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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Feb 1948, p. 7

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= ider ýaXilq. ýnset *e3 army flouir 1-4 Concordi of rock paper ana cW i î-nemwrIu. When mren4y ta use, cut ve-r>' tin alies. Put 1taspoosonange Liammnalade os onet alc(ýice nd top ith another. Preas edges togeýther and hake. Chocolat. Nut MeIt i squame cbocolatc nnd dd te douigb,. Mix iel, Add Y tea- spLoon vailila, Worlk lun/zcup 4hopped walnuts. Spice Add 1 teaspooni alîspice au d i teaspoon cinnlaman ta basic do'u1g h. Chapiped waintutsayn'2be worked DiVide dougblu fitwVo, oeuepor- t01o1 lqrger than t'ne otbier. Flavaýr targer Portion with /tepon almond Rfavoing, and set aside. Me.t'It i square chiocointe aniI add te smýallem Portion. Fiavor l teaspoonvaila.Fori-Into jlong rail on wa,,xed pnpem ak ecn portion '1ndJrali liot o a paper to widtb f about Atite luches andi length of lu luches. Place çhWooate mati on this pou- t ieni, an d iwmnp a)liondifdavo re-d dougb arouni coaa ae Wbhenrisiiced, and bakedere wil be a chocalate center boWndti by a vide crenm border. Orange Mix 2 tablespoons straincd orange juice with dougb. Gae skon of orange, and Work lu. Lemon box 2 tablepoonastAmainei man Mbice wi±bdeugis.Add gntedskis of lemon. Sugar Cheapest 0Of Energy Food& Wb1ile co)zsaof moa comodtie zontiue ta mse, refined augar me- mrains the cbecapest of ail stale foatistuifs Pvailable ta aada conisunxers. A suLrvýey juat com--iplett- cd at Jhatbarm, Ont, sosthe Sof icsgar ta the husAboder te bc five cents per 1,000O caloies--a fuiti -)( percet belaw'tlkcoat ofi breati %vhicb plnces secoIý note lut of on-piced energy foatis Thirti tram the standpoint of eccu- omy are potatoca at nine anti a baîf cents per 1,000 calories. Wintr cnbbnge ceas tht con- sumer ne lessata" $î.1Bper 1,000 .caob&e. C ots Y otemstape foot preducta per 1,000 caloriea CiaW: Rib ronat beef 792, cents, back bacon 32 centq, cheese 25 cents, butter- 21 icents, isilk 2G c5t,;rce Il cents and l -VIhItcemIseana 1ctnts;. Poor Bill ' Ii l o is nsebraices ln tlsee places." iWlT f be takes pniadvies~ keep aut of thonsc plcesa lu fttturt." -"I-J- = CHRONICLES 8? Gwendolhwc P Clarke «Z-----* Soime -1thnkthat juilst aS1 SundII('ay ,waýs a oitas a daLy of rest- wich f cquetlyisnI't .- se Modywas sr eintda- Moinday ;la the onlýy dy the week when iw-bîng c be d one with amuy anti fatio-tht i ifonle wnts te) ihnng it out anýd bve Étatleast baif dry. 1 neyer gave the atter fhlmch thought unt-ifl ls"t ar and thein I began tri taJke oi-n act ac- cordin-,gly, And sr, it happenied that ýwhen' a friend phone'd me quite early atMondny adsi-Aeyugo- ing ita wnsb toýday ? -I atrlrally anawred-l exect o."But then IÀ "WelI bogh IwOuld couse d!own f or the ay U f ou'me wasb-. ing t.xaybc I ha't Ixeter. lilbc tbreug b tnthrt 'Se my rindcame ta',0visit- arii 8a 45-sýa vt ile a% à orke-d, he!ped we h olandi excaimd t m god ortnewhen she oti"ced ta arurtook over ithe job of biaxx-ging e cut ïth.e clothes. Personnlily, I thinýk tixat a Splendid -i ht an-g onG cotesafter get.- ting overhetd tth asigLa chiine or u. h chances arcyoti wiTT enl-,y have c ife awhy net try ta keep el r as long as you canl? Afte ~Tnnermy rind 1 Iwerc sittng n th liing-oomdiscussing Sng "t'Gtobd ouare net eady -weV couild liave s trippcd the paperf offtody," said my vsiteor reg-ret- f 1l . Ilooked a esensing thse fact ta cg natx0wnlShe .as alr>.ady gP ig ie cf doing nohn.Sae 1 seed"utiam reAy-we caooa t t igh noýwif yulike T AndweddB fvetirythe -'waIIa wer-ebre Sa, tlthat y dear f miends, 13 the way I1etertain istea.Was my d (ay aud toliet whe'n Iwas eady ta cpaint she wold(loe ta camne dawn and help. As, ýiu-h ave id, or vi'sit far byetter iftbvre inot treatec Ati what-, therc, c WeII, enthsiaus.AITmy fforts for theý r ût ft'h e we eeSpent lu kcpuor tryhg a ee, h hou~ reaonnîy wrm.But mis that I did not sau cýcd, ,at1 îeast sot as l'tng as (--mthewnd was b4Owirg. Whýenit d, rop.ped, we were sniug as ' eel b ven at sliten below. Or was ittt ou anc cfithosýe xcold finys i had a letiter txat Warin- cd mec righlt anth cocts fmy Z Relive itusn a J ffy - e¶~~~4cen O O.O.l- x Ipc. i-Sih uhes d c hearfThoa ssaUlettu ront a fr-ienf1i lu ngan ho wrotc- I AM CMNF ja iethat -u big C;apitas.. Tentati-epan are titat she wîil arieby air- for an xtended visit at titeieid cf lerpresent achool yeair. I suppose iteme wiliTbe tht usalmd tapete othoghw mualit guaastLee tebe espansible forhem keep -wýbPcie s ahere as. five pounds is as mnuch as as>'- nc l ',isa loe ta brinýg with therfl fram Eî.gTan but slxe hopes te be able ta doe omthn ta pay hermway. As tatha, Ihave becs iven ta undemstand that nd per- son isit1ing iCanlada laî alTowet ta taire a slreijbwntas a protection ta, Cana'dian Citien;s- but 1 suppose teewould h .1n0 objection teanyu iei fut or fing it, ylu wherever fthemre l tempomar>' Shortge afibelp. In auy caeIarn jxsot wmi Another letter me got tits wcek was au fr rieutP in tCanada recenltîy lef tawio, xdtrosir distres s he wote"I stbaving snbatime becan eee are five yeýars' incarne taxretrtiste alt, eut!" Wil people' eyerleamu? Ju3st imiagine that poor ittie, womnu, Whobas nevMr been e- qut taelp ittflinancial xiat- tcrusnota sddnly findhersef faceç4 wihsuch aggi a sk. Isup- pose ber Saie usband vias ose of temswloithe he (aV71c" Gvernsmeut did sot bother bm hogtit was aht miht to lm ep lialoe.But a Ftom th!t recenit contcý ite. Baud Ai VINNER ai! about. Bill writes: t *my Opinion that the "King cf Sig Tommy Dor- se>' bas thc beat baud. I1 ke T.D. foýr mlas' reasons but the firat and frommst ,la because Pevery man iln bis, baud la given a fair chance. 1 meian he doet snot hog the soTos. Tommny aIse gilcs bis vocaists smnootlx baclkgmoxrnd mwitljis soft brasa section (au 'I ;%vpieces) anti % 'I blended saxophone Section. Fin- ally bis fast pieces are extremlely inIstmnxipraï - Veur fiend. Bill Gondrichi. v ouùg feilow We knlow frets in bis, bard, (3) Sammy sounds like a very Swell gu-ý t0 getiong viltlx WVe seldfom rcei-ve letters f romi fdilows as youxg as Mlurray, but we are very pleased te receive tlxcm. Thlanks to ailwh entered the con- test. We hoPc th1at you iw l al enter again next mionth and nany more as WCI. You can read the e taijla of the Feb)ruary conitest at th bottomn of the column. lu the nu- turc ofVuha M ro has gone out ta B,,IH î orihwith our best Our Apologies To, Coiborne For some tue new we hiave bceen spelling Coîbornie as Coihourne and the gang dlown ther'e have talcen us to- task for it- WeV of fer apologies te, thé Keen Ki and hocpe tha,.t BiT! Tye anid severa1 cothers w-1,11Quit k-id'dinig our Ciorecorrespondentt Dev. Wilson abatit it. Glad ~to hear that sorile ofyencamne ta Bey. «WýiI- sor's aid lusin uln nw aterlal for lwr~ dances and Club Iixeetings. Bey.assme cta tba l iTwh arswered ber requcat for help. The KeoïxKlbof Colborne îs holing a danfc in ebnayte maise funds te purchase a txew record player. Thai,,t Klub la quite luterested iu findfirg ut wo a prrson by the naine of "Sqiairetoed Miiginty" las. Seems that they reccived a letter fnn rOdt charater wha suggested day of rcoigalwvays comes- and It ian't thitgoverp-ment who boss out. Surely th1e ;last any mra c2an d0 for his wîfe- iS to 3soarrange bis buisness affia hat he w1» not be utdulyemarsed if, Mud when, she la left with the fuibrd- el] of rsosiiy MURKAR thev maise This 1% Valentine Week This Saturday being St. Vatený- &ieadY wc arm reuinding aIT yeu guys out there te get your shopping doue early. f mf yo:ý -U are as forgetfuil as wc are, you'iT iseetim littie mnilider about so0w. P-. ýWe were goiug to wrîte a valenine poem, bttafter fthe insulting m- markls folIlowihg arChriarnias effort, we'il be hanzged if we wiT Make lnp your ownloua>' potuis. What's Wrong Out There Prom the, littIe ibit Cf correape- deuice coning luhere ià weuld actais as tbiough our correapoudents arc stilt getting oVer Crs±xso es thintga are gencrally quietmndthe Province. Don't forget ta aend ;lu ail tise new"s of your CIlb activities ta titis coînnin, that otiters may k'eep up-to-date- on wlebat you are doing. How abiout lettin ta 1 have yoir ssew satec f 0f ficers for tht year',9'48. OUR FEBRUARY CONTEST This mnonth we arc c f fcring a lo-ve!>' attograpbedt picture, sxtalble furm frmiixg <ni"The Golden Voice 0f RdoWishâmý CIapbýeil. ru 75 wards cmr less telI us wbo yùur favourite radio singer la and v-wby. Reýmember, it muaIIt be a Caniadian Radiao Sngr.These Pictumecs Are personail>' autographeti andi weTi wmhahvinig, Thisý contest la open to ail TenAgrsluthe Prcmnsce; ,you haýve-a chaince ta ,Win evcry montli, se get bus>' uow. 1Tht ,b runar>'Centriest rcss autï he Twenty- wifiî CalumefD __w_ t E N y c ok ejoy successful. stilying esUfs, if tdeY use Caliu met SBaking Powdcr. Biscuit mixtures and shortcakes are lighu and tender . cks and muffns are feather-light andI delicious ..ali yourý baking is grand, wirh Calumnet- Calumet's double action tprotects bakitxg -frorn stan te finishx. In the ndxng bowl, -tho-sands cf tinly bubobles are formed te prep<are thxe mixture for baling. Buct rie greater part of thee kaveixg cornes in thse oven. Ir can flot be lstor stirreýd out. Follov directions on thet in for any srecipe. BAKIN& POWPE A Preduci efO ATTENTION AL ORESSMAKERS WC have a complete Uine of FABRICS for At DRESSMAKING purposms WOOL - Coatieigs - Worsteds - Plaids - Dress Crepes - Jersey. RAYON - Crepes - Pr.nts - Jerseys - satins - Lingerie Crepes. COTTOINS - Prints -Corduroys - Suitings. W0,RI.TE US YQUR R.EQUIREMENTS AND WOE WILL$SEND YOU FIEE SWATCIIES AND PRICES Dept 'l A, FÂSHION FARICS LTDO 1521Y~geStreet, Toronto Ninth ff Cthis 1u00nth, àand ttl -,wùr tning lettecr wili be ainouinced and4 ~ bihdtwo -wneeks after. Owing t. fixec fact that we- are sufferiag frets x beavy siege of the fû, W* are going te s-top riglit here. A Changt The c '-ar was paying a caTi on soxuecf thi6 parisloners whew. lk had -lot Sceen for Some tweeks, .54 his lat yisi vins tao oe of tii. eldest residtixts of the village. After the peiixaiswere over, bc sat back te have a chat wvith the ü 1d mn "! understand you have a son le Hollywood. Duo yeu se* him ofteFI?" he aslced. "Ahi, he'sa been home every sens- mer for f jve yearul'" "Anid does he bring his wife vilti hlmi" "1edoes, sir. And f ive fine gala theiy were.

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