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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Apr 1948, p. 4

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OROINO WEEKLY TiMES THURSPAY, APIRL 22, 1948. Âdvertising Rates on request,- Subseription $1.50 Try our up-to-date iJob PlantI. Our prices are Sure tl-o please, and ouIr wr is of thie best Published evercy Thursday mornimng at the Tlimes offlice, R. A. Forrester, Publisher Established January, 1937. - Support Your Sabbath Sehool Too iinany of us are prone to take for granted thie good work of'those enigaged in Churchi, Suniday Scehool and c-cmiiiiuniity activity. Evor since Robrtiles founided the first Sunday 'Sehool in, Eng- 3and there hias been a world-widle respect for the Sunday School it- selfT, ond an equal. yet regrettable disregardJ fo-r the people who work sei faithfully that the good work of the Sunday School mnay ho. pro- luote(L There is a universal tepidency amnong parents toi( view the Sab- bath School as a splendid place to send the children ýon a Sunday aftrnon.Oftentimies 'the acmayn obligation to a hiardwork- ing superitendent and tea.ching staff is completely overlooked by these sant people. The tJing that duies niake for an idea! sehool is ntie prosence of children and grown-ups aiike. Here at home we'are blessed with very eff1icient leadershiîp in the ail important tCask cof leading young lives in. the right pts A lot of heartacho ond. biillusionmuent could ho spared these folk if thoy knew that the ldremn werc eiving a completo backgrouind ofsym ath nd on- couragomient from thie parÉents. Consistent effort would makre for a Sunday to Sunday rally paigany Sunday Seboul session on a par w.ith the onnivrsary of once a year A lot of enthusiasm xwould hoi required in order to bring ct to pass Tt is ony fair tlhoughi thatL somie s-park of enithusiasým be exemniplifiedl by the rank and Ele.Sharing a task makes for better undersanding, beside helping maintain thec will to see tlin-gs.through arnoqNtoe Who are at the helmn. JCan't Sleep in the Movies An)fimore With tihe motion p7icture ain uc P, lace in our affections, we find nost every MWti town supportin t own nmove huse. Such an insttuton lias not yet hit Corono, alithouigh from tuie to time soeenterp)rising ma wic',ll seek to rur a series of shovs in the town hall. t cas bc said inecidetally that scone mighty good materal has eome our way through tue medium of these pictures shown by the well meont but taranients effryteosrnes WVe have wondered as an aside jstwhat epi s a well built locael theatre wouild mienit. Accouistics have so mc bearing uLpon the sound effects of modeun movies. Sonrehody maY Som-leda1Ybe eecized willh the urge to build a good monvie ýicoise i o A friend suggested jokinglytbat we might turn the venerahie interior of the "Timnes" office into a picture pal1ace. rnkywE fnd life quite Iheti enough as it is. No,%rae wiii probabiy stjcký toi our ritig There às always thre opportunity of putting out advertisig mtter hir the foik who do manaige a show. We are dubius anwaaý -s to the prýoonged support that would greet the inception of a regular show at home in, oo.Peopile probably like to mix tiror visitet the movies witl a car 'de ateso.As we have pointedout hefretho nighs Of the week see ln too0fewý for the actiites that daim us lr-eady. And Sound effets do not m-,ake for, a sniooze i the darkness ither. Time wý,as weuoe co-uld *take hinisof off inito th-e comlparative quiet cýfthe cinma and sle'ep. ~That moay prove a pwru arguLment for the use of silent pictures Orono ilere ani-idThere Civie prýidin Aia znme sould lnot hoollweuVoblind us Vo the fïct that ours is not tie only "Omon" cron te -map. There is ai town of the same Mamre intne statce of MUaine, U.S.A. W saw reflerences to il; ith ie newuspaper just the other night. Our interest inMan w,-as quickened by the recolection that it wsto this State tatie îlte Praik fFirielid repaired after spending miany years iin thlis - Cality. Frank "h atchiled it" in tire old framie building oni the forks ieeently dismnntled byh Vr. PercyChpmn.Serlling smanl tinkets to thre chidren and fixing cloclsanoai wtchs ere among Pranks activiities, while the pruning and grafting ,ý of fruit trees acidec to lis retirer versatile business. Afondness for paneakos as attr"Ibuteci toi threld mon, and traditjon bras it that pancake frying ,onrsisteci of the simple expeci- e-ncy; of sw,eepiing off tire top of the stovle rith ti hue broom and _uaig tie flopjockes ont right oneo tie bore !idi. Godxeskos F'ranIk may have foliowed other cuinar-y inietiocis that would not meutntie foitissg of '"Woriun's Da-y"ý or "'Godo,,I-Rsekeeping", 1it lire lived thogf t, oetoes.Atrgoing to Moine, ho en- deav'ored to retuma leme, we are tod. Border restrictons andada- 'vanced age forbade tire move, however, and the endi of the story la luat in oblivion. Our fatic.y s stîrreci just ail iîtte by nhe tro-Lght that nb iayhje 8 great anskd nPrvoviece vouctuisafed ihim ithre peace nand happiness of a sweetan pretty homo jein, those decining years. The homoecoulc bave nestled in the piace calloci Orono. As on, added lulxuirY it lmigtit lave cran boastec a frying pan ip cw'ich p'ancakos could ho faosir- doned. n because È)anca-kes are flt t best wtbout a bit of trima- nipNgte piture wouid be ,omIplbeteci by o eorûouSshsg of mapie syrp fomOrono bore te ronotie. Character Wc hard a monn make tire oservation Once upn a time Mta eharacer after ail is the owny thing That octuy cous in any one ,f us, Ipat rmark hajts stuck in our rmmd. Few ofni, us accolisi all ,,e might ydihshti do ithe comparivly short span of a lifetie. jKoreover, few of ouirfellows rememiber -us -by hat wedi.The summning up comes in the thouglt of watwe woro. And, ireause tbe tirmings, we doare governeci so 1iargeiy hy what e are, our friend's thought uipoï, chracter takes on docep sigalfficance. This arice do" spot seek toi "moratize, or to uncover any profound finding. it smply points;the way of nýreatness for tire manr ci, weiman wh-o must needs lîve in a sinalwrd We say hs becausze Mer das to come wiIl recognize tru worth at ts fuli faýce -Value. Vie- Wga one with anther for paltra dolars is no10t the ut1lniate gýoal cof mon. A gieat imany of us ma-y helieve thiat nrioney adifme shouli chdio ail of our lahour ond stirng Wthout hoiýittling amibition or hope hi tire least, vwe reinci you dear monderf, tirtWe Il wtidjUp k-1 PARKlâ ST. ii A. SUNDAY, A Mr, M'eilori 2.30 p.m.--Sunday 7,00 p.mn.- Side Triackel. Kirby 'S. S. AnniN TED CUR~ E. Eustace iMinister ,PRIL l8th in charge iversar-; CAPITOL PORT HOPE 'FnA. & Sat., Aipril 23-24 "If You Knlew Susie" With Eddie Cantor and Juan Daývis True Stoýry of tÉle Sea lu Techuiicoplor Mon. - Thur., Apr. 26i-29 BINc CROSBY BOB. HOPE DOROTIIY LAMOUR li thIeir Funniest Picture Yet "THE ROAD TO RIO" U Daylight Saviag Noxt Week 'M I The Orono Weekly Times &SEling privately, Priday and Sat-! urday, April 238rd and 24th, at theý reshlence formerly occuped by the late C. J. iuisn he follo-wing n r~- Solid Oak _Writfing Desk vwitn four D)rawer,; Padded B Ledroom iChiair; BIid!ge Lap;2 Card Tbls;Jar- dinereStad;2 Drop4Loaf Tables; Tale.; 1 Becirooni Suite, surface oak; i Dresser, surfaice oak; 1 low Wýood- eni Bpcd; 4 Rockers,,; Whee! chair; age Commiode Cai; KitchIen C-halirs; Ca Cup)oaydsý; Oak cee Box; 1 Ohi leater; 1 Bc ice Stove, and other snilatcls Before Seling LIVE POUj-rLRY Try nme My Prices Are Hligler M. FLATT Te.7 r 12 Reverse Charg-es I l LESKAR'D, ONT. Electrie anciAceyleWelding Cyciaider Blocks and fends liii Weided ULIISpecializing lin MIII ALUMNUMAND ZINC All Wok uaranteed VPhoneolorno 1 ring 5 Labourers Wanted FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTIO.N 1Hourly ratre of 70 cents A pply V âCompany Office 3 miles Northl- of Orono on No. 35 Highwvay ARMSTRONG BROS. CONSTRU-CTION DU RUAM Progressive-Conservative Association Gen.eral Meetieng ,& Conventioni ýýTOW'N HALL, ORONO on the eeigof Friday, April 3Oth Fcor th-e prpoeotan-ting General Businless and seleceting a nidý*11.,ate for-, the Pruovincial Election. PREMIER GEORGE DREW AND OTHERS P-ublic Ccordilally Invited GocI Save the King IRmWIN CLWLL'ros, R. R. WAD sc-, S LXYCIET'P -In loving 5-rnory'f al Pear hushand and fatlhep 1Willsam jamies jLyeett, who ý[,tpassed away April 3th. 1946. ThcY saY thels %ail orows A'nd 11helps usy to fùçget: Bttime so fa-r has3 0oýy proveod Ho nucb we issyou yet. God gave tas îr-ntu tofig'ht it, 1And courage ýto beuar t'lie hlow, But what kMeinant to huse you. No onie will ever kno-w. -Everrmebrd by Wife and Famlily. SALE REGISTER 1 have been authorized to red! by puilic aucton for Robert Gordon, at Con. 7, Port ýHope, 1 mile east of Eh.-ý zabethlvil ec, bis entire hýouseiodiî ef- fects. Terins Cash. No Reserve.- Jack iRe id, Auctioneer. FURNITURE SA1LE ORONO Furniture Hospital Reupholstering Repaining Refinishing Antiques Bought and Sol'd See qour fine o (f Irapery Material ithaUits mado to0 order C- F. Dluncan Radio Service! The combination of expjerience, com- plete data on aRl makos, and modemrr test equlipmont ,will onsure PROMPT, REASONABLE AND EXPERT REPAÀIRS Cal R. L. MYLES Phonoe 79 r 4-ORN F re e Es t imates will be G enCheerfuilly on Rockî Wool Home Inq-ulationt B7 Blowoir Systein, Four incheles tbick> GILPIN & Ce. Ilneulatie ontrcur,57 1BloorSt. Distrîct Representative for Durhâam County GEORGE WADDEL The RUTTER GRANITE COM1PANY Phonpo SOI - F.0. Bor.622 Port He~ontaIri monuments, Gravemnarkers Engrmviug, GoIfflu A 3-actComredy PIa, "Mr, Beane fro.m Lîia" wiIi lie stagiý by thle 1Blaclcstock Gontilu-atioert li thie Town Hall, Oronp> on VhurSday, April 22nid, at 8.00,ô.îI, ui4er t'lie auspices of the Or,0o C. SLitarary Society. Adi 0in85c. and 1.5c. DA N C F, Girls' ofhalteanrI D# ceg e totivifle Hall, on W.ced y, A rUI 28 th. MNiflbook l heýa. e freshienits solid. Adnission, 40e. GEORGE YORK GOno - Ontario Agent for the Enipire Wallý-papers -and tlIIe Water-- Proof alper (Original WhIite Rose), Se'e my po'rtfolio of kývely wallipapers, Evle-- ings. You will o atsfed W'ANTED -Agen-t to sel aew ipoe lsi floor finish. Full o;r part timie. Higlh- estcomsin Apply to Box 3C,01 Orono Times. tf. -A houLse ur1gently. Mis. Georgel M'cKenna, Orono -11p PASTURE FOR RENT Y 100 acres, Weil fenced, plenty ofi hadead wateýr. A, . Lemen, iCoinîcessoin:St, Boumanville; Phione FOR SALE Onie Tractor on Rubhýer, -'with sat er and liWts.Phono 17 r 7, John' Best, Orono. C-14-p FOR- SALE Set of Hlea.vy Teami Havrness(ud) ith Beecing W.E. Davey, Oronoc1- FOR SALE McClary Cook Stove, in good con-1 diion. Willsei reasonabke.Phono! Qrono 65 r 16.c-4p FOR SALE11 500 C'ick :Oil roodtir and one 50 Chick Goal Brooder, both uswed; aso onie 800 Chický ElccetieicBroodler, nw 1App'ly toý Ailcen'-, 1Appliance Shop, Sixty ac.res, harii, no house, Lot 10,1 IConcessioi 6, c2alke. Plonty shade and running water, ideal pasture fýarni. Twelve hnrd lx y IR. R. N\o. 4, Ohw. c14 A. F. èEN IM.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON office fours. 2.0 . t4.0p.m.; 6.30 Io 8.00 lP.M. Sundays and Wednesday's by appointmpent onily SPHON'ýE 47rI l)ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Magon, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones:- Office 6S8 Home 553 W, F. WARD BARRItSTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Phones:- Offie 825 Residene. lob BO0WMANVILLE, ONT. iDR& W. W. SHIERWI7N VETERINARY SURGEON Office Main St. Oon.e Phoe,3 7,orono J. C. GA M EY 1NSU) LIR ANCE Fire, Casualty, Autoimobile and Liability ORONO . NTARIO ManuactuersLife Inaurance cM8 is represented n this district by DANE FOUIND ORONO .Phone 8 R, i if it'à insurance, zgWe Danueatia_ LEROY HAMILTON INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BRAINCHES Lif e, Ilospitalization, Plate 1Glass, Burglary, Casualty Representing thfe Leadlmz CANTADIAN, BRITISH anA OfcMain St. ORONO' Phones: office 3.2 r le; Reg. 1 r le Estimates freely given, no olgto INFORMATIO'"N Wo'uld you like to know more about the followving T (a) Holw te wlll to your family thoudsaazd dollars that you haven't Y*t saved ? (b)Hw to guara'ntee a aary cheque to your fami!ly ever'y Msontb for 10.15 or 20 y'ear's should Yeu b. taken out of the pe)ituire?7 (c) How te have-(- a salary choqueo every month focr yourself as long19as you lire, ecommnencing ett age 55-60Q or e35. -d) Hqow to g, uaranitee that Yen!? son o)r daughter will have! the money for anidl ato beyond high sehool? Lot us have- a chat abou(t Ir, somo- timo.Phn FRED LYCETT WF

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