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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Mar 1948, p. 4

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rRates on request Subseription $150 up-to,-date Job Pla.nt. Our - prices are o please, andI our work is of the best kvery Thursday morning at the Timnes office R. A. Forrester, Publisher IEstablished January, 1937. "COMMIýýENCEMEFINT" CO-MES AGAIN aram iter>est is dispiayedi in the progress of O1j UI11l'n .ainý brought te our attentiori by theý large audience at ol £omm.encement lExe2rcisea latFriday night. i well rou'nded opportmity for developiment crnste the ,ho ta'kes uLlvitae of Whigh se-,-Lol even in ro)no. We Iaress a finle staf of teachers. , omnemn"alw ith the teacher as weil as the scholar tldiVe strength- reaýlizait^in tat odjbcftah abeing done. uiabals a good job of lann were ini themkig there le hope of the coveted diploma. The traditionaL valte- as was goed and carried that touch of pàfthos, the ful ih will not bear ia fully upon the speaker until future ,-h an address ocf this kind èonstitutes as Ut always does a happy period of student lite, fts impiatosinay be ýssed becau,,se high 3chool students are younig both in heart. on we recaîl that we pasa titis way bIut once. If good ~made cf the feeting opportunrity, theni the cali for re- n the great challenige cf the future. There was a won-, nge in the words cf lasIt FEriday night'aspeaer oo. Qur ire to be commended in foregoin.g the usiual Commnence- Lnd inbyinging to Orone a Speaker of suchi charm and "THE NEXT WAR" acxt. war" san-ys a newspaper item, will conscript net only eo women and cýhjIdren. Tiiere is somiiething, sinister in that those who feresee the shape o5 comuing eveaits aIso p iossibility et war. stwa tagiht us that îni oerra warfare matdraw u ipon opulaete for its succ,ýesaful I seuie.We bpecame in- waeof th-e trct -when vwomen -were brought fro.m ilÏ coan1txy te work ini the large munition plants. Every- us wýas geared te, the wnm of the watir Unfortunately Ie attendantý feeling of >1ert menig the Lpeo)ples of speroums ands. .Doe)-s it ever occur tle Lus thiat seme day gte step ito a siuto where al natýins wl be the e o2very fact thlat vwar wýýIl venItalyenv rleand en- isý soehigt se-t us hiig d uf cenrîvng ut nmesh ail agesanticlasses of peopfle et dlestrctioii, we.sIàolJ Ibe loigte the futurýe pos-bettLer livin-g, better ho lnbetterunesndgad of wol-iebrotherhood, These itee arec the herýitage e. They ;are the true herJicctage, we ig tadd. Whether ouýigh the throes of bitter eprec befere we- seek the s -so-LehMIvy the vears will reveal. t-ç,aisrnt(o flic srudy of tactics. Thyaephysically Ft, these soldiers.. they ,had to be1te pass enistmecn[ xut-1 tios. and thecy KEEP ft. They arece lU4 ted, clôthcd ..given physîcal ftrinii-ing under experits .. . provided with varied recreýioiarso ..cd arli imes given fr-ee medical an4dcnrf'al carxe. Yes! They really are weailthy , . . in many ways. Net oly meîa cd dental care is fiee foýr thecse tcp-flight Canad'ians. Theilr food, clothinig, recreation. and traiing arc ail FREE! They bave genero*us ileaves ith Pa.y. . they sec -ie% places . . they have securitv le theiir chnse-zn camecer AND a pen- sienawaiingthein at irec ed of their service. .o0f course they are wise! Each bas beeýn rrained in some speccial siil . . . undelcir exprt instructers... with modemn, scien- tific eqjuipruent. Thley are wise je another- way tee! The-y have Ieareed tirat their serv;icj Caada's New Armiy brings with jr a) seeise of pridje lethic kind of job the-y are doi)g. . , a felingtir they are nakiog a vital tentribumion te, the wlaeand future of' Caniada. ~sS~ ~~iT - 't CARD 0F THANKS _Mrs. IBuce _Mercer wishes to thank ail! her friend's and neiglibors for the cartjds received, to St. Snv-iOur's Angli- 1 can Chnxch for a plant and tc the! ý Lodgeý for- the parcel receiv- edj While jljt the BOwmanv)ille Hj fospital IN MEMORIA'M HGHEIS - 'In loving me.m.ry of Charles Fredericlk Hughbes, 11,1'ofell aaleep Marehl, 1th, 1946. "Until theý day be ks and the slhadows fice a&Wy". -,Ever,, remnembered by his ;wIfe and family, DEATHS WAJLTLR - At Orono oni Sunday, March 14fh, 1948, Fran-es Eia beth Blewett, beloved wife of the late William Walter, aged 81 yearts. Service was held at hier late re-si-1 decMain st. North, COrono, onl WedneIsday, 'March 17th, at 2.30 p.m. Intermnent was made in Oronoi Cerletery. CI-UIN, Martha E. Chapm-an -On 1,FrIday, March 12th, 1948, Martha E.1 iiapmnan, beloved wife of the latei Gerge A. Calai and dear metither ot 01arerice, lielena (Mrs. ýC. W. Reesor), Lawrence, Edlith (Mrs. M4. E. hr win) and the late Fletcher Cain. est- ing at thie Morris FneriCapel. BoDwinianývile. Service i.n the chapel on Monday, Mlarch 15th, a .0pm Inte-rmîenit Orono Gemneteîy. JIM31CAMIERON LESKRDONT. Cylindler Bocsaad leads WVelded Specializiag l AlWork Gaate Phoene Orono i ring5 CAPITOL PORT HO-EI 'Wed., Thur., Mar. 117-18 -BLACK NARCISjSUS' Debo>raht Kerr and Day Farrae (lïa Techaýicolur) "I LOVE TROUBLE" with FRANCHOT TONE (8.'20') i Fri., Sat., MINarch 19-20 "TRE SEA WOLF" With Edw. G.- Robinson, Ida Lapine-and johin Garfieldï "MY DOG 511EP* MNon., Tues,, Mar. 229-23ý "ODD MA,ýN 0OUT" (Aduit) ABBOTT '&9-COSTELLO in "lIT THE ICE" Wed., Thur.,Mar, 24-2â "OUT 0F THE PAST" "MARY LOU" (8.30 Only) FREE SERVICE Dead, Crippled Ilorses and Cattie Picked up immediately Free £t Charge We pay for Telephene Cal MARGWILL FUIR FARO Teleplioe:Bwnianville 2679. Ever larch 20th. e welelcm. tires fi =Z ý l sealed Mellor, 1 noo.A Lowe Ne veteînrýry work wxll be under-1cpe takýen fîom Mareh 1lSth te April hid.!- CemeningApIln2d ne werk wili F fe doune fer anyone in arieais. Trm SeaiE trom ttmit date -%i!!l be Strictly cash.t Ie iul DR. W. W. SHIERWNx S.-Mad WANTED Ag-ent te seil niew ini1preved plastic, floor finish. FuIl or parMýt the. High- etcmmnission. Apply to Box 300, Ore2ne Times. tt. Get yo'uir Fuller BrusliEuima nlow for yeur spring cleaiug, àaï Ethan Jonces, Phone Clarke 721, New- tonville iP. O.c--p GEORGE YORK Oronto - Ontarieb adheWater Prootf Wallpapýers (Original W7hite Rose). SEee MY1 poùrtfýoli*o cflovely walilpapera. Eve(,n- legs. You xil! be satisdied.d SALE PýREGISTEIRS 0f Snw WiIEqaipaent 4 Trucks a11ijý ki ofe Woed (jSawim-jg Equipmeat, 2 Cteel Semi Tralers, dezens et Chains Saws, Spiittig Axes, Legi Leaders, 300 cord oet Woed,2034 ft ofLuibr 50M ft. et Legs, EOOlC' Posta, 40 herses, including seven nathed teams, Harnes, Fnrm ln 1 chineryIl BuldHin"gsetc., the pro-1 pnrty et AinHallte be hedon Sta- tio Sree, rono (Durhamn County>, oni Tunsýda, Mer-rd, at 12 oclock neen. Termis'Cash. Ayeewisin-gý te purchiase a swv or equipuientý woid be wjell adivised to attend thiai largesle For fuither paitiuars se 'buils. Anlyne wanting billes write te J. A. Reid, oronio, ontarie. Jack eiAuctieneer- Hl. IMalette to eIdi by publie auc(tion, et 1,00 p.m. eýt Lot 7, Con. 4, Darlin,&- ton Towns'hip, 4 iles nrtYIh et Bow- mianville, one ile east of S P, nmi Shoon Fîiday, Maîch l9th, he il Roîstein bard etfJHolstein cattie, cn s Osi f e ievd Sire Glenaîif Em- pire GeIeraI, and the Registered 11o-i- stein bull, Gien Air Ragi Apple Ms ter; 6 Holsteicewa; ten Hfoîstein oetrs ne Rleifer caif and tan stc epr aings,;aise thîeehes, Ca sh. No Rsava-J cRid, Auc- tioneer.ý Ie haebenauhui t e e0' nîlY, by public auction for Mr. Harîy Raby, et Lot 22,ý Co-n. 2, Hope Tüwnship,4 mniles west cf Port Hope fca No, Tiighrway, on Thuîsdey, M.arch 2S-th, thA folbowing: Tmaows, 8 2-yî-ed "Stears and Heifers; tanl yeter-o]ld Steers and 52 CaiVes; 2 Sows and 14 Shat; 0klbus. Onts -and 300 'bus. Fail W\Nlieat, and a compl1ete list et farim machineîy. Ternis Casi. Ne Reseve.-TackReid, Auctienýeer. The undersigned has reeived in- stutosfroim the Executors esthtie Estate et -fthe Late Mis. .H r'n te seli -,y pubic auctien etb her late resdene, ainStreet, DOrono, op-po- s-ite tire park, on S>'aturday, Mac 27th, hler household furnitureý, etc. Ternis Cash. -- Jack Reid, Acin e om. 1 have 'been instructed tLi eld by puic ae ,uction for Mr. J. ;E, Mercer, Lets 23 and 24, Celi. 2, 'Claarke To-n sýhip, il -ie eat e LtcNwcaatle, or, Fiiday,Api 2nd, his entire stock et four heses, tweces 4 ynar-oid, 101 cailvas and veal caîf; 1 si and D shoa-ts; 50 layingheslgese g an er , id c k , 1 d ra ke a mid 0a nuabaretturlke.ys; 100 b (Yel ie oats and a quantity of hay; a1till lUne cf faim maehinery, and a quan- tity cf fritr.Terns Cashi,- Jack Reid, Aucrtinee,. fl ILL~I ibl I FOýR DEA'D OR CRIPPLEDj HORSES- - -CATT M.D. ders net necE PHONE , 194, fr te propery on theI ddt'j( ot MaiSt., 'Orone, torm- man Tisproery as wit tramne house -vith 8 rci and nice garden. Inspection Iby ipointient. Possession m 1y ho ad May lat, 1948. ýCash or ternis. Highest or aay tender net neces- sarily accepted. Dated March 9th, 1948. L. STANLEY CHA.PMýA«N FOR SALE An insul ' brick trame hiaSeSiIX room and batliroon Garage an, smal bain on lot. South side otf iConcession Streetý, Orono. W. A. Ueid.'b-8-p FOR SALE Battery Radie la gocxi condition, twc tOe aoose tfr'om-, 'a)lso Aladdini Lam~p and Chbest cf Drawers. Stoker,1 Kendal. A few baga tif risl- Gobhler Po- tatees, grown fereom ceîtliled seed. Sani KanPhone 5-,Ooo FOR SALE Eight Leister an ne Dorst Hein cý,hee bredig ees. due te lm Ar-pril 5fth. i 12-tooth Deering Cuilti- vator in go odto.Ott- o Cea thmPhne O rone 15 *r 11. c-tO-p Pump Jacks, Water Systema, Cwi ~Bewl, Siglis. Agent for Perfection MilkersOtaee and luy-isl Fai. Mchiery AgiceFertilizer:s (Granulai Brand!) low available. Phone2 Carl Tedd, Phone 15 -20, Quantity etf Mixed Hlay (Ait alfa and Tim,7othiy). Road ope-ri te ban For trucks. Archie Iley, Pontypool; Phione Betchanly -'0 r 41. OROJNO 'Repairing Refinishitng Antiques floight and Sld Sec ur lime utf Drapery Mlaterial Kitchen Unlits made tu order C. F. Duncan Phono 7-16 - ORONO ~1el Radio Servie!. The, com.binatýion of xeioccom- Pl&-te data on Ra!i akes, and modem test equipmnnt wili onure PROMPT, REASONABLE AND EXPERT BEPAIRS Cail R. L. MYLES Phono '9 r 4 - ORONO Free Estimatesvil! be Given Cheerful'ly on. 'Rock Woel Tif rne Insu lati on y Blowr Sysm, Fur ncises thick, GILPIN & Co. Inalaton ontactre,57Bloor t West, Torontoc Durhm County GEORGE WADDELL Momnments Phe RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY !'.. ft- P.(-). B4% 2 ORONO ni Barrister BOWMAI Pi Office 688 ONT. OARD Phones:- Office 625 Reuideuce 441 BOWMÀ.NVILLE, ONT. VETERINÂRY DR. W. W. SIIERWVIN VETERINARY SURGEON Offce ain St. Oroane phono 63 r7 rn INSURANCE J. C GAEY iNSURANCE Fire,CaalyAumoiS and Liab)ility ORONO . ONTARIO Dominion etf Canada Genoral Hartford Fire Insurance WYaterlOe 'Mutual Fire Insurance Wawanesa Mutual Insurance isi irêpiesited n thls district by DANE FOIJND ORONO Phone 8 r 1 if its Insuraýnce, give Dane a trIak---< LE ROY HAMILTON INSURANCE !N ALL ITS BRANCHES FVire, Automoabile, Liability, Sif eIoplztn, Plate 1Glass, Burglary, Casualty Il Representinýg, the Leading, CANADIAN, BRIrIISH and OfcMain St. - ORONO Phunies: Office 32 r 10; Res. 1 r i8 phone Ime and 1 'Iwll eaf.u tosuit you. Estimates freely given, nu obiîgation 1NFOe-RMATIO-*N thejjj followi oimYwïng?4 hi (a) How te wiltoeou familY n thouisand dollars tisat yeu Îhavont jT s-aved? (b)yHe-w teo guaranitee a 041arf cheque to your famlily every mOntb for 10.15 or 29 years uheculd yen b. takotn eut cf ithe pitlurec? (c) How te have a salnry choe Oery month for yourself as long =s you liv., commoncing at ago 55-61 or 65. (dj) Hew to guarantec tha-t youg son or daughter wili havo the mlonoY f or an oducation beyund hig1h co? Lot us have a chat about i, soe- timo.Phoýno FRED LYCETT ORO-NO 18 r 1 A UCTIO0N E ERS Cenductu Auction Sales et all zo i and at reason-able rates CommuncatO ithhm at Pocê Perry, Ontàric, or sceet- sClrk k. E. Mýorton&, at Orono, for date. JACK REID Orono's Licenseda A&iectioneer -and Valuator Specialize iii Farm and !)me 553

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