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Orono Weekly Times, 6 May 1948, p. 2

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Synopsis CHAPTER XXX VIII: Lande, believing tbat a tbreatcning note poste! an- Bartle's door is e boax, does pot go ta the Pringle farm. 'Ihait fermer, meaowhile, is looking for Bartie, Chapter XXXIX As he shîuggcd into bis coat bis figes ucbedti butt of bis gun. It was as if sa te stà Ze drug had fired bis imiagination, Dark nigbt. Lonel1y tu-il, Dead mien's tangues cani- not vwag. Theyý covere.d a mile in gloomy silenice thien Pringh, asked jerkily ,0ou thinjk tcse'3 vr bc real justice biere for tobin ,en " ' Thieecerta1inlyý i:l be-,' Bas-Ice sooutbed, "Saine -day- anc of these ýýattie1men iilshow bhis gu-ilt so Plain that even Sherijjff ad will have ta do san1ietb3ing about it" "Did you ever tbinik i 110,~no be b)eefmcn iwbioa ase ttyiog teo min uis, to s-nis ont?"5 "L'ord, no) l Wba cie-", "I doni't kolow. The idea just kînd - it me n tow. Before Steve Ran- sosn diedlie said be saw, just anc n mrn away fsrn big shed. Mike Chapman saw ji ust one. Bus-r AI d- mian saw anc. Seems like cattiemen, fron-i ail 'vce learned about 'cm since 1 came West, most always ride ii, bunïches, and wben tbcy mi-ake op thieir minds to do some- th,,ing they ,go abead witb a wboop N(-) manees signed bis death wvarrant witb greates- cestainty than Chris Pringle did with those words. SuLspicion ai h last tbing in the wold at Bastic could tales-e. For, if bY eny chance, ii, spite of bis igilan1ce, the tobecco mep; and t1l' cettlieen shioud get togethier te o ompare 1notes, thiere would be irn etigation1s end.- 11ind of late w;ih thsch coniclu- 5005, C't youi, Pringle?" hbe "I guiess. Recckaný l'il ride bc town witli you letes- and kind of nase arounld. It aint't alweys detectives thiat dig upi things that miigbt iead ta simebady wha lias ney-rever bceen - spccted or-" Býartîe uledback biý hor-se. lis hand (ipped sifl oabis bol- gîtes. His fingLers gsipped the 'gun bulttPringle -would bave died et that moment-buit the ecrie cs-y of ra ne-arby mounitain cet tos-c et Sastie's cars, rcasped bis nerves. Buit the respite was short, Bar- tle's gunii roemred once. Pringle's body quivercd, slid sidleward in the sad- dle. His basse boited in frigbt as thie fermes- feil and ley twistcd in the mmiiid end tmeitioig sîcet of the trait. As if ta speed,_ him a n bis way ta etcs-ity, there came egein t he ghastly t-sy of a, prawling cet. He-stily ýdisiniosmtitng, lie killes- rolled Pringlle ov- on biesisde_. Satisfied bis work had bceen donc tlios-otghily, lie turncjd back ta-, bis bas-se, Onte foot was ready ta bhit hi ta the Icathier wlien su-,ddcnly thie iisty faorn of a rides- lomicd uIp in the glooin of the trelil. Before Rnis BastIc v a sdly ms-c rethan ewas-c thnt as-ides- was approechiing, juaýnuta had acted in- stantly. in a flash bhés gun wes borinig into bis mliddlc. "Thlis tume, hombre, yaVu do nat r-ide wetcs- endl escape me," shc said coldly. But ber hcart was Poudinîg. If she cauild take this ian prisanier ta Veldez, El Ce- 'balles-o Raja miiight \,,-ing the tsuth "You- do't think I killcd thus mianl?" BastIc blts-ed, bis eyes on thle wCepon i, the pe-on's stcady hand, anrd hnwas-dly cu-sing beceuse bswnwas back, in bis bolutes-. "Hini I arnl sure ao TJu- anita said cvcn1ly. L"ButtheS.in of yoir bas-se tel!lnieyou ae-cthe torturer wl.oa niled a mianrta Don Attes-o's Cro -th t yauas-e the, one who killcd tbe far et ýa'the burning shed. Si! Voui write your riame where yois go! it is tobed "Don%. be a fooll" exploded BastIc. 'Samebody fired at us from those bushes in back of you. From the glimpse I cauglit I thaught it was some cow-puncher - but it may have been yau! Sec for your- sç'f how easy it is ta shoot from those bushes and nat be seen." Juanita did nat move. "Once ta- niglit I niake the big mistake," she saîd. "I do nat look behind me, Senor Murderer. You turn around. Place your hands bchînd yaur back. I tic you first, 1 look behind me, si when you arc in a safe place and I know wbo you are" So this Me can fellow didn't know wlio Rusa PartIe was!1 There was still a chance for th(_ banker ta save bis reputation- and hi! neck. "lie and be hanged l' stormed, "But you'IllPay for this, l'Il have Sherif f L ,* hunt you down tht minute you fimd ouf what a fool you'vc been." juanita xvas unimpressed. Experi- ence bad tauig.tlier ýta believe bier eye in preference to lier cars. She took the rope that hung on Pedo's saddle and advanced on the man. She bad just throw- a loop around the prisancr's wrists wbcn suddenlý PartIe spun around like a beast at bay, snarling. He flaycd Jt.anita, his fists lashing out, driv- ing, the slight girl backward re- lcntlessly, not swcrving even wben Juanita's weapon spoke and flame singcd his coat sîreve. Juanita stumbled and feil. Bar-- tIc fiung himself upon hier, puni- mneling bier with one fist while the other s'ought ta snatch bier gun. But as.bis victim's struggles weak- ened, BartIe'semembered the gun in lis own boîstes-. Yankinig it out, he swung the barrel ta witbin in- ches of Juanita's chest. His finger tigbtcned convulsivcly on the trig- ger. (To Be Contimied) Ezra Leads a Religious Revival Nchemiah 8: 1-3; 5-6, 8; 10: 28-32. Golden Text - But be ye-doers of the word, and not hearers anly, deceîving your own selves, - 1: 22. Nehemiab finished building the wall of jerusale iý just before the annual Feast af Trumpets; and ta commemos-ate the great occasion the people gat 'hes-ed tagether in the street before the water gate, and askcd the priest Ezra ta read from the Book of the Law of Moses. AIl morning until noan the great congregation stood in silence whilc Ezr-a and bis helpers read and ex- pounded thie Word of God; and et the fiisýh Ezs-a blessed the Lord, and the people, rcsponding "Amen, Amen, Amen" bowed theis- beads and humbly wasshipped theis- Cre- ator. As always follows cas-elul study of. the Seriptures, understanding and eniligbtcnment came ta these worshippers. They realized bow, dusing the past :veas-s, tbey had aI- lowed theniselves ta, fali into sin- fuI habits, and solemnly rt.solved ta do better in the 'future, They made a Covenant among theni that they would no longer intermarry witb the heathen people in wbosc midst they lived. They aiso vowcd that Sabbath-bs-eaking shoud 1 cesse among theni; and that if the pagan people offercd food or other mes-ch- andise for sale on the Lôrd's Dgy, they would on no account do bus- iness on that day. Another thing ags-eed among thcmn was thàt, in addition ta their regu- las- tithe, cach of tbcm would an- nlually dnate a certain suni - ane third of a shekel - for the service of theý Huse- of God. In brief, those pepeiin long-agojcsualmwcre nlot anlyI hearers of Theý, Word - tbey became doers of it also, sctting an examplqe whlich niany Of ut nl ight wlprofit by today. Cuts like cake, sewa like a whiz, LOOKS like a million!' Te ener, Patter-n 4988 is your dress for sin- Plis everythin.g this summer. That heavenly -ruf fle is ore with the bodice I Patter-n 4988 cornes in Teen-age sizes 10, 12, 14, 16. Size 12 takes 3 yards 35-inch fabric. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25c) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern ta Room 604, 371 Bay Street, Toronto. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Vour Handwriting and You By Alex. S. Asnott Sicript Indicates Direct'Approach Dear AMr, Arnott: I 'ind your column xrml intereFting and would ap)precýiPte a fran aalsî of my handwriting. Your handwriting shows :zthat yo have an investigative nature, anct that is flot satisfied withl superficial answers but must delve ino the facts and pry out the right solutions. You take a direct approach ta those things which interest you and it is hard for you to change a thought once you have it ini your mind. Thiis makes you emnphatic and abrupt in speech, which may. bë inter- preted by others as stubbornness, but yau may rest assured that it is nothing but directness -of ap- proach and frankzness. There are signs of reticence, which indicate a reserved and secretive nature. You are inclined ta withhold information and ta reterve yuur feelings. From this 1 gather ýthat your frankness is floitot be misinterpreted as talka- tiveness. Althougb it, may seem obscure to others, as an, individualist, yau do flot do things according ta accepted standards but rathier desire to sïweep aside conventional thin-gs. You hveability taSize up per- snlitàes as yon have aishiarp), penetrating mind \which secs things in an instant. A sensitive natuire is indicatcd which mieans that you take ta hieart the criticism and remarks of athers. Keep in mind that you are very sentimental and cxceedingly proud af your person, especially your con- duct, and it is this feature of yaur personality that is hurt. Vanity is strong, which means yaur confidence is rather high and this tendency ta aver-confidence miglit lcad yau inta difficulty when dealing witb others. /lsyone wishing a mr of t an alysis please send se!lf ;-addr1essed> sitamped eisvelope ta Alex S. AmatIt P~3, l8th Strecet, New Tarossel" "I. Thwe r issscharge for thîs srle Chines. Etiquette AiAn. Anerican resîdent iiiChina resnonstratc Ith lier houscboy for taklng lier linien into lerbedr,-oom Tht, aIl riglit, Missy, sýaf4 the natîVe, "riýjeîry time same, oie By An tAfl £ Ashley Q. Hovw cati n remove cprinting from cioth? A. To rmoet'le Printirlg fromn flopr anzsgar sacks, calver7 the bags witbkeroeneand let thierni stand for 24' bour-s; týhen caver wîth cold watcr, -'nptIlia saap cnt 11P fine, and allôw ,'ta bail for 20 minutes. Then was-h as uuel. If. nccessary, repeat the aeain Q. Vs at cati I do,) \he n the glass top of the pes-colatos r.eksand there is no extra o7ie on baýnd? A, Try using a sumal wiskey glass oves- the hale This is an, ex- cellent substitute for temparary use. Q.How cao I sait peaniuts in the shell? -A. Tbey can Lec salted in the shelî if tc are2 boilcd in sait liquid and then ellowed ta dry. Q. Hw cn fremlove Warts. A. Castor ail, lemaon juice, or kero- senie, applicd several times daily for a few days, wîll cause tliem to disappear. ApphIcatsýons of ail of cinnamon thre tumes dailywili re- move then withaut soreness, Q.Hw cao I treat bouse plants th-,,,!bave 1becomle inIfes'tedwith in- sects " A., Try stiking e fe2w suiphur m-atches, beaýds down, ito the soul arounid the plants, Spraying with a solution .of naptha soap and water lu a*'so effective. Modern Etiquette By Rýoberta Lee Q-. Is t abligatos-y for e guest ta speak ta ber hostess be-fore leaving a reception ? A. Yes, she sbouîd express ap- ps-eciation af the pîcasure she lias lied, unîess it lu a vcery large affeir and the hosteus is engagcd in s-e- cciving as- cntcrtain.ing other guests. Q. it al .iglit ta say,"Ms- Jones, shake bajndi ,with Ms- Sith" when iotroducing tw mnen? 1A, No, this expression is very crude. If the two men are well- mannes-ed, they wilI shake banda witbout being instructcd, Q. isit. pesmissîble ta 'break crackers os- bsead inoathe soup? A. No, this is not good las-m. Q. Wo--ld it be aIl right for a mn ta buy an engagement ring before he proposes taO the girl? A. Ne, unleslie think. there is ne possibility af te irl efusing hilm. Usualîy, thougli, the gÏi should1 have aanictbing ta say about the. choiýcef' 1t-e ring, its styl'e, colos-, anld so forth. Q. Ho ' ý,shlou-ld onle place the kife and fos-k efter finisîing a course at the inniies table? A. Parallel across the plate, with the handies ta the riglit. Stretching Helpa Those sîghtîy sotund maidenis who wouîd iliver down tihe--weist- Éne to conform witb the fashionls of the boum will find sts-etcing exer- csses a help. Lift t'e head giving thec neck a good sts-etch. Come up with the cbest, inflating it ta its fulleit. Ex- tend the backbone but ici the shoiders faîl naturally. Th-en the legs. This is a sy. tem of p-gesv str-etching. Aftes- the bodyv is as taîl as it cao be, lift the biandsaebave the head, sts-etcb t!-e as-n s, came uvp o- tacs. You wiII feel goo' aftcs al that stretching. In 1946, Biauspaw%ýes- stations genes-ated 70 per cent mose -e eîcric- ity than in 19A8 For Any Watcb We Cannot Repais- & Guar-antee, Lowest Prices and FaFt and Accurate Service We reg'niate your walteh ta the ps'eelse second br the s cient:f!e lerns Watehipmaster. Secai ttention alven to al mail Mr,nr. e Ïpay lostage. 1199 Bay 2Street et Eloor, Toronto, Ont, NMnton our a4 à txiç 10% Dinàner CmigUp Mosýt folk- woi ave thonghit that ti.ficteipeuple hadalad reachied thlim i t intheir sarhfor novel mays of bes-ing food. But sncb is 1bynomeas te case, fo lie ruS smtinig new ; andl it is said that esturats ith 'lvtr diigtables will s(oon be ýail the rage. Thle idlea is thlat you 'StfCdown, wrhe on il!v haT \onu haývechosiûen froni the mn on a slip of paperý, then suaIve the aps-into a sILtin the table.' The slip drops to thekit- chien biow. Whien y our i<,s is seadjt, the table lowerssWtUef trogh tde floor, and ps-ntly cmes back tt you again, with yonr ;MaYailnicyset ont. Mhat happent in case you shonld want aybn extra, snicb as an- "Why suire, Daalng! Except, of cous-se, there's fhoneya-goilen ..Il "Honey Goildeni, eh? 1 kncw? it - a blonde! I'm going home ta) motheri'" "Hey, vweit a minute! I mneani honey-golden, melty-rich, oh-sa- wnd,erfuî Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes!" "Oh, that's differênt!" "Sure they're dîffes-entl Thet join yau!" -aOus Granpe-Nut's fiavas- É:is if- feroent fs-arn nany other csclflavi- in the wsl. "I kniowe,1I know-beceause tbiey's- made fs-arn two grains înistead of ance." "Sus--- and îaaded7 with cs-bo.-, hydrates anýd Mines-a! i ad other food esnil. "You Liwl. Go altead enid have anathnes-bowlfui - and- I thjjnk jli TEA GIVES YOU TI4AT You've never hed a cup of tea like Lipton- its 80 deliclious, sa rioh, so fuli-bodied, and aboi-e ail, no exhilarating! That's iptOn'8 FLAVOR-LIFT--and ýonly iiptoný bas it. For its the blend that makea Lipton -and the blend i. Liptoîb's own secret Asik for Lipton at your grocer'a tedayl LiPTOLmt eTEA VýopyrIgt-Thee. J. Lipton Limited "Do you love me more thoîn canythijng else in the whole wide vorId?-4 ~hrPat' f ute , we havent, hear; bt prsumbly the table goes dwnand gets it, then totea Shiold thec table fallow th eaml of, tomeelevatars we know, and ge0 stuck betwec-n floors-but Wily on you irï ACK Blackache is oftm~ caused by Iazy Iidee action. Wheu nIdnay get Out of oIrderexces, acids and poisons romain in the systein. ITht backache, heaâache, rbeumnatie pain, dis.ý turbed reat o that 'tired Out' feeling may soon follow. To help k1,,p your Iidney working properlyae Dodds Kidney Pill. Time--tested, populaIr, saae, nont-habit-formu. ing. Demnand Dodd'r, Kidney Pilla, in the Mmiu box with tihe red Land. Sold e-verywhere.luI Dodâ KiÎ;tdîey PjIIs

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