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Orono Weekly Times, 6 May 1948, p. 8

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ORNO LY'TIMES ' SDY KENDAL cf Pteiorogbspethtie Week-end l Meni'is Jc- ord4on., Mi.Nrm, nThierteli, of Toronto, -polit thýe wka ihMs ain Dr. aind 'Mis. R. D. Wallace, of Toi- 'ente, spentËtise week-end with Mi. and Mis. IL R. Reyn-oldis.< Mrs. Hardy and son Rg, fToi.- MVEET1A N B1 IND S Hera at last! The moden Vene. tien Blind with aIl the beauty yeu've admired in cooventional blind s. .. and more. Fer Flexalum is j -,de cf a special alumninurn àlo-eflexible it banda te ac- coamo(date your brush as yeu whýisk tIse dust away. Se lovely, ifs satin-smooth plastic finish blentis with every decorative set- tifig, resists weather stains and seil. Flaxalum is rust-proof, warp. -proof, will not crack, chip or peel. Custom made in 0cr own work- shop te fit your windows to 'a "T.*" B"in"g la yeur measurementst today.Dic e for yokrselj how littie thiS new w..Wow beauty costf. CLEANS WITH THE FLICK OF A BRUSIH WHISPER QUIET. LIGHT AS YOUR HAHD To LIFT KNEN CAIN ORONOm ~oooooooo~ Motor Equipinent KINDNESS Private .Ambulanc, Northcutt and Smith Funeral Directors and Furniture Deacerà COUR TESY. Equippeti te take care of the modest fuanerai at the moat reasonable charge aîs well as tbe largest 'ad meut exacting Telephone:- Oilice 668 Residence - 523 and 726' Bewmanville, Ont. *11 o g E D a j SERVICI ONTARIO THE VQTER'S LISTS ACT (Referred te ini Section 59) NOTICE 0F SITTINGS 0F REVISING OFFICER TAKE NOTICE that ýsittingzs of the Revising Offficers for the purpose of hearing complaints or ap- eals with regard to the voters' lists; to be used at the election of a member of the Assembly pending for the iJectoral District of Durhamn will Le held at tbe tintes and places set forth in the scbedule bereinafte4, ,et eut: SCIIEDULE Municipality Clarke Twp. 'Ne wcastle - Bowmanville Darlington Twvp.- Cartwriglit Twp). Place of Sitting Orono Town Hall Newcastle Town Hall BowmanviLle Town Hall Hampton Town Hall Blackstock Town Hall 1Clerk to Revising Officer J. J. Mellor H. C. Bonathan A. J. Lyle JD. Hogarth W. I. Beacock Judfge M. A. Miller wiII Le the Revising Ofilcer for the Township of, Clark~e the Tewnship of Darlington, and thle 1,owNShiip of C-artWright. F. C. 1Richaridsýon w-ill be the Rvsn Officer for the Village of Newcastle, andi the Town of Bowmaniville. A-ND URIITAKE NOTICE that the listf to Le so revised is Parts I and 111 of thte voters' list ppreifor tbe 111nunlicpa-i't y or muaîiipaliti&s of thie Countv of Durham. ADFURTHER TAÀKE -NOTICE thaitan voter whlo deires to complain that bIis namie or the naine of aly perýson enttled 1t be entered oo ilthe sid list basis.been omitted f romn the sýaie, or thiat the niaines of any persons wbeo are floteild to be voýters b1ave been etered 1thereon, may oni or before the î of May, 1948,fo)r the Townsbip) of Clark~e, 11 il of M1ay,4, for tle %Village of Newcls1e~, 1,Phbs of May, 14,for tbe Towïi of Bowmianville, î7thI of May, 194, for t1ie-Tws of Darlington!, and -71th ioýf May, 1948, feýr theTonsi of Caýrtwri gbt, appiy, cU51apl1i.n or appeýL eal to bve bis 1ne orhe nain1e e1-another p)ersotn entiered on, or remioved fo ppeails miusi Le by notice in. writing in the pe e.n te theC lerk o-r Revis.,ing Officer, or left for hlm 1) A. AMILLER, oirman e heElect;inBadfor thie Counity of Du TIME onto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Huflditch. Mr. ýGeorge Pope ýs hiome from- hos- pital, an l sayngwih i.an Mas. Wm. GenY. Mi,% and Mrs. Alvinlowesof Pet- UiesAnni~ Thm~so, rfMailton, vizited with br moither ad rthr Ms C. 1Thiompsonan1M. ArLi M.a-ç . rntand Viole ilee, ofUxbîd1 , 1 weiÏ re isitor T. h r. 'ýad dh. M. eeeMi jas.h M.adMsltnRin Mr. and M Bl, i ndi. i CRITOIN MOTI-IEîRS DAY GREETING CÀRDS 5, 10, 15 and 251c. 1Y, H.P. CHOREMASTER GARDEN TRACTORS $158.50 BOB-A LAWN POWER MOWERS 18-inch cnt $159.50 BABY CARRIAGES Silver, Blue and Maroon $22.95 Up ÇCOMOTIVE WASIIERS 0Al Fname1 Tubs $11950 LAWN and DECK SCHAIRS $2.50 and $3.95. 1 gai. size DAZEY CHURNS' $4.25 BARBED WIRE 80 rod relis $4.70 Colean &Philp Electric Hfugh Stapleton i sy rbidn bis 11i11. 1Thse Cemeteiy Co. mlleetingl was p'ostponed ta a later da-te. M.r. Ches. Moase, -of Linds'ay, visit- ed hlis sister, Mis. G. W. Jones on Mr. Alfred Redkna.p anti Douglas with is ýparents, 'r.andti Mis. Arthur Redknap. Mr, andi Mrs. Willis Farrow vith Mr. nd Mis. Rqussel MeNeil, Oshaxia, for the week-end. Mi. Williert Lang-staff, Toronto, w-it'lhbis mnother, Mis. Mabel Lang-. staff. Mi. andi Mis. fLanny Sutaand liitle DonnaOaa, with Mi. andi Mirs. Rvomald Burley for a couple of diays. 'Mi. and Mirs. Fard Birown, Quay's 1Cro.ssin.g, iMr. and Ms.Gordon *mt and Jýughte Miss MaieuBe, Poirt 'Hope, with MT.i. and Mis. Ceeul Burley. Tise girls', softbhail team hais or- gan)ized for the coning season-. (Cap- taini, -Mary Burlay, Tresisuier, Oflive Bî3o'w,,n and Coüach Mir. E'aîl Walkey. The amnue meetingl of the Coin- enunity Hll Cosuý]mittea was fheldtion Monday ening 3d. Report of this meetin nexteak. oee'i f the ladies attencld ü he W,MjS:. T'hank 'Offering -services 'In Nacstalest wxeek, 'londenjoyed buotisthe pornss and Ithehopa- ityT of t-aNxcsi group. Oý1lder iizensi ', ireget eariing of thie pas'ing C,-!Dr. Jack Courýtice, 'if Torýonte.. Cutiewas thýe son cf thýe late 1ev. R. T. Courtiee, a pas- toi of tisefomrlehdstcrg MARTIN At lai laterstene -cribed -5-lem, on Mniy a ii 98 at bis Ida MnyHaîis Martin, wio-wc Thoms Matinageti 77 --eas.Th foseraIlservice aS helti at the ïrbank. hem-a cf br uer rMs.Roat Sbcketo',Lot 12, Coceson4 Se-le-m, en WQed'tayMy- i,-- 2.0p.m. Int«ment -wvas miade in NissDorils Reugly anti friand ,and Ross Roughl'ey spent the wFeek-end(l wHitI Ms L. Thoine. The old Kenîdal friinds ,of 3Mi, Fîed Ioaswill be sonry to hear tisai la passad away i-n Toronto H-spital on Sa-tida1y ight andi vi le buéie! in Orono Ceinetery on TLicesday after- noon, cMay 1th Untir the able supision of Mi. bas be-n gin 'Gn pace lu thePlant- blderis taig dnaillts Thereubwch ll behlater(graveied. goodi ( hfda' okls tuaY, It is gin!g te h-agrnd1spoti!n abouýt tan years'time atiW Ill le oeaof tIse batypoof thie ounty. Pao-ý pIe ýare leaytkigpctrsof ithe scens. Mi. Kirk woul ha surprised, on Tùesday mnning lanhafoundý that ths oe gag f goodi Cana- .dins whobcddoue a1i tha bad, te be rp-cd'y~.P's-) had qu[ itlu- stead of leong fiîed ly Imm. WESLEY'VILLE Cluîeirh was helt at 7130 witb Dr Mke preacg a veîy gooti sermon on "The Task of -Righiteousnessý." Mi. ant i -Ms. 'Bob). 1Hilîs an-dLarl -of Port Hfope, spenit Suinday with M. an.dMi' Edgar Barrowclough. Mi. George Tùffoid spent Sunday aftern-oon with Mr. and MiUs. Aichie Ford. ML. an-d Mis. King an'd fnmily, of Camplelîforti, spent ja few (days' with Mi. anti Mrs. John Diers-on. I. ntMdisn. Davidi Vunnattpof e Keutial, spent a few days -ibMr anti Mrs. Lei ngughtîed. i. nti Mu is.'asrlMaynaîd an-d Bi;n, cof Toronto, spant -Sundalýy with, Mi.r 'e. Roy Nichoîls. Mis. 'S. Milîs >and M iss W iniona L SunelI, of Port fHope, spent Sund'ay witb Mr. and Mis. ýSi-nien Baiiow-' 'M.nnd iMis. Arnold Tdorndyke, Sharon An and Carol spent Sunday wýitb _Mi. andi Mis. Grienville Fl-ett, of Suiay -Sehool was held' at 11.00 witbiiiianattendan1ce of tbiîty-eight.* !Mri. George Tufl'oit, in tIse absente of Mi.1r ilfîed Bee, acted as superin- timont. 'Ise Yeug peopIe held tMur weekiy mneeting 'at th'e scbool' bo)us-e on Weti- u-esday evening with an attentiance ef sixteen. The topie w'as taken lly Mi-. Clarenie Nicholls. Ainong Sunday visitors with Mi. and 'Ms W. Mason sier-e Mi. and 'Mis. GeoireMaty and dang'hter Lynn Mar1,i,c,,f Welcom-e , anti Miss Dorothy _Mason of Port Hlope. NE WTON VILLE Kodak Came ras $3.75 andi up Gif t Suggestions For Mother Colognes'by, Adriennie,Ya-ly Lentherie and other makers, prieed from ......$ý1.2â to $1,75 Dusting Powvders.. $1.0 to $2.20 Gage Stationiery, attra-ctively pack-aged,. 5Oc, 75,$0, $1.50 Comnpacts,' priced fro.m $1,50, - $3 .00, $5.95 and ý... ...$7î.51) Photograph Albumps, ,prieed f rom. . .. 65c., 75c. to $2.00 eaehi Boxed Chocolates Sils'N ChuckIes.......... 45c, 90e and $1.75 Smiles 'N Chuekies, special boxes $1.50, $1.75, $2.50 Moir's Luxury Package ...... , ,.......... $1.06, "Pot O Gold" pacýage..........$1,170 McCormick Gold Seat. Chocoates......$1.00 Peppermint Patties, per pkg,....... 45c. and 85c. FLOWERS In storh early Sat. morniug. MWe Deliveùr. CUT FLOWERS Car-nations, per dlozen ..............$3.541- Sniapdragons, doz. .-......$3.00 and $.4 Daffodils, 'per dozen ...............$1--5-- FLOWIERING PLANTS Calceolarias .......... ----...... 1 Geraniums...........-- 40c., 65c- and$i0 '. Pansy Geraninns -----. ---.-75c. and $15S Double Petunia .-----75c, $1.410,$15,2.0 Mixed pans............. $1.541 and1$2.40 Daffodfils and Tulips Africain Violets...................$1------- PLEASE ORDER EARLY!ýl Charles% B. Tyrre'l DR C1ýS AGENT FIOR JACKIMAN FLOIWERS Phione 68 Orono, Ont. MOTHIER'S DA,)Y, MAY 9th MO0THER DAY CARDS AND GIFTS Ladies' Prinited Plastic Tea Aprons......... 69c Misses' White Cotton Vestý-s by Moodie, s-izes 4 to 14, priefi..............45c and 49c Youth's Red Plaid Shirts, sizes 12 to 14, each..$L65 Big Little Books, niew titles, each ......--.....19e Stedman Shellac, white or orange, 1-2 pint ..... 49e Quart for . ....... ....... ......$1.69 Stedmian .>Stove Pipe Enamel,;black, 1-2 pint tin. 20c Stedm-an Aluminuiw Paint for, sto-ve pipes, etc., 1-2 pint f or. .................59c Castor Cups, metal, glass or rubber, proteet your linoleum; eeh...........4c to 8c Plastic Dice, each.............. ........ 10c Tilby's Dubbin Shoe Polish, protect leather fromn m-oisture, tin ...... ......... 15C GROCERY FEATURES Tilbest Tea Bliscuit MNix, 1-4 oz. plsg-. SPECI-AL.....--.---...-2 3. nfGLARGRI EaFsy Shine Flor ax, 1 lbD ~GLRiI> tin for..................--- -- - 29e * Maple LeafNtty Cees, /2 lb) pkg. SPECIAL........-----22e., Heinz Preparedsad wîtlt 1/2 b 35e froc s'p(oon..............--- ý .lc ____________Blenlded Grapefruit anti Oranige Juïice, giant 48ý oz. tins . ..35 C, Dice'd Carreets", Cboice Qnality, large 20ý ounce tins. WEEK-END SPECIAL..............- -lOc 2 pkgnS. f or 15c. 5c. TO - e 5AL59011 - CO~~ lb tin 44e pl-ain antJ creaen ficd, IL.for.......-.........3. Aymmeiir Pe-as, Choifie QaI ity, 240 oz. ti'ns, 2 feýr 3 LargZe ,Meatlv Prunles, 1br0., lTORE il Date anti Heur of Sitting Friday. ay 14. 1948. at 9.3 a.m., E.S.T. Tusaylay 18. 1948, at 1.30 p.m., E.S.T, Tuesday, May 18, 1948, at 3.30 p.m., E.S.T. and at 6.30 p.m., ES.T. Tbursday, May 20, 1948, ai 10.00 a.m., E.S.T. Tbursday, May 20, 1 948 at 2.00 p.m., E.S.T. ""M OTHER."'ý ON YIOTHER'S D.AY SunayMay O9th ïEND OUTAT'S.PBETTEIRO Mether',s D ay GretliugC a rds fr- - -.-------. ------ .-.----.- --- to 2 i.each RSDAY, ORONO v

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