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Orono Weekly Times, 6 May 1948, p. 7

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_Wh-at Goes On Ir, The World By Norman Blair Great Britain '~ l~cis defeat of the Co-ýi VI1unis"a in Italy was generally bail- ed ,hrmghont Great Bitnasw- e"l'e, and has le4to the be- tha n hemiasblPlan My ave a tar better chynce to get ino effecive operation. But ailihough thfi,-outlook in Bn-- tain ,£is somehat more hopefuil than- hwas a year ago, there s stilia greaý-t deal ofaxit over thiewod situation; and althoungh the wordc- '%WA r s edm mentioned, the fear of pailew war sdenybreakogg out is ever in dt back of rmst peopl's -inclis. Aiety over Pls tinle dcncerni regarding the Ruis- Sian tternpts to sqtIeeze thlWst ern Alliesot of Be lind ViennýIa Asç a so)lace, perhaps, the BrltiShi are tur.nîng tnO the pageantry of ceni- turis-ol splndorsucbas (ie cele- bration, of nhe foudinllg of thie ùOrder ùf th-e Grç 600 ye-ars ago. The sve wedin1g anvrayof the , KiIngeand Qncen als os ed cintr And the abolition of the death penalty in Britain has brouglit up the quiestion Of what's goinig to hap- pien i,7 Albert PierrepontL the of- ficial amgman. Albert se to get sýome:thin:g like $40 for each execu- tion - n1ow he's out of a job. ow ever tlhe matte'r of uepomn sholdni wrryhimtoo greatly as he rns ia suCcessul pub" at Man- chesterc. alled "Help the Poor Poland Real relief -was feR in VW'arsaw, anid rogh uPland, over thne fat lha lte aiasgot through thei r rcent elections, ihot hoeaeoutbrca1c of fightirg and IVayPoles bel1ieved that p)ost- eliofightling ini haly \xxould be thie signalq for the o ra of world hosihites. Now, altbough the ex- trme danger of another war is still -thoroutghly eaied there is a feeing that Rlussiaî will probably poeda litteie more wriyas retlite Italiani setbacki - anid thaIt fo a while at lealst, th'e pos- Sibility of a "Shootinig" w'ar replac- ii nhe "od ne has been inii- nimie Russians realy cleate a Day - was obsev ithi more ei- thus-iasm, thaniii many years past. Possil!y he fact thiat bothi vodka ands winewere 20 peu centcheper than 1 2 months ago lad so)methling todov this extra etusiasmn. Tebggesýt day or! the Russian Orthodox Chur- h -- aster Sun- __ ay -- followed immiediatey after Ma lDy, and ter ias plenty of ancient pageantry. The United states ard the Masha ln have not cornIle in f'or such intense criti- Cism n1 nrecent wekl ut possibly (bisis ecaue -wài the Soviet, fotal nd bonrse-racing seasons opein -the peopile'us attentionl is disractd frm waorld evens. Nqorway la omrwy there isa strog fee- inýgthat Russia's nexýt lEuropean Mme may be along the line of aking Over-cointrl --nersome petex Cr ïanothier - o)f (liat couîntry,. At tFe end of Xorld War Two the Rusian tok cha-rg nlot 01n!Y Of a lo 0 te latest Nazi submia- rinlut also of many leadng Gler- shenei, a groigbjuief that the Sovits osss])y far thie grecatesýt sbaiefleet in the wrd n bav ds'~ope laft wi1th terific spee, exra-srongstiking pwr an pca uation 'ich makes' detctin b ho m meho-ds alrnost effctie ase fr sbmrins.The conipleely shutù by mevans of mille fields, and the same appies t Lightning Stnikes Once-T1here'sý a manini that car. Hes proving lhatridi i antatomobile cduring a tbuitndlerstormr is saife. TbJ'iRstigouenineer f elt notbilig whien 3,000,000C Volts of lbrtr ihigstruck thle càr, inches above his hiead. Thie boit pssd alessly inito the ond Sprt -And OeThing orAnother By FRANK< MANN HARRIS, ("A Sixbit Critic")= The story of Bahe 'Roth's life, "My Hits and My Errors," bas now compîeie ,d its serial non and isq prolsably already out in book formr. Taken onî tle wl'ole The Babe, and bis literary battery-rnaîe. Bob Considine have doue a pretty fair job, and witen a tale (bat lis întensely readable. Most antobiograpliers are in- clinied to gb e themselx'es qoite a bit (lie es't of it at ail tiffes-to point up (lie higb-Iights and tone djown ie shadoaVa of their, careeîs. H-ere it is dfern andI especially iln (lie carlier porf-ions of (lie tale The Bbatalks abut is errors- off (lie diamlonid aImlos as frankly as 1liJe doe neardng lbits lhe m1atIe On it. It is onîy -towrm t edtha lie readIi-erteics a irather s ouir niote of selfpywhen (liIle co- auithors spea-k of 'ThleBbesitr disapointmnt oer beiing tonned d ntimle a le ime, in lis ucs job. Pehas asebaîl tid owe a great deal to) Ruili; but, on the othier hiand, Ruitb owed a good dca1 (o basebali, whiÎch paid hini a V more imoý),ey\"aIidgot hîia lot lmore fame lban h'I dever bave sectîred in anyv othevr porsoit. But as for the ingratitude of the owners, who refused to make Bah. a manager, tbat's quite a different i atter. It's al very well to lionor a private Whio by reckless daing and foolliardy bravery wins (lie Victoria Cross;but (bat doesn't say we .mei(l promrote him (o Generai and put him nini charge of a Divia-on,. And aithougli Ruth was 1Unidoub(ediy a very great long-dis- tante sluggen, (bere wene plenty of otber things in bis record (o nake a miajor league ownier vey cbary about putting him at the bead1 of an organization ivortli possibly se- veraliimilion dollars. Hloweven, as we said befone, it's 1a Ilighiy interesting yarn antI, as 1snicb. a decided cnntrast tn the ma- jority, of bookis dealing wîth s'ports figures. The Babe's selections f-)n bis Al-tume Al star (eamn are hiable to cause considerable conroversy amrong (lie experts, especially bis picking Herb Penîsock as bis south- p: w hurler, Ray Sclialk as tlhe grea(es't, catcher, and Larry Lajoie for (lie keystone-sack chore. But that's hardiy to be criticized, as in Get. Our Prices ON ADDING MACHINES AND CALCULATORS WEHV THE HARD) TO GET 2MACHINES THOM-,',AS AND CORNEY TYPEWVRITERPS LTD. 88 Adelaide 'St. West Toronto IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ail probabili'ty nohody even did or xii pick, oie of those Ahl-star out- fits whicb wooild rnee( with tlie un. qoalified approval of anybody but the picker. When we ea tliat, andI had fi- nished buhn.(i tears from our eyes, somnehow or other ave wene -irresistibîy remiinded of the ancient tale ab( tiste colored lady wio' went into a stOre (o buy a moonn- ing ontfit. After selecting proper onter apparel, she as'ked to be show n sone all-blacl7 lingerie. Thie salewoantr-ied JO duaelier, t liî er (atitwaýsn'tncear to go s80 far-, 0or so )'pseing (Isa (le coor f suc1l iintirnate rai- "ay"said tbe s1hopper veny srl,"bush yOur tal'-. Any timne 1 sets out (o r u'n for ai ost h'us- baud, 1 realiy does rnou'n." And (lie thouglit came to us, as it often lias in the past, that any timae an athiete or sports--writer sets out to &'sovc-r, Le rce"l7, does s'op over. However, perhaps we sbouid b. thankful (bat Messrs, Rutli and Considine didn't try and persuade Us that (lie great sport cf basebali came direct fnom Heaven, Wi(bout any buman intervention Wliatever. The Netherlands East Indies IslandI of Bangka provided three- fifths -of tbe'lndies' tin output be- fore (lie Second World War. ROOF E R S, C A"R PE',T E RS, E tc Tise , -1toot , eo e ni iaetwa to ma 1a-0flbouons 5l 1 ciier.Write nul"igeliuofni C. A. HURLBUT 159 Cowar Avo. Toronto,.-Ont. PaI-O-Pak Manufacturing Go. of Canada, MILK0F AGNS I3SUh 19 - 1948 0 1L-S, Ô1-P EAB -E , T1 RE S Dinlciea. ectrlc Fence Conta'o0larp, Pousve k Pâ,e-'a int, $oof Coatino, et. De-1 cr ;*Rvted. Write Warco CGre(ase 4- 0l Lflinï Sso.Susseýx Y Newe am, Nw ampe. 11ay lst, to May lt,: 4c. thodle Island Reds 4 /s. tck x Leghorn. 'and Sussex x Leghorn 2e. Legliorre le. Fast Feathering Rocks andI Rock x New Hampe to May 6th 6c. May 1-10th: 7c. To receive these specials enclose this ad, with order. Al prices subi oct to change without nottie. HURONDALE 0111CR SHATCHERY, Londor, Ont. REAL Monos'. That's what mary smart poultrykeepers will, make-realizing likels' sharp shortages jr eggs and poultry. So look ahead. Plenty chicks, and sac Bd ray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hlamiltori. FREEI 100 HEAVY-BREED COCKERELS 1 with ovory order of 100 pult,Largeý Type White Leghorn pullets $28.60.,New amps. $28.00. To receivp ths speclal enlclose- Ibis ad witih your crder. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, LONDON, ONT. MAE igger meat and ege profits wItb Hollywood leghorns. They are as large as Most heavY breeds. Those Rteal is b, p- combol heauties are haeked b3 D0 sears breedire for everl, ouality syen reed for top poultrs' profits - Championsbip livabilits' t0 cut chick ard layer losaes. Guara-uteel e]eg breedire for hig, white, premium casa. Really a big leghorn for more mieat Fat UIiforcn, growtb o ueeto Ilbolr. Oas tliseabig profit niakers once ar'd s'o%"Ill raies thon awa's rIte or rice!iet and fros caleýndaIr. Big Rock Farr N iI lle oches. HARLEY DAVIDSQ>T MOTORCYCLES Parts anul Service. Bort El. [Kenn)edy SIM.RTOID chickhagarefonImite - livery. 2 week-oldrpolets: Wb!,,teLsor Wh7itLe Loahnu z '1r-el IRock. Light fussex y -White Le1,; r 1495.-Elnck Minorca xz Wh'Iite Rockls, LatSssz8.9,Bre Rock*s. 800w [Hampl'behrico zBarIIocs Ligbt Sussex z Banred R -ocks8195 nn gexel 20.45. cokrbeels1.45.Asotlres 1 .00 Per udrol o1. 6-wok-odSpulet, Bared Rocks 48.95. I-week od-White R1ock, Black, Australorpe. Banrel Rocks, .,ew Hampehices, White Wýyardotte1s.SwHmp sbires x Barred Rock. Ligh1, t fosseyzBra Rock pullets 47.95, coc,ele 49. ht Loghorn, Blmck Mirorca z WiteLglor Brore Rock x White Lgorples 9 Dayý7-old cokrbel bran:Barrel Rock z Wýiste Leghsorn 1.50. Whýite Leghorn, Black M i rcc x White ULobor .001 Also heavy brl cockeraIs a rain pics. prompt reien' roccaalgu.Top oî) Cbick Sales, Guelph, Ortmio. BRÉlEDER HATCHERY CHICKS OVER 10,000 BREEDERS IN LAKEVIE W FARMS AIl double hlood te> te(,d ,ad ieet Mary customers have l s'eacs sof eonitirooos soccese, with Laboview chieke. Ton car 100. P romu John Coles. Gravossirse ntno 'Mary tharks for fire shipmerit. jI bave 100% livabilits." Woulerful sojccese. 75 ta 80% Production with your foe. eot Arthur Ans'ere. Ogoole, Ontarno .EQG SHORTAGE Total chickb latchirgs Iown 50%/,froon yoar sgar. Pool onces wil he Iower anulegg prices biaiser. POULTRY MEAT SHORTAGE Reports show cocel,,e startel to date lowu 70 10 80% 'romns'nrago. 3-4 lb. broilens 'are sellina for 3;5 10 4(11 lb lire elatThe mairgin of profit ligs a rtis-naven'. PROMPT DELIVERY 50,000 Lkeiw hcb eol, ocgrair ie pro"mpt dlvr' reot ree ive Ird choi!ce o of l fposbe.Eeesaaia Sussezf ussez z N. Uam ;,B.'ock ýx Hans., Baire- Roc,. N Hape.. Rhode ISiard RoIs, , cLretyeW L sor, Rock* z Leghorn. flýusseX xLaoc.N.Hmpx Leghorn, STARTED PULLETS -1 wks.-24 wks. Gel a 1beal stac2t with satlpo1lletsor Uook order for future delîvers'1,' we,-- oks Irao'1 lay.-It lobks like il will ha impoDssible 10 lobus' well-stacted pollete inter on. AIl olerpule 1 ,ts naisol ou free cause undrle ioacrdtirs HEAVY BREED COOKERELS Thousarîs availahie waekls'. Sord fo»r special 10w Pricos ou largeorn. CAPONS 4 WEEKS -REA.DY MADE Tise is gond monos' in rgising Capons. Seli for, as moeh Per lb. as to"keYs 152 1 0eO per lb. aura uow. fadfer lange illutratel cetalogca nul man- agamant book anul wekly spacial lisI of day ol. glatel pullote and capons. LAKEVIEWPOULTRY FARM CATCH up with these started chicks. whilp, they last. 2-week old: Baccof Rocks.,SNow Hlampshire x Barrel Rocks, New Hampshire x Llght Sussex, Liabt Sussex x Barcel Rock non-sexel 20.95 pullots 12.95; corbecels 10.45. New Hampohirea. Rhode tsland Rode: Non- sexed 20.95, pullets 34.95, cockerels 9.45.. White Leghorns,. Barred Rock x White Leg- borns. White Leeýhorn x Bacred Rocks, Austra WVhites, Wite W 9yaulottes, Black Austra- iorýp pullets 8.8.Black Minrecsa z White Leshorus pllits 86.95. Assocted Brleefis 1.00 0cr hurdred lese.ýi Thcee week old ad.00 per hundred. Four Week o11 add 1.00 per hon- lred. 6 week old pullets,: Bacred Rocks 49.95. 5 week 011 puliets: \White Rociks, Bacred Rocks, Black AstaoroSowHmpshires, New Hampshire x acl okpullets 48.95, cockecels 24.95. 5 olk01 ules White Leghorns, B1lack Mi1o1ca , Bak Minrca x White Legborns. \Wbite 1,0ho11 x Barced Rocks: Puliets 50.9,5. Day (,1d cookerels: White Leghorr x rcdRock.s 1.50. White Leal'orns, Black Mio x White Leaghorre 1.00. ,Aiso hoav' ïbcoed cockecels at bargair onices. Prompt de-iv-ery. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chlck Hlatcheries Limited. Fergus. Ontario. 12%2~c- Hurondale Chicks - 12T/ac Ail Breeders doubla-bioodtested and banded, backed hy high pedigreed fourlation stock. Mary customers report -Best cieke is evor' had. and pricos se reasorahle'-.. 'The chicks I bad from s'ou have dore spiondidis"' reports James Wrigbt, Owen Sourd. Pure Sussex mixel: 14e; Sussex x New Hamp. Rock x New Hamp, Barrod Rock and New Hansp mixod: 12%tC; pullets: 24c. Rock x Leghorn, Sussex y Leghorn, Neow Hamp z Leghorn te Mas' îth: mixed: 14e, puliets: 27c, cockrels: 2c. After Mas' lOth. Mixed 12%/c. Pullets 24c. Large typeâ White Leaborn Puliets 24e, mtxed 1 /e Fast Featbecing Rock, ard Rock x New Hmp) cockerels 6ce te Mas' let; Sussexyx NSlow llamp and Broad Breasted New Hamp tokoes Mas' 1st- St/e. Mas' 1 - lt:Oc.Assorted Mixed Cbhicks Ilc.assorted ults l.Assorted hears' cociterels, ' e whonavailahle. Ail pices subiet to chanjge wlthout notice. 100% Live Dnielr' to )you1r tatIon. 21.00 paOr 100 depýst. ala C-00ID. Order from asI enclse tis a.HRO AECHIOR GE T READY foriabrzga ne.W~l out on the limi,(ea oait ooa r make a prediction iithaega st pu(rs pricosi wili h litoa 1bithior az fal, I stands 10 reasor ooe r okts r when e' thehes' eat. Wýýeve goýte_ feed: Europe and what with? There'll ha ew hirds laying nytfali ard fewer coockans, but the sms.r1t Ipeople willl 511theýir lysgpers i dcatsh jr on a real keiun mrdTwadîba ehieke aire a goal bet, Thas' have beasu as'ln off, aivin-g satisfactioln 1ojý (te p9 .5 s'ears. Thats whs' we ce.l (Iem T ea W s i e oian .is. aah aasto H B I for fres ataou. Twelddle Hateheis Llmited. 'ruOtno IIEI7iIG ANI)LANN Sato ansmwer yrquestio-ns. Dteaïrtm0ht Pa-r'5 flye 'Workc TLlmited 'l71, ig r i t ToonUo"Onar',' F021 BALE BROAD-BREASTED BRONZE TURKEY POULTS, Aise SMALL WHITES gl BR0A.i» BREASTED BRONZE X SMALL WUITjES and SMALL B.B.B.5' THIS looks the s'ear 10 nmbke real monrsiib turbes SenI for our Tunkas' Guide and lat- ter to Set aIl thje detaile. There le a& gond Amoicar manket and demaul. Th douts ' le clown 2 cents Per lb. Pool onces aregon Iowo. Quotatiors Ion Mas' buivons'for grain are doter $13.00 10 $17.00 paen ton. Amern- car Bneeder ,flocks are clown 40-50 par cent. Pouit Production wiii ha away Ioyn. lit le axpectel that Canadien poulte will hac ebippel tu U.S.A. hy Melcayor belons at aolon rces. Plan 10 raise PouIes! Tht. la the geani Book Your order niow! 13ia discounts for Apnl deIiven'. fiord for Tunbkey Management guide anulcinculas îwbicb telle aIl about profie, preveri o f lisease., and nonrina methaîs. LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH EXETER ONTARIO IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Bus' Supecior Quallty, Extra Profit. das'-oId ciskand ul Icu. Our chicks aaeponebred and healths' Comirs from i Ioeke npet appýrovel or ceccifiol blood-te>steî reos Tise eprolucers are R.O.P. or descerýdina fromn R.O.P. cocse.asaurina at tise sanse ilime healisynulvgorous chicke. well knztoafr la'ralrg zgs Inoni 24 1t 2 ucs a doe.v n uaiwgye lped pon a tA us.z Askfocour ponce lisI. l'or jImliý1 ate or futunel îuvons. Wiîf nd L »lyr.125 BARGAIN! STOCK REDUCING SALE NRW pottyp QuenOu Bunnina Ezroolor stoes.rew580OCor $M00 Cdelivened ta yoon Act uieis - while thes' met, Subidel l chang witiut )tice.,To recaiva this bargain oniceencl]ose tisaIdwth Your orlon. Als1 BOOMHEAERS s 1w as $32.00 and Nel6w Pot-TIype QUEE-N RANGE OIL BURN- ERS. ,04while ths' asî LAKEVIEW FHATCHERY. AND SUPPLY COMPANY, EXETER ONTARIO HARD 8-searLalham Raspharny canes, $5.00 par 1bu1rnaI Premier Slrawbernles $2.00 par buInaI.u A. Crowle. R. 1. Isina. PEAS-Goveàrrment Registorefi No. i Chancel- io, nd uI AC 181. Limitel supp' . Sealol jr two bushel basa. 24.50 bu. W. A.Prc,2 St. Tho'nas St., Toronto. RandoI, 941 BEMIS ONE AND TWO-ROW HORSE ÂN-ID TRACTOR-DRAWN TOBACCO AND T ATO. ETC.,* TEANSPLANTERS AVAILABLE NOW. fiEE TOUR LOCAL DEALER OR W. FP. MoRIENZEE CO., DISTR1I1JTORS SINCE 1866., PHONE 26, LEAMINGTON. ONTARIn. 1 B.D. CLETRAC Overhead, Shovell and,Ângbe- dozer. usaI 5 monthe. New condition. Harrden & Ring. Contractors. Gratton, Ont. Phore 37, BUILDERS' Supplies avýailatble&"Immedtately. Nýails - Cnet-trou soil-pipe andI Fittingas. Pumbina llxiurcesard lecriaaplianees. Serd stamp for cIrcul1ar. Econonis' Distnibu- tocs. XRirtoOrtarlo BEAUTIFUL baby bulgies, gararteed mis 6 veek, oAd. C.u.D. $13. Ugnars' slorFs careifis'y chosen for color ardl song, $5$ C,.0-)D. Groom Pet Supplies, 999 Bloor W._ TootOnt. HI POWEED Rifls-Writefor dsrpv folder, andl onces. 50RSALES 0C,, 26 uerSt., Ottawa.,On WItOSNAIR 4JOOLED GASOLINE ENGINES .Dve' from stock. 2 - 510 hb,: REPIAIRS AND PARTS DitiuinreQuired ln certain territonias. CONSOLIDATED ENGINES & MACIIINERY COMPANY New Toronto ontas'br LATHjIM raspberry canes,1.006 par hundrel. Gordon Bidgmnan, .R. 2, Pulio , t. SENATOR Dunlop strawborrs' plante, weLl rootod. hoaviecat producors, bunîreat2.0 thousard $i. Order early. Perey Yarrow, Route 6, Trenton, Ont. EAT HONET, Ngtuno's fireet 'eweet, we wtill soppîs' a casa 0f 12 four-Pound cane of de- Ilcions fine fiavorel dloyen bores' for onis' $10.00. Orlon Iodas' while Ibis argair onice lasts. Big Rock aon, Mille Roches. Ont. WEED cootrol with chemnicals loe eas, quick effective guI acoromical witb ose of Han- sor sprayesguIdchernicals. Write for In- formation te George White- & Sors Company' Llmlted. London, Ontario. n HIGH PRICES - USED BAGS Minimum quartils' 200 bas. Write WESTERN BAG & BtIRLAP COMPANY 87 Front fStreet East Toronto. Ont. SlOW IN STOCK. Beatty Iaep asti sallow well Pressura syste., dl)pweli Ha.nd Pompe. mol Pnmp Jacks. Air Compïre.ssors, aU sigesl hotb stationans'nl portab'ile. (Comnplets lire of woodworking machiýnrens, ElctiaMeons. ail sizes ir 25 and 60 cycle. Portaýble Blectrbc Wallonsr, 100 amp. capacits'.Wie for PnIces andI desýcriptive llteraturie 10: àMilgronElectie Limitedj 79 King Street weet Ha.milton. Ou)itania piekr hich. G.& Sf. pitû opiecar ssa Oua yaar F.1J.1Pun h. ., Nwsaket. nt. ForSL OaI.E.L. modal -"- , D cýhair aw,' v1eer cheoeo-boz miii. comrplete. Ail ara jr Al1 cordition. A. Dlck, R.R. 1 Douglas. Ont,io. R<OOFING -- SIDING ,,argain -- MillI BrIs ' Fectory SecconG. îî j Asphalt fnls 4 Qolours--Gýreer, Red, Blue, DBlaciç,, (Ise .leii, 1el lod ¶"thick Brick Sidhg, ciorRed Bei,'. S-nooth Rolllc(1R00fing î5 lb. 2.605. U25 V.10. Rock fatcefi 90 lb. Boa!ira $2,655 RIed. Greon & Blacle. F.O.Bl. ïiailton, These e ýreal %aueýs at tise above plà Order o tokliiteld. ROBERT JONES LUMBER CO. HAMILTON ONTAPIQ ART HALLIWELL AUTO WRECKERS ALL PARTS Thoroughly guararteed, wreckod n lï caal1 o ,,,. Shipped with no mistakes anywhecre. iMat Orders a specialty. Ailcresodac an.. swered daily. No part toc hard to gel. Trp Our fast ard accurate service. We dcean. re- pair, or rococo ans' makie f radiator. GIase4 installod while you walt. Lýakesido 489.140 Blùoor St. W., Toronto. Ortario. W-ITE Separato, 284 cole barmseg througbout. Machine ratiai no 041oo no cus.tom thceahing. T.W.Rhafs, 2t Starys, R R. 4. WHIZZER motor t0 put or youir own hi. cycle 160.0 0. Whizzec.copltewlth Ciftair heavy duty bicycle wlh leave duts' tires, heavs' duty spjokes orý,d hasdLst sprnna rocks, $275.0 0 .Corgi i ptaraooperq folt7irgmtryl,8.0 ris narneott power-bjilke. 0297,.00. Francis Barniett"eln motorcyl(modýr:(e irn riadWo40.0 pay sipigcharges. Rae, .1. Watsoni, $5? Wellirto St., Loulou, Ont0r. Oficiai cycle 100. C. L. Smýith. ctad.Otro FRUlIT Parns fo),Sal rLalke Shiore d rear Itiagaca, bmo srvie. 'or ail VoartF,- cuas.W . Jamlest.1alEstate. qs, r, For caalgesWite AlanýAlderson. Itte. 4. Saitn lan mtoated fInformation on reQueLsi regaira clses Robertson's Hairlressins & cademY. 137 Ave, nue Road. Toronto. WAIRDRESSEItSsar buiseo s'e own givira Arts Col Waves ijr the Hmes "Ânle Col Wave Co., 106 Ade,1lle S.W, Toronto. MEDICAI DONT Delny! Evers' suffer 0 f hual Pairs on Nýeunitie shoul Irs' Dizoî'mg RamaIs'. Morros ,gDrua fore 135 ii Ottawa. Postpaid 11.00. Thosanle Enjos'Nw ie FER-BEK TONIC TABLETfO Cori-ltu lgnedieule recessans' fornz feeling ust aWlhe "nul for vigonoos Goal Hcabth, 16-laye esUPIs', postpal 11.00. BEK HEALTH PRODUCTS Boy 25. Station K, Toronto. P-ROVEN Remady-EvarY sofferar o!£FIheu-a-' lic Pairs or Nauritis should trs' Dzon' FIemedy. Murros Drus Store,28 Biaise, Ottawa. Postpai 11i.00, OrPPOTUttITI-Urs POliW0OMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER ZOIE CANADA'S, LEADING St"HoO)L Greai OPPotunits' Lear. Hlairdressira Plaeant lignIfiaI -prof ession, egoolwages0, thooszIa seeeeui Marra gadalO A.merîca's greateel systeni.IluJ, at ata, 0Loguece. Write or 'Coa1u 35E8100ronSI. W.. Toj-nnt B"ranches: 44 uRingst,, EHamnibton, &74 Ride.au Street. Ottgýwa Solicitors. Estahlehel 1890. 14 Ring Ws To,,rto. Booklet 0f Ifralo rreue SESWN] Yoor filme 10 our new Plart for unsue'-r passaI qualits'. Our sparkllng gloss' prntm will pleage son, 6 or, a exposora cellse 901 POstpail, reprints 03e sa, 35 for $1. amma PhotC (entre, Box 71, isapegu, Ortabo. PREE enlagerent with roillblOc, orlýt4 jý10rpnte 355. Irclule this atl e Phot,lBoy 273, fStation B; Moutreal. WANTED' top vrnces ard prompt neturre ehip Fory'a foirs Wt: Alan Jamiea, Lindsay' Ort. HLP WAWTED WANTED Pour (4) Gaenal lots' nurses. Also niîshi suPervisor (11-7).- Attractive salars' wlth iii.. crease aller are- year's service. Puill miA tarance provided. Appîs' ths, Directeror Nursing, Welland Courts' Gererai Hïoepït&4," Wellard. Ortario. PROTESW,'TANT teachers wanteî for f chool Area of Ranrehee. S 'fite quaI&feý tioe, rame of .iget îluspectar and eaMras, expected. DUTIES to colmmee Sept, _ 1948. A.pple' J. E, Hughes, Sc-resArIen. Onit, Somne Swimner Tc de-cide a bec a ïwirzlier la BenLin, Germlany, DonCe puton a cQîi- tes witb a husky sea, lion. Aftee (lehua swimmer 'had c!based ~ arbund (lie pool for 7eonty-eight hours, (lie sea lion colapged mfoitm fatigue. The mian eontlnued swim-. mnrg for anoflier four houns. CLÂS8IFIEID ADVERTISING Foruosat moigesr , *0 *T ' 1 ý 1 a son, 1

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