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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Jun 1948, p. 1

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__ OONO EEKLY TMES Vol. 12. INo. 21 OR N ,O T.FFUPSDAY, JUNE. l7th,1t948 Subseription $150 per Year "eather Social Club Dance, Town Hall, Orono, Friday, June 18 Amateur Athletic Association1 A meigof 'lise Pirecýtors ofth V Orono ~Cislanliser of olec a hei lu.the Orange Hall on Moutiay ennJunle 141h, -with seven mens- besa present, wifiTh-E. R. Wýoodysmd, p î ien l Ie chair. Tiemin-utes of the len metin ,were rend, rntid on motion cf G. Tý MlesecondtIý by C.,FH. Froste,1 weeadopteti as eci -11lid: following bilas were ordemeti Mr. W. Mitcohel ,for pitn $155.00; M. R. E. Lga MUr. Lloyd Crabbse interviewe~d thei Clanhrof Comumerce. lIe ýwantedi tekow ifa discount ecould not be re- Se i,7ed rîn) nerebandise for civil ser,- vantsý.After sone discussion it b -IecÀtîded hat the Chaarber oI Coin- nlercý,e coulsi not do ayhn in thîs ate.That it w s a matter for toi --tor, 'eeeers to decide, bci fornm years the lst of July celebraionin Oro-no was held uudr The aspiees of the Chanber[ of Coiptece.At the meeting it wavis -ecided to tam th is day oVer "o the Orono (,Amateur Athle(tic Associatioýn. Te AthleltcAcationwifl h-old a sports daythongh it 'has flot, een deédide yet whether a damce will be hedIn ':the evening 'Or not. _ It ï oe by J. E. Armiistrong, seceneib Fred L ctt, that a ]et- ter "e vr»fttenii to Clarke Township' oucland onie te the Orono Police Trustees, te see if sýomethbng canne be done con erning securinggabe fnslor the village of Orono, 1,m Les mand Newtonvle. -meeting then i ýjueJ a EW f 0,4V1LLE F fl onV. 'MSiis, of the Dept. f ~duatinToronite,, with Mr. and Mr. eorge Stapleton. ~M.and Mmc. Karl WalkeY wt Mm, and -MmIe-.sElmer Peilard, Osh- 'CV,2 iss Audrey Tufford, Bunker l.iIII, s iiigwit b er siste'r, Mrs. Ra- MF. ). Densuit is hlom!e from thie Porti, ape Ho'spîtI alm y uch ilm- preved 'in ealt. 11fr and Ms, larnceTurner, of WN isFarrow. !Mm, and-'1Mms. VWillert HanIcocek and Ms Jean M1illigan spcenIt the we i-n i nteir cottaige at C-lie- among Lake. jq wtonville girls playeti Orono grnat IKendal Con1tVonday eveningp anîcaeoff voelu.it 1m-ust Unied Counti Le vimToes hetalx rate for otu elni nhaiCouties Goune:il w11re-i main ant ten mius, it was announeti, ut the ep(en-ing e4f iTe June zsessiý-on ol thIe ïUn'td GoUnties of NomthunIhem- Xand a'd Duram. W ieee1>sne indlivdnalyil o'a schcoo cst u urease r whiéh wilttotal $10,000 mr tfihan least year. lIn the fugtlor thds yeam, pre- Sented te counicil boy the ç3erk-meas- WilliamBarr, ansi efered te 'lrfnance cmntte he fo]tlowing éli 1 rcî_.ates were shown: Admýriistra-1 1JOn of ju]stice, $2,2200; jail, $12,000 cha-_rity and: we!:fazre, counties home,-2 $22,000; ehidren'a aid,$36,00; hs -piUlIgrant, , .500; ind igent pa-; tieflis,$10,000; hoard of health, ý $ï67,- 500>; total $114J000. leibenture and interest, $W8,25; genraiadmnitraion cuncwil anti cornamittees, $10,00; rentaIof oufcs ardupleep $6'Oç{};intemeat on býans $3OtO pinîget,$2,O0; Iworký- $66O' oal,$21AS îO.Registry on- fic~,$34I0;reforestatien, $2,0OÙ0); snndiry gants, $8, 070; cohty rends.l 5Q, hame $147»; : weed' eradica-ý WESLEY VILLE -M. aintMs.OConrsdfamily, cfd Tome-utc,, sipet Sundicay wîth Mm. anti Mrs. Scb'wamz. Mm: Athur ýMcKay, ýof StarkývMbe spent Suad'ay aftemavoon -with Mm. iud MsI. HaroldiBrocl-gs 'Mm. and trM R oy Gabe, of Phila- delpisia, are speutig a few tisys, -ith Mm.anti Mma. Percy 'Snell. Aumou Suday #istors Wit h Mm andiMs C, Pays-,e weme Mm.% andi Mai. Dawson Beethe anti Eniti at M"iss Panline Peters. ilof Iorss t Chureh ias hielti at 7.30ý( with Dr. Oke pmcehing a very goosi sermon. Mms. Oke provdeti hn usic 1h tise oisgan. Mým. niiMrs. Gloiver of Osilawsl antid s Langztaif of Neteile su,ýentSatumtiay wthMms. !L. 1du-: way. Mm. ant iDMs.Péncy S"elI, s. CaesSnell udMi .Ken D)Iiniee wi0iVMm. asud iMma. Fred Tuffordcf, Bunker HIAil Among suday visiter -hMm. aniMrs. A. ThiomnîdykvIe weme1Mm1 anI sMm. Frank Bynie, cf Niagarli 1Fals, aud Mr. sud iMrs Grenvi]Ie FIat anti dson cf Fenelon Fanlîs. Suniiday School was helti at 11,00 wth an-,attendanIcecf1', wng o Ibhe aubs"enpe cf Misa enec et ise Ma4rgaret Binateti taugiht the Piïmamy cirsMmr. Carence taught tce jMuo h rsud aneiIsy e m isic ma cnbiet in -Mms. Arnoldt A11s !in'% asence, arcialso Miss Pauine ReVers tbeh' nhiO-r girls cIscsS in tlise aissence cf Mmsn. G. Pye Th'le moer f tIse Womieis's As- scation mare entartaineti on Weft- IQastïay aýt ise home c f Mrs. Wiilliamn Nice-isatPort IHoP, m itls oyIer 30 New Officers finstalled At Orono Piasonic Lodge Instllato f officer-s for oronlo Lotge .F.~&Arn,, ias h-aid oný June lOti, whau theiisaisaligTm cf Cedar Lotige, Oshawa, uner ets direction cf lV. W. Bro. RobIt. Maak, dily installa(lteianw offloars eett at tise ay mreeting. Tisey are as LPM.-W.Bro. A. F.MKeie 'WM.-FBro. W. W. Siserwin., Sm. Wamdle-Bro. J. J. $TeiIom. Jr. W'amdaue-Bmo. Norman E. Allin1 Sr. Deacon---Bro. J. H-. Lowery. Jr, Deaacoa-Bro. 'c. V. Wilson. Tuner GuiarI-ýBro. :P. J. Chapolanl. Sm.r et4r. P. M. Lunn. Jr. SewR-Bo.By BEry TyIer-4Bro. Jos. WValkar. CGipiain[-W. Bro. C. W. Bilinga. TFreas.-R. W. Bro. 'O. W.Rops Sec.-W,. Bro. J. C. Jamay. Oddiellow's Assist Matiy, Ni n su-timaI tagatas cf tisa Lu-î deopentfint OtiarP- cf Ottflo Sani Rebaka-iisaara meeting tiss wek l St. Cahrnsfor tise 'annuel coýn-j ention c f tise Grand Loige cf On tarîio, Juna 141h to 121h,' underý GadMss'"ter WilimT. l\IcCamtbyI cf, tisat City, LacIvyarm tise 100F lanacisatan aumtous programi against cancer, poliomyýeIiiiamsdti aoioi.Dur- mg isa yeaar ovar $60.000 wss raiseti tisreugblout tise province for, Ibis la-Ismensura. Followinig 100F poiicy tise nsney se ýreisetim- -pestin tise hoapitals,aniosnt clinica cf île district whaere il rg inateti. Botis tisa manl's antIýi wmns loti- esin Om)ýono canvassjeti, ani baLtI seiifunictioris to maise mciney for, Ii woýrtisy causýe, anti aisetI a con- iteaesset mofnoey for tisis pur- pme- Garden Hlli Girl Composes Prize Winning Poemâ pnraseect. Thse prespIecnt, iVrs. iiamI InciscondutethIe business part c-oý A charinrg yoning lady cfGr tIe mieeting witli Mrs. AcsaFordda 111bscoiahutsmeds anihem gr.oup 1promîintli he' devo- menti ring by tmskiîg 'a p1rpsai of 1 1 '11marriage te a'.younig 1mnanti cern.- tihonal part. 1Dm, Oka gave a alk po i i lhe fomm - cf aPu)ý-em, on tise Neigro Spiritual Sangs. She is Mss Oeat Gardine, oua t: ----o - - -- cf theaoperetors on tIse Garden EUHi Cortcagils sfîaî tam~ telepýhone- excisange, danister cf Mnm.d teaigst, nti MmdRichardGadn. tieloa ifaatOoo akWell-kuowu ifor otise- fncili1t y 1lr Th~sdyJue 7th. -atua womds, andtihIe antisor cf ______________________'OyIeSES tisaI have brongbt1P ilnsre te n ara c-,!el,- f msideaits in have ea" those cstne unfora IhsetltroMiss -Gardiner bas be girlsbut kaep np tise goot icmk, taking part litanDmiin-icoea- Mm. anti Mur.YJT. Pearce accom- test pmoei iutie "FanParade,) on thse vasir. asfield of 5,00 en- nanie tic m. ni r.2W ve s-tie oat te oatÉ, se bswoa tIs borne anti amiycf elome t hat riz ,rig, liera e is heve1sse: visitMm.entiMsd WlaWitaker De0ar Gartion: uimwitieg te propose te yen but I in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n Woot uSedy u in a fi ________________________For yenj, UL'os ld îare t wen ty-fü,-ur1 wis1Iam tuenty-six. Pecilsa pa dîI vers ýi ty cfage you'l1ý T'outiia a ittle toc koùî1,-10'x q ~1ifoniy Icu lui couke >tay A t i O IV lIS An telsan4w-ieT far yenm iseigit rnay proe a pMilemc tme For you are talau antisteysu arnive oot two. eas> 19417surplus cf 12=55,9; totalAnti ns Fm lsng no-w fwor-yndtose ameunt te be aiseti by levy, $354p- thingatiaI1Iannet - 9855. Iuest admnit tIatPewn wbok Humien Gotnty Council asiketi en- l asmathing "14ve net gel." dorsatien Cof a esoutin hich sug- 1've neyer been momiantic or ibeen a geats thait, ha view cf doctors aI- 'momie fan tendigpatients iha hospitals anti me- l'lneven quit ergi t tisat Sin- ceiving remunemation forther sar- aima man. Vices, they se ciargati a 25-cent fee: My healtsis -ir, 1 canot boast of par patient, andi thsaI tis ea e Y nPcti any lenglty i% incYdainlatIs e totr's1bi1te bis T off r yen a urdy bPart Uanti abI patLie-nt. t was refemmeýC1ti thIe le-y ntpait illbs. isiativJe anti bylaws coin it tee, 'as menl'lnet intefligeaI (etbaa Reotof tIse counties roati spr edn hwil) inednJ. M. Jortian, soe htB ' sure, yen will a-reLa wvork lad been cmltt n tsa a venPnat s poat. Bensfomt brige piera ant i aso tise T Carnet stand the P&t Mie or mati- tunber big on-No. 18 ha Ainwiâck deuping social whiml. Township. Culveýrta 'were tb Yhe mIn- es hore antiaisatiuponeafanai stailatiin'varonssections ef tIse in'm mtat nounitiy g irl. conties rond sysîtens anti rondtion-iT have tuc narriat i sters a -,vin stmucto o wâs in progmasa-, in but he' tIsa brother - Camtrigt, an-vers, larke, Pc, L'va djozans c f rltosa ntfý1 Crarnaise at rgtn onbp course t'isere's Dai dMte w7itli nmore t- follov'. aimn o yalIseitage or bne 'Nnsb idyepen.ditume up 1)tel a ge - cf Kisipi -ApUIl 30 arnounteti te $l11 4AS: 1May foika are aIl quite simple and nia intananc ai $4-1. ,8ý4 .64: i co-naIs[r- lova. tIse "siisple tlsiîngb". tien,.6,1.8;ner- maciinery, $5-IPrlsp htswhy tlseylve e dnt 248.66: mscel-anaua $5.802,47.To- tj halte te sea irego. taIc $125293.1;Wlescredits cf$41'Thothey insst it's' lime I' wed or 1M6,balnce $84,257J5_, es s 147 gelmyselifa beau, -bslances,$W&~673; totalexpeniý- J Mpe 'ceheswitaeasd at tise tuma $76,760.0 u(rti~ei onpja tom'u) Chiidren From Ail1 Corners 0f Township Attend Field Meet STARK VILLE r ati rs ohnStone with Mr. Miss udreyFarrow, Newcastle, ith Mir and AMrs. Hcward Farrow. Mdr. and Mrs. IHarold 1Littie, Garyaini Dennis, of Oshawa, visiteel Mr. ani Ms.Fics. Falîsý. . Mm. and Mrs. Lomne Todd, iVrs. -Garl Todd anti Bî-u(ce vis-iteti recently wiTh- Mrs. Will Todd of Oshawea, Seri fDom here attended cte presentatin at Osaca for Mr. andi MIra Maurice Pandeif. Mm. Victor Farrocw and Betty are speuduing a few w'weetks wit l im. anti Mrs. Rni erd Eionton, Alta. Mris. Orrme Falls, and -àMarilyni spen-t a ýcouple of sisys - wih Mrs. Icloullecis, Orone. Mmr. antiM Riusell Savei7y anti Betty §petit Sundry at Mis A. Mul- Mresrs iW. Irobinsonand Thos. FaUs atltende'd the hors e show eat Ml1ooaise Mm. Warren CGarson anMd fasnily. iMiss ' MilimetiWtemlMiss Car- re01, ~Miss Beulnh 1llalc-wýeil, Misýs ArotToronto, had dinner -wih ,Miss Normia 1Hallowell. lD(on't foirgýet Shiloih Anniiversary on~ Sunday", June 21htl, aI .3 p.mn. arefl 7.30 in thec evening. The Os- borne QvteB'ilavll illl furleish the miusie at i'ight. The reýgular meeting of tIhe Shloh ,Woimen's Associationi met, at thse os-n f Mrs. Gortion' Trini on Wed- niesday evening, w-,ith a good -attendl- n4. AfLer thie devotional period Mnsý. Orýme Falls ani -orm.a iallo- anil had charge of the programmne. Duriug the fibusinesa dliscussion, pla ns were armangeti for a concert te) be heiti in J-uly andtihIe W. A. wi'l tglin suierve luch, after thse picturiesý n1 the soehool on ,Jtu 2.5ülh. At thse ol-ecf thse meeting M-.rs. Tmim - u ved i-,lnchi. TIse July meeting will be ait the home of Mrc. Lomne Totit. WOCOTAU._Meeting Tise Woinun' Cnistian Temiper- mcc ~ ~ ~ III Ujinmetn a elti on Puesdlay, Jlune 51, ith -Mrs. -R. Raieley prsiiig. TIe evotiona1 ils inlchage of Mrs. F. Kelly vit1h Mrs. Kýelly anti Mrs. Rine ht takieg part, the subject heinep"TIse taking oý F nmotc anti "Lackcl If dIel iilne". Ie tIse buiness perIi tIseltreas- urer anti pencýe secretaryreoet aintc i the , cr )rmod ingr ecrtam rev a-3ï letter(-f tansandiaprcn Two ew perntetietsof de- p-amîments wer e a ppo(-Inlteti, Mis Edbth Sherwin for teu'perancerini tIe Suiny ScooanidMsF. Tam-[ b 7ln antil Mrs. W_\. Stainton for t emY- peman1ce in tHie Dayi-ool. Mms.Rr ney announcei tIse W.C.T.1 IL conventsion thhebldti tmormow, feue lGt atlapndlgt, Mm. . et ani)!Mrs. Ro-we. TU. nmeigs woultirot be helti elisrlelyit .or Aga.Thlemet ing clst ihpae yMrs. Mel-t by tLhe Peae Sereamy, Mr.Klellc: Peace oaf theWrd la itise ha of tIse even'ing wilglh Whben tIse blooi-med iqun has gne, Then ail nure seem YtoFe restig As tse sisades of nlight roli on. AIl thie trials antii tri1bulations OFf a womld t;hats's-gene astriy Aýre fonigotten like pet(ty tro-,u1)les < Aýt tise closing of the day. Orn;Lyle HarrisNecste Boys 100 yard dash, under 17, Do)n Mercer, Orono); Ivan~enrd .S 9 Clarke; Timi-iGreamier, Newcastleý, t Girl!s standing broad, under -4, E, HIciks, O -k, ' 1/_;H. Graham, of Orone:o J. Alidread, Orono. Girls rumn g roaïd, unýder 17. Lenore Qaborne. 9Cakl~ Jean Terris, Neîe ; SIhîie y Quan-,tril, Cowanvîlle. 1 Girls seft;li I lthrow, pndier 12, Ma- deli'ow'ýa'n, Antiocli, 96'; Eleinoýr RhnsoOrerie; Doris Kenny, Ken- Girls higih jump, under 10, 4 firsts, Bernice Lunin, Orono, Nane.y Lake, Newcastle, Anne cBest, Oreno aadi Mý,erIe Stapleteýn, Clarke U-nion, Boysstanin broad, under 7, Rew.- erley Gowan, Antioch; John Tam 1) 1yn, Orono; Ted Sallows, Newcas- Boy runin bradunder 17, Don Mercer, Orone,11V:'; IrnBer-. nard, No. 9; R. eriiU,Go nile Boyssothal trow, iunder 1-9, Dcn Laýk e, Nepwýcastl'f-e, 14l' 6"; Ronieýýîc Boyvs h-igh n um, under 10', DaTidý Girls hk jump, uder 12,Hen okEleanor Oshorne, and-(1 Ructh Ga r od. Gfirls higýh jumipundier 7,- atr me Lyn0h Oron, 2': Mari Knt No.9;pne Trm, Starkville. Girls sFof!Iha-ï li tr'w-, unIder 17 , JenTurner, e. ate Girls rniing .blroid,. 1un(1e r 10,ý Girls -under 1t7, Shirley QuanItriII , Lake, Neýi cste 2 5:RcoaLeis Cowanville, 7 poinits. rBoys higli Ju n, une 7, -Tec Girls ute 12, Ruct>l Grol Nw arosNwate 2' 2": JohIn Tm caDstle, 5 points. byOmn;Bevemley Cwa An- G ir nder10 MriynLetieofrti oc Necste points. Boys sotlthrow,une 17, Fim- Boys uinder 17, Don- Mercer, Orono, yKesa tI poi-nts.Bos unig roi. nte 1, Bos edr 12 ears, Rene Wst, .ly Brn. e'cste 1'3i Orono, '7 poinits. 'Biy 'aok.Atch Dn Wi- Boys under 10, BillyEacokAntkeNcal. tiochl, 5 pit.Grshg Lap ee 7 hre Bys unider 7', TJ"hn-TambyounrlCnnnil,4.1;Lnr Oroo,8 oits.Osore)f No. 9anmi G;Iase , Gan-I;_ Winners of Evens bycf Oono (id Girls, 50 ya d'101s, uteb1-wn il mni' ' rad, undl r 12 Stark, Netar NwtonvillaCthreRuh aroiNeca1,9'- 7"cjs villeimeslCwale Grs7-5 yard dashý_1. udr10, Mai- Bys 0sftb 1 tr ow.v ee 0 De-n 1:y0 Lo Pg,ewc faftl;1BmniewLn, httier eoaIle I1 " Grs75 yard dshnnder 1,Br oshoh~ udr1,Dn Hot ekNcas tle1 MrgrNecseRo onhugNwa- Bmown Newonvile. te. sils ill hew e17r 0 'onS. S. 9 lre osmn4n rai m ne Boys 50 yad lash ieder. 7,.on 1 etl rn'1 " Tambl,,yn, roo PctRt)îfrdl",ra, Ki y; Kith daî Kirlby; Rtib!ert Duls Cak o1Lksee Boys 79 yard dasýh, iend er 10,BIlly Borasrell nder 17. S-no n Amntoc NeicCa.uhNw-mnnc; ecate;Nwteile Couih, Newcas!tle; Roi'nie Weft, of (Cn'tinued onpaefu> Butter Production Showing An Increase anti keap Iup te date ivitis naws Wbe tIe -ir-aya ar filet mi "S I catle getting out on grass tise month lIse prica lor ùset grade clamorsisortiy aftem tise itiie cf May, but- souda hati droppa-i te 6ý3 cents a W a sistoff en ew Ca cic-se.ter produIction iin 0Outarino'iss imb- pount, witisvueyfaw sales haingý But ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e tiawl fmn epcahni etimay rapitily, says 'C. E. Lcrnr eprat. Dttes4fat prices clroppcd. As iseocthant yArS-mdlOn;Diactor of tieldîy ry'aci cf thse! about sixcents a Poundi e-oJune 1L Anti'a pesce ftIsIis univerea1 Onaiio Parmtnt cf Agicultre, Tis shar tiacreasa in ftprice S dms iwnys te fade like iawn.lin is surnnîry cf cemery in-sru- imay aibisprôd'ucers l ise c'heese Witis the pence cf thse wold inom tom's repota for tisa i mnti. Tise'f actor etons AtehIe manufacture tremllingaxtrme icrne, sys M. Lackne ,cf ciseesa syiis hnow bas an as:-Aismo 'Twvixt tmo' Vital sobiools cf thought hai indicatati by tise trentis' wIicb et miimm prie cf 32 cents par Let ui-loo-k to tise futur-e btRvely 1tiese 5aIOf MaY maeremuning about1 pounti.. Cete producton Irs beau- iAndtihtsa ondera Got h-a- wougbt 1tan par cent halo-w asat year, whiile abnïornsalî be- w be-me, ssnn1 lje-r For wueIkaowý that tise migit auni t otise close of tise nonth prosiduction ceuse 0cf more lucrative pricas beinz Triumnph,wa about fifeen par cent aove th isapatifor a-iur ln 'c-tIrer channaIs. Anti tha Goti shaIl not 1emo et.comspondingipro of 194,' Butter quaHlty for tise year end-. Tisogh tise pma-n- s1aIof duc- 1Bitîtasiprices, thse-report staes, ing Aprul 30, lm oatanio, bbc beai taler rammatied t tise cWiingunati tise tilla hst on mecoride ispite th t4 Wbo eascmay bave shiocked. iproduction bacanse greatar tisaiscrn ia npyhp-aa wy-eI Thse second annual LiýOn s F iel1tai Day anti Camnivai helti onWedes day, June 9th, wý,as :a b-g sueCceas:.1 This year tIse Lions -joineti witlh the teechers of Clarke sud combjinedthse KEIreTownship PuIblic Sho Meet andtihie Lions Meet. IShiortly sl'ter 9.00sa. the sports avents get undemw'ay anti the raices. were m-ua off qirst with AIL. Shrubbl, cf Bwinvle the starter. At 9.45 a.m., four avents were starteti1 anti eontisned alli roning - -higli jui-rp, standing Ibroati anti unning brosd jumaisanti soltàball -throw. Tse, tearchers aniti Lions wae kept busy wTh these avents. La thse aflemnoon' open events were ruri, but tise Lhiliren were more at- tracted lhy free r-ides on tIse merry- -o-roLind gi-veni by J. A. Susith of Kirfhy defeatetiAnio sin -a-hall geLme for tise capio Ohpcf rural sg-'hoo1s. Lio Frauik 'M ,M ul11e n, nager", f ie Fiei Day, pre-sent- eti Misa Anti andti aam, 1of Kirby, witlh a Trps or sanme. Newcastle FSehcool monthe Lions Sisielti for ts gtnuibe rc pitw-ith m0-ono acoescn, Neýpwcastl 6G5, Orone 62. Every cli pracent wss ive.,",n ia fmree coca cola, iecracoele, ticket ten the ecirons iy the Lions Club, anti( a freea merry.g-m n rie4y J. A. The succesa -cf tise dyis uet m:ahe co-oer ation bet-ween the teach- maretsedy asees xr help- ers weme Barit Sstsocf Bowe-,ý manrille, anti 1lRosa Gîilbrt cf 0'Orono, l'sa rewarti te alcrnsfrons een se m-1a-nyohiltirea h aving ? plni Tisaresutsof1nietial winners anti aven minersare as fios

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