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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Mar 1948, p. 6

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)om, 1a.rm i Loosehy ,chosed win.dows, untock- detnptenity of fn-igid air. he e0m d cose a induw hintue ronrnng bcsure tu o kit tighhyl,. Windw sades, or ctosecd Vene- tan bindls, kee-p theý coil iof thre windawpanes f rom peuetraing in- to a room. ýGlass wnosare ah- warm enough. As soon as nigi fahîs, ull o the shiadeCso Close the bhindJSý,Csu ilIa-t tbey actu- alhy toucliiiewndwsilI. on an epi tx ycold day, 1 Pull down tleshdesaithde back ('1Fou osadkee-p îhîem down :Yday. The dffeence in confont arec alvys sorCces if drafts. Screcnls, or prirfor thiemi, stop Ohesedrafts aMd kee p eheat fr being oss ntelt iint hlwas -Aitier sa esv uhîour 1bouse is 1by goinig bdun hou-r carhieratighti.Tning cdown the thermnostat cune h'rour cadi aigCh hs'eans sav;1ing fuel'seven !hO-Lrs a week. The addd rsi is g(-oodfor vss toti. Those toif usb0do not wauÉtlusIcp re ea iinibed Say slayi n the - f(C1ou nisof n siton tifAbert One squaws an eqMuavuce airs os; the tn ibces. ,staiaeIndian urber (ibe 23 cheï(f tif themA- lo(t oif vmnin li.e earty he Nosth American Indian thiappv (one. H'CIldas ltuile il a chud %itb a sca ut muiicili igielian thal, t of burden, sic dàidite rk ti ý thCamps ýand cr atsfor- the warrior we iirycoiltains ti l'i nes )me-iant thy igutreman loinanýCesOf'tif heyune Snug Like A Bus - The RAF [seeiehn with this new type a poure Suit: 1214 ounices wheni folded, it fUis into the Pock- bn lbcMaWetcolVi Weia 'r puts it on, then infates t tW "Ce buoyancv as wu!h a air insuliation again-Stc oid alli dmp.'llght Lt. F.Latham models it at Farnborough, Eng- iand. tt.%- 94. r,, O8, U5 S. Army HORIZONTAL 55 Hfawaiian ~ Fi FTYTI..4O R.A".~ORE u I1~' 894s1 SVDRO 5L T mandr ofu. istubanc N 8 ECUSNAVAL A M L ArCyELt1 VETICA OE Gen PhrtlEerntTsl 12 eshlead S U dLt i t'àD-1 15B y7alph1abet ofigatapd mn 17~ ~ Sot'aiue8Oeig 29 FetiJsh 15Sucso (a"b.) 9 Ascndd 3o Bumese 47 O 18 Germ n10 Infrequent wodspirit 48 Seîone 19~ ~ ~~~- CopPspit lCrvt 36Rltinig to 0 Circle part, 20 Total 14 Placed physiciarns 53 Tre prefýix 21 Caress 16 Bend 3 ,TeLuo 5 Lord Lieu.- 22Neaiewr acwrïapin l enan't (ab. 24 Exiat 8 eeU r which Ili.; 6 Symbipol for' 26 Moie23 Islan.d on GuI! forc-es shared smru 28Gaos chemi i 31 Giati-;o 14 b Il ~ Bashan, 33( Ca4lry 34 Baheo o! jo 435Hread of tribe 31 ý 7t 37Customr, 39hly~36 37 3 40 Greek> letter 41 Skïil 46 Pistol. 49 Crystalie À 51 i' 51lConcer In.-g 5'1556 52 Cornmes 541 i CHRONICLES 0F CRUGR FARMS Bp Gwendolmein P Clark,, "And sddeny isSrig!We, mnaybe fl)ot uiebut smweena it anwy W u'tmdtethr mumeer doppig to e aoea ià did hst igh, ite etday the sunp siebrgtand warm-,Ird come huping rouInd thle garden; pickin up 0e oddseedsandbrne that hav been exosed byreceding batiks j fsnw;and we dnt m hen te area tifbae guudin- crae i szeasthe Ccoud snw ml(,tsý unde te aMig ifence ofOF l So's ry-utas coudlooksand! h-urt felng tf(mIpolt vns chennesU.f.So me Oumerpersn who ýif t àshutoings anàd inconveni- gas an ae hraeis sii a As o he owershortý,age - that aybteieshardship M Mdthan we tLat H1 i oe tc ftle con--clusion w Ic 1e reteand wtotwhich The new spring fashons wilI be ready ta wear toutilBt, wliaîabDout you? WiS ou be ready lu wear overdumpyluukthat wnl it m li]e svei ir.es tf tels tls As lie summecr carnes on, coals core OFf andmore ! ou » t- ex- posed to tehateagacso everoneyuukno. Yu cn~tcamn- unflage ordeet wtiaf uhht cuat s ttai owluirindwn coumr figure. Execise ià t02ebesu antitlot enjoyaie aytareuvnaeyouî' appeaance ip, ihls and wa is 1 uisualhy aue i msitroblto here' taceeCce t elyou surbed Begin en yuur banda and kîiees hecad up. Pull ri'glit kaee u:p to th%, cheai, tben trihtakneani Swing keg as hl as passible and back 10 jposition-., Repeat fouir rnes wtiright ,knee, thc-n wlile .ResI. geiliýer.1 Sead THIRTY CENTS (0)(in ccoins3)for "eatyand Helh ThIrough Simle xr c ;s'v " ta0 Reaer ervceRoom 4A21, 73 Ad aide S. e st Trat.Priaitptaialy NAME, 'D)SS BO LE TITLE ailNo. 90. thtve are Stihi absoluey epndn upon naLtural eore -hs ol less'he Ca t, les waýýite r, 1ess e crc poe;and since prcticalhyil aur niduts tieLs depenc id 1uipon hydro p;wer ini some form lÉoroteth tok is -lot !brigit.I t is ;zan aymatrt 3switch frommnowrto hydo-o diifferncit jobs butýi it isl't Suc as to sw%,,itch b-ack agajutomnpwra in man"Iy casestehua an a Su far in os dstpictwe havenot Ihav" no doubt Our time is cosring as ïann hat ouirrainn tisd)y ourlcl du fice u higts ad to iac h ose n toý lkeep )illaitosfrmbrig- toý saynoinoftewsebra 0f course, in othmsteei Still a tatngfronhysoew Stil, catimak e at over a unireA ncýer Say a wrif I ave, u; can bake wNi tb h odktce soe I anl evenred ad orkbyteigt fno a coal-oi uî lamp, u erhl uis if Ieerhvet ahby the tu and vsrub-ordnibdan.Ay tl"hing bt thai * sp glad wevhave our emlvig-romflo anPas l-gung sîea dordaya aie haîf.If i wer1beiL nsd no trould e khc gu d ltyu.è As o that iv ng-rotn3 nst at -1t aouh he int --7er Moîr ndyan1 ueda gi h ate idoffer to-m elp me bu strip that I-was nha ing F ltt troule ih, h eiddtebeih1 cme coMdgie me ivas to keepout ufs iimy i wa!WichSe jdid ontand satude. qde(vP; dayI wasàsuiredf5I wmsas ajust aoutà ready to rt o in my t rcs *a mnpus* Rais 9in TAuS rn- Tn- TET r-T----# 0 0 i rai-il-er, ýjý jl- 1 i'cou!0d go onanid on wtlitts.-ieM NRIa âe M ala m M **E - streslke th'is, poo-psiiv ta mao many arnts are neglecting "the Here's Good News!. .. -M ". trCigo ir chi iden an-d are Are yu between te ages of 38 and inîec'yrepnsbefor thle cie 2adgigtruhthat tryinel s7~ Thus of us vbo come fmoll hom-es you 3asdée. froas hot flashes, ±féel PY wher parnts ave onle their 1ut- d mlXS si o n80flflous, irtbe ek . tecl u adbrngus~ T in A try L3dia ER Pink.ham' --- .--- 'CLststondegetabsle ComnPOuacto relieve Sch 5 mrig=ometms are unapprecatie of aymutomstitM'sa mous for thîs! ths fot.So thle next time a an wise 'raiddle-age' womn e .l ýcpa nture ( îyOn know What çw.' h.Ia 1inha'sCompouud I»eguï- ma!.This groat -medîcLno aisec leara that he is a hitir togli o ai, àlar*0ohelýp build nLp reSiStance bas whàt Dctor cal atoMach-ie agaito'gl ïnst t '2dStrs. tonieueffect reod5o'thl tagis inPinikhiar's Coxpound Ponins NOý "fTE: Oryoa ay r LYDIA E. wo op atea-nonhabr--fir-nogdrugs e. KIKHM'S TABLEIS wih aMd e Woa furver beaus mabeif yon Lamerîý fm ro hetpe of hrome hedi Lydlia E.Pnka ' VEGETABLE COMMOUNS It keeps in zhe Cupb-ard --if uccigî's always there when you hati! N"Ow, with the New lishan' Royal Fast Ri',sing Dry Yat you ean bakze more delicious breads and rolis in exîra-fast time, -No dashinPg to the stcore at the last minue-you caa keep a mo-nth's suppysadigbus1ta yen ,ieed it. It will be as poùent the day you usehi as the dayý you boughL k. IF YOU 13AKE ATHO --glFisian' Royal Fast 'Risiîng Dry Yeast today. At your groDcer's. TEEH-TOWN TOPIES One ti Can Oas emti wei-kqnw way uf a d Vic e, neyer lu1beocu ~'preacy" inan article; -tHai fï -aIuuld sýoun havýe1nu readers at ahI. Today' t:lime at th prjeachy type, but we th-nltta miight be inter- ested in 'Wlauv l imýenagofru v t h o r i ti Bea ns a sliad otf a doub hd-s mae heiAnd uwhy? Haits -are cblea i-dis stîli depenideatup1 a puaretmeanmcli atu i chracter, happnes andsucessin lier years. A hl uile peoinhy elr these privieges. Wd whenopaent furgettu fot teir Clhldren-i the rigitchnnls wAt appenslI a( tnnc ucreep in. jur tuaOfewdays ago me Haistnd pu apoýiceman. IýThev bilbrokea mbt a î( oean iÎterally torilit to ces WhIile the --policemlan qetoelone oif lie iri, the uther twa were gacW- ing arounid quile ucnere.They had nu ideatof ihe wrung ibey bail dune. They ýhad neyer been laugiht righ2tîf rom w .rong and mwore contnu'îî aîly in trouý,ble. The parents, buth drunk haUf be timddintcareand wihdthat tibe cildren would be lakeinoff their hands andl put in Cch SeWer.And Onit is mwere ihey wenî. j'n ac tbat is heet1ley wne tago ,"' glail mguingter, sxa d une tf the lutte Iboys, "htis whee tey akeyou gou-Il." ïThe prnsdun'i care, and Inow soe els ýiPlhaethe chan'-uce lugiv coueM feastey should know il and /cup broken svanuts(or 8 srs8 C.ouncs> LMine b otf0tif oa x4i- clc- ihwxdpaeltigpap- exenamusini2 mclitabs ai eahcb nW pan;. then ad is nts. HietDot Chocolrtat-oir boul- boling water andl sir rapidly untilý mdeed m our"ccaenecy over laie lock oui OF pan, Usîng the paper 'abc .Cut in bars, 1 x 2inches, MNkes brs Chocolale Dessert Cakes Cake Flou cupl l é àng C2 cupsgat- 3 cup sauonilk ror butte- and waUmýîe i to o!-do beboler;, paeover b2O1!li nwter anil Cook until ccolateis rnlidstrring csany.Cool looul ,Adi Ii dia her-e chihU arae TAKE No CLCSwd coffee, Insie-tonMwe clous Mn fcfesta veÎ lopalt xr-ih u body. I y' ~ FOI; FAST, SURE RELIEF vansua ana pies. Bake ake pans in -grees F) 25 Rernove ~ piece frass.s I pile cent'ers d whipped hoppeil pisi- esis. Makes 1

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