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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Feb 1948, p. 6

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haose. o"Isd- 'PTER XXVII re ire tifsteps fopr' vi>sible ýabovýe ten ed tbem'-n démaudý wms îat the Aldmri pWtrValley ghhe sïnapý- cr- lu = Modern Etiquette IBp Roberýta Lee Luifthe ard ils beyoud Mi'1,1ssion Rideurere neither cattle rior pcerwere wont ta ra;y, Juan ita de Culevar biaciblît a ncamP- fire close ta the steecp ride ai an arroyo. Her riseal perparefd, sewalked aimlessly, ta ,lIlinteuts, in a-twide circle aýround the lire. Suiddenly shIe imotunted Peý?dro, wblom she badj Ieft witb -itrailing ïreins rnear0y, and thse cry of a moiunitaini lion cmeta ber prmcticed lip.Sire rode off, feaving the breakfast ta keecp hot 'an a pile of stones she iad heated in tce campre. Drifting oti thc' earlymong windcame an anrwerig cat'rcai She rode fre.Wheu she.- and El Caballero KRaja had imade ohIrM ar- ranemet tey1hAd eiddthat shé wms neyerutA le found jn his Company as long as tbey stayed in Deep Water VallIeyý .--N6rwo they ev er b e seenl togethler over aàcmphe. Sa she had pre- pared bis breakfast mud had ici t àt VTai tin1g wi lf e le hadri Jddcen away. PrereCntIV Michael Valdez --ap- peared, te-thered El Cielo md ie"c gan to uroîf dwn isimeal. Who uras thiere ta sa]y bho hadnoýt pre- pared àitblsel!f? Anid bowas 50 canny as ta rvecognize ïin this waNd-ierinig llack-haired vaua thse famourre-eae outlaw? Valdez ate slowly iter is first appetite urar satirfied, and wben lbe hiad fiuishied he crflykilled thec lire, cilenedand cacbedthe it'. Tewitlihbis gaudy cosquistador rai ment stwdawmy, be rde mta' w ard Gold Crcek vwith a cigarette dlangling from a nc corner of bis malutb, the blile umokce drifting maway on ftbe -wmnd. Before he ha d travcled far, thai, b Michael Valez reired un knew better. 'ci yet- * words were f lung out, munr arase frai» Ahe he ranchiouise living ce him-self uras figbt- le to0k a quick step st hie head ont ta face It adm-iit a lie like tisal any rmanl" ie fluung ri.> Sainid'- oni Don At- and sprailg )ed aliv ethnfeu ve in tise packed roo-m, ougb tise door. Guins balo!lad wistled ng baorre urose booTs rugl. tie gray eai daui. F, a markSmmln yelled ng hasmnswayed. ire as 2gîinsl' igot hlm bmd, Andy " ad s ie bLdte-d fur tise ssie onl, boys, aI'l of O't gct far. Ho ecan't, for logut tiseway * * 1n tise cold gray sylos f emrly morning, limbing up, cross- irig tbe fIat top audi quickly fleeing douru again, be chad glimnped a rider traverrsing a kruoli sa round it looked likçe ea balved bal. And as, Suddenîly as the rider lipd flash- ed ;mb oView, lhe ,uTaS gane. But Michaeacl Valdez had seenl. Ou flh. instant he ha4j recoglized the Mexican cloting, with sp;arling couchas, the red sanad necïçer- chie! woru by tise mysterious riderý ahead, and tise coz-t4-shappd hat that lu tise distance were exactly like Valdez' D-wII. Il uras ac) fof! tife heur occasionis Upo01-1 biclr Michael Valdez wai frank ta admaitleidren-d snrgýlng cnriasity that he had ta fli ard ta douru. Far as mIuci a' he would have iked a clouer Vieur af thatf rider abead, this uras Iý ins l D fr hlm ta go ;inve stigting. That rider certaniy loaked like -ne," h mttre Wartb seeiug, at thiat, becauise 'm îlot leIt lu tise dark. For sýureas fate somlebody arounu4here has sPtarted ta trade under my brn-ehair and m21U" (To leCniud She Hmd BHer Chance Mrs. Younýg, passing the fish- mainger whilrt ont shopping, s;top- ped ta make a cmampîmit. Those 1oes bonght f rom you yesterday, M'Nr. Joncs, iwere nat fireShY! 'Well,m'a" answered Mr. Joues, "tb'iat'r yar, f aift, 'not mine. I've offered tbhem; to you every day Ibis wekAnd you COuld've 'ad them oa, Mondmy if YOu'd IlikecdY ÏSSUE Y1-i1948 SI F REVIENUE J A C K SON -COL E Q. When z anai',; taking a girl ta the theater, shudhe o h girl foll 11ow directly behind the A. The girl should go first if followirig an usher, Wheri there is no usher, the -mn shouald lead the ,way. _;,Wat is the correct pr-oceduýre a n u rsually foilowis when bIuyin)g a at 'enCut ring for bis flan- Cee ? A. After he hias proposed anid been accepted hé and the girl usu- ally go ta the~ jeweler's together andSelect a ring that lu lin accord witb the desire anrdtaste of the girl. phîrase foer a. wifc ta use wheni Î- troducing berhsbn to another A. "Mrs. Barnes, nsay 1I1present Q. 1s it ,oOdl fornifor one to, uise his iiiason avîitngcard? A. The Vpoper form lu ta have the name appear uni fu'i. Q. Shoulda man awasrisec iwhen b Ieinginrucd A, Yes, ialways, rgrdesof whetber tbe ath-er person is a mani or a wamn, IdGr young. Q. Jrit al riýghît for a girt a . dneta owd -r lr'nse tot g oing to1 he res0ng 1oo1? A. Yes,. wher she cari do so in- ca-nspicuously. AIea SAritt Analysis of Writing Reveals Handicaps A -ueiýghbor toldnme that you have analysed bler san's bandwvrljt' inig and the relpacrt was î0 much lîe lm i-jansd bis way's that' I de- cided ta write ta ou fI or a frank and trutbîfUl analysis of rny san'g bandwriting Ms srchloal %work hi very poor aIhei? cns's lyget- ting into fi, hts wlitb atb bos Wouid yau r, ase assist nme wt If you wlIlook at the amail letter "d-" ti the w vord "waul,i " you wilI firi< David's first handicap). That smnali "d" wic rises above the writin(g une and bas a dlefinite loap fthen cones down striaiglitand finishes bliirtly, 1like a club, telle me that be. is very stubborn, and der inedtabuc opositian for he daes not care ta recognize Standards or accepted custonis ai procedure. Y.iou can belp him with thi by teachiuig hhm the rules aif fair play an.,!encquraging hbu to take part iiu team vwork wvith th* other boDys. T he leituï ~"V' and "e are very taîl whicb reveals pride, and plenty of it. Ble la a 1boy who tbiniks a lýot oi his personial honor Imd wjll force the issue when cbal> lenged by otlber boy-5 on ibis Point. The wlde open «aV' is indicativ'e of bin dectermiriation tai be frank and aýUtepoken Which ih 1 nother goodJ charaicterisiiebuit agan ti-s over- emphasized. Thie lrg adsprawl- cd out writing -vwLih;thelong jours er lbaps f! the letter IV' are indi- cations bhis desire for chanige and variety jlu whatever be delt, for routine matte-s un d decta il uroris cause hlm ta lare i ntereet rmpidly. The a, ity ta o centrate ir. absent ln bis sýcript and this miust be a definite handicap ta bis Studies. lit -woufld be ta a de.- cýided advanItaýgeta vary iss cboal work as frequeuitiy as permrissible as he i's at bis best urben Ithere le anitysd cbaniging conditions. Love of sport, mvmetand change "!seuryare ailincte ini tbe rcript au ed he might benlefit by mxigstudies and s ports ta give hlmi fuilIepsio of change from t -ocmlucli iconcentIration at one time. Powei John 14:25-26Î A, Galatir ns Golderi Text - Bu pOwer, mter fthat is camie upon yo witncsstinta nie kem, andin ah iji mnaria, and uta il cf tbeeat-Ar lu thlis quarter we have about God tde Faher and IL Son Jesus Chrit. To- consider the thrd persan Godheradthe ly Spirit. Revelation neyer goqs juýta "But boyoJU ask,, "coUr thie place of jesuis when H, H dr d inito baoven?" Fi e Pr the Hloly Spirit. Fie, ai( shhtea;cli You ai1l thin. brinig ail tinsta o nr rC rance whasoeve I hve-s Yam" c--i- The Spirit asgwien on thday of Pentcost wbich came f fy ays aftr te Pssoer.Itcomm-1eml- orated the giving ai the Lawv at Sinai. The Spiritcame upan anc hundred and twnty Mbeliveswha M ere assenbied tagethecr. The phienorrsena acman în he Spîr- it's descenit were sigi3ifica:nt. There was a rouind as ai a ruiug mnighty wÎnd. One word eýxpresýss«i and "s.pirit i'i bath the Hlirew anrd the Greekç lantguages:. V7Wrind l a sym-bo of!lthe Spirit, The tangue of fire pointed ta the fart Mhat od had niourtaken up Hie abode i His hlumars temnple. But wht s- tonndd e m en fraDn, i may lands, gatbiered on, tir festi've occasio)n w.ras that theseGaias were munr- culonsiv ,talicd ta preach the Gosý- pel t nm their ai wn ilangtuage. l iLesson mie mckedbut ipany listcne4 tc messa-ge in thir a ang The g11 t of ithe Holy Ghost nr4 ):q but file thleibarts (Aý, iu prq Spîrit. "T evfuit love, joy, peace fuij cluster, yet Love beads the li beak n theasto Jeruis Crist, Ir was imted ta , tuiie. Bu te i wberreevaigCi ai men. \Wce ogi seIves"-Comipletely WeL shah Ithýn i 11f e and bear ani in, a ueey wrld ane is hmnmaity, place at anc :prtis eVeýry- t0 tll theeartu tayel ur- Risdoii. the beautifulý ective -wItifler RAMveKY k# * Now-for extra-fat bakiug-it's New Fieischmmtsu's Royal 'Fart Risieig Dry Yeas. No need to keep it in the icebox-it stays fresh iii the cuphoard for weeks - riglit there whser you need it. Just dissolve according to directions. Then use as freuli yeast. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME-you cari always ke-,ýep a large supply ready for "huirry-urp" bakiug -mot-e deliciotis baking resuits. Order Fle schm ain's Royal Fast Risiisg D.yYeast frorsiyour grocer today. '4 ~ Make inlua jff Outline ýor chain stitcb forths gorgeous roses! Easy ewnjust 2 main patteru Parts. Blouse '-can tuck in1, toa I iPtterii 782; emýbrodery tran-s- fer; blouse patteru in sizes 14,, ) 18, 20 ; 32, 34, 36. 38, 40. State size. Send TWENýTY-FIVE CENTS ini coins (rtan1ps ca-nnot bc accept- td) for this pa--ttern ta thie Needle- crafit Dept., room 421ý, 7 Adlaide St. Wes.t, 'Toronto. Prînit plaqinly PATTERN NIlM B ER, your NAME AudAD]DRESS. HO(w Can 1? By Anne Ashley Q. 1Ho.w cari 1prevent hin-iig roughi and unisightly e1Lba)Ws? A. Scrub thse elbaws every iigist width warm water and soap, usirig v, soft brusb. After they are dlean, iins;ed, ansd dry, massage with warm olive oil. Keep Up this treatmient for turo weeks and uce thse impreve.. mesit. Q. Wlsat arecrmesimlple rulles for red-aciug? A. Eat slowly. Masticate thor- oughly. Taise btonre servirig. Do rtot eat betweeri meals. Avoid starchy vegetables, pastries, candy, ualad als, butter, cream, cake, ansd ail t.hngs cositinirig sugar. How- ever, reducing should bc doue uncler thse cire of a competerit physiciari. 7erv 1 W4 ve ra a e W-,e

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