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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Mar 1948, p. 3

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4acgg ,t)or libeatn u uil îcl 4 egg whitc5 siffly beaten sait, pepper,iund mil litauepn 'wbies. uruito bot, bubbrc, 10- isscbakillt oover lo lient ai3 k if is«rtdcomes oMtdean. Cut acos arglit agls u haidle of Pan, buig carefl WltAf0cu ail bb 'waytbog Fd carefullly f romi handhe no oppots ide and serve wu ho p1at0r.faoeS 4 10 ô acrylo-ga. Aprc~tO m ieette. Make Flulffy Omelett,srain ihApricot Jans b for fldlng. Tblen fold as sllrcte IJit Lmhcofec tioniers' ousgar. Cheese Omeltte.MaeFuf Omeletteaddig /p Cop grat eheese wtbthe bufe; ti uti thozild bc a paýrt of fevery bone- imakcr's routne. Takc bbc mnatter of uu.Te mre dicidd lao birte classes: llrst, uccOnd and liird degree buris. ibrst Jegreecila a simple reddea- îàg of te kiawblb ay bc reaýtcd with biuter , a5,7àtannic adsoluion, or a pasne made of bi- cabnticfroda an-d water. There àtre several omeciljellies con- talninig 5% annik aid whîch it migbt bc iste 10kcp on band. Secon,ýd degreýt btirns are characý- ltrzed by oozy blstrs and third dcgrýec artose wbere atulchar- 17ng of the sýkin tbaks place. TuI etes, ýt besat tbing is to puit the Nactini tc0 bcd, euýt off lic clothi- Mng if ncccss-,ary adkcpthe pa- Îient warm Ibh hot watcr, bags, The'burncd aa a5py Ibe covered bicabonte f sdaend water. TAi la oolig. ari eay tb xrnsOve wenhe doctor ons A 40I-page býooIkùIet as e Scnd THIRTY CENTS (l For Te HoefNuse"to Rae Servce, oom421, 7.3 Adele $rtW'ea b, Toromoe' in No. The absent-minded vicar sbrolld toward bbc ilage Station, wbercý tihe local tra i ý n ba d te an1e dup, Tecady-f0 te. at.A about cm sRa ir, mi" Isît bb coaisThewhistlc bîew anose tri gat ý,hcre-d apced onrt Qf bbOsaion, he vicar setbed bimelf comfortably àuhbis eaI. lqIn-was luicky 10 atch if"e aaid wijth frelief f0ia Ifclow-passeagtr. Thýý2en trldlookcame on is .d Idon't want bmgo anyWhce 13 Coshion 15 Relienar) 16 Aîirg 17 Girls nanieý 19 Sio 20 Hnt 22See 23 Turns tu ef 24 Pou ch 26 Protrudeý 27 lu pina, Place' 29 Emwployrs 32 Army orde 34 Nota u a Ab 1 35 Excmatio 36 Rtemoves 38 Savor 40 Mlon(sace- r'ide: 41 Single 42 Portion 44 Reridm nainmeWou 48 Dipa (2 wrs 54 Ocen 55 Rhythmi 57 Better 59 Checked srn deveiopmnenl 60 SraiCed VERTICAL 1 lieroie 2UnitL of 4 Lord Lieu- tenlanit (ab 5PronounI, 8The c.gums issue (ab I 10 En voy su5ri-Is IuEzE 23T r-iWa4 rba captin i the44 B UNt 25in Stop 46 erdna, 26Faction b. 27 roI ass 47 paviýng 30 De'cay 4era ab 31 her 50 idntical 37' Rerï ahe's 52Explosive first niame is (ab)ý - 5Ï Stili 39 SaiJt 5G oprtv 4'2 South Amne-sufl can ro)dent 58 Iron (ybl 8~,GwedolneP Clarke Somrinu!flg teIls me a t of eol are0 flot near-ly particcular eog ýaboumt ivingcort addrusses, ov ia give ther. ow obrieCani one a1ccoun1t for tle aoutof misdirect- cd ltters thlat orneu tbrougli the mail ? Today we haï a leutteorne along from a business firn in Toontoan Clark" anild flbc narne of ouir local post offýice. Noiiiaio rurfal rouite, lno box nurnbr. Imginie - -itb a nme like Car I!L bhad ai- ready bento ooterClaýrke's in the disýtrict. 0f;-coulrse 1 opendLb-1ýý fow lse could ]i e Sure whelltr t was for meto nuowvr , one look at the nîature 'Jf bbc connil- c tio old nme tatit 'as't-but definibej t justcar1't nertn any us-lessf irn alowig aletter1 to go otadcsdreey1 Ms Bob also gets L.ro cmi o ail ln- c.orrectly Sent f0 irn-nd it righbL initiais. Il, bis case it is the nan'; of the posb office that bas been wrongly uised -t-be differelice be-- ditn hetwci place namefýS beinig oly oýnelee-heetr"W wicha been mvistakenl for "M". AS yoiu knlow, thiese -two lterin llongband, look very rmuch a2ike if car-'eessly wýritteni, bt bheyca hardly be mris- tAken, if printed. Maybe you wo rea-'d are some-ltimets guilty lit th1is respect ifso whyot give the rmat- Prebtyasaicueltisrvg Tpale bilue,ilbsef-rn in thc beta( iti1or7tou tand n-ot lea e qies uc usigto postý offce ofcaIs. After ail, no one marste blose sur imail.(Ail rgt- base it wbicb way ou lik-butI definitely didn't say "ae. Sometims we geo quie a kik out1, offbbe correspo)ndence týat cornes for Bobý, bcue acri to it, R. G. Cuakbas Mreccty acqu-rd a piMe That milno oneic bas to open befoQlre rebirninig lbtIo thpe poJst office. WVe knwit doesn'î belong bere, sinice_ at preFenb, Mrs R. G. Cla2rke", does- n'exist. Gebing tbbc mail is quibe aor Ibhese day-s. Genieraliy it co1rnecaon around eeven o'çlock-incidctally, ifParner doesn't b3ave is dlaiiy p2ap- erï wiisinnel)r lbe thinks i ight ats ivll riot, corne lu. Buýt most of Ibiswek we m ba eenoNt of luck. And bow 1 love tco walk dowa the hlne toa sud tbire limes for uotbing, jus bnthie 1ane is knee-dcep iýn aaowV, andù a cold, cl idbtn rny catrs oiff! Apparently our mrail- mlan bapýs bceenb)av-ing car. trouible an)d okine of bbc o4:ther -courïiers basben douibIin)g up fo)r im. Naturaly be does is o-wn regullar routie firîçt. Oh tbat lane! So mci nwihat rnither cars nor trucks 'could p)lough tbrouigl iti, Or if bhey co ' tws' w>ortb bbcheeffort beau e bc racks would f i11ingin alirnost atI Once, And bere wc werc ith twu crabes. o; eggs t10 sbip andaco of creami- f0sa ntbngof tbe imlk 1-bat ba:s 'i go ont, cornle 1ind, cornlewabr firat bing cery nmorinig. The by bave bad qulite a ime., TwiCce, Io be sure Of geting away in Tbec r(nrinjg, the lft tbbc car adtruick at the roa tal&nOUt.But evebicls dId- n't like it Tbey itbougbbit was f r boo cco( l and psed into ïa sort of 3suzlky corna., Yestcrday 1mornïing àitwas maarMy an bo eoubbrof be cold b , e prsuaded into sbowýing any glilimering of 1f e. Last nighb bbei-y wcrurougbb -1t iin, so tIhis orning te rcpnded by einga lti esc Did yotr eersec _sucli a pile cof of bbc witer mas jusb about ovenr 'I say bbc groun1ld-1log knlew wbat h was about aif ew weks ao!Tbat's jus dbbczwy Ifee firstb in idbe rnoring. At, 5.30 arni. Iote one ,VIy-,anyone ee(r thoutipnoffamn as a me(ans o ing a ,iliving. Bu aftr a wblei feél btr.Geng up on a Cold rnn g is p ine bakig a pliipgc ib' aIl rîglle TUEN-T0WN TOPICS ___________ By BARRY Ohbb me lb uatbe herc. Gosb net Sndayib illbée bre. I'm referring to sping of course. Smell bisa tair, sbic. Weilllb frcally wasn'b suicb a l'adwnt boput 'blc 1hick- ories amvay for l'lbt yo're n butsy craminlg Foe: hscecter erams, you ha, e bttc im b bink (oi anytbîing cisc. Butdo'tbeonie So; engrossed ibhi Shakespeare and Darwin tat you fail f0 relize tblat lusprngttbC busmore ouI nt-d a y-oung -mais favcy turns . . . andiasitict Sort of R-ave 0ne Of Your Own Ar )yu ont of osbamnn mile orv's bicks tel, eujoy a gaine bon ireout. Tired frmalI lith goirgad ig.;1!(W\ell bygoly yon1dol't bave t. No sire, if you bae ackyýar-d20 b'Wyou ei au bave yor own couir rigi atbore, aa seetn pot, loactein au area wbec tereis no1ig iwind. Your f rindaandyourelfcaogo-togetlier and urchse areguatio netwitli cone sansplus rackets anid s uti coksand away ýoiu go. Some people like a ýLconcrete or asplhait c7ourt, butyo cayo play just as asily ongas r Ibare gron-d. If ouare inerstd leyur own back-yard cortdrop us a hue and welli seid you tce exact dimensions and layout of barnibonCourt. Don't Waït Too Long Tvos ice pay!ng sommn1er jobis yo uae beren enjoydgbbc paît fkW yeaïrs are going tf0 be scarce bbis ses, sowewouild ais ou to get ont aud huie 1up1 sometbing Soo1n. D 'tcorne ajlg a Fte rtbbc v] e aby', jobs Mae ben banded out, or you wil pobalywind up onlbb en1d ")f MONTHLY REVIEW (Clip for fiutr reference) On Tise Scrccn Thýe Scuabcor Was Tiisreet-A, sryabouit Arican p1olitics. Sparki- ling wib and hmu; lvrphot- ogrpby bouches. Tagged as real cnjoynent. William Powell, El Raine andA1Iren Wblan 1bave the The- Voice 0f Tise TrkT is i an ausg and romranbic story abut a soldier on leave and a nadve girl, whv'o bficd ilu t1he RoadRegan and Eleanor Paron stbee. Casa Thimbrae-A dr&aina about a smal-ow jdge and 1f c wih'libc conrycub )set, aatdf roni bbc Spencer Tracy, Lziaa Tner~ and~ Where Thc's Lf- obrBob) Hop gm wh isus-ual funnbhe of gags. Tbe rornauartic angle is srictly f acilbt lots of fuln. On The Record-Victor listings. Hea-,r \augbhan M,,onjroe ti"Mt bne", and CSomeone Care; The Tbrcee Susvwtb-I',r, Looking Over, A Fou a f Coe" FedMarb- ia"TeDicIkie Bird Song", amd "I WntrCornes" Spike Joncs and biýs gang bve"Mýy Old Fae n "Pecopic AreFune TanAy by".-y ou'Il --y"erieFields witbis "Corne Back To Soýrreýnto"; anl (Cinec niaby" alo ba Demni Day andcus sining,"My 'Wiid lrlsh Roe", ames Mlo a a fu ineabm of'Irih1songui iuudg Tis Mistrl By nd er Daidaskîn from bbcpicture bc Some nam,. Ou The Air "Grcatjt Sory EerTold"at 6 p.7~TIIoc!)y bbic rg rSunI- you uea ar rturGodfrcyand Ris Talent Scouts- at 8.30; Lux et 9 p.rn. GOn edasyou'll f mld Amios and AdFibbder MGe, Bob Hop01e auid Red kc nal in a row. Wcneda h reredfoDr Der Bingle. buadysfabure Jlsn t 9, Wýa-yrc and Shus1ter at 9.30. Fi- day we bhave bbc ld eGoldShwa 9ý Ozzi anîd Harit t9.30 and Spik onc s at 10.30. We'll ave a cview or yu f clipeacbmont now - atcb ýfor il. YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER OT 1FLASHES tlgi Hferels Goud News! yr you between the ae f2 n Aesu glu th ouh tatr t lu 52undtioal n iddle-tae',e ryla}~$a peiîcuiaoa' n? dd -ae Ibi ac  you àaxie toui liaI bls iss, te clam y q' erouirritable, weak? Te otry Lydia E. Piukha' Vegetable Gouspouud lu relie ve s.L [sympTtomai IVat' fanions for thisl Maufpy wise 'ide g'women i .lke Pinkbahm's Conpou-ýnd regu- ME larly ta hieîp build up reistauce ýha ganthIis digtress. toi Piuk-hamn's Comnpound containe ri0 op)iates-no habil-formsnug drulgui. f1 Lydia E. Pinkham's1 NOTEt Or yon mar p"rferLTiMA F. INKHAM'S TABLETS with ,ddd Son VEGETABLE COMPOUND) Iba's aIuet~Double Actio" T ENDER cakes, litte cakes and cookies light, enr- texture-d muffins and batter pu(-ddi*ng- îhat's the st.ory when you ulse Calum,1et Blakng Poiwder! And consistentl,1y fine 4..,) resuits witb. Calumi-et wl make you join the tho-usands of ~~~"Canrad;ian -women who, once trying Calumet, will use no other~ baking powvder. < \ Calumriet protects baking from start to finish. In the mixing bowl, mpyriads of littie bubbles formn when liquid is addied. In the ~\oven> thousanids more tîny, even-sized bubbles are reieased ta - utinue raising the 1InixtUre, holding it high, light and even. Folwdirections on the tin for an), rècipe, A~ Product of -Ggueral Food$ 001/Bit -ACTINO "" SAKINcGpPOWPIR Lengths Vary The -'irst impression you get of bbnew spring suifs is Ibat jacketr are sborf, someiti-nses vcry short, Mýost of tbbc "naine designiers" aýnd maoy others show jac-kets walet leagtl] or a little below iu Ibeir eal collections. The genceral raIle seesti$ Io be fthat if bbc skirt i;sf li tise- jacket is- shfort, If the skhirt la slinm tbc(n a bit mocre j-acket is n.(ceded for correct prop[ortin of bbce figulre. AsÎbbc seasq-i acvancs and mor-e sulits appear ilu bbc stores, shloppera, findc that Ibere are niy lcngtbs and types, too. Tbis is f ortunabe, forý nlot eeyfigure looka well in an)y onec jacket lenlgtb or- cl. Fw- And That's That NewlwedHusbnd:"Do yoi mea -sy tere's 0onlIV 01etcourse Wi :"Yes, dearYo see, whecni the Ch'ops cuh ire and feu intc the dessert, I us ebcsoup to' put HEESIEÂLTH to the w Ise houSewiife whJo ii- sitsonMaxwell Bouse COffee, It's Radiant Raed to Capture every atom of goodnless in the SprMax-well lT'use With arCor oW e re s oBIati- factory treatment for piles or bernorrhoidr, yùu cien PoEitîvely depend on, Dr. Chasé's"ýOIntment

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