Your iHandwritin-g and, YoAuexS. Amott There !i o ccurate rcord cf thle ni'ubr of foirgerii(- e c mitted in OntarioDa, tacrigta knlown facts, the forgeur dca a lively busi- ness anid neyer lacks new victims. The buines imanl and the public, genraly sem ver ready to take a !rîminig and realize only taa Lieth,!at theyve be.n the v c- tims nf a sys-temaiti'c fleecing rou- T1ý forrger aIvays ha, two t hings in Ïid:gein his "take" and escaîngjustce.One, hie is famili- ar wihhuannuaiture and is trust- initht hj iiiiims have poor me\\orie. Il,,-h is betting a hundreli-d taonell that the average persn old o, positively identify hjis or belir own handi(îring. In teetoassum]1Ptians, the forger makes an e~ living ai your ex- pense. lie relies imiainly con your inabiliîy to recal!i definitely whethi- er youi made a bineiiss tranlsactionl ù.-rfnot, and haipes tla,-t you id n fot maea r.(-card f il.P mmre andslisha aconting on yo\ ur An Zoa trtist could capy the si 1na,ý re of another persan af ter paistaingpractice. Buit the for- g rdasikIt f(ootth,, handwriting ana 0s1(otae a sý-cntific ap- prach, sud oes not rely onil imm- ar rchance for iatr e identi- ficaion Th nlysvt knawS, thirough Ii the u of inistrumîenlts, if t1le Sig-, nau 1 nu1ne oni-alt. On)le due in niicaioare the cmaath ",even lhules madle in free flowig 'indwriing cript as cuîi- pared (îwith the iroujgh or-corrugated cdjges o f hes madiýi(e 1by vthe atiempt to) forge the smeWriting. This is one a f thie posýitive dIifferenwces be- twýeep a genuinec signa],ture-, and a As 1 hve rlateud in reio ar- wvay yuink and 11(1ai!ýl your writinig tksthe ýformIliaf imental aict:\I*itY. Aswe thinik, sa do we wýrite. 'T'le fLorger thlan hlas, a decided lhandci- cap, sîincehie cannait thinik exactly as Vyau woutd, :d imuist resort ta artiE. nclnatonsta omlplete bis wvokiii forging your signiature. EBut his; artistry is lot god oo ta follaw thie trend a' f thoughitwhc pradiius the pattern you mnake with ,yiur hanldwriin and that i where "-e-,have in Whiilen ecmpr our wriîinlg w,-ith tefre cithe heb 'forged sh1ows irreglaýrities ovhich are ab- sent i]iche genine sc.ript. A.nyonc elwishing a More cosnpletie imlyispea.t- send self -addresjed stamped veop to Box B, room 1-21, 73 Adlelaide St. West, Toronto, Th'ere its eo charg4e for tis service. Hou) Can 1I? by Arý Asley Q. H: awcni, reai the flavor of A. Alwnays keep spi.eS in tightly- closed cans or bxs as they îill quickiy 'os-, their faosif left in Open receptacleS. Q. Iow can I meïnasure matasses and( keep it: fram,ý stickinig ta the me(asirin]gCuIP?' A. Gzrease the cup ii*litly before mleasurinLg molasses, or dîp it f ull of four and then enipty it. Either method witl enable every drop of motasses to corne out of the cup withiout stick-ing, Q.Fiaw can 1I dean gold and .A3 Synopsis CHAPTER XXXVI: Weber acts myýsteionsty anîîid Ellen becomnes susýpicia)us. Shie goecsta. the barn and fesjujanita.1 CHAPTER XXXVII Ellen waîched tihe stim figure fade into the night. She stowty twistcd an engagement, ring from her finger. "W're throuegh, Clark," sheý wbisperedi. Stippig back inta the house, she fou (1 berv brother anxiauisty pacing the floor, xvrried aver her long, ab- ~sence. But hMe she had totd him the reason for it, be was sa enraged thai Ellent had trouble keeping him from statking downstairs aud having a showdowu with Clark Weber then and therec., "But in the morning w'll have it oui," he promised tightly, when he f inslly gav e in. "Either he leaves this -place, right away, or we do! Downstairs the hinges of a door- ci-eakcd. Ellen ran ta the window, hhand ll(1c1tchiug lier ibroat. 1.C(Lar1k's going ta bhec'barnt !" -she cried in atarm1. "GO gtil, bcd!t" Muaxon ardered baîl."And dlon't swrif lhe calî1syu. Hefent a is own 11raom.Ele wa1s scacely enatb ber Mblkets whlen the owstir dor asbag- et th le accampan1imenUjt uî ming, oatibs, andý Clark ebe came pund- inrp h stairs. sveysteps indricated thai lie was l:ike an enrag- cd 'beasi. Ellen waitcd i,-th hsitcd breath. Fear-gripped Russ Bairtle bad New ensembe-it's gaing places! Easy sienderizing dress with flatter- ing jabot, slim boxy-cui, jacke- Pattera 46à8 is-an onifit ta take beautiful care of y-ur social life! Pattern 41658 sizes 34, 36, 'ü8, 40, 42, 44. 46, d48, 50. Size 36 dress, 3;,4 yds. 39-mn.; jacket, 2yd.contrasýt. Senîd TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25c) in coinsý for this patIterII ta Room 42, 7-3 Adela'sde St. West, Toronto. print pta in ly SZZE, N A M E, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. ISU1.E 17 - 1948 madce aui agreemenît, oni the spur of the imomlent, whichhe nailw rcgreCtted. HL paced bhis office f bar, cuirsîng himsetf Îfor poiigta wipeuithe Wcbe r-Max-,on1111orgage, i f Clark WVeber captuired Et Cab)allero Raja. 1"The f ool mIgh e ji lu icky eni- ough 'ta deliver tie goods," he muiit- tcred, "sud ithen 'd bc oui four tbousand.dollars! I've gai ta hiedge. out of that proise som1ehowv." But bow ta bedge without putting the firsi blemish an his reputation for being body aud saut for the farmers hie had imported? Barte paced aud planued until bie was teg- weary anid brain-fogged, and then ai' last a scheme foimcd in bis brain. The onty way-the perfect way. Fie hurriîed ta bis desk, sat down sud snaicbed up a pencil. Fie worked anoihes- few, minutes ai the desk, then scurried about the large raom collecting an assortimeni of ttîiugs which he piled on a chair beside the door. Wtîcn lhe wcni out, hie carried a. large iatlow canidie, a can of oil aud an empty 'beanu n iitb the boîîa)m punched fuit of hales. FiTalf an hu' ride brouigbit imi t4) the cde OF the valley anid from abo e fhe tooked dawni on the butild- ings o,' fiCris Priuigle's farmi. Natibi ng stirred below bim as Bar- tle waicbCd. Aie a hihe rode dawn ia the valley, as close ta the Pringle placI.e -as be drd imu cd sud steaýilthity advanced with cani- die, can anPld -il. Like a shadow hec made for1 the lonig shed. Biitn double, Bartile wormaid bis way to the centre of the shed. ie kuiit, reached ahoxe him sud drag- ged 'dowu a dry sîalk. Criîmpliug the teax es, bc made a ltte nesi, soaked it witlî ait aud placed the caudle iu the centre. A match spluttercd in bis cupped bands. The candle wick smoldercd a nmoment; ilîcu, as taltaxvmeltîed, a spear-head of yel1low light was born. To shietd such1 a dang,,r signal froni any curiaus cyes, lie- carefully set the perforatediii aver tic c.nde. He gai up quickty, sprayed the ait about sud dragged dowu more tobacco statks. lie lefi the building cautiiusly, then dashed to bis hors,, frfung himself juta ihe saddle sud taie off toward Gotd Creek. At th( pace leelîeld, he, figured, hie shioîîtd bc bsck lu bis office in shduti ity- five mintots jui iheuguIlii ni it 'wauld take 'the caÙde)a umi doîvu. Sa the flamne would touch the rim of the ail so-tked nesi about ils base. Abruptly a chill shook Bartle, as unconscîousiy hle pullcd up bis harse with a jerk. For from Saule- where near had came the sudden wcird cry of a mauntaiti lion. ht iurucd bis blood cald, Barte snatcbcd bis quiri and flayed bis horse wiîhouî mercy. Snorting in pain sud anger, the ani- mal carried him au ai breakueck speed. Au ibis gallapîng speed Russ Bar- île rcturned ta îown. Storming ia the jail he fauuid Shieriff Lande, fully cloihed, snarinig on the bcd. "And whbat did you accomptigb with aIl ibai riding?" Barile de- manded, waking buii. "Ntigmuich. This fetlow We- ber thai I had tocked up swears lie saýv ,11l abllro Rjain ube val- ley, Pete Hlaskell Swears the samie î ilaw popped mria a catlemeni's mneeting, and gotai way wýiti a butl- Ici- wounid." "And while yaou're waýsI1ing tune on he lhunt, ibis autlaw pins this t my door wîth a daggerl" Zechariah Pleads for Righteousness. Zechariah 1-1-4; 7:8-14; 8:16-17 Golden 'Teat: Execute true judg- ment, and show mercy and comt- passîin every nman ta bis 1brothber - Zechariahi, 7:9. Zcchýuaiah uged the people ta continue w ith hbuilding of fthe temiple of Jeru1salemi, lest they dis- PIC-s~e God as thecir fathers had done. As God had exited teir fathers from the land when itbiey iurnied away from iiHum, tihey, taa, wouild bF uie ne sthiey were converted and followed God's way., * * 9* As leaders and pe-ople refuised to hear thc P-rophlitwhien hle deliveredJ God's warning and instruction, so God wauld not hecar. Fie vwould nact alter His decýisin that they be de- livered mbt captivityý. He would not pre'Vent the destrutctioni of jerusa- lcm. The 'Chialdeantis camiie against' Judah tike a whrwnETheir vic- tories were Swift and thie Jews Were scatter 1 as, strangjers .in strange lands. Whi!, le theywere gone thecir lanld vas tefi decsotate for th~ eve years of their- cap- tivîty. God re erved! it for their re- turn which IFeie had prom,-ised ihrough ec prophctsý. -Ini Fis pur-pose ta do good to Jerusaleri anid ta the bhouse of J- dah, the Lard ihirou-gh Zechiariali commauded: "Thiese ajre the thlings that you mnust do". First - "Let every iman te,! li te truîhb, ini dealing wiîhhbis eihar"Second - e your decision in, i courts be imue and for the common goodi." Third - "Plot na evil iniior lbearts aga-inst Sheriff Lande sniatchied a scrap of paper from the banker's h1and. FHe read crudely prinied words: 'Wclt?" Bartle'demanded, "What you going ta do about it?" "I don't believe El Caballero Ro- jo wro, - it," said the sheriff flaily. "I was on the landing at the head of the stairs above tie bn when the doar below ratttedl," Bartie snapped. "That -,as ib'e dagger being driven in. AndI- l1got down- stairs in time ta flinig openi the door and sce who ad done: it my- self! 1', was your El Caballero Roi -siver ooddstooled gaui- lets, scarlet ineckerchief and att."' "B tin stîill nat im," thie sberiff said positively- . "No manl can mvake mne believe that he's suddenly gane loco enlough ta gallivýanjt around pasting notices of what heined ta do." (To Be Continued) aohr"Fourtb -- "Neyergiv y',s0les a ay pcrljury"Ad why? "For alit these are th"e th1ings that 1 bate' If people weïre ta fotlow Zecha- r-iab't i, mssag( from God-)(1,the founida- tion for maticiaus ga)ssip would"bie detoe.Since God haiecs evi\im aginjations1-, false oathls, inusie lies, tho1se Wbo profess ta love andL serve, Hum msii surely hate them also.sPuy b1aps carry plt nes ashade toa farl Onle of temon duta rsn was asked byV a youg ady ta ho)w ber the waýy oui. Fie dïd. Tuned oui later 'she wavs anc of 1the prison- ers. "Huh? What'd you say? Oh - you mean those malty-rich, honey-gold- en Poat', Grape-Nuis Flakes!" "They're some dish!" "They're so cleve-rly- made - cf twa, graîns, yen kniow -- really di- vine Canadian wheat and- maIted barley!" "They sure tasie otstf thîs worId, darIhng - but yau'r e f orget- ting ihat other reasan why 1 go ftor Past's Grape-Nuats Flakes." "Energy, you miean.? The carbo- hydrates that load you Up ewitho- ergy so they eail yau the humýan dynamo?" "Rightl And w,,hist are ihase things BoU~y Sox "Oh, Shy and 1 have brokeni up ail right-but 1 go-t--Iîstody a1 thie r ing 1 tbai help build Up the old muscle?" "Proteinis, Hercules. Anýd Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes sure have got 'em!" '.And phosphdrvs -wvhat's that for?" "Thai,'s for sturdy bones and sounmd teeih." "Eating Post's Grape-Nu-,ts Flakes every day - no wonider I'm such a husky guiyl" "And Past's, Grape,-Nuis Flakes give you ranro for the blood--arnd other food essentials." "Say - Post' 's Grape-Nuts Flakes are ready ta est right fram the package, so let's have some, quielu." L kzeeps in the cup)bard-'iî's quick--acing-iî's always there when you wanti k Now, with the New Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising- Dry Yeast, yen can bake mfore delicious breadis and rols iin extra-fasitime. No dashing te the store at the last minute-yenu can keep a mouh's supply standing-by, use it as yen need it. It will be as potent the day you use it as the day yenu bought it. if YOUI BAKE AT HIOMEI - get Fleischuanri's Royval Fast ]Ris;ng Dry Yeast today. At your grocer's. Sunday Sehool Lesson "THAT'S A VERY SENSIBLE PURCHASE M'LOVE - WHY DIDN'T YOU'BUY A COUPLE?" m