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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Mar 1948, p. 1

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ORONI md Mrs. Ed. Dean I 'The Ider thi 1948 Lrena, Friday ýcri ption $1 .501 per Year fl~.Mar.5 iMen Entertain At S",tree t ter à bri( ýtion id ais 11-plece musical c'n Aý-pril 9thi. Furtier nlext woeek. W. rd. S. Mieeting -out To Remain United C, tin iones of thle audience m-any wrrc ,nae i la pro- Thie March meeting of the mnan's Milsionary Societywa t iieon Tuesdlay', Mardi 2nd, alid altho Ëien, bu1t tere was a v'ecry severe storm, ai 0f sot twenity-five atteitded the meeting, tihe have-. president, llrs, Delve, was! in i iterprîse The devotional v;a s taken, by - neCh thm Porter, thie theme being "'The I gent lenim it. gol i rý whom yc 'Sameh p, aan everyhl 5s LU U1jeL ot niake utni lio anfth te asks nie to1 I h ad ne pi ite te hliim -y tongue ji ve o take tiam- V'cn said nothi ices Armistrong gave a sin f' the ?resbyterial held lie. 's group had charge o)f le, the miiiacl numlbers ruses by tic group anid by NiMrs. C. Duncan and obbledick, bt of whîch joyed. Miss M. .Davey ter ia the study book in Leresting imanner. rs gathered in the Sun- 0on irihi the foienioonu, dininer and supper, an-d Liiits to be, sent overseas. Dn:; arn, a Ii Ian 1: GeV out in the alley. n: 1 amr nt going Vo mnember bebl'ackened Me. Deputy Speaker: Ti e hon. memiber for Regina City bas said titat ie retracts aay statemreat w1hicA wvas off ensive Vo ie lion.iember for Durhaim. 1 tbink,- that is s-atisfactory. Mir. Graydon. 1He rctractcd one and )made aniother. Mr, Stephienson: May I say tha,-t thus is just one of tie irresponsilble1 statements miade b)y thiese people. i Mr. Graydoni. It is niot muccl won-ý der tiey are recciving -COpimunist support nowv. -Mr. Prob)e: Mr. Speakýer, tie(ien member foýr Pee lias norih to in- tetrfere at tusç stage at aýil. I triecd to tell tie othier bon. gecntl n. throuýTbI imi, that 1I lad no dsr ni st'IlI have nlone, to apply any innuen- doca sto Ihlmt, but I efseto b ic -1 soc ne on.nem r or otlierwýise in tu ilcuEsec- f Conmmonis H--ave Within Yearl eive the benocfits cf tic iroug i",te depots cif the itlile poics it "s or0,building sites e heen concluded, aise, aid, so Viat depots wl Lia a pneriod of montis ed to r Thanks Goodyear Empi For Cake At Chri Thefoown salte by nlemlployee cf the G Plant at owaIvile froni ployee of the Goýodyear in-i England, in reýpùonse to the of Christinas c-ake sent by t' adlian 'Goodyear wor.kersý. O emiployees ilahs couitry 1leer unrîstmacs giftn-money to senaý Christimas cake e England. D eecemner,-, 19 47. Fi' gladi the box didnt h ave Mo to lie opened before Xinias;" on it. We1 opened Ht yerterday, and was ti Cke good. It was grand and w look for- ward to soie more of it on 'Chisinag Day. For, in tiese clays of our nus-! terity, cake ocf this sort, you in-ow, is bard te come hy. HV was xtraor- dinarily niee of yeu to send it and the idiea and triouigit behind it wrmi-, ed tihealrt. But ie you Canla- diaiis wee 'v - i that, and so from or Godya' ate oanother, thank you very illuci indeed. I hiopeCisma was good to yen and t1hat the New Year w1ill iring, gond heaiti cd hapine to youan those you love. Car Stolen At Cohourg Burned On llighway Afte a estful Sle epait the Quce11's Hc~,Cch(urg, -rucently, _Mr. Ppter J. ~Matier, of Peterborl:toui, dressed iand leisurely aVe bis breakfast. 11ow-ýever, lie hecam-e greatly dis- turhed when hle ljeft IVo go to tie lot behind tie lietel for his car wiblie had par'ked there for Mie nigibt, apon arriving at nti lt le foapd tWt os car had disapneared <hW-nsg Meç,nineht. aton-aew-hotmeans Vo contrili- ie. uite Vo the Appeal. A MacDonald, chiairtuan of' tic cs national comimittee for Vie United asNations App cal f or Chili dren an-c groutps sponsciring thecmpigis ivdissned a statement reauestittg that year scli areas wiich are niow without fa- cmy- Mitiesfor ontip tiiw t tne Cana dlian Appeal for C ate wili iatio Canadian Appeal Sparks Street, 01 tions and supplies 'It is amaziag- mlunities wiijch se-( peal aýre witiout ml-eets a universal dren cof Vie world citizen.s of tointorr( Vliem., Thpy muý wî,-tn wirs. iEdgar Mrs. William jones off Newtoi Miss Antna ' dla3siii To-rontc Eari Maynard. Mrs. Shield, spent a few da,ý Ce rroIl Nichoil. Mr.a'dMis. spnSuiffay w rarrwlu . ýI Payne spent tie Mdr. and Mrys. Ethan onville. N'ichioIls spent a few 0with ber sister, Mrs. of MoLuntPesnt ys withiMr and Mrs. Biih Egden aa'nd pat ýýitl lMr. and Mrs3. Bert M4r. and Mris. George tMlartyn of M' elcome-, üand AMiss Dorothy -Maon, cf Port Ho(jpe, spent rayein with M.andi Mrs. William Mson a- Despite-the bad roads, nS11---1y >- sehool was held at 10.30 witipla 'attendiance of hirty-Vwo. 'Chuirch ilj followedi with Dr. Oke pre-aching on 1-1 "The Utteranices cf Jesuis". The Youvng Peopie'sý Union lield c teir weekly meeting under Mr. Clar- , ene Nichoil. Among tbe business 1 brought Uip was the entertainment te ie held on 3arci 24nh at tne church. The Faem F'oiàum was held at the Ihome of Mr. and AMes. C. Payne, aInd as it was reviewv night, a odds cussion foUroued. Progressive eucre, was played and Mr'. Clarenice Nicholîs m-he p iye s a womnan,wo the ladi.~ ighprize, and -Mrsc. An Thordykethe low prize. while Mr, 1Arnoli Trd yk on V i ir-t prlize 1-frithemen and Mr,. Harold IBest the connsaion prize. ic'Old ýBl c a",teevoe.s blecing seet in the southern song. Mi-s. M.l. T mya presadfent off tue W'. A., thanked dhe men forsag ig Vie "enn%.She was of the opinion that ttie nien's jkes were very- peisoiial a t tUrnes, but tiey eni- joyed it, an-id se did we, She sIud 'l ('nt piay wavvs cigfrom iiBowiitn- vlle tice 1stprt of Arknown ns asaiDaisynd Iith t ird -ociail eveiarlg wi]l b-e ield thee latter n~tof A-lpril, %vhich inilcles ail la- does. The programmne vwud un the en- ter-tairmient wih mre jokes andf aOons1A lunch Aof ckaodAc,-cream broglt 0 vsry sucPsafUl evenbigs entertainment Vn a clFoe Artiýficial Insemenation For Diairy Cattie A Pri Over eventty-five dir y cest tle ledeaattendied thie me ing ,i Orono Town 1Ha-ll on Mndyaf'er- cUIoca ilastfor, Vhe purpose Vo inv"esti- gaie and pesîsihly form a- 1Dutir 1ianlly Counity Untit of tie proposcd artificial insemination, centre for tic Lake Shere [Counties. This move is graduauly swýeepingwestward along Vie Lake Shore Counties, frcm Fron- tenc e o Durham iCounity. f citas home to s closely. taet

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