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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Feb 1948, p. 3

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wortn a] acponythe bam.es fit-t sy ohigof ithe backo btiig, cids squabbles and ill- fteeng they caused.ý The Swiss 4ceedingq by syn what wonderfd thinigs the Olympiocs are for ur- Mring International goodwill" cea- talc ~ pmusthae e d adc!oerd ie's going A get when aomeody feuis him îabout the birds andU tbc and flowvers, > ohrbas ic facts of fa Caeuada who put hie 1last on 7'oront o by 7tlig if a- "dead tanin" anid Severai 7f01fer upeaaf fings -has bee rops-yreproved <md put M hem plac by the Pres of Mea fair' city, nany cl;ro f upoel valuabtle ,eipprspace eigde- vofed f tw ? sçjher chrc to head in. H'ow faken boack aîsd aa.ceÎhe poor girl mt aefeil afier read- mg iù! SHIlunise un C hin k <>1 if, probably flot neorly .sa uch tas ,the lmight haid uobýody paid lser the sYlli*i,tes? te is As osie of the greatesi ulciygttr fil tss used fa pit if, I d fonï't care1 .11t yoesay about tise s o lng10 YO SAY SOMTH'G, csd el y Mnay be,. etting off ,Î.a chaýInreacion that they'll o-omed0ay wislh thcýy'4 Ibrought 7ndr )catrO! ce t was, "A wîld baw bok ut on the ice and overfýr lo -1* into terail ueas as tle spctaorsstrck out at the players."I "Clo;se by a dozea playerc suamgcd aronnd Ashovinýg el- bows and fists -into each o-thcir'g faces?' "It was during thlis finial braw; of the 3cîeing that a live buliet iwas flunrg on thfe ice b)y a peaor"These c qu elotcd .from fthc aCCount of a, s;ng!,, game taking place Ùn Detroit bot so long ago. Preparing !For a Different Sort of World-Thýe worltor cil,îdren -are growý-ing into is vsl ifeetfroni fthe oneour grandlparentske-it distances shikinýtg daily and L-oue don, Onitarloi hardly a i"slee.per jump"ýD' fronni Londoný-, England. The Naton lFim Board pictur-e TOMOý40RROW'S CITIZENS is a ivid illstration of what ouredctoa auth110rities are doing toward perigOur bos enugrs to muestand the- "Tomorrow's Citizens" or wre Ber n wichtheýy areïeing cdu-g cated. Are they bigng adleaar of te pssîblîtesof the utre "Tomrra'v'sCitizens"tke a !0oo: at te lab ronsof ody anld dede thta egni s cranybeýingmae Takme map, for instance. The old public achoal gcograpiiy bock maps showed the countrie-s and cninnsin a fiat- tencd ont fiorr, iand you Wvere tunghtot think of the distnces be- tWcen places> in teris of rai!way o st-amiship mTe.Thc nt result was that Most couries Seemed remiote '-il",flotw-rt otern about. New ,,Ki nd Of Maps etand rockeî propelledaicf. Thi rduesthe distance.,. betwyeen countnes vr trln .PeCo ple we thought of as Hlving on1th othetýr saide of fteworld arc nowi j oxt door ncighbors. Masare rantoo, fro other new points o'DiewFori-sa~ iplc f the flattenedprecin 'ofte "01d( orl"and"e Word"rad the "Easte2rn H-emi- phr" ad "Westernl Hem yrýisýz- pieewe cal]ilow100 ok 4 thil., worldfronithe 1north ipale,an nte a env reatîoIIship een -1~m5y ounltries Of thie wr FoxSlc.a nmap we can get a grapayac.! of-id relations. Whaý ese dio the chiildrcii oft- d i, t- thirclassroomis? Te mîynwtechaical a(]vamCQs wIc;h are ranforingthe world 0f cu-0-rse they 1may flot understaýnd tsea!! et once, buit theýy beCOme,ý fmia vitbi theni. AIso, they are, being mae aware of thie cmu cations which- EiS one cauntry or cnietwith anothet.' Through pictres fimsand aictual tours ýxvh,-e thesere possible, the cid Eno sec thngreat ships and ral- waylýs ad irwayS whc frîi th bais of worlçl commerce and the inerhage ofidMeas ind cuistois. ~ut thre is otote bu-sinessý of education to-day than this, as people Tho are worried -aboutth future il mainitain. Besides be- cmigaWaae of nwivnin and techuical proeesses, the citi- zens of tCfutur me e iitcgivMn-a ss of ocilrspon-sibîlity. This is com'MOnsense for a Tonld thd is sbrikig-a Tworl n whch "finds ailnais oin each ter'frn a"d back Mor steps. aou ao lway prf0twith cîuaity obcik. ah",e are unusuai tmes. but during oaur 24 pvears lu the ou iry busines we have" goo mnaemntdidut oicameout Gon top. Thaword bors ofaifoodle larm n sud the n na l ighly mprtntfaco nii economie oIeSire is tise mnost uala prod1ucr aimet s we11 as theý producer 0f the, '0s tist miet-the ea. ncrcas- eli prdci cuts feeti cost. Somne oai pa eau emmbe Thnpoultry feeti was dirt rhep bt pou ba -alot ai. hns layiug an av,'erage 0f anlp 90»eg;zs a year. MOT.w %e bave t""0-g bnsd 1Lotsa well CUstauersaregeing200J-ega avar1ges andi remembereverp exra eggCcis dowrnille 1 to ed e a.Th, uTr hni bet,,pulr rud bundroti ,s 0f c stomers core bcleper starer ta ogot thasa huisky fo f00ciaosi sd rcis.Tiveddle ,q Sm Chicr Iatchrir Ltmied FarusOniarla. ï u-Wek -OC)ldc Pu1lîet s 'cw .îe' four wek asudlaider puillets Febuay athoi. Stan w0lb early batcheti loke sud gai cie biis cesfo)reggs next Sommerand aaiyFaî. Large Type WIlte Lephrna ud svonothe poplarbreetis. Bond for zprice lisi, MngeetGide sud caalge ni bjoale ouraorde-r noT. Lake;x"f ec Poultry Fa-ni Exe Onteî r 1Q I O1i tak r o AilBredera biod tset bandeel. sud lu- apeie sd bclodby igis eigadfounti- atbn sock .Scsa- xN'w Ham,. *ock r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý Re im, are als e ampe ed 1c, ullts 7c.Large îtype LegOmnsr mixei llte puie G CO. Aill, av ,beei Ooceeel 4e Mdlm rüed 1.0Per 10dowul balnc CO. rroira msd London Ont011 ari o take Caaloua rea Bcumar' s Hthe y, citcle tsaiga tbm.Wa eausOyaPrompt Oboptant ayole. carted, or take order later proüvetýiTitcn cass oveýrnijmntinspPpecors inspet aurbreoi floos sud batchery sud ~otlc asurs ou3,gb auaility oblWrite fa, e-ue. ocraesPoultry Fu-. idas- eUr lic.T-dyyou i eelde ta go sitar egPoit.Tienu rcf dollrs pan tata inidl deenilagely on how elo.sely pou stic7k t ies ,io o,,nd mIes. (1) den ,i experieni Tiit "brgalin" cles: <; 2) boy ou'ly <vaît.y chiclesof goibreeding, sncb chý is as Top NoiuA, Chipes. We have tise Mipreas WlteLegihoru, WieLeghorn sà Bsrrd Rcle.Barad ock x Whie YLgbarn, Lea oruAuirN Wit, ew HampsbirHam -arrtiRale RrriRaclk x New Ilamp- sbIe, 1 e Hmpair xLigbt Sse.Liabi Bosser z N ew Iapse, Liehi Sus ex Barredi Rock. AIea 12 pure breod. AIl] v ersunent approveti from Pulum tested b)reeir. ý'ree cýaalogue anti pnicEliai. TOI, r, Albj.7-tl ; IOICs -,>specaprice for Kýarcb. wigh i hybrid ca c, bLeabamu teck- ü*rels", le.c vnt e arshatobîing cbles for, ailfeicoe ra. Lîve arrIvaI guiar- "Oxor" ppavtiChicles Bye, hp ad 1y7 Tbep are',the resulte ai oftw enltytwodeare ai arei aboinandi b ee ditgin lx0.13.S, Tbey bave taý be ti, t.scause *,,.ee want fthe vrp ïbesî tinti i hicta far caur otan flAks -bl. igmos ud earip maturing. VWa atrss ?7gireaAtiuniiarmiýty. Barreti Rocks -Wbhiietgt rs -Hm.xRockCrsbes holm Cr Vbats rite for free f ol4em. The Oxford 'rmr'C-Operative Troduce Comn paily, Lmiei,ý4 Ml.Street. WýooticU, o tari o, fr Pcb lib2su 1-0r, $2.00 Der, 0 ss ao.-axd biles sud pulis aai bargaiu piîes, rie oayfr pricelisi anti(lfree calende r. ig Rock rmMille Rnclten. lug? VWrite ta us for InfoDrination, We are gled banwr or _question,. Oepartment H.PrersDye Work tmled ' i1Tnge Strect, Torota- Ontarlo. ORSALIE Aic MODE n o-mpIlee li uppded asLa sevc tai1on. vory fatp-vrably siltuated at th d0 thhrivop gtawu cforabout 2000 poplatonandrightwhera two havlly traq- veledProini bghwys neet.-IT-he ild- iii, le vryïattacive.w eMl- 11gbt edaond heated itlb ratural gas.Bosies th,1cserv'ice ttin It comprijýss an u-o-aecoflfe erhop itb sporins aodea1lOf wblcb g otmaliee2a înaner ip-akiing bsns.Aiý l kindof auto- mo,!.lie acssre, nluig the famauls Gooypr tre, rec ,arrled lnsoc.TI)e galongeforthy A 97 Tas 72,000 g- 1 ions. Mee a ,wonlderful oppartunit for so' me on1 etaget loto papina buiniess 1foro himself.If p ou ae utrate, oreai once1 and ti uect ior youmrsElf sudget f!urtber par cuars ioreauor rt HE.WELLS HARýLEY ,7DAVIDSQN MOJTORCYCLES Parts and Orvca Sri E Kennetll' &e Soi), 41j Collage StiTo, no s20 ACRES, ý"gaiacanceru. thr'ee soures lecn, mr"" , Parm.Beaver, a il Cash se 11. Writei E. C.Couplaud. oldn13. C. TAXI BUSINESS For %sale inSudury %Ouarlo. Que ci ud- b'ury's leaclijng and mast popao taxi business wlcb eîigtt new carn sud ail mo .dern 'lrge garagesud sevice etpan. $30.0001 cas1h or --Ptioa be arranged, Write (ieorge Apeb,14q 7 EdwLrdAve.,* Sudbury. PUEBED etr drJn, ell-furrad,1_17ëotb- 1er Stiiadard s l uerloe nt alf Bld, Progey ai rise inuer. Rcdced Prî'es. M) isEseJbso.R..N.9 eebr Calte. ýPuilevsy ii rce First reasonaqble of fer acpe.J .Patio, 110R4IWod bridge. FOR, SALE,. ae ue Market, TbedZord, Ont, iibelh11rceloCoOIstaragýe, b iCher sop main poit'Ionc 'nerlocle: living- quilart-rs avgaod steacly Dbosnees; Wan0de;ful iouristfirade. CURLING ocks. Pne,,t ImlortetiSats Ilualt;404 b,,. eah; baIlanced avd Mace;Excellent guaranteed cýonditionp: $40 pair'; 6 depasit. Write CptlEua 0', ARDSoa i 1ilicb idegay print ram- J nais. y1vped anti w>, 2.00. 100 plenep print 5 x5-0100. Ail posipald. Colonial QLîit Ca.iBanfodOutario. REGISTERED Dachbshuud Pem le.b Ilkan Ori. Choice bloodlijes.iunocuiated, 8M1. Ca)l a illes.parents rne heel'rs. mlaie 1Puleples.$5.00. Laudve3l Uo1endeýr, Drapianu, NO FOGGY Einse, leslld.l ot îeatb'er wlth S r.~u revents mIsO trami fet.o team.G ant ees ,ea Ïviion Samipla 25c. Tear'e suiply $l.00. MIo57'r Agnl P ox C-, Lavis, Que. CIOOPING miii conretscorietruclaon. staey Taerowe. ½ cres lani %with üad Ibrick bouse. Oeal for fieed bu1siness. LId b1 aonVerted for light auatrlg gk baginlai$7.000. Apply Box 4, 73 5 LBS. -FINE QUILT PCS. $L391 Colorful saimn. Px*etiiesi des'i9us. Gue'ruteet wshb z ottions. erinie, broad- clotis, stunninasiltie auilting psatchesi, a2isorted sires. making attractive ouýlts. prefsrred' iselerition, '1 50 "1J<20 s. 59)1. 5RE 9 1 olu;lt ieignis: Neeie bead.RiniitLance witb a rder. eiveyxtra. 1YDS. REMNANT PIECES$1 691 Wasbale Coton rints.ro, cots ius etrn boutI " t 90"widtbd ini ma -MONTIREAL REMNANTS Station iI. Dept, 4, Montreal. ROW Crop Trac-itor.CocDksmuti 70. Puilî - -eou1InpEd. 'This tractor isw. Rv.P-Eaniley, SoobrOnt. BE A HAIIZDRESSER oiNtECANýA)DA's ,EAINOS('ool- Amrc'sgeatetspstam. lflustratJed cata loue ifree.%'Write or Cll SCTIOOOLS 908 BloriSi W', îoraýnlo Brs.scbee 4 Ifine St., rHamiltore & '14 Rideau Street. Ottawal OPPRTNITESFORS MEN AND WOMEI4 EARN MONEY AT OME SPA RE or mIl-limne manyntllng. Learu tate ma,.1lte csudpat bomne sud earn as panoi learoy repndne ors.National Zn- Fitute cf ConfectianaeryP lig'd Delormier P.O.. o 12 atraQue. Commeniciug salary $176 morthly. Bla de- mnandi. Lea,-nruit lhome wiii l-tahn machines. Verp practical carieer. 'r-C fader NEED Iimmeellate etead3Y incarne?Senel 25c ta Greene., 11F Oxford, Toronia, for bookl orn testad mail bsnessbaguian slos- P ETE R ,S T0NA U G - & CoimpIa ry Patent S- -- ,.Esaliba 9.14, Kiu"ËW, [Toronto. B oleet aI Information in reauent. PESO8NAjL "ELLIA COMvINC LBefore Chrst-, wander« fui booki free Ifeg!ddo Mission. Roobiester PROTOG1OAPHY MkkaPo to Service, arohaOnt. Ralz deveioped sund S ints lt.12-14 pints 40c. nWarhk-guaranteed. S-UPERVISORS frwr-ecigPoru lu tuberculosis :nuirsi1na. Hsiaiaif sud arunulty plans avial.App1ly statiMÉ eýxperiencearsd salary egpttdtaSuzperin- Kîitobener, Ontarlo. STUDENT NURSES APPLICATIONS SoeneT he!ng receiveti fo, jthe SrlgChas e ai the Woodstocli GenaraI Nofspîlal Bo'itol for Nurses. Nursiug is sutu oautstandiuig carear, slvtug poli ant future wben oatler posItioné fail. datt- ah reeauramiebt, Junior Mticltinsand. lug. N,ýo Initial cosi: good montiy ashow' plicai on paperË, write: ~- uperitendent cf N-urses. WofodstoCk Genecral Hospital 'Hoot' Man NOW ithat Britain's railways are nationialiýzed, the publ!)ic wants that extra bit of service. One of the latest requests asks the engineer of the 6:20 a.m. Hast;ings'AshfDrdl itrain:ý "Wou!d you beý so govod as te hoot as you go over: the iron bridIge, jusýt o 0f Rye station, ae vie rely On you to get niy lub up for work? ",When you don't boot, we are i a fix as tve caninot buy an alarn, dock ;auywhere. «P .:My Ihusbanld says '110t too) loud' but 1 saty 'blow likt bla2zes,. Rilroaid officiaÏs saidfthe re- q4uet was beinig "consîdeýred." - .~ 't N -s, N s,> s N N 'te N N -o N 't N N N 't N N 'i N N 't N 't 't. N 't N N N 'i 't. 't - N N N N 'o N N N s,. N N N N N N N 't N N N 'o ~0~ -4 s, 't' s N N 'o - 1 'l i

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