedowithout, anid Siln-ce101ohn vas dtemn 0i oget aý c fsmekinti if werkcd eut veryvei ail roundc. Onle person sait to mc afterwarts-"But et co0urse y11ou ýcan stili drive thcarLI" Well, miaybe-John b las sat e aya.But the ideca doDes't appeai te me. T o my wVay of tiùking it vieulti!have all i e tarmaIrks oetPa "cermy" deaI. Se far 1I bave uset ili euIy ne so-smai aInOns bysuch wrîters as V'ictor Herbcrî.t, IJeromelcKerlu and ny o (thers. Here is a famuily treat ecdiwekSuty evenings for an inprmdrainaatic andtiinusulal story listen te "The Greatcst Story Ever Teld' at 60.30 p.m. Tis is ia weeklyv draatiattoneta vii nonbible stor*y-supported by a large choruis of nlvei vice. Wli, tht' ir spacegen or fiis ise Let'a Have A Valentine Party (Gather yeur favoýrite Vaîentines abouit yen i tis February I4tb an4 treat themi to a seau "hearf tsI iloavirs" Valeutine partiyl The nteralumnt, ppropî-iate gaines andi prises, oif corse--thec refeshent asimple, dainty suippercimxt with thuis delectabIe appetsn-pple Butter Stacks;, shiapeti inito hearts wt a ceolcie cuitter ora cartibeartiheart pattern, le Butter Stacks AI: Brn p )as try ýpIe butter, e packaýge creamn n lemenice pastry. C'utwt circîes or surs n. hiot ove (450 d4 Bran Pastry %cuip Ail-Ban 32cups itteti fleuir 3teaspeen 1sait = cuip shortenling 4 tablespoons cold water (mlore or less), Crnsh - bran ino fine crumba;Ds comLibine with flouri andi saIt. Cnt ki shortening. Add vvwaer a 1Mte at a tiineunJldo gh bs moistencugh to hold wtgethe. il ow ut nigty floureti bnd t abouit one-ceighth inch inthckess. IUJSBÂNDS WHIO ADORM coffee deserve 'MaxweUl Hlouse. It's so utterly detteý cîls that it's bouglit and enijoyed by more people, than any other borand of coffee i he ia rM. this out- f 1 A/ too far?' rtits shipty great to relieve 'PER Are you troubled by dlistress of female functional imonthly disiturbances'? Does tii alte yon suifer, teed se armions, restieýsa, cranky, weak-at audh im res? Thlen do tay Lydia -E. P'inlam's V7egea hie Comnpound ta reclieve suchsypoms! Ina recent test it prOved Very helpfnl l, k i tp women , trçublled tbtis way. Yoz u mer ..tù Por ov es 70 years Éthousanrds of girls sud tg yenrsetf ta ryit women ha-ve reported henenit. Jnst see if PinhnmsCopondinhataluewn youi ton don 't report excellent reSlnits, as a ute-rine sedatîve. It has a soothins WertJ trytnlgi effeet. on jac ef wotan'r most impor- NOTEOr en os, rferLYDIA E. tanit organS. PJNKHAMWS TÂBLETS irnit ddled iran. Lydia E. Prinkham's VEGETABLE CON POU ND r (a*" You Can HeIp Outlaw Thtis Tortumre! TiteVidctil o! tis e ýcl steel tfâp uffers isys and iiIts o! tiiit'st. hssngsr aud tortszrtnlg pain thIsie WaIting destis. SPIECIi<'X NON-TEAPPED mnf lissa yen tsuy, No.tirapped fors ineinde caracul, Menton, Bon.- menton, ALASIÇAN Seat, practic.. aYPy ai]l SursFcensd SeMa Minis. OioNu OURA ssecs&TION! For information, wri te or phiono tise Secretary, S2GSpadins BRd, Torento- , ii 99 T 4,'. t' -<--s-- v it ýý 1

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