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Orono Weekly Times, 6 May 1948, p. 5

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(~v Aarenumbrc urrsdimsldesnwhv their cr are moifined ý i hf oxa n c ida t nm raLteCCIfor"',thle Coain thro'ogh fin. el epti cn. t' SPECIAL S Brooîns, made by Blind Veterans at National In- stitute of the Blind 4-string, reg. $.25. ON SALE .,........ 95e 6-string, reg. $1.75. ON SALE......$1.25 FLOWERS FOR MOTHER'S DAY DAFFDILS GFRANILJMS PANSIES $1.50 per d~ 40c. each 25cxe Floor Wa-x, 1 lb. tins. We can't advertise the brand, per lb). ............15e and 35c' 1 set of Royal Dalton Dishes, service for 8, to» clear, e.45, at only......... .00O Electric Washers.....1 â0 145,$9.50 Bot Plates..............$14.95 Empire....$3IO a eweéIs.... $95.0 Gurney...$~5O A-11 kinids of Green Cross necds and Sprays for garden and farm at Mùuy Savinâg Prices. LUNN HARDWARE Phone6r1 Orono, Ont. FOR MOTHER, A Gift of Lovely China o\Gassw&re. 1ose, slp, ÇGownxs and Ap'ns. 4uncheon Ses, Towels, \ote'Day MRS. L. REID Ph 7Sr ROO nal RED & WHITE STORESI Giant Vel, pkg ,,,.,. 9 Be"Ce Rive Coirn Syru.p,10l' pail for ........$I135 ofilifer ,.....,9, c Jello LemninPie Fi SulihtSoap, etasoapy, Libby Catsup, miade the genýtle press way, bottie.-...... ý24c Kleeuex Tissues, box , !Se.18 Cadbur-y's Instant Drinking Chocolate, sweetened, 1-2 lb for .,,.......25e Builldog Steel Wool, large boy for ...,,..~ O Puere Amber Iloney, i1oun Eagle Brand iIk, tin ...24c, MldcLarenk's Nut Crush, lb. jan for .... ...,,..... 47c Russet Apples, good cookers, 6 quarts ......... ...85C SPECIAL FLAKVES FLAKRES 25Ce. NESCAFE Instant Coffe Equal to 3 Ibs co>ffee- jar S5.; C 1 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THURSDAY, MAY 6tb, 1947. Local News PRESENT-ATION GIVEN MR. AND MRS. -GEO. MERCCER (fJontinuted from-page one) of the commnity an.d thiat yo)u Will both long jý,avour us.withi your pres- ence. Tlo yen, Doirothy, we extend a most war elcome and if our every gooïi wish could bring but a moment's hpiusyou -woild neyer kno&w sorrow aYR y .r(ý-,v home 2ful~fil vour foiudest ex-pectations of.a lhouse of hapine~swhere joy, pence and, couordsh~ilever dwell, \wltll heal th a;-,('prosperity ,anid al good thingsi prvdias you i walk hand lu hand tioethr ownth brgh vista -of the futur e. The ho.pesý and prayers of 0the com.mý,;unity will be withi you that all your paths wil i be plens.ant ýonès and al your ways be ways of peace. Go)d blesis _you both. _N(ewcomers to the community, the Stehens amdythe Barnes' family and the ic.oster famnily were intro- duceýd te tihe folks by Mr. Wm. Da- limgtou and given a warm welcome. The rest.of the evening -was spent in dancing and refresh.ments were pro- vided. COMýING EVENTS Th-e ti_ rd nd Las Liter'ary Society meeting - of Orono C, S. will be hield in thle Town HýVaill onThsayMa 13th, at 8.00 p.m, nder theiersp of MuenMKna A Play', "For Wh'ýos the Telephoie Rns will be presented a10,1g withi a prgaueOf dýhoruses, recitations, dances, and munsical numhïers. Admissioni, U;5e. and 10e_ Proceeds dnnated ,t the Park Board. b-16-c. Tifre ,Oron' rw, rooni *em!ne¶ -f tiaW .C.T.U ~ 8jI4 m Ther,- a~sA special prcpld alojg Turu ilyourit du'st coliectors juto rel ah vriee -i ntlie Orono Weeky Tmes-, classýÏhtedcolumall. iMACHINES Mr. and Ir.Vu"re of Wit: biy, visited with AMrs. FredTaby Mrs.JohnAmtron isvisiting with bher s ',Mr-, George Armstr-onig and Ms Armstrong at Tm Ins'. r.Alan Pattersoni, of Toroio, spen.t 'the week -end vwithIS prns Mr. and Ms J. A. PatLensoni, hrh St. Southl. Mr. W. N. Bckley rpetiurned to Toronto on Sunday after sieniding soùme holidays aitItire lhome of his sis- er, Mrs. Curtis.' Mr. anid Mrs. Lorne Th.omupson and famrily, of Blackstock, eerecenti 1vi. itos %wîlhlher parents, M rad Mr.W. 5.Cobi)ledický. MIS. S (ewat owan and son Dog homie of Ms. Cow's prensMr. A number of I.O.O.F. mmrr from hee join wt te Port Hope Lodge wlien t1ire l:utter attended di- Vine servicepat Port lHope Baptîst Church Ias.t Suntday evenIg .Mr. and l s.Jim wnorMs Dorothy qud Robert Swinford and Mrs. ýCharlie .Swinfrd, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Soich. Mr. and àlMrs. Jacký Paterson amrd M furrey were in Toronto on Saitu7rdnay ast 9.and attenldd the ffir 1 lihochey gamne betweeu Barrie and lPort Ar- thur atffMaple Leaf Gres Dr. aud JvIr. A. F. MKuzeand oiamily, and W..E. Davey retlurned hioiiie orn iMnday nqg'ht, after sed inig a few days in Northiern O0ntarao trout fishing. Both return'ed home wth lovjly brook btrout weighiug anrywhere from two to fourpoud Mfrs. Fred Teimblyn -was ia WhItby crn Studay lastand wdl here join- ed a bus load cf tet-iefroin t1re Gardeai Club of 'Wiitb)y on a tnip te) visit Dale'sý Rose 'Greenhîfouse at Bramipton. Mu. anxblya said it wras a býeautiful siglit te see. There is 35 aqcres of lan'd under glss sd d-hey e.mplo-y tohurdPeople. Messs. ohnE. Armstroug and Warren IK. Gca'ookof Toronto, spent over the week-end at Birk's Lodge, Pevna, and returxied 'with -a uie Tire Orono O&idfellorws Lodige will pairade te, Park St. Uniited lrc on Sundy, My th, f or diviine service. Tihe Orono Band i lad 1tiremrh their fist appej",iice s'ince tii rer- In the flshing conubes;t held byý Lu1'lardwar-e for thre lar-eSt fisir1 caught on upeiagi:- day, t'he prizes went to thie 'ollowinlg: lst prize, flsh- ing pole, to Joe Kiien, Osaca, -18 ineh br-1owu trorl-t; 2n'd prl-ze, a silk line, to Aif. iFice, of Buunil,16 Inch Brown trout. Thre winners for boys 15 yeaý-rs anld undere, lst prize, BlA rmsr ,1' ahspeckled trou,,t, and second te Keitir'West, for miris I1(11/4 unch speckled trout. THEATRE - BOWM"ANVILLE, Pr"lease Note SÂ%TUTRDA-lY CONTINIJOUS PýERFORMýANCE FROM' 6.30 P.M)I TO 12 P.M. Fni. and Sat,, May_ 7, 8 LonM9a11 strEd .Gvenn and Peggy AmiaGaaner "T1HUN'DER I~N THlE VALLEY"l TECHNICOLOR CARZTOON Mon., Tues., Mfay 10, il Exotic Romance! Excitemeut Adventure! Lusty Cf'oïredY! Yvonne George DECARLO BREN1ýT "SLAeVE GIRL"' MOVIETONE NEWS SELECTEn SHORT Wed., Thurs., May 12-13 xmM's Thriil-Paclced Orono Tinshop HIAVE YOU7R Furnace and neady for use during the summer months R. E. LOGAN Phone 18-10 MAIN STREET - ORONO1 '4 P UNII A. ARK ST. Eteverend ,E Eustace SUNDAY, ýMAY 9111 Evendg Serice,7.0J ~u Seirvice STORE YOUR FURS AT HERMAN FURS ÇANADA'S LARGEST FURRIER OUR MODERN SCIENTIFIC FUR STORAGE VAULTS ARE:. SM-OTU PROOF ~FIRE PROOF SDUTST PROOF STHEET PRQOF Send us your C1oýt1 Coatýs and Yurs Toj-daýy New Service Cleaners Port H-ope - - - ontario W. J. RIDDELL, Agent, Orono IARMSTRONG'S I Remant o1Wa1pae- Drpie y h ad reg. 40c., for ............ 25c. Smail Remuants, 90c, and $1.00 See'our New Wallpapers. A few pair of Net Cur-, tains, reg. $5.00 for :.$300 Curtain Material by the yard. Sunweb Voile, yard ...$100 Rayon Marquisette, yard.. $1,00 Rayon Net, yard......... -95. Floral Cottou Net.........85. Fluffy Dot .....-............ 75c. White w ith colored dots,, at..............6----- ý5e and 70e. Matches~ box..... froin...... 1,0te$2.75 Chintz and Cretolnnes, priced froin..... ... 45e. to $1.35 %length Hose, reg. 40te., for ..................1-- Sport Blouses ix wMhite sluIb sud -stripe Priut, priced $2251 Print busers sesdiffer- euit styleýs, ail sizes, priceed from......-. -S225 to $4,50 We are eleariukg or pra ilatg at HALF PRie I', 10e Larg Grpefrit,4 fr. Spie and Span, pkig.,.. Gatsize Oxydol, 1pk-g..1 Orono Creaniery Butter, lb. Lîollel TECHNIýCOLOR CARTOON FREE SERVI1CE,1 Dead, Crippled Hdorses and Cattle Picked up immqediateiy Freýe of Charge We puy for Telephone Cali MARQWILL FUR FARM 25e 9 5,c Rice Krispies, pkg.....17e ,Maple Leaf Min'cemeat, 2 lb. tin ...... ...... ......43e Nescafe Coi-tee, L2 OZ bottle for' ... ..$1.51 Dessert Peaches, 20 oz tin.. 25e Aylmer Tomiato Juice, 2 20- OZ ins ... .... .. 1......27e O)range Jlice, '48 oz tin ..- 3se Heinz Baby Foods, 3 tins.. 25c Bananas,IL.......15 Flowerdale Tea Bags, '72 bagg ~for.. .... ...... ......85e 36 bags for...... 45e Roast of oVEAI JELLO j PUDDING I each I lOc. LARGE PRUNES 22c. CHIEESE lb. SO0ce 118H & MILLER -ïïb "m ïip w 10 e* v ýRepairs for' uny m'ane semlflg machines. Free estimates. Electrlc Milac nies avaitale for ren ýor 'sale writeior elT SINGER SE 31INIG dAH COMPA$ýY 47 WioS.otHope Phone P Moe1015W (Our representiative calis in Orono everly Friday) W~T m loc DOUGLAs

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