Regla $8.5.Naw $19 9 $1.75 a rli P)REE Wi h ahiquartprhaeo JAPÀLAVCTCEAR GLOSS PLASTIC FNS GODSELECTION 0F Conertbl GARDEN 110, tWrs, Wasersand Iminedate Dliver 'I; BEGINNING W dApril 28th The Durham FarmnerS' County Every Wd.Afternoon for thec susmuier months Robt. Glanville MANAGexER cr. ree'n, of 'MIri and, M1 s Fsed iTufford and eou,gh famîly, ofBunker li, pet una The Yun with Mi. anidMs.Per1cy, Sný rel1. thieirwelym MU. SMIGld, of Mout Plesant ,,ane feite spet0afOw days Wth Mr. and irMis.the topie"hri isol Nicioli. TheYoung Il Mr. Vctor Thoîndyke spent Sun-' to Port Hope ý d1 ywt i daughtr i. 'rnil tedthe Ri F'et fen'Vielo'n ll, is'nt the 'cm Mrs. Lloyd flurey and Din, Cof Amoig SUnd Newtonville, spent a fer days aith alMr. Cn Pa SundaynSeool\was held at10.30 Caýýo'road iý lish an attendanc'e ofthtyfvWloe vith ail teauheurspresent. iChurcli wa's BerneeBust MmooretoFoxbmoeouh Mi. offat froil te afew ecrearyof Iospenda ewdays. aneac Mi. andi Mis. roiNhos andgnea talk or Clora Jean ipn ededyin Toi- sdr aa onto. T;h emotl Mi. rd s. ABob His and Laurel, men's soi of Port Hoe, spent Suny ,vith i,.j_ homie ofMs 1 A-op AP VA STORE TOUR PURS I CAT ADA'S AGSTFURE OUR .MOADERN SCIN FI URSTRAE VAULTS ARE: 'S'iMOTU PROOF SFlIRE PROOF "DTT ;TPROOF Send us yoClth Coats and Furs Toý-da;i 2per Cenit of Youetr Valuation New Service Cleaners W. J.RIDDELL, Agent, INCOME TAX GUIDE S V S MONEY, SAvES YOU TIME-You will find that-a few minutesa week keets yourl Farmi Account Book up-to-date. The first 15 pages of youir new Farým Accouint Book teli a straight story about what is required fromn farmners. Your problems are deait vwith in" question and an-swer formi and an inidex refers you quickly to the section you wanit. The pages and colum-ns for accouints are numberedtct correspond with the itemis on the Incomne lTax ReIturn form itself. You cani makean asyo go along. ïf You Hovetnt -Received Your Copy, Get If Now- 1FREE AT YOUR POST OFFICE !EY BY SHOING YOUI ,farmer legally is eni- ýductionls for a wide ,penïses,. Your Farm ok hias 12 pages de- [umns for these. 'You J of -,ritems which other- ghîli forget. Deprecia- itor, is covereti on 75 les in commion farm You are shown how, to establîsh dalims for a Basic Herd and ntake a Th-ree-Year-Average of your re- turns. This latter gives you the accurate record of alfarm deal;ings advantage of the lowest possible tax and ài may be dated back ta 1946. These are direct money- saving advantages entirely to your THE THREE YEAR AVERAGE You can't lose if you take ativantage of this. Two things are necessary to average your income over the three year period ending Decemnber 31, 1948. First your 1947 return MUST BE FILED ON TIME--that is, by April 30, 1948. The hen you, file your 1948 relturn in 1949 you -may make application to average your income for 1946-1947-1948. This averaging of income conitinui:es yearly s0 that in each yea r you are taxeti only on the average of each three year perioti. RZEMEMBER - t4ALF CULTIVATED LA14D YIELDS A POOR CROP-HALF~ KEPT ACCOUNTS GIV/E POOR RESULTS TOO ,ear Canadian farters-anti there are nearly a million of t-hem- ced over $2,000,000,000 in farm produce of ail kinds. No other industry approaches agriculture in volume of production. And as ry other business-even the smaallest-every farmer mnust file an n of his tranrsactions with. the Departmnent of National Recvenue to yfor thze many tax exemptionis which are allowed. DEPARTMJENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE doentilIe pres s. Holdawapre- iodr îh is ivig v isins Tootspert SunlciaY PepesUnioin ed eetin wit-an' attenid- spoke or, eo leUnn motored (-In Mond'ay eveninig .to isaders Cavalcade. ay ý-visitois withMi ,ye weîe Mr', and Mr yke.SihronAnn andl îed at(u 7.30,ý with a very e.The sekrw' thtMh-oay n i the work of.h Cu CIe. mweetng of thie W-o- pon sas hebd ut the .AIf. Heldwry nd1 ny wahrthesue wue ,nt. The group leader, inteestng alk on .KENDALk w111 beý: ld (Ion dayl;lih 'vigtm thi's unand vile, pen th wek-ed dithIl cidenta wee ago Mi. an Mrs. oinsan theel lae id fIied pntth eekn at~ ~ ~~ai thr rerhaneboe isd, with M is.L.'Pi ne and Mei. ad Mi.Jms5abik&e h Mi. andMis. Wm Boyd hv tae un re id) Ci thei om u re auldpi M ' is 'l 1,Thompso,, ootia Theru4ïforiihe week-end. A MIý, i. ad Mr e Wm. Mecer01-1 S anA Mis.E. CrouxandGacie ie it uttndethe 'weaipalef Mi. eoge Mudes.c a Uin cos~o n5tîagelast A de1cglien fdomuThe villee wen tes Csu nto e Me f mhW igods nd -t\Iln. aroweldeis ad the 1nerod is the imsadefo af hres IeddingThoe ple ut th Church of dibythe Advent, itcad AenuO, To7ronto, of rMissdoioth Els."rey ndM.GereMceonS- bride were a bîowr.aberdinsit uned ndebresmi 'apale nuevga- bapedn. ut ohwoeacraeo sTa aud re s The receptnd nsevu edaherehome ofthe bride's- bMthr, aUnHI te, reeeive d by t .e brde' antris. W.C ME,( is. Wm. aMecr. STherde wus i n=4roes Elsey Te eding ms M-r. and Ms. George eCerare atd pi enttidug itrhavMi and is. the.haMeer. lkIly KIRBYCOO NNV We welce Mi. and s. m eiitWandeidthu er irlitoivl ! TheewilbeaSeca Suu werevisitorns, u Mi. tne Ohap- MN.mal Mýis Ciiame Cowanud 1 heu s'hacl dten; fateîly. oloil We adi a serions 'accidenit duriuig thepast wee (,,but ne e wahurt. 4Ouiy, ouCi new fobalive daý ge beuyond repiry a passi-ug ruck. Mi. ;Carjvetlisuprse lsTusda -byý sh' i)ming qiictures atou sehool 'again. heEiterirse auet joutrneyed te Kirby to see 'tlheni'is. HO-LECTIHIN Nerve Foo)d aa is et habit forn Boide ..... abein nrosexhaustion nykind, hItgives ready relief Chase's Nerve Feod ..........69e-,' Budok lotiBitters.....-............ ReXail Blood Purifier, 16 oz bottie........ FelIow's Syrup.large botie....... RexalilSyrup of liypophosphites, 16 oz.... Hlemnatie ilypopholisphites, 16 oz blottie....... Beminal Tabets,ý. ... ............ $1.50 and $1.79 $1.09 $1.00 $1.39 $1.00 $1.50 $3.75 Dpee Te'e M0thFumeCrsa, paCk theým awvay wiith winter woes it is cer1tain death t0 o mths, e-ggs and larvae 1 pounid in.............. .......49C Moth Bails, MohCrystals, 1Ilb ,........_.. 29c rot-îiProf Garment Bags....39c, 50e and $1.00 Wod'l MthBleetes.......10C an-id 25C Larvex ïoLqid................ 83,$2 Buy 10Wantisav kmoe. 25 per cn discount on ailpaprsfo;r a limiËteýd tmeonly, CharlsB.eTyrrel DRL1&S - AGENT FORJAK NFLWS ýjPhon 6 :: . Orono, Ont. Ruber lovsVice-roy Latex Red Rubïber, a-il SI Ze s, 1)Pail .............5 WEEKiý-EN PELL,-rif,,imeki Combed0 1Cot, sizes small, mdumbarge, regular 85u., for........ ...... »....... 72f- TwinemSisl"e ogrLoksao proo, doble titeed, rice ... $2,9 anid $2.49 La-ýdies' anyPr'ittpyjamas, pair.....$2M0 Whlite Vestees îto freshen your suit ........$.00 Childien'otton Panties, s-,izes 2 to 14, pr 39c, 45e Sausag-eBaons buy several and mnake your own animial toyýs, each ........ .......5 MoJth Bails, Moth Crýystals, Moth Proof Bags. Joh-nston'is Glo-Coat, Hlawes, Old English andic Speed Ca Waxes, each........ ....... 59c GROCERY FEATURES Sweet Cherrlies, Tip Top Brand, WHEAT f3ERM [EREAL large 20 o tins..... 35e SJelyimilk Desserts, H1arry Horne X 2 p'kgs. for......... 3 Crunchie Pickles, sweet, mixed, 16 oz. botties........ 29e Mothier Parkers 'Tea, Orange Pekoe, 1-2 lbv pkg..... 52c AHEALHPR TC VE F0 Dr. Ballard's Dog Food, 19 oz. 29C,, tins, 2 for, ........ 31c Boneless Chieken, 7 oz tins. 39e Place your order here flor Over- seas Food Parcels. Euhin eformna- tion at the coumter. Peaniut .Butter, Harry Hornie's, in C~p~~ glass tumibler ............. 29e Special, York Bologna 12 oz tin 25e M'iOEsyRYCP SPECIAL, lIcl.aren's .Jelly -Desserts, lavorsPAKG Limre, Strawhberry, Pliieap)ple, etc., each ..., 5c. -Tilbest Gingerbread Mix, 14 oz p1kg . ---- 28e35 I mRONO 5c., T0 $1.00 YOU POULA SHPPING C ORE [TRE No(rEquipment Private Ambulance. Norhcttand Smith Fanerai Directer3 and Furitur, Desru; -KINDNESS COURTIESY h 4- i r i k Eqipped te take Care of the 10edest fural M, the meuzt reasotiable charge as well as telargeat and rae5t exactlng Tedti'hn* .O"à Co 668 - eaidene: 528 and 726F SERVICE