Les PivcyThan t tke ,f0puî bIali rdI afylong- rh ditace a e opIl))e lii inPrit- isb lumbatcaopick up ie ictele- -ph le neand talk W\.ifh frîends or re- laive-(s saiflîg anyiont'oie more a(!or scre('utimattes, for- they J, -ýflowthalt the jir convesation1 is pmoh)- ably ein oveher ytosns ,cel vwhicbnasuh s ip oshr calîs possiblje is part o'f a radio ict wrk ail aoybod(v with a'1 baîf- vrydueet receivint., sel cdU tune in tht teu)llephnefreCquency. 111fa)ct it 1s8 ;(aid tat in anouerit tbas becme far m ilore poplar tha any o)f(tie lregularrai poras vaite're gigtuo hear inexit. lti~ e a distress tCal, fnom a i boa oCi altu1g. L[t imay be skipper callinig np Ibis wife to, wisb bier a fond godigî t migbt hbe a- co1 t" t aIl hetween anl n iuer -1iland aod hloL a doxen of blis boaýts 50 iles2 out to sea. Or it 1]lmay he a lusty r ibaljd excba11àn.igec b ctweeý cn a Couple 'of lilnd-hunl-gry Listene"rs will ne'cer forgeftl the asýt wo ds a tug b o at captiaini gasped i to bis telephone jtist be- fore bc is veçs se1 fo0un 1decr ed(jin a str-tsscd Scat or tht timle itht cew of a dooim2d vessel lined up to Say lonoye to their wîves andl ti reli. AnoILthier time tbecy bad a radio- si. at wheo vessel after vesse! of a pa.ticulajr fleet began burnnlig up tbe:ai-tlphn syste.m wîth Istress calîs.2Ail ad exactlythe snetrouble-enio.trouble. Lft ;eems tbe ooehad mistalleil 1Il-ew' piece of equiipmenFt tilis vessels,. Dumîni.g the first badLIow soletbing went wrooig - - on every boat. T'le situation wýas dseae P-o.ts vwere diftinlg out of control., By use of the conference call syst-m,ý crews and oortaikeil back and forth. Al kinids of aàdvic"e ou restartinig the enrgïines wîvaspas cd alOng but tbe imtos sili bakeil. Fiolaily a -ah in b sed to work tor the firm hin rtroubleheard ithe 01aaCon bis OWU radio. IlHe alied up the wnrwith jthe answýer. He'd !bad thVe same troubllle anil kniew wbat to do. Juot abouit al! Vancouver heaved a sigbi of re- lief wenthe Word -'as pse ' alonig ail eacb vesselI began cbeck- iflg in to report engin-es ruBiing agaîn. * * * Thie 0o1Jy catch in Iist-eninig fo teereai life dramraq is tliat onfly one side of thle conversation can be heard. TC, gîve th' t sbcrib)ers a mnumof privacy, thie telephlone com]pany -vsuipecriip o sces a "beep- ee"On t'e inicomiog or otgoing sign-al. !Io somle caseýs, thIs oCften ladds a sulggetLively po ailote, p- ticuilariy etee a sailor ail his girl t(r betwveen a cturne of amor- "4Say Iikremember that babe ilu INw Wýýestmiinster?" "IY ou said it. Wbt'i ie o vwhen we get " From humiiior to dramau, the radioi-i eepoeis thle voîce of the BC. ccoastai siinig. Everyinýiig fromi 'Ébiuntidiest fisingi smlack te slick pseg'veýssels; tuig-boalts, fi-ý ters, trawýlers andl salvage boat, ail Shae phnes.lt bias been the djecid- in, factor iin savinliv fes and boats. injuýtred men bave been pickePd up h7 sip o, r plane 't lbas speeýded up bsnsct tdowvloebed BObbFy Sox. 'Alvin? Oh, I'd trust himr any- where. Except, 'of cours, araund womnen !, No 'Rationing for Jerusalem Arabs-XVh.ile Jew-,s lan*Jerusalemr eatc spaîringly of rationed food brought 1into, the city by ilitar convoy from Tel Aviýv, the Arabs find food stores weil sýtocke-d. Tis soe its-shelves and counters cluttered with, many types of foodstuffs, is in the Arab) bazaar. Sports - And Oe Thîing or Anlothe-r By FR~ANK MANN HARRIS Professional hockey players, andf tble newspapem iv-riters wb0ose task *if îs to rpt every iuove of these hieroes on bjebaî1f of a palpitatiog .pub- lie, fmr«iequently bav1\e a lot of idie tlime t oklIhtweýen games and practiseseio. This is especially tht case Wben ai teamis isn10some strange city for several days on at- couttof a Stanley Cup series or soesucb. Somne of them, put in most of this spare time engaged ir. tard gaines of a fairly milil innocuons variety. Others vvwil wandcr -tut ta see the sigbtis of tht toivn-although, tbis partic[uar pastüime is'said flot to be nleamiy kas popular as formeriy, 00W that a player's mnoral andl social be- havior is of almost as great interest to bis employers as bis scoing abil- ity. But tbe chief mneans of turne- assssnatonis justt f0 sit arounil andl talle about -of al thingo !- hockey. aimo.ot bunltastartpîcinig Alil- time Ail-star teamoi; anil somje weiri aiiidwocnderf ni comibinations of pa5st ail present hockey standouts are- eovd.Ont of those we best te- cail Wae Putûtogether b)y a sports xriter who shiatl emaîn namneless, but wblose miost strenuotis feat cf pesniathîttit enileavor was cbialký- inig a pool-tue. "iithis occasion çverybody present was asked ta jot down on a piece of paper the naines of hi s mythical Al-Star teani - the ide being, if -e remember ariglit, that the one judged ta lbave made the bes't selec- tion wac to have the privilege of bûying the next round. 0f soda- pop, naturaily. And when it came tume ta reail them off ii was dis- covere(' that this chap had wr itten down thé following - Howie Mor- enz;, "Di-tch" Nighbor; Fred Tay- Ed'ie Shore; Lionel Conacher -just the five names, "i'ey there," *somebodyr yelied, "you've forgotten ta pick out any goDaltender." "Brother" was the un- r uffleil reply, "with a buinch like that I'd do the goalteniding myself - an. what's more I wouldn't even.i bother to put on pails! if 1thHamilton Tigers sbould drop ont cf tht Big Four-as setins to b) tbeir preseot intentio-a wbole lot of olil-timie color wil he missing from that football loop, and their action wîll he egetteil, especially hy those wbo remnember thein in tht dlays of their greatoess. Some of ont t-arliest sports memomies recaîl Ant- umo-lî janots to tht Ambitions City, and i tbe oars of a football crazy crowd yelling for» tht Tigers to "Eat But -we suppýose Wts jiot another case of"We littît boys play with big boys it's seldoni tbe,big f ellows who get hurt,"Upe-act foot- hall is strictly a do)llar-aild cents propositiol. nowadas-aýltbhougbth is botly denicil by somie of those be- hinil it-and Hamnilton .Inst cannot, liope to rake in sufficient mnoney ta p)ut Tigers on a par Wýitbi Argonants a)nd Alouettes intht searcb for. tal- Ottawa, is i0 a sligitly diifrenit position-as it is riumoil àtbat dowin therein tht shade of Parliamenit Hili there are alway s nice positions-" boums 1.2 to 1 vvith,. 60 m1inutes off for iuocb"-fom a lbard-bitting imidile -wiog or fleet-footeil balfhack, ai( that these belp to make up for coin- paratively smial box-office receipts. But uf such matters we cannot speak with any authority. Ail we know for certain is that w"ý shah hoe sincerely sotry ta see the Hamilton Tigers pass out of the League. Nor do we mind predicting that there will came a day' when the other t- wiil regret that they weren't Juet a trif Lt mot.. generaus in help- ing ease theit financial oail by cut.- ting thein in just a trifle deeper an away-fromt home gates. ThtcColid(it iiniog ofathietes iS a business for c epers nowadays, as everybody knlows. Mectinig eoîr olil frîtil B"il lynw an officiaiý an, Ontario race tratks-tbe othr day houigbit back memories of the Orly tne we were ever attempteil in an amteur way, to aýsist scb doings. Aiter several years absence frein tht saile, Kelly bail heen askeil to ride in aceti Steeplechase; and wishing to sweat off somne of tht ac- cumnulateil snet be inviteil us f0 spend the nigbt at bis bouse, then corne ont witbhumin for an ealy momning mun. "We'il get up at fout in the, moming, mon about five miles, then tomne hack anil bave breakfast." He Started Something A SULTAN ai odds witb his harem, Thougbt of a way he could star- em, He caught bim a mouse Set it loose in the bouse; Thus starting the first harem- scarem. CHOICE FRIZT TPREES AND SM,ALL FRUITIS Ornameintal Trees, Shrubs Evergnene, 1Roses, Pe- rnisis, Glada à Cannas Large & Complets Stock et AIl Leading Varieties 500 Acres onder Cltivatiori Sese om Local Agent om Write for Pe Catalogue & Planting Guide 0. R. PRUDHOMME & SONS, LTD., BEAXS VILLE, Ontario. INDIGESTION WALOPYOU BELOW TUE BELl? HÏelp Yeur Forgotten "28" For, The Kind 10f Relief Tbat Helpa Mkle YeuouRinl'TO Go More flan hall of your digestion lu doee beloi tLoe bl-nyçur 28 leestof bowels. 8e whenindigsto trik,1r8try sEmeÊt)ii fIat ho-lpa digesýtion inothe stemaeh AN% b5 0a -ty 1oseS b Calrter'e 1Littie L,er l'Sate give noodeti hjeip te fIat "lorgotten '18 fot" fboes Teks enne Carter'% Lttic Liver pLiS hefore end onea ate.r Beaba. Take flhsm aeordinLg te directions. T'hsy elp teaiekp a a rgesmnow, of the 3 main digestiv6 juices is your tomanh A'ND heslsh o endigeoaf wht yeu have eatel n ho N ame.swn way. Thon mot fo nsgbSthe kind of ro-e litat makes ynu be oter îi-om yeur blaS te your tees. Juat Opesure you get file genuine.Caf'Ver's Little Liver plis from yeur djruggiaýt-35o. AGENT8 WANTEb QILS, GREASES, TIRES, Illeeotlcides, Sliectric $elico Controllers, oe nd Barn Paint, Rof Coaftinga, etc. Deal- erlllwanted, WrIte Warcco Grease P- Oh Limi- BUSINESS OPPOETUNMTiIS AN OFFER te evýerY oneforit tinven- tionis and fuiS Informiation isent free. Tihe Ramsay Ce. Rgsee Patent Attorney.9. 273 Banke Street, ttawai. BABY Cilicli{ TH18ISuoiee ar te ralse pouitry. ERgg and meat prnces wili 'efie hh bisyear. fie soirs and Lbuy your chiiclu s from an thl.1d farmi. Ail chiekao fromi our terni are rn Goveromlen t "aTproedand puiloruni (e l, breedlers. 'Write for prîtes aýnd atloue Moniton Fouit ry Farma. Moniton. Onit. YOU'LL be sýonFl1y ti ln d Win'ýSteiSUfl youî havntyourlyinlsn fllS a1uuaian likly f0Iobe a sotg feg n olr thisPu hchmFaiit ncs Wt Dr' ecsforiamg9od1croowifhIowerfeed oncesý,jqý , 14 fo 14) libeyear f0 boy ail'the hics you ,ca jo ropeîY hadi. Wheni your egbusaecsigi nteego prnces. dntyou hl te newiiiglouha moiley in any neaor swh thýere a;ra 1not 00on many _g on it te uinss ith 10% isasIiciekhtbd 0dte df-itely thi is, the year 'te cshin"i heputr ui nes. W ca uve prompt 1dli,,vryonai populr broS i!Onday od.ta o and1,1threE MARKE higgr met ïanS egg rIswith i-1,ily%%ood l-ehozrns. They are as areas moths"Y broesa. Thse Ptsai big. lbp- combeS hea-nILties are ;backe'd 1)y 30 i rer breeins e svy oualityyou tneed f!r t op putyprofits -- Capîn Hip liii tcf eUt chiek and layeioes ur ante gg breeding for, big., ie.peio sga llly a bigslieghorn fior mors, ea. asIL'fr *rowdh for ou ifstotail bolr. tas th iese bimszprlofit omekers eunes anS ynu %VilI r'aise t1hem always Write for pricellst anS free caiendar- Mis Rock Faýrm. MilleRoes TATDchick bran hllthy lastýL3 avesa ni0d; ,Pulletsý: iarS ok,ighit Susseý,x x Barred Rcs eviaphr LBarreSd Rocks 36-3 e faphr 895. Ae1sortoýd Ieavies 3,7.00 Wie ehon Light, Sussex x Whit, 1, Lsonu, W1,ite Roc,>k X White Leahoru 3995. lie Mnine White Leghorno 1.5,AsnfdLght Bed 389.2 week nid 5.00 per hunidned les-a. ýAlan other breeds ini non-sexeS, puYllets and coek- erelo, Day olS cockescela' B1arreS Rock, Rew H1ampshires x Barred Ree.Lrght Sussex, LAbi Sussex x New Hampa)hines 4.45, New Hampsbirea 3.453 Assrted Heavies 2.95. Send for speciai started priesc list. Tnp Nr;teh C.lck Sales. Guelph, Ontaio. HEAVY BREED COCKERýELS-4c Sussex, Sussex x N. ap, rnp deliveny 4e. After Aprii 2th. , e M.ay Liatof0May 1tth 5e. Rhode 1sland Reda 3e. Rocký x Les-ý horn,. and Sussex x Leeborn 2e, Leghonnlel, Fast feathering Rocks anS Rock x New Hamp. to May 3st 6e. To receive fhesse pecials en- close thia ad wltb order. HURONDALE CHICR HATCHERY, LONDON, ONT. HURONDALE CHICKS Ait breedora, double bîood,,-tested and bandeS, heckoS by high pedigrýeed tound(afton stock, Bany enstomnera report bs est I aven baS, andSîonces so neasonebLe. "The cieks I bad treni you have dons splendid."- reports James Wright, Oween Sound. Purle Suasex rmixeS 14c, Sussex x Newe Hamip. Rock s New H famo. paiedllVcpuitets 24e. Rock x Lesho,ý Sussex xLghn.NoeH x egontoi Bey 2-0 mixeS 14coilas 7,ceekerols Se. Affen Bey 2Q mixeS 12 l/-ý , 1 c. ut 4. Large Type Whie Lhoro pultets 24c, nmixeS d c Fast toatheins Rock aJý nd RokxN. Hamp11. Cceereis 6e f0. May laýt. Sussx, ssex x N. Hamoi. anS BreedhrafcRee am.oc- coîs'teIBy 2sf 4e. tter Mey 1sf 5c. Assont- oS mixcd ciealic. astd pullets 23. Asaonrte'l heavy ceýhekees ?3<' ten avlilablo. Ail pnrifeca ubjeet te change te\ýithout notice. 10%livc ehveny fte youn statlon"I $1,00 vr 100 deposit,,balance C.O.D. Oron feon anS enclose this aS, HuronSale Chici E latchery, London, Ont. BEFORE you boy baby chicies ibis yean. givo a littie serions theught to the question ot tehere te boyyeFur baby chicies. Ruyins on pricesnionns eau very ttn prove a serions and costly mistake, The pries tag on the chicies bas n connections witb yeun future sur<'ess sndortorfit in the poultny business. Ifs the chicies thenselvea that count anS the breeding bacie ot theni, that you ans huying. Top Rofch have been sulying good Govero- mont Approved chieka for 14 years, Prompt shlipment on ail popular 'broesa day nid, two or tbree week nId, eider puilets eighi iveeka f0 leylng. Free catalogue. Top) Rotch Chicie Sales. Guelph, Ontario. BREEDER HATCHERY CHICKç OVER 10,000 BREEDERS IN LAKEVIEW FARMS Ahl double blond testeS, bandeS and inapected. Maoy cuatomens have, lad years of contînuotf auccess, with Ls.kevlew ebieka. You cen for, Promt John Colos, Gravenhurat, Ontario- "Many thanka for fine ahiprocot. 1 bai( 100% livabillty." "Wlonderful suceos. 75 f0 00% poduction wtfh youn Susses." repen:. Arthur Aryere. 0-gonle, (Ontario. EGG SHORTAGE Total ehicie latehinga doten 50% from sesr esc TFeeS ones wt ert hotoxtr nS sas prices bigher. POULTRY MEAT SHORTAGE Reprt shteceeerlsstaeSf0 at ditw 'o f0. 8% roiyarao.34 Ilb. br'ilera ans sellina for,'155 f0 40elb lite weighf. Thi margin t fitisgroat"r than e Ver. PROMPT DELIVIERY Prompt delivery il! meut brsS. ive 2nd çcheice of breed. if p'osaible.Beeaav7aiabie Susses. Susses s N., Ramp,., B. Rockx Rlampa., Banned rocks, RNHmps. Rhde Island Roda,'Largo' type IW. LehonaHck s Leghorn, Sussex x Leghorni, R N m Leghorn. STARTED PULLETS 4ws-4wks. Get a boadstari iith started 1pullets or boni OrSon for futurs Selivery.3 mxvoeks f0 reedy to lay. If lmoks like It xiii o r*eoailte ho; tesil-started pullets laier on. Aýi1loiSn poles naised on froc, range under ,ideal conditions. HEAVY BREED COCKERELS Thoosanda availahi, exveky . SenS for snucie Sote onkes on large -î,na CAPONS 4 WEEKS"READY MADE Thons la gond money bi aisnsCapons. Soil for as much per lb, as 3uky.59 f0 40e Der lb. elive note, SenS ton large illoafratedcataogeinS man- agement book anSdesk aeh1 i1sfet ofSay nid, stanted pUlletn 505 cpolna. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM AND HATCHERY FREEI 100HE YBRE COCKERELS with avens erder o0f'100 pullts, Large Type Whit ohn ulte ?'28.0,ReHanilis. $20.00. To recette tia eceenls 1h ad wth y r. HA'1rCIÈRY, LONýDON, ONTk' Rocksý, NeHmaieI ace itis8.8 AsýsocieS 11.95. nioni-sexcS 2098. saorýtsd l9A.S Ceemis1.45, , s,,ntej g.45. pl. Ita:WhIite Leghoroi, lBarreS Rock x WhlIte Losgheo. Auis tra tt'hite M155r 1lak Minofea x WVhife Lecshonu 136.95, AsýsorteS 341.5.Tlrea avese nid aSS 5.00 'Per bundmed, 4 teseIt olS add 10 Pei hundred te above ai,es. Os other breedo. SenS tor apslal stanted pr-ies "i-t Assor-tcCday nId 1heavY Ibrecâ cockercols 95per Ihondred. i»anrje, Rocks ,,, 45.Noe HlampahIrea .45. rectlg.TwSe Chicie Hatehemles LimI1ted. er 4).Otfnme BABY 011101615 YOU LOSE valouable markçets wt ae ohlks-yo- lght as well ac the god ensyucan, esre ia1Y witii Bray etarte ioullgts and coe-,0"Iýres. We 1have tbem reyj te shlp. Get special prîtes. Br'ay nfttcber,. MG0 John N.. 1Hamilton. ouf. OFEINO ANÏD 4YllEAINNG HIAVE !Où anythinsneeda diyelng or edean- Ing? Write te us fero raion.We are glad te sniswe.r yoUr Questioýn. Department Rî, Parker'a Dye Works Lîmiited 791 Yonge Street, Toronto. Ontario. FOR 1SALEÊ HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parts end Service. Bert R Kennedy & Son, 419 Coýliege St., Toronto. BROAD-BREASTED BRONZE TURKEY POULTS Aise SIMALL WHITES and' BROAIO- BREASTED 3BRONZE X SMALI WOITES and SMALL ïI.B.II.'S TRIS looks the year te malte eai money ln turkeys. SenOi for our Torkýey Guide and lot- t er te set ail the dletails. There ta s good A.mnerican nianket nSeand . The doty is dowvn 2 cents pet lb Feed ronces are soins duwn. QuotionsJI for May dreliverýy for grain are down $33ý.00 fe$1700 iper ton. Anti cen Brý,eteer docks are down 40-5o per cent. POLAt production will be awoy demin Il la ,escA dthlat Canadien penîts wiii ho shipprd te U.S.AI by Miay or hefore ai gond prires. Plan te raise poulietslThis la the veari Renie your order nowl- Big dseounts for- April dicivery,. SenS fon Turltey Management Guide und circular o'bieb tellsalal about profits. o)revention ef disease. anti marins metbods. LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH EXETER 'ONTARIO CIRAFT Supplies: Fr-ee ,, aai'aue. We ,aoiï e U1 fuli ln th, fnilowlng cratta: Sfiell rrat. eatereaf . eîLteraft. Beaderaft HijndyratCt Sopply Co)mpany Peterbhi'mugil Ont arin. FO SL. oe D. John Dcere Tractor. starter. ligbts, nower taiee-Sil on 14" ber Lat,? wcdot 28 50 twhite afeel milIshersnl FesSer, claver aftachment, lOrs nexe 3-4 CoisnMill Clover atîacbmient,. conS -rpn nlng orde r. Complete sel steel teheels fer internationali Tractor. Steel rear a'heels for 60 anS 90, or 99 alimer Treetor. Alberti los- ton, 6U0 Emma St.. Chaibani (Ot. Phono BARGAIN! STOCK REDUCING SALE NEW pot-tye Qusen Oul Burning fronder sinvos. 00W $20.00 or '0110 dlivered to your statiton. Acf quickiy, white they lasf. Subject to ehange titîrout notice. To recoivo thîs bareain pries enclose f105 ad witb yeur order. Alan BOOM ITEATERS as ina' as $32.00 and RNe Pot-Type QUEEN RANGE OIL BURN- KItS, $45.0,)wte they Isat! LAKEVIEW HATCHERY AND SUPPLY COMPANY EXETER 1ONTARIO YEAR-OLD Raspberry planta. Lathani and Taylor Variotios 5c each. Tmpnoved Senator Dunlop strateberny Plante 02.00 hundred. RiverlVesa Gardons, Kitchener, Ontario. BEAGLE Pupa fromi Field Trial Champion stock, roady te train. alan traîneS dosa. J. J. Panmer. Suite 100, 202 Qusen St., Ottawa, Ont. ENSILAGE- Barveater. McCormieIk Deerina No. 2. Hardly osed, perfect condition. Riv- OR E ANR TWO ROQW JOH DEERE POTA. 1O PLANTERS IN STOCK RNOW. W. F. 1eENI CO., DLSTRBtTQr(nS SINCE HAD v-ear Lathain ap~r'f aes, 0.0per, hundred, Premier Srwere $2,00 operndrýed. A. Crewîe. t iR.t.,t.1i ton. Ont.,. PEASGovrnmnt egitend N. iChanical- ion and OAC 101.LiLmiteSatppy.Sel, tin two hselb $a 4.50 ho.W.APre,2 ýSt. Thomas St-, Toront.Rnon 11 RJEMIS ONE ARN O-OWBOREAND TEACTOR-DEAWN TOBAICCO ARR TOIt- ATO, ETC.. TRANSPLANSERýSAVLAL NOW, SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER OR W. P. MeKENZIE CO.. DISTRIBITRSi SINCE 1866. PHONE 26, LEAMIlRGTONý. ONTAIO. 1 B.D. CLETRAC Ovenhoad Shovel anS Angle- dozer., uaed 5 mnnths. Noe condition. Hemoden & King, Contractors. Greffon. Ont. Phioe 87. BUILDERS' Supplies aalbeimdaey Rails - Cati on ani-pip and Fifflmts Pumbins fixturea and electnical applianees. SenS stamp for circuler. 'Eeonomy Diatribo- fera. Kingston, Ontario. BEAUTIFUL baby hudgies. guaranteed mnaies. 6, aweoka nid. COR. $18. Canery singera. caretully chosen. for celer and sons. $15. COR.. Groom Pet Supplies, 999 Bieur W.. Toronto. Ont. Hii-POWEEED Rfe-Write for descrrptive foiSons anS Onices. SCOPE SALES CO.. 326 Queen St.. Ottawa, Ont. WISCONSIN AIR CO001ED GASOLIRE EROIRES .Deivery fnom stock. 2 - 10, h.p. RRPAeIRs ARR< PARTS Distribution nocuired in certain tenniterles. CORSOLIRATER ENGI-NES & MACIIINERYCMPN Roe Toronto Ontario LATHA raaperrycanes., 0prude, or on nigman R, 1 saln'Ont . Lakes. Suitable fur Cabins,Str Garage. Box 46, Iiarwoed. Ont. le 200 ACRES, Choies Stock audGri rm à 3 miles froni City, 165 acres teornble. 10 x acres aveod; tester and hydre in bouse and hern. Possession et once. Box 3«. 123 Igtb SStreet, Roe Toronto., FOR SALE or lient, <'osefa oywt gnoûeery store. ApplyIeS Beaupaniln, st. SEInATOrma Dumn reqsts'erpLnts, wýea. R1obertson's Hairdressing Academy. 137 Ave- :1nue Road, Toronto. RIEL>ICAI - LT'S PROVEN-Every sufferer cf Rheumnatie Pains or Neuritia shouid try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munre'sDrug Store. 335 Elgin. COttawi. Postpe.id $1,00. MO0NAC-AD for REzema, the new match. leas and efficeous ointment B- maii 00e. t.aTrappe, North Rngersville. N. B. SATISFY Yourself-Every pufferer eoft Rheu- Smatie Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon-'z Remedy. Muni n'a Drug Store, 335 Elgin,. Ottawa. Postoiaid. $1.0iý. OPPOTUNIIE~ FOR 1WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER J015 CANADA'S LEADINO SCHOOI. tGreat Opportunity Learni Hairdressjng 1Pleasant dignified profession, zood wagcs, thousards successful Marvol graduates. Ameriea's greateet systsm l]lustrated eata. logue free Write or Cal] MABVEL HAIRDR!SSING SCIZIDOLS 580 loor St W-, Toronto Branches: 44 King St. Hamrilton. & 74 Rideau iiSreet. O)ttawaý. 0OPINITIFS FOR NIEN ANDWOE )., ROETAT 1HOM V SP'ARE or f011 time mnney-making. L Irot ma'ke candy at home and earn as you tan correspoundence course NationalInsit ofe Confectionary Regýd Oplorimir P O. 152, Montreai, Que. PATENTLu [FErH£fRSTONAUGI-i & urpa. Ptn Solieitors. Established 1890. 14 King WVest Tornto. Bookiet of' information on requeat. PEBSO74AI -ELIJAR Coming Before Christ-. wonderful bonok free. Megiddo Mission, Rochester il, N. Y. l'HO)TO(.RAII' ELGIN Photos. Devetoping and 8 prints 80e RePrîts 0eJujn1bos 05c.. Write for spc tala on1 Filmns, Enlargements, Meunts, Frames., Box W116. St. Thomas, Ont, SEND your films f0 our new Plant for unisu r- DaSSed oUality. O ur cparkling alossy printi will phease you. 6 or t oxPosore rola 30<. pýostpaid. reprinta 0' 1 cen, 35 for $l >mm Photo Centre. B3ox 71, Chaffleau, Otro PUR COATS REMODELLE D 01(i enats made like new by masteý riurer Fres Insured storage on 'repaira and remotdels. Write for Information. Uptown Furr. U9 Tonge St., Toronto. WANTED WANTEDI $115.0paiS fori ieetr19 an'd Macho 19493,(onlyl rifles witb wvn-out harcela Thte Ion Shnp). 76 Ward.Potie. Ontr. WARTEDl.Mualtntt ansin gn ead o f00 onc1les a-nd pomp reurna skie yur raw,% CHERRY LOGS Booig t orc cash Wite ýBox 104 ti'rgua. Ont. HELP NWANTED HOUSEKEEPER WANTED oueeprte live in,. permjanc-tpoiton O aduits onty. A.tdyBt. Bort Wet. 1 WANTED Four <4) General duty nurses. Aise nigbtý sperviser (11-7). Attractive salary with Oin. ereaee aftfer eue year's service. Puol min. tonance- providsd. Apply the Diec.tor ef Nursing, Welland Cnunty Clonerai lHnspital, Welland. Ontario. For costant, S SUE 17 - 1948r CPgReteTc N N. 'il s- s' .5 s' N s' Se -s- 's 's s s s "s N s' "5. 's N N a '5. - 1 -, jý XI. ISSUE 17 - 1948 BABY cïncxs FOR $ALE