ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, '~t jr4wogams wthNewowiil, thei daoe~in he ownilalOrono, ~~~~V~~o eui fita edIadth eoda nFidfeeig ue1th. Rcy alrete' S-x ac banid in oncon ue'dayeveinglas. hey attndace. Admssin, 50 Cents .y at ome tis ThsdaL each j Fas~er'- ay Greeting Cards ilki ng McieOat Rolers Ginders and MikCoolers v 1IK 1 IG ELECTRIC JIA3MMER MILLS Copphle ewith oto BEATTY PRESSURE SYSTEMS Single and Double Action P'umps, complete mith Tanks and Fittings Screen & Combination DOORS HIEAT WAVE RAMGETTES AutoatieOvenControl 15ýnwtt capacityý for faster SUNSHINïVE 2-BURNER HOT PLATES Al Enamrel Top RUBBER K'NEELING MATS 45c -and up SHELLI FLY SPRAY D.D.T. BARN SPRAY. $2.25 per gallon IIOISELIOLD SPRAY $13.25 per'gallon CURRIE -PRCSS ASPHALT ROOFING 3-m- Shngle............$.50per Square Medjui 45 lb. roils...... .$2.75 each HeaVy, 55 lb roils ........,,....,$3.35 each Rock Surface, 90 lbs.......... .... $4.00 each Coleman & Philp Electric Phone 89 r 1j - ORONO KEN DAL Ni-. W. attrsn~ pet Su- dayt, wýiI h"Mrs.E.uxn daug'ter, os~ oy Mo-cor ieek-endaat home. Ilr. Rober A ilx1der!sette en i wih i-. ad1Ns. C. Kunny. PIii-. And Mrs.-Mc'Roberts s p:ýentl S, iidy i h M ad Mrs.Samn- dMu. and M. J. Gioer and famil visited Mils. A. tG. D), nin-gton and BiE on Sunay. We ar'e sOIry t eb a r tlii-t Mrs. Ctis aveysie!k and hope sh e wili soonh1(-o on the %way to recove'ry. Mr. iand Mis. NIorris White anld Ru»sei, of ,Borprvvlie spent Sun- dlaywt Mr-. and Mes. T. Hhilditclh. lMrs. Wilfred RuheDaivid amd Donie viNtd M0% and M3r. J. Swan brick over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. John Thornipson) are -movinug soon to the býouse recently vacated by iMm. and Mrs, Lorne Pae- den. Mi.an'd Mrsý. Gordon Pviece called on thie latter's rnmohr Mrs. L. Thiornie on. Saturday ani took er acwththem to Gi for a two0 woeks9vîit fte vsitngRice ufr ke. Mr. a'lto' Dionof Dewsburcy, Yorksli-re EniadMr. Joe Dixon a'd Mr, and 'Mes. 'Mike Alex, of Oshlaw ,and Mr,. and Mr Mao caldon Mrend Mrs. F. Stokcer on Tuvedlay o AsMt week. Mi-.Herb. Reynold.swent fishing,, on Thursday evenig lat about two ille out of Kendal and caugzht a beutfu 1"brovum 41>,'teut nd 1twq sm mlr ns. Thiis cuo ut soehttie interesît around thïe vil- lage. Theri-i-roi-re twobos'windlbrealk- ors a!idia yopg irl's ced sweater- leftla ithie Kena-di Park on Field Dayý jlai-t year andf these have niever beeni claimed T h e boys andgrliri bo N se V. year MradMi. Joh P;tolln visitef ito u.ay1o1uieweta d isfactorIly.iWs. Pni he ilFsoon ee acsaf.Mr. en uPE îr kand 5it n5R li noef 'To rntoi, Mr. aF Mr.Jm Siceman md li. Jna, f h- b iýeutiig o M i.adMr, DaeWitesi, o cf t1iny, ade Mii. anCanMa. Brko Deti Oit.)ý,a a(l,2- p s an(ý ho,, W.t ics. Meti n .Mre gav a er 1. eit monthiil etn eiti Tnoeoftpesifde, Ms. F Stofkel, o- WeedyJuethTe amtn i as peed wth tae h s ag- 25. cfTh-eiOdes tlilndyof Caada.-tlii-e -ou 5c.N ivas Namieila gardon pet gaoen veti ntedesting am etaie veno. Te sbjeiet of te afee tolin- hastfonh year ý, ,-Iýl icvs discn and tifs decidedtoieavecties at 25e. uTe adIs'zyabliut f raisng bthis Cnveni'tioa otîmngforcam eu Gee. T!ii- presien ae a roding ý ons theauy oma' lo'er g'arden gndwichi sei SomeI peopleasay a vn'ttimefjor gardeniage. Tii whme bong to 'vTe Order ofthe Knii badisf tewiel gardefr m te gooda '.adnneand n ery'peasao a ndp 'oidab ti-i-e ires enjoyd-MTl M. ofd PsoarstS Hanofe Ni-s. WPatterson ,of Kryc'alied on Mr. amd Mrs. -MarenuSpe, o ANDS AT WIORK0,for ONTA RIO LEARNJNG, MACHINE ASSEMBLY V70I 1110P UN produçets are desircd ,and purchased by people al over the' d ndl the capacity te produesncb goods largely determines the econonde are of ev«~y aman, womau and child within hier borders. Because the sale of y ari le produced inOtaj big vlabedllars into this Provine, we ail are *assred of job securiy .." ad we and oerichildi-en eau have moere of the er tig in life. Butteproduce suchgoods in susfficient quantiiies, skilled tir is vital. That is Why every smgle ene of us shtould be gad bhat war veterans conistantly beiing trained to provide the skiled auds so needed by industy. y receie ON TUE JOB trainig under expert instructàrsinor Ounro traiinig, provided tbrough the c-prainof ithe Departmnent ofVeerna ir tlie Federal Departnt f Labour and the Ontario Departmient of Educa- st>arta thle veterar n on te rond to skilled eràftsmnansihip. fl assembl1)ing îess acines, for eape veterans mus-ot have a thoough knowledge of riciy and ut Mani tLperormiricate work onreisin maines having cands of separcace at. TlmeeCancaia-de huinss achns are soudin arts of th?~ world, creati nesvwcwalth for Canada and Ontario. Therefore veffort of tIi-se newly akWIed veterans helps te m»ake Onitario a fluer pl'ace ini tu te ieand ConMtriutes Iote M wlAreand happineas of ai LherciiZens'. Tfilic BREWING I1NDIJSTRY (ONTAPRO : John !N. West, 25, of Tcjooto, a Royal : Cnaiannv veernis s hw ei-e : ajestmentateIone of the : iO00O parts ien ",bulsiness Machine : aesd for a New Zeaiand firn, Vro, tylpes Of business minires are z tores.Becuseof their m llricate m nechanismis it is es- stia ht tese machines lie check-ed by ex-,pert eraftsmcen at every 8tage of: thieir pro)duction.Î. 'WYDR I Dai on Father's Day This Su,.nday, June 2Oth We~ ~~ ltheoafew of th,ýe suary items od our coýmplote sokof gifts suitablïe for hlm on ather' Day. A il gifts iare suIitaby wrapped. hre fo-r an) occasion and packed for mniin aýt on xtraCharge.-.- GOUT'S FA,ýTIIERS DAY GREETING CARDS Desiîgns fButfulCards, fro)m............--- 5c. to25.eh CUSAND SAUCERS 0f Englîs'h Bone China, the cup is printed with gold leuf "Father" ,andl itlds;ýeveraI ceps, enough for thle man -who reallylke Tea. The Cep and Saucer.............................----- - --------$1.00 RA~Zo-, S Pipes and Cigayettes Plipes.........$1.00 to $1LA Gillette ,Razors and Sets-, Pipes, $1,00 to $1.50 to $3.00 from c, $1.32 to $6.00 each to ._........... ---$5.00 each Valet Razor Kits....$1.25 Cigarettes, ail the popular 'brandjs, factory fresh at lowest Wilkiison Razors ........$ý4. 50 prices. ScikElectric - -_.......$21,00 Cigarette Lighters Schick Razors ..........$1-20-S--rm Proof Lighters at Rolis Razors..---........$s12,0 ench................-------$1.00 Packard Electric.....- ý2.250 Ronson Models front $6.00 each $8.50 each to __. $13.0l0 each BILLFOLD AIND KEY CASES Key> Cases, each-------------.............................S--'50eOc to$1.50 WilIfolds from.........................----- ------ -.... $1.65 to $7.50 eacht UitIlity Travelling Kits in Leather, eýach.....----- ....$6.00 te $15.00 Watermani Peu and Pencil Sets, eLach.............- ----$5.95 to $15.54 M1en's Tolet Gif t Sets lin Gardenia, Yaýrdley, Lentheric and Blachelor, fr-mo --n........ ---------- . to $7..50 each RE-ME.MBER FATIIER'S DAY IS SUN1,DAY JUNE 2th Charles 1B. Tyreî i»<UkS Phone 68 AGENT FOIR JACKMAN FLOWERS Oronio, Oint, Nox.zenma Medicated Croami Soap, -ideal for batby and bath, bar ................ ..5c Pieie Kiscontai.ninge 24' Pure White Bircli Spoons and Forks, pkg ...... ...... 15C Sole Sox, kxitted w-À'ioýutsem fo ladies a'.- cuistomeéd b,--&1heer stockings, par......33 Ladly Beth Nylon Hose,, 42-gauge, pi...$.9 Economy SPEC IAL - 2Poph-atcNyn Tooth Bruush-îes for............ .......39 Velour Powvder, Puifs, size about 2 3-4 finches at 1(e Ladies' Rayon Panties, color white or pik, mle- d'uiumsize only, pair...........9 Stedmhnan's Flat White. To pitclrdwood... work whte use Stedm-ran's FiatWht Paint fOr a priercoat, quart. .......95 -tel nan'siloss White as a fi-nishing co--at, qt$10. GROCERY FEATURES Kraft Dinner for Delicilous Maaoiand Ces 2 box-ýes for..............35C Je-wel Shortxe-ning, 1 lbo. cartoonri........... 28C Chocolate Chpts sm-setChocolatý4e for baigand decorating, 6 oz plkg......29ù ,~~~~~~ Swe ie ikegant 48cz j A'rs .........59C m-Ape JTuice,gin 48 oz tis............ý23C PalmliveSoap, large size 8e Giant sie or.....lic 2> 3-4 lb pkg32 Vita B, ha for....., 3l]bbag 2..29C 'i- NOUS~ Fanicy Biscuits- Assorted -J ami s, Funeïral Di - KINDNESS cutt and Sýwmith COURTESY SERVICE Equijoped to take care of thie modeot funeru" et th, mont reasoenable charge Van wWll au the laew nad Tele*lione: offe66M - Regideanc* 524 and 124 r j Do g il i il