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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Apr 1948, p. 7

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'Tells Hitler Tale - Friederich von Angelotti MaCkensenCI, 26ý, lormier SS mnajor, told athori- tieýs in MuIICh that he fleW HIit- 1er and Eva%-,Brauin to Toniderni, Denimark, before the Eturopean- war eunded. iMatcckenisen iis par- alyzed as a resit of Ibe*iig h down neiar Mar-seille, F1rnce. The Green Thumb By Gordon L. Smith Plan Layouti of Your Garden The foundationI of anyv garden is good seed. it is a sii item sýo far as expense ge)es, buailt ýthe c a re anvd pre- -paration go for n auiglht1if the seed ýS BOt ighit. Descriptions in2 thie s e ed cata- logues are based on -actuiai fa-2(-t. The ictuesare a Ct u ai photo& grapho and any gaideero'f reasonlabie expenience can repro ïcéthem 4ait¶tfuiy titi bis owi backyard. aSin addition, thiere will be fou..d in imost Catfadian catalogues, a> lot of uisefu l informlation regardinig oea- son, ime of fiowvering or, in the case ofninaturity, time of reaching, r'aturity. Experts advise also somei of the governmnent bulletins cover- îng local conditions. Arnsed wýith thlis lit t ature and goodI seed, satisz faction is guaraniteed. General Picture ortbe average i-ayuuit aroutiîd thie home, it is advisabie to uise aP com!Ibinaýtion of ' vities, shirubbery, trees, perenniai flowe-ýrs and aninu- ais. At thle back agaînist the bo)use, vines and talisruibbery,,, tbe Ilatter- pianted in clumlps, mketbeI best background. JIn front of this, groups of smlailer sibbaantdlngr perz ennial fiowCars ca s be pnlanteýd t tbie room eWen spcaiywe the bruberyis stili smnall, filied iwthclum-ps of annuais, Along thie front tinly edginig plants are used, then wil comie 9a pece o1 greCeni awn. Use chlmps ratbecr tblan straigbit rows alud a wavy edgeý alonig tbie front of thle be4 is pre- ferred to straigblt edges. 111 the foregronnid, oýf Course, will be tbeý anthe sbrub11bery acting as tbe mlain ftrame ,2for thie genera ieicr, Good Equipment lHelps Witbi a sil gard-ýen ail thie t ool1sF nleeded are a'rke a boe asud a spade or digginig fork, Tb. C are litt' ii,)mre eqipme)-ctnt mcb lbo canl be saved. Diggîng -,forks, cul- tivators, specik weeders, dlutcbh hes, etc., wiil make die work C-aier and monre initerestinig. For larger- gardenis a. smiail gard- en tractor thiat wiii cuiltivaýte, piow, etc., miigbt be cniee.Tb)ey are lnot expenisive anid very cbeapiy op- e rat'Led(. One, can ge2t ail sorts of attacbmenclts to go vwîtb them - iawln mowers,cuivtrmwr for cuitting taIl grass and weeds- Chancen., Are Better "Sonl, if yuconXtinuta c to "dy bard ,anid be indu1stnions it's within the realin 11Of poýssibility that yourI fa ce àWi L omed a yappea na bunr1ed dollarIbil" "TakDad, but l'ci prefer to have 11Y bnson c'ne." 't -And sOne cThing orAote 83? FRANK MVANN 1-HIARRIS ("A Srbit Critic") ngý tr-aining camps 01neof CtbeLgreat mystenies of the thdm ann bees"Iwo' presnt ocky sason, fba lot of te ceî e il leveino, "xperts",is just what bas be ncma- plapys and Decs hgîngt. New York Rangers ciclk. round on dhe vern- Ointide of Connor and Iwo or hubr otel, recal' tbree of the othenrs, Frankýie B3oncb- ,he past One Da e n('s boys don'î appe)ar <'o ýbe nintbe Sane daas witb teama hike tlicMaple vays Cr opa Up is that' ea the Red Wng, r even tbe formier Philli man- boston Bruis; anld wiie some of coinnected witb the <hen inricate pasig patys are ifsý as a coaicb, The verypety te w-alhtcb, <'ey sombow e's geîraly closd, touas lImm as if a good husig ;enise o-F bumor aud outfit S11('11d1break tbem np witbou ,)id of screwy things to ubrol. hart told humii that lie wasowe of a cruand wanmted hecip i0 catch- inig wild alligators. "Tbecre'sý notbing te it," be wentAou "Wego ont insa s-wamp until we fiid 'a soil islad Thien we chtain you to atruc wiIe the rest of uls go and1(lbide, Tbie scet of buman foeub afracs the allgat- o-rs, of course; anld %wben tbey Ciimib eut of the mud, we cahtHiain wifb Th/e boy,thig stliîtreed zwsjBf t a1 trif le dubtious aîtd în- qulired if Lobe-rt hadevr ou his aînly Ihae1tsfact ice trted ift just tlahe day bfore eseda.""nd wéhat 1hpL-end tefothe- boy voit cha(i7 todttree?ý" wai thv net feston Ohhiu"answcered ithePDutchrnaïo. JNow ti- asjifst a t ,ifl/tcn fortn.- atc. JYoit rerighit whe a i as ready tce grab a great ig on, th m4an with tlc icnt hp es o si! And tliose howerpsetlist-' enling lt thediscuiSSIao, lîvavs cIyçsay i?'s a greCat /ity nobodyha iýPpeneld ta hav'e a stop-watth h iÉa'yd Forlh-'r ce7rtain thflat,(oS lie dsperdi the distance, thatcord kid broke a/1 2xtaetald's records for spee-dCaf(oot. Yfthera tbey ýare, ii n forla helpi inig of Ille plavof f gav- auiddo lu f00 mu-b sl urprisedJ if tbey sholnld bappen 10tuake The ýCup. lf'q 1bar1d tu cAI doem Io beat teams sncb as the othler meu1tionecd, blit strauiger thinga- blave hppne. fcours-e, by (the tilime this ajpeais, tbeuy may already bc onl their way to elimlinationi. Stili, weý bave sufotbulncb thlis imighit be adeisc yI ou t twge n80 bavl at IF youi'reaboepayr-wic we hlope anid truist is flot tIle case- ,you probabI l kow ail about Formn Cbarts, tos lo-sely printed, samali- type af fait-s wbich the sýtudenlts pure Oýc1- wifb sncb earn)estness in thecir efforts to dlig np1 a w mueor. Bu t oiy a very smialprenaeof ithe devofeeýs baUve nyidesiof how ftbose Chiants are maide, sud lIwmucb pedanld skýili goes mcbt1eir mian- ulfacture.WUe1persoua1liy getL abilout as bga kick f rom wfcb nad iistenlinlg to an expertCh n aker sud bI is "cailite" in action as fromr antbngvseconnelluLcd witb tIle Ofte thre wij1 be a dozen or u mlore starlters ini a race; ud iin the bief spac,,e of fiu it takc9 te runi il, tht iýlnams fît eacb of tblaf oe - in atdditionI to bis position and dte distanlc e hais ahead of ,ithe nexf i line,-muoilit 1be.called nu less tban six t ines. Tbere's a a uD attlle stan-t- at tie quartet-the hiait and dte fbre-lartr. Thený come(s tbe astretcl ii"a xenbOf a milef frin ilthe wýire, Othen tIle one ýat the finih. * Classif ied Advertising AGENS WNTE BAB QHCKbFOR SALE OILS, GRE ASES, TIRES, Order Your Baby Chicks Now PUMPS, ETC. fIn.sect:iies. etric Flence Coniltrolters, ÏHa0nse ou r fre are hie Leior.Hamopsire McDousall s aai Il sd deep e wdl systetas, and Iaro Painît. Roof Coaitinge. etc. rDeal- Ctiti tai, Oamp r x Ttecok, Sse icrcor gsliepowered, oily $ ~ ceas- erswated Wite Wa c OrLese& 01Lm lmRokyLgtr. Ail chiticks roa 1,plete wttlt tnk. lito-gsli21/ttae , orouria sock Sed ]r rce ', ion ig ig systeme. 110 volt. enî D',95iti0 Sn li BUSNES PPETNTTES no Pol Oltcer'.Pole.On. ka~ letr tr'ee aaousBydirect frem in at Rît, Miverton.distrintorsPadisave 1 tios ;,andl fulIfomtin sent free. Tit AB bck rm n BO re pn ar'i'. Companly L-iitedj. -et 7-, St. Ilaurent Rama a. RegsteedPatntAttorOIeys. t asteytteIl- besi. WýItiteLegitoo onrel >,Qu, o r Dola ". 2 indcr Bank Street, Ottawa ult t tayBed ie Ic olt tet esdTrne SOc Ctt c.Saisfcton aaaneed Ben lIN our long lisi ot aiitdcstmr or BABY 9iC U Is iet0'lctey inhi t Int. Fruit Trees, Stiruibs. varen ad Rss FOUR-WEEK-OLD PULLETS TI ateya arieputy gand etc. & odrna, . r Sctaou.i .G 1it eri-7,atc hedccl n e tt iitft.Ail ciit1 rm o fraar rot BOAD-BRE-ASTE D BRONZE prnces tor cganet Susme ad oni- at.Goenietiavrve ndpllrn e LreTpe Whiie Legiorts ad svnotiteý, tcplic- tdosaouTURKEY POULTS pouir reds Sn fc nc tst aag- enita Puitî'Faint, MokOn 'nt Ms mALIHITES and BtOD men Gidaan caalguean bok ourererBREAISTED BROlINZE X SMALL WIHITES 0wHEAVY-BRBEED COCKEP-RtLS amd SMlALI. B.B.B.'S L""AKEVIEW POULTRY FAAR PCILpicat bolr rdces< lrge THIS Io11heyartekeral'ns' ere fs ae eahrng are Rcs.Hck trkeys. eadfor 0,r], reyGudamIi Alet- EXETER ONTARIO xHme usx usssIao.Triis t er telget aitlthe deta Is. There ,-is a good th yart uak ca mne n liet l. meian n ,- -ld.Te uy O, an pesnteg ties Afair gues- j, LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM On.Qoatcs e aydiic'forgri lo -erteîd lstO remt taiand vI[-hate r dw 1 3t 1 7.0 pe to. A1neri- eaIce.Th, fast growî-thIle livai i it-WEI1N BROS. -EXETE-R, ONT. tnBeee I-clis are down 40-50 0cr cent. tiemnymkiu redin euaiities et Top MAEGge ei n aopoit ih o!,poutingi eaaydw. tl cutu erg t ,tarted Top Notch 'c' iak- o ebd ieut r oked bs', 10I , s',ars1; lan aris oit!T is te tte y arl oak titil wy t Il, iG.TlItia yea -ure ian beei frevr,,ait y aned f-rtp yar odr no1i iaoes for Apr'il -enru aie pop eivr nday oid, twa bredn o tvitepe uteg.Ral peeto fdcae Intrerig neh1 -nd three eek oîdstri5 clcin ail a ileitr'O mremat. LFa ,tu-ilm LAKEVIEW TUR!KEY RANCH- Octane. ~~BECYA D G1N IAHGcd calt gvi utrli as put million ls of dol- TIIS yer co Ibe ylur gie oprant inham Oin fivepopular hksGe-Wt. lare into fces, the 1longest lof ith our tltea let ,me ,tIli YOU Wie 3 nie ieat aIs $5,00 pier which is 1,1110 miles, ~~ ~ Ili, tobricd..-.otknww nteotiook (or bgyr.Pes tpad profits1ram egg aud pcuiry)mea looked dîNe POl'a - eJ. adFowrdela rabbita ýandi ditîgoeo. ietr etFi n ine i l~eOictswide. Can ho1),ilad OnlRedor Blue itae iad a sut tie. by? Beaurii, e r ys.od. Pstitald. a ut l0",rcentet itenrmiciîle IIIeruacaisera t Witite and Coloured tasitett atcted durca anury.Feb0ft~aCiotits, widtharo.ud 40 inciteslud sltable a spendd erat nd itis is ouu ta éan drssee. t'. Order tudany t titis pria,,,. White lao ed ot.Dont iIde l i dy .19 er ard. Blue. P>iink, YeIlowV, Green ani ýsePd Ifor tteuw'ldde198caaogeand Beige',,at 49peryard.Patld rielîtt;at"d idor yo<r iicaationc. We SheeýÏr CtffnFie q lty Sten Chitfon 4 Pouiies 0; Mies t elieve pain, bring out coe$c, n 4gVe, îomt dlîey Ont ail pocitlar inites ide.-Pink, tBine, mrkand \Wbite al 3eisqalckly, noa $car. 25e ,35c, 50c', $.00. bed n t'Id re nd aynui, twa and 0h- 159per yard. Pet id A S Ove w -k id eay akereis AI]e, pu--ets eigtt eet talayttgTwedieCitcIrHatit-PREiR & SenaltoxDuniat Strawber3ry ent Lmied Frgs, utri. lats Te Dllrsthu' n . W. J. Brry, 3-14 WEEI< OLD CAPOS Rue4Coog TIIEREis gooad eniinrasie Cpos.FOD rPoger Uni' t lb evncrsd plley., Capost sou fr as mchIorI orI(pe paund Pligitîs' aed $500. St n Gan", iîro I "i ltian Tres i asdndrieicandi- Otre tin.Send for oci- iitt and <'ila]] ir. FR A EUe ikr ut, Dfeea LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM ak. ediin and priced te WEIN BROS. EXETER, ONT. Apîs . .Rage &Ca. LSd. 47 Crang ~ BRNTONREDS FREE BOOK Aeu.TrttOt A 1100 roodina tain devated scuiviy p'I',-9 odl191 o ed shap)c. Plow ta ne goatergproit IbreIId Thesrantia tComc-Deerilna. aiastýable. Frics 910 praucd Re Ld, oneetCi'e aids iga-Appiy taJas. A.Walsb. H, 2 Cid0trOL. est ffiiairecod iyin bos . . 40 ggsOn BONZ takeypouits tiraio ra-besc Vo"' eue year Day i chtks. 10t1e,-l sac tMas' and Ja, 61c W. S. SEMD for bargal1I inlese wn oad isree SCHOOL DESKS FOR SALE wekdstarted pllets ce)c-te1rels or non- Stand(ýýad Iran Hs.120 Sinýgin ýN, 'i. 3, 4, Z seýeofile hav a ll it nnhe tfour -10 IDouble w knId iev refcccrli t lrock botton Giodto n. DeIlvi Jantiti s year.Apply pte. Free cajta1 , _-Il e. Top 1Notcb Clck TwibpSîso ee 1.,.Goueir.1' Sales,Ë Guei1it, 0naaIa. W.IHartw-k, Secrrotsy-rasrr,9kRs /Zeek nid geOl25001 starte'l c ilOupaillets. on-CItAFT 'uplies. Free aaiue We tni s od or ckores. Alans rte foir speclil a<allinoOnth fliwig rafts: Shli. oc iat on'11four and fivo etndhaicat ettrcat 1etnf, Bacat cccri.Free catalogue, TwedIe CbI) ck Handycriaft ISapply Conri Petrboragb ISSUE 14 -1948 IttieisLini, FrgsIOtri, nare 6 -8- 12 WEEK TO CALNG2Pni0.Is iiiz np,1s- READY-TO-LAy PULLET S aies. LargIe blooa,ieat ifu clors . Pa ek- A~ 8000 PLLET'S aa'blo AnlaniM igel-. . . Ncis. 30,1 HowardAve., 1711,Hootior rder cIi- I t loaka asl if pollets NniuH C gu e sscreas he'stet ysome.IIHWtrSaiiPuppieos, 4met. Eag ncesai.e >ourd ta o higt. Feci prices Priccd reazsonale. Rn iechnRR 4> on f ee rage une ieaconditions Boelo FR SLEne D.Joh DereTracteir. yau'r adrNO .sare.iits, 1oewer takle-off .a1 142, rUIbber. LAKEVI EW POULTRY FAR aeioe200 itetelnllubsl WVEIN BROS. EXETER, ONT.;Tee' lvratctnet iecg 54 _______________________________ oodlsen iail Clovereattacinert, .0goiruil- DOT Inse eggî>eaud pos ltry nanet e pnin rder.,Comples t eel wheeI5 <or ottr. eeoroesas hî'ebenItratoaITatr.Selrear tgies fr buitupfo Cnaia puIryeeer.On'der C0 and 910 (or 99 iai,,er Trac. Albent lHans- no loid ctc1up, uiter, iti Bai stairted ton, 60 Einiina st., Citahan.Ont. Phonle palets sud coaerea. uirke s1iinent. G-l 1101H. spciioc, Bri atche(ri, 110 John N. *H PWRE 7ods Ngi7v vetd Haunston.Ont.sp)ontîamdel. Witefor description at BY 11cim{ RAIsiNG ncs.Srcoos Sales ca, 20Quoeen S. MEAT CHICKEN SUPREME Ottwa.Oct T-tO INTERNAsýUTONAL Z awerTracter Bructo Taris Ligtt Suses sRed Rhnid s eeupped ith Brnsprnie îrnl oravia uai- vryit ereta t lito e I idealineat A"sae, P'Oe080 a arn~Srn l"rodace elitbh rfor brilers or toasteGrs, Pluine -ctn reibi ari roni, ttr Osrilr ar" ansgietne as dasin, aninean ifpcton Wite Box . 7? 1IAdeaide WV., let airaa gîl arutn arns'ort BARGAINî Pi. OcAN.Circlr<'e.STOC K REDUCINO SALE , IOAD LAIO NEW lpe t le os Quit ni 0311aBiIn Brandon HAVEYOtJanyttinaneed dyeng r cean-i staves. new. 2000or 021.00 deliveretite., ina? Write ta als fer information, Wfe are îaar station. gld e naeryer iuston, epartirient lc uckly. hl by st a jectfclanpea. _111ted 91 V w1g fhouLt notice. To recelve titis bargain re R, arkr'sDieWors Lmitti 91 oneoenvose tils ad wfih our order. Stret.TomteOctne.LAKEVIEW SUPPLY COMPANY FO SLEEXETER ONTARIO BETults' Dark. No1t, astarie1 ips, 1", tOus,4 1lb. fer 01 '1 IIe endierson BAODRESIN H AR LEY AVI DSOýCN Informtion iion recni negarding classe. 1tteiansItidressîn9 Acadernay,137 Ave- MOTORICYCLES nue Rad, Teante Seeda]sthalt are deendable for Gardo Cvrs OUD AVC-Reysufferer of Rbommna- .~~ Manket Gardenera: Write ~KLOfer our t1ineat i an rNaii huc r IoV ainru Ontrlo eed "ontsnyWatsiao.Remedi yMuciro's Du tr,15Rgu Ottaga. Potol i $10 0. CHERRY OGMNACAD foiceanlt e ateft- basau, fiari! iauscOntjinntI. Dyirfai! !-)Cc Bougit roncshWrite Box 104. Fra.LTape nt1ogrvle B On t._F_ B. I' SIMPOR)ITANTL'-vey svfuterr of Rheuna- AYRHIRS, ala. aivs e beedna ge ti Pansorn Ne1IIitis sheuld tri Dixona' <'nom R0P ai.GerePtn.Theorol- Rned.Maro's Drua Stnre. I O R IKiis bll. OnartoOt'aa ai 1O IIIa an0w Tasaet îcyrPulr'Bo Cr. 10 apct'.Vr' rcaia.yrt BE A HAIRDRESSER 1 tr desripiveleatIre.ElckEctiean JOIN ýCANAzD'S LEADIjN(G SCJHOL Maafatnig R o.1TWstc, n.Greati Qpprtults' Learic SCALES. hopponsPogeIlMat Saas-Ne. Hnrssn Usd ear. The Scale Stolp,.691 Bey- Pleasanit Éianilid profession, gond Wago, a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~l seLii xvrtsmnsntiueohs aa in nlt eteflt t1

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