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Orono Weekly Times, 20 May 1948, p. 5

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ATTENTION LAWN BOWLERS' ~liss luthere-coiditio"niinýg of the bowlicg grnn at he Memoriai Park MrM. VWatsOn is Puttig the greens hckinto paigcniin ~adit j xe t tese will 'be ready Acuse as soon un weather condition c~emrefavorAble.PAnactive merle ntiipaedfor i IS keenly ýmjetitive but no)t toc stren,,,iuu Ailwhoareinterested are asked oleave their niam--e and phione ,,ui- ber ,;ith eithier Leroy Hnlo o R. A. Fove(res-,t the Tienes offie. Any who'may b a ve lawn bwlbut who ,willlno, lie uAgtbem, adwhoý w ulconsider either saellng cr rent- ing mame, aie alec requested ta leave iheirnes ïas above. Mrs, Thomas Hooper A ebrof ;pionerfaMil c ~Oeawndisric, rrs.Tn(osuas loop- erded on Tuesýtiay,, May I4th, ia lier late rek&c,16 Quleen tee,'i e 90th yea2rý Sbe Ibad been ill sine Christmals.1 Born Mary Ai) Goodman, thle dagtrof theý late Mr. and Mrel. Thiomas Coodmnan, etilIaydoni, sh be iived m-ost of ber 1f e in 0shaWa. Twelve years ago she moved te Orono but returned to Oshawa last yeear. Sheý was predeceased by bier ies,- band and oue son, Reuben, Surviv- img are me ea-o, Lorenz of Oèmhwa; two, sisters, Mrs. Enuiia Trick, Osh- awa, and 3%r, R. YJ. Atn, Morrish, Ont., and eue brother, John cf Osh- uwal. Th. fuinerai ser-viýe was hel t theArsrg Funeral Home on Tbiursdaizy, May 6thl, at 83VM p.m w ýith Rev. R. F. Wilson cf Firs- BapHtet Chrch, couductiu ne services. In- t elmnlit 'vas m--ade in Union Cerne i1 ei-y. Notice to Farmers If yon want us te remnove your de'ad farm stock within an heour withofft charg-e CALL UIS COLLECT Bewanvlle2679' For Grippiled er ises.we pay a1s igh as $18.00 And for Old Hforses as bigh as--------$w0 We are able te pay these prices easewe feed the meat to our IIMARGWILL FUR-.FARM R. FL., I; YRONE Telephone: omnil.69 <1k 'VGme4a«q4V1 kappe" Chiildnen's Dresses, 1 to 6î years; Silk Coat and Poke Bonnet Set; Sun Sulits; Pio- fores; Boys' Short Panits; Two-piee-e Suits, 2to~ 6 years; Baby Sweaters; Bonets, Blankets. îmris and Nylon Hose. MRS. L. REID RED &WHITE STOR ES Nesefe'sInstant Coffee,ý 1-2 tèaspoonful added to hot water.makes a deicions eup of coffee, A large jan for$15 WE HA2VE A GOOD ASSORTIMENT 0F FRESR COOKIES SFig Bars SLfight and Dark Sandwich SArrowroot Prineess Pure Soap Flakes, large pkg _........ 32c llarvest Ch-oie Diced Beets, 2 tins .......... 23e Vel, giant pg.for........ .............59c Kain, a tasty luncheon meat, tin ....... ..... 39e -York Choice Strawberries, 20 oz tin........... 45 DBeerrîe, coc Uty, in....... .......33 Aunt Dinah Cooking Molasses, bottie........ 19e Red R-ose Tea, 1-2 lb -pkg. .........50e DomnesticShortening, i lb ......... ....3e Mothen Jackson's Jiff y Pie Çrust, 2 pie pkg ... 33c Five Roses Ail-Purpose Flou, 24 lbs .... $1.39 M1laxweil lHouse Drip Grind ýCoff ee, lb tin.... 69e Kraf t Creani Cheesencolorful glass, eaeh.25 CHOICEJUICY ORANGES Bi'EEF, PORK and dozein .......32e CUREDMEATSFinm Green CABBAGE FOR THE WEKEDPound ....... e OORNISH &MILLER Local News Mr, and _Mrs Tolbert FindIlay, cf Tbiornhîlîl, 1'výisitedon lS-und(lay lest wIthI Mr.1, and rs. W.J. iiei Mr and _Mrs. Gorýdon Walker aud dIaugter Gai!, visited with M.and jMr is. Ken. -Bail ai-i Bo-nnie. Miss MroreMcLareu, cf Tor- n Ito Univri, le olldayn xithliher piarents, Mr. and Mrs. C .S. Mrs. E. R. .Woodyard wvas taken fo tbie BwaileIlospitalonie day lnst week, aniuderwet a succeýseful operetion- en Friday lest. Miss Vina McýCrae, frouen Bobcay- geoni,is lie euwtelephonie operator et the Oizono Telephone Company, ~aJiiig the place of Mies Lois Tuirner. MrWmI.Irwin and soni Robbie, Mi.nd Mrýs. iL. Tearne, Mr, andi Mrs. Wm. Mlassey ani son Denton', cf Tor- anto, epýýent the week-end with M r. ni( Mr s, S. V. Rbnsn Mrs. F.Jcko has mioved to hier iew,, ho-me with Ms.Herb Briown in Wewould iketo knlow where l the irenendispperet toafter Éthe flac ~ ~ ~ ' asetnise etEverett Cein's. They dean forgÏot tb-at the hoehdto haplac,(ed back on the lire enlginelin reatdin)ees for any other eierecytat oight aie Mr. A. A. Dmmni-le visiting in Toicuto vwith hIie parent-sý, DMr. and Mr.A. A, rmmn Therga e ietýing cf theW- ensAsso)ciation wns held on Tues- day, a-ftern-.oon, _-ay 1Ith, et the b0Ijorn f Mrs. Eger-ton Hancoc-k. Mrs V. Rbinsn, 1st vice-president, took the clbair in the ilbsenice cf t'he presi- de, Mm CVM. J. aby.-r.R insn cndutedite 0devtional%, giv-7 inig aSciltreradin-g and mairi hýelpful ommnte ete'rwar'dsledg irn prayr Viien the bsnes-f the meetng vacconludtiMiss Da--vey ge7_ve twoiteesi - redinge fromi th.e Ree' iet and Mie-s Auna Mari Shewin avetwo humorous reciteions. oth 111ere very inucl ap- preciated.c r. W, Concli. ndMrs. Brownai chiarge cf Ithe -programmne and serve-d a delî!clouslunch A so- cl 'ilu hf-hiour waIs oeujoyed by sl pasesent. A vote cf -bnkwans tel-1 drtMr.Hanco-,ck f'or her kindn-esc ii oeigher h1omie for- the etig Mr i% arry Grndy, Cof -aiton, spent lest vweeýk - eudi(ivisiting ,, with friende lu O reno. Mr1 Vrnn Saunrders, Toronto, spent Tuse ven ith isPar- ente, _Mr. anti Yrs H.lA. Saunders, Mr iM rs. rd J-e Walker aiul so-n D ouglas ,were vstrswhihfrienids at llarwooc lestweknd Mr Arthur Bell, cof Bcwmaniville, wans iheard to very fine effect ilu a beautifuLl Tvoýcal solo during the "Sujn- risc"l broati-eet laet Sun-day mrig ThiF.breadcast is conductetzi by Bey. A. L. IS«andersonofDeteiaPak Uulted Cburch, Toronto, et eight o'clock each Sun-day -mcrnug throu-ghi the facilities -f Station CRKEY. Mr. Bell had esuugupenn aprevious oc- casion frcm the Studios of Statio CIKtO, Oshawa, and hie teehnique for radio workshoulti assure hlm fur- ther opportunity in the use -f a great talent. 1q Mr. andi Mr. W ýC. H. Mitchell had apleRast srpJrise on1 the teeof iVlay l3th, the occasion hein-g the cele'bra- tien of the;-, 28th wetinig aniver- csary; this plaen vening being ar- rauged, by their couic George sud AI- bert, sud dau-ghter Ceunie, their' wives anti huebandes. Mr, anti Mrs 'Mitchell weTce the recipients cf corne lively gifts,e lo'veiy electrie ceffee Iperculate, anti a telephonje table anti chair, somct-hing that t-he-y ould cherish for a -e long ti'e. Mrq. B. Best attentiedtheWCTU executive meeting lu the. Sim=oe, St. Cburcli, Osliawa, where plans were made -for the countycovni. THEATRE -BOWMANVILLE Please Note SATURDAY CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE FRO-M 6.30 P.M. TO 12 P.M. Fnî., Sat., M.Nlay 21 and 22 AI Grand., Excýiting Story with the Heart-Warmting Dewn-to- Earth Feeing, the Laughter and Tears that made "The Green Years" Great! "éC'YNTHlIA"e Elizabeth Taylor, Geo. Murphy S Z. Sakail ADIIED ATTRACTION James OliverCroos "NOR "F BORDER" Sunday, May 23rd at 12 05 P.m. SENSATIONAL ALL HORROR MID-NITE SHIOW! Charlie Chan lu "BLACK-MdAGIC" Bela Lugosi 4"THE CORPS VANISHES"e MATINEE MondayMay 24, 2 p.m. "éFUN AND FANCY FREE"e MnTues., May 24, 25 Ful-I~nthMusical Carteen Feature "FUN ANDN FANCJ"Y FREE" !N TECHNI-COLOR Edg-ar Bergen, Dinah Shore, Charlie Mc(,Carthy and Mortimer Snierd SELECTED SHORTS MOVI ETO"fNE NEW Wed., Thur., May 26, 27 V-AN JOHNSOINin "ROMANCE OR ROSY RIDGE" SPECI1AL -ADDED) ATTRACTION "The ROYAL WEDDINC PRESENTS" A dazzling 20 minute shert iu "Techuicelor-" on the screen, of aIl the gifts Sent te Prinices Elizabeth frem Canada and the W41.ld . . . You see ail the gifts as, if you were viewNing- them lui St. James Palace yourself. You also see a close-up of the Prin- cess' wedding gewn and gor- ,geous train. The camnera takes you en a teur through the spa- cieus Exhibit HaIll, aud as the camiera moves frem gift to -if t, the array of floral settlugs is a O0rono Ti*nshopo HÂVE YOIJR Fru rnaee Overhauled and ready for use during the summer months R. E. LOGAN PJhoune 18-10 MANSTREET - QIRONO This week local news will be found oiq Page two. NýOTICE Ail juniior ýsoccer- players b)e at the Par-k for practice on Frîday, 'May 21st, at 7 pim. shaýrp. You play your iret game MUay 3lst. Orono SUNDAY SCHOOI ANNIVERSARY 11.0 a.m.--DJ. A. Browýi id o f Victoria1 syguest speaker. 7 VO0 p.i-i.-Dr. A. Browrt THE OPENING 0F OUR NEW FUÎNERAL SERVICE We are now prepared to serve the public Modern Equiepaeuith Sat Your Service in Tinie of Need J PHO1NE 18 r 7. DAY OR NIGHT' H. R.e BARLOW FUNERAL DIRECTOR ARMSTRONG'SI Canvas shoes, lu Oxford and WedgJýie, white and celers, priceti.... --.----.--....-$350 men's ,Tennis Shoes, White Canvas, piei... 35 -Canvas Shoes for children, corkc insoles, strap andi lace styles, priceti, $1.45 and $185 White Leather Santals for chliepriceti $2.75 to $3.50 open Heel ai Toe Steppiers, *Wedgie H-eel, white leather priced «at.............4. 0 White Oxfords, wi crepe sole, Jpriceti ------ ...$4.95. M1en's Sport Cents, lu reti anti Royal1 Blue, priceti---$12.00 Ment's anti Boys' Sweat Shirts in white anti colors, aIso white anti coloreti Jerseys. Matches, 3 boxes for i....29e Aylmer Vegetable Soup, 3 tins f or ...... ........ 25e Brunswick Sardines, tin 10e Choice Quality 20 oz tin Choice Qualityv 20 oz tin .. Red Plunis, .... . 20e Blue Plunis, .~15e Ch .oice Raspherries, 20 oz tin 53c Caioice Strawberries, 20 oz tin for .............43e Metcalfe's Faney 'Quality Peas, tin ....... ........ 22e Palmolive, Soap, 2 small bars 1 large, ail for.......... 29e Orono Cneamery Butter, lb.- 71c N\eilson's Chocolate Bars, 2 f or ..........15e York Tom ato Ketchup, bot-, île for ,........ .. ..... 25e Freneh's -Mustard Saladl, .8 oz jar.ý...... ....... ý..10Ie Graves' Solid Pack Apples, 105 oz tins....... 79e Pineapple M.anmalarle, 32 oz j.ar...........48e Plaid, andi Check Spuni, alSO Jerseys anti Crepes,' all new styles. Our New WýAhite Hats have ar- rived. Corne ini andi see them. 3 Cents enl-y, REDUCED. 1 Turquoise Sheortee ---.0 i Blue Tweed, lang-$5O 1 OatmIeal, grey........--$ý3.95 Hai Bags, lu cerded silk anti plastic, aIl different styles, colors ef Navy, Redi, Black, Brewn and White, Priceti- frem ......... 395to $7.00 Chiltren's Mercerized Cottoll, ankle sýcks,, sizes 6 te 10, p-ricet-----45c anti 50(- Tennis Shoes, lu White Cali- vas, priced ......-------$S2 2 5 CHOICE RED COHOE SALMO1N 1-2 lb tins 32c. LARGE SI>ANISII ONIONS 2 lb for 25;C. Grapef ruit 5 for 23e. ECLIIPSE PASTRY FLOIJR 24 lb bag' $ 1,07 nd stace iL i, Pr es- Univer- -r- '-i -s 'i -i s r.- r. r. r-,, s. -r- s,, r,, 'e i 1 nom ()RONO WEEKLI lîmlý,n WPPKIýV TIMES ontarîo

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