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Orono Weekly Times, 6 May 1948, p. 3

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"Mr. ani Mrls. Wýilliam iF. 13r-own fluesil on-or of your presence ant. your wtilig! The inivitationi is the 111-1 tlhr1ilig piecoeof pa'ý eryon have ver pre- pareti aniyoù wnit 10 bc per-fct Ineverc ieat! js s h edin inviÏtatïins, aswcli as annunce- rnenlts solibeenglaraveti ontilt firsi page ef fokled sheets of f' inec qualit'y papeýr. Th clor solibeý wio-whie, , ivryor cru.' Two envelopes are correct, tht outer n arg the gue'ýs fuil am;tIner, w ithugluleti flap, carry ing the tille ant i srnamle, sucbi as "Milss,îhrio. Manybrdev t-b sk, Shulti thic tissue be left in Lihe ixtto Sinc ,h tissue is only put there Io prevenit smear1ing of tihe ink, there's 'rto reason 10 kep i Frm he daýy "lie" pops the ques- lion unitil the iday you idcdle-aisle it toýgeýther1, omi air Servuice bookiet No. .204tes you the correct thiîng.Linvitaltions, wedt(iing dresx- penses, gilfs, ceremnony anid rc fion, For budgeýt-mindl(ed brides ani- those t1 whom mnonecy is no object. SeniT HIRTY CENTS (in coins) for "How To, Plan Your Wedtingt,ýo RadrService, Roomi V04, 371. -Bay Street, Toronto. Print Marme, address,' bookiet tille and No. 204. Nothinig is deniedt 1 well directet labour; nothl1in 1È10beobint wviihoi il A picture biat tops Kernefr's grey ilie rsiihtce scaillops on the flared ski- an 'lk'liTe vide, wuide belt Lai fire-enigine red patent Conducted Tour to Feature Thornbury Blossom Celebration - Last x car more- than eight thousand tdd the Blossom Tour ceremnonies at Thornbury, Ont., and 'an even greater turnout is expected on Blossom Sunday, May, 3th, ibis vear. Well kilown radio'commenta- tors and oîber notables are expected to attend. and the beautiful Thornbnry district will no doubi get much priceless publicity bv m-eans of this conininity enterprise. Chief features of the day will be personaily conducted tours through the many orcliards'for which the district is noted. Bv Gwvendolime- P Clanke 'Our first sping caîf has-, ivt aniFainer ca,ýlîs it "Minute". A ýou1ig heliifer is ils mother anti, ac- cording 10 Fartner, the caif is "no bigger than a minute". I was tiown 10 see il today anti thought it was approprialely nameti. But I also dis- covereti that, in this case anyway, size bas nobearing on activity for thal same litîle caîf was racing back anti forth fnom one enti of the stable 10 the other. How quickly animaIs seuse the change of season. So oftefi I notice the horses in the yard these days, heading, againsi the wind, nostrils quivering, expectancy in every nerve anti sinew of their bodies. Then the cows come ont 10 water, anti for sun anti exercise, andt hey certainly show no great haste to reîurn, 10 the stable wvhere they- know only hay anti meal await ihemi. What is b1ay anti nical t10 iihem when iove,, the fence thecre isz freshi, greei. grass? As I1wtchi noice first onie bovine, nose sýniffs the air, andti ten aniothen -"Ah, if onl]y that fenice wene flot ihene l" Then it is quite obvions Katie gels anl idea - "Now ifi1 can jusi gel my nose beîween those bol-. t-imrails 1t mighit possibiy gt Pa leasl a nibble of that, luscious grass." So she tries, twiszting ber headt Iis way anti that, but she can'i quite make it. If, she wasn'î a lady one roulti almost imagine Katie saying "Damu these borns anyway." Personally,, I have great sympathy for the cows anti borses because 1, 100, wouid like 10 noam ai will. Yes- îerday when I got mbt the car I feit I wanteti to drive anti drive - no special place, just anywhene just so long as il was in the country. AUl I titi, bowever, was drive to town, maileti a letten, hougbt some breati, got meai from the locker, anti then back 10 .work in thec bouse. So I was just like Katie at the fence anti my bonus were the jobs arounti home. One ni tIle chore we ba t Ibs week was cleaning ont the cisteru. W e hati a maân in 10o pumip tise walen ouI, an-At bdo tibe job hle brought aiong a force pumiip cn lt 1 8. ompss oin,3. Thrasrli PUZZLE Qfthaobeot 4a e ___ ___ ___ __ ___ _il__8 6. 1 flý0 ',ny poIson 27. Onygea coni ,elnno5y ~ ,~ug . 24. Çsts q ~a ala 1 al ~Vr t4.peed 26.Enaewith 4(). Ântl<i 1uilddlp, q- Xýeavg eid42, StornIiéy ook a chair I. Novel 3 éllr' ca . 4. eaecoin Ieao êrlsnuino e na 4 6. Nickel (symb.) a uittle gasoline engine. A long lngtli of hose carrieti the water away anti thie cistern was en-pty ;rhaf-n hour. Afler t was cleaneti ont Part- ner began 10 worry because now we hatin't any soft water anti that m-eant using water from the well for everyx- lhing. That ditin'î suit FartIer very ,well because aI alIl imes, anti at every season of the year, we make a point of being very careful with our well-water. To be short of water is our greatesi dreati. On a farm il is more necessary than feed ifseli. So Fartner hitcheti the ieam 10 the stone boat - the boys twere busy with othen jobs - anti for two aftcernoons he tirew water from the creek in a barrel. Then he hantict the waler oven 10 me by pailfuls to dump mb o- he cistern, The creek was nunning fast 50 we knew, the waten wouild be dlean ant ifresh. But sîiil, ibat uifle job pro-vokec; ti a argument. 1 ihlought ilwa a gooti idathe firsi aflernoion utwhen ihe cisteru was baif ii wvas ready to eau off the job. But not FartIner -] no aîf nmeasuines for bini! Li spite of mny proîests ho ew waterý for a, seconid aflernoon, "Botwh Y fi!b cisîenn - if it nainis bere woni't 1he ýany room for w,.ater," I ar-ueti. "If il nains, al ighî - if iltioesn't nain, then we've got some water," was ail the answer I got. So the job went on andti he cistern was thnee-quantens f ull before we quit. By that lime 1 was suggesîing ihat we continué' anti make sure the over- flow was working al ighil Now, jusi outof cussedness, I hope il nains. Oh weii,1 life would be kinti of lame'if il were no1 for these litile fientily spais. Anti afler al 1 do like sofi waten.' How some unfortunates gel a-lonig without ilt 1tion't knlow. Anti yet smponie do anti froml choice. I nowonie wom1anIlwho has useti hard water for ye ),be cause one lime when ithey were sing1 iheir cistern she found a litIle deati bird in the eavestrough! One won- ders how such people make oi in a country ravageti by var where there would be more than littie deati bîrds 10 worry about. Barbara Ann's Coat A Real Work of Art. Th'b buckskin coat preseieti to Barbara Ann Scoti ai Calgary is one of the5 finest garments, of ils kinti ever ma,'e, anti was specially fabni- catedti 1 the personal measurentents of the noteti skating star. Two Indian women, living aI the St. Eunýene Mission not fan from Cranbrook, B.C., were seleciedti 1 do the work because of thein repu- talion for skili anti antistry. Coat anti matching gaunîilets are of the softest pure white buckskcin anti are decorateti with ibeatis. Ail fouir coait3qocketa' c' arry a dairity floral design mwith hine Predoiniani lathe colon schereme. Beading albe bisigh- tensý the front anti Lsack siiontter aneas wvhi1e the , back, front anti sleeves are friniged in the style dear to the Ininieant. Floral design of the pockels is repealeti on the gaunt- jets. In ail the long story of East Kootenay Indian handicrafi - whicb is saidti be the finest on the Con- tinent - there bas neyer been more perfect workmanship or more ex- quisite artistry embodieti in any other garment ihan the buckskin coat tiesigned 10 ibnill Barbara Ann Scott. Osleopathy, the science of heal- ing by manipulation o-f the bones anti tissues, was inventeti by an Amenican tiocton, Anýirew Taylor, In 1874. TABLE TALKS Eggs - Dressed Up Barbecuaed EggL 2 tabiespoons diceti onion 2 tabiespoons butter 2 tablespoons catsup 1 teaspoon prepared mustard 1 teaspoon .,horse-radish 2 tablespoons vinegar 2 ta-blespoo-ns water 1 tabiespoon diced green pepper 5,2 teaspoon sait Brown, onions in butter. AfIti al other ingretiients except hiari-b-,oÎiet eggs. Simmer for 15 inutei-',s. Ct eggs in haif ani baste wiih sauce.- Simmer a few muinuites anti serve hot. Thiis miakes four servings. Snack Fare 4 slices red toaisied ion one sie) 3 egg yolks 3 egg whiies pepper, pap)rikta 3/2 cup r'rated sharp chcee Add sait to egg whites and beat until stiff. Add pepper anti paprika to egg yolks anti beat unii i'ight. Foid yolks andi cheese into egg whites. Heap on jintoasted sitie of bread. P'lace oýn greaseti baking sheet anti bake iii moderate ovei, (350 tiegrees) 15 to3 20 mlinutes, or until Serves 4. Creamned Eggs Try brdb iie egs in creamn sauce. Whien diceti ieftover cooketi meiat andi a uitile sweet pickle- re- Iish are atiteti, you have a supper or luncheon tiish that's appetizing anti inexpensive. For, a special, oc- casion you might add some cooketi slceti mushrooms. Serve atop broul- eti tomnato halvesý, crisp buttereti toast- or hot fluffy rice. Singer Defies Fates Jane Froman, one of the most popular of radio songbirds, was on »he iii fated Yankee Clipper when it crashetilat Lisbon. She came out of the wreckage with a broken arm anti leg, anti for a while il looked as if her career was endeti. Then, juist ont of hospital and with her ieg stili in a casi, she iumbled back.. wartis from a, bench backstage, and it was bac k to, the hospital again. But between operations - she'. aiready hiat 25 of themn - jane Fromian bias sunitg her wa-ýy back- to thie top. Literaliy Spealt.ing "Wh'ly have you broken of f your enigagemient, Alice ?" "Ohý, rmy dean He ctoiti Me he was ini the moviebuiesanti the very next day 1 saw hii 4iving a furniture van." Lhe SI. logis lte 1'ORONTO *Ever3 itoon, WiLb tubSat, Shower and Telejihone *Single. 13.50aMd Mi- Ceuble» 84.50 av ' *GtOd -Food.Difns ad Daesn Nightly Sherbourne ga: Variton TeL. RA. 4135 A se oThis WVeel]'s , . y 0~ 7-TH 'C EE O £ - Changing Times It uiseti to be that you coti find apatmetswith ,closets in ithema; w you, finti cioscets withi apart.. ROOMS BEAUTIFULLYV FU!RNISHED $15u HOTEL METROPOLE oe5'. -C.N. IS8'ATION NYLON STOýCKINGS! Ladies, would You lîke to roeivea Salir of loveiy nylon stockingeý, abmo- ttey frec? Then answer this simple question:1 What Is The Birthstoue l'orMa? Seqnd ypur answer together vwith your lâmne. address and a wrapor ro an empty Package of DY1--LA DYE, or a reasonable facAimile, to Johoson- Itiehardeon Ltd.. 133 Church St., Tor- et.Specify the sIze and color off stocké0Ings you prefer.1 A wînning entry wiii bcSe sqcted evràay du'rng May. Winners viiil leceive one pair of nylon stockings if due wrapper of DY-O-LA DYE, or 1aot lie senciosed: two pair 0f 1'roýc s 11jIf two vwrapoers are çncloaced: sebr, pairs of Ftoekings If three wrapplers are eniclosed. and so on. Oon"test closes May M. You may isendc ase any1 entries as You wish b4t ici, nm9 ps e accompabied by a DY-0-LA, T-1E wrapper or faceimile. DVOL YE tri on sieat snoet drug and 3rocery atorei§. rice !Oc per Sookae Thre snone better! MOES INDIGESTION WALLOP YOU BELOW THE BELl? Help Your Forgotten 1128" For The Kîind Of Relief That H1elps Mahe YoU Rarin' To G. More than half Of your'digestion te donc elwthe belin your 2g ei cof bowels. when indigestion Ms, try somet]ing below tho boit. What you may nee i la Carter',Little Liver Piff$tc give needed help ta that "forgotime M8 test" of bowels. Taire me Qarior'ls Little Liver F111 bel ore ant One afier u-sale. TakethemacriRt direotions. They help wake u ,liufo QIf t le 8 main digestive i¶ices nm- sioa, ÂNn bowels-helP You digestviliatyoulhave e,e~n l Naturels own way. Thon osi cik toithe ind of relief îihat maies, you fel botter tram your head to yoir to~e.aet e sur youti he genuine Cearter'* tiL'iver Piafrom eyour druggit-z5oi scuis (ver Made4m Tka1's CaIum,+fé Double ACflon#' Y7ES - whether you have had years of baking experience, or have yet to '-make your first biscuits, youl find that Calumet Baking Powder assures foather-light, 'tender biscuits and cakes and muffins - eonsistently. That's because Columet's double action protecus lghtness all the way. In the mnillg bowl -thousands of tîny, even-sized tbsholdY 1U bubblec are released to start the Ieavening, when Iiquid is larSi added. Ir, the o-von, thousands more new, lively linde buibbles ks If ow ou usine to £aise Mud hold tise mixture high, liglit and ever. t:~:okî Polow directions en tise tin for any recipe. *6 00p .2 ~sit TICE YOUR MONEY BACK ~~ spaO" Âtenln eci you are nou satisfed tisai Calumet Is tise finest bak- 1 pou" lu 1'n8 pwLdçr you qverued, sendtinkicontaining unused c"PS a il le lon with your name and address andati e $5P~XO~aklD ~ ~01iiiO5bourg, OntrinO. You 'will receie baide :wice wbat iveyou pid for Calumet. 'Ltt, *e la 7 c0S 0 ý A Pradut of Gene ol ocodS

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