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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jun 1948, p. 2

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Admiri ng Glances-And No Wonder-This platinum fox fur coat xwich Betty idel Motral model, gazes on so admiringly was exhibited at thie recentIneatolTrd Fair at Toronto by the Canadian Farm Fur Advertising Commission;ý The latter is a MarktingService conducted by the Dominion Government for the Farm Fur Association, and is dsiged o asis ou fu prducrs n scurng he most profitable markýetsý for their furs. 7,'W,-rDe C 'red ZnB Elngug 0f te nad By F.D A MTOnRE Hîs suckers risiuig pull s ef dust, BilIy raced dewuI the path te the lake. Now hie stoppcd, sniatchcd at an everbauyggbruchsud clungte if, gasping for breatb. Afaer s back ward glaue satiid bim that the flteie sebolbouse ne0 longer showedtbrougb he reshe jerked Upr isb, c treuisers sud shuifflcd vin. Sbo li e 1mumbled te hiru self. 'm] sick, of if! And if Ma puts On any more criug scts wu ii1 talkabutquti,ifjust aiui't go- ing do ber any god. 1 could fake mny age sud oin the Navy te sec fbe,- Nhltee muiichorders te takýe. Mabvlil jusf drift arouud, free like a kire" Ab, thin columu iiiof smokc rising from thfe clea-rinig cauighf is eye. "Fnnuiy, time for anybedy te bave la lire ou the ba hbe teld bini- self snd dashed acress. Two men cruçin ve-r lhe cfire furned' audasBilly appro-acheci, Bothl woeesab dteand itheir faces 0Lokedias if untýtqIcd by wattl- or riln for svceeks. Yl- tra1rps?" Bilïy Lblurted. The ,t%\wo men looked atleach ofh sud the Onu siftiug ou au eüverttrned laird ci a suwered.. " Ileh. w're um.What youl l in bsuppesed f0 be "Suire. Just taking a vacaition te- dy"anid Billy griunied, pleased with is w ýit. The bigma who bad just spok- cin Picked u ,p a twig, snapped'if and threw ,,if ou the fire. "HEy, Joe," hie grunted te bis cempanion, "Wbat yýub say duh kid oins up wid us?" Hle put bis hand on the boy's shulder. "Ynu ruan go aroun( tramping with you?" Billy broke in. "Yuh kuow how tub ride rails, kid" Joe inquired. ",Sure - sure 1 do." Billy was't as certain as he sounded, but lrom what he had seen of "riding tne rods" in the meovies if looked easy euougb. The first tramp picked up a rusty can and with the aid of a stick propped if lu the center of the crackling twigs. He was sf111 poking if into position, as he drawled out, "eJoje 'Member H-orsey Sind- 1 r? jutst heard the other day he lest bis leg ridin' nnab Saute Fe. Tr-ackmiau f!llowed u ip bis biood fer feu miles." "Mike, weuldja ask dah kid tub gimm-e bis shees? Miue's ai't got 'nuf sole ou 'cm tub grind up fer chewi' tebacco." "«Min-e?" Billy crîed. He beld oe foot forward for tbem tesece. "These are my enily scbool shees sud "Yeab - yosfrs," Mike snarled. "You ai't gemn' tub school ne more, is yuh?" He started te staud up but Joc motioned hlm dowu. "Awh, lef- tcm have 'cm. He'll be weari' noospapers 'round bis feet seen 'nuf. Wc gof 'nother forty below witer of las' year an' ne doubt dah re- Smains of muh foes'll get frozen off." Mike grinnedbreadly and picked up bis stick te poke tihe eau, "«Chew's on!l" be called toe. c Billy leaned over and peered iufo the eau. "What-what is if?" be "ewdpig tails," Mkçdrawlcd. "Ain't off en we got sncb.1 good luck as tubi gefr uch good et'ni as that, dor WC Joe?" "Yamemiber dat tiie We2 couIdn'I get nuttin but fishs heads ouffa dah garbage pails? Musta been timne %waýsn't muchimeiaf 'roubnd."* "Here, idI." Mike w,,as prondly holdinig up the ecau. "New miemrbers feDisf. Gobble it down wben ht's etill good'n hot, boy." "No-o. tank. 1-- iy >3 Moving intýo tundra-land as shock troopýsaans the North's greatest summ-,er encmyiq, are ighit field part- ies, who willî1 ac(t as anad's irst line (,f deenc aainst bgsthat bite anid inse(cts that sting The defence research board is fathering "Operation Insect" at var- ions points an,,d doing special lab- oratory work1 on entomnology at Churchill, Man. The multitudes of biting insects have seriously retarded develop- ment of the North, and are one of the great difficulties of if e there. Investigators hope to gather com- plete information on the many dif- ferent types of mosqnitoes, black flics and deer flies prevalent and at the same lime investigate control methods. The defence research board is co-ordinating the entire project snd is working in close co operation with the Departnient of Agricuilture. The tw o or three-man insect sur- vey parties will operate on theA- aska Highway, the Mackenizie R1iver Delta, Southampton Island, Goose Bay, Ungava Bay, Frobisher ]3ay ih the, region of the new Quebec- Labrador iron mmnes. The parties will f ly in and remain on the job until some time in Aug- ulst. Students, or members of fac- ulisfrom Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Wester n Ontario, Toron- fn, McMî.ster and McGill universit- ies vill take part in the work. Thcy will be under the control of--Dr. T. N. Freeman of Ottawa. Their job is to collect insects, ob- serve their breediug and biting hab- ifs, note the effects of wcathecr and vegetation, and compile fimetaables of insect activities 24 heu-rs a day. Varions repellents and] centrol niethods will be investiga1ýted and a newly-desigued pest-prooüf tried ont. lips clenched together and his hands weut' instinctively over his mouùth. He shook his head and fledJ. Mike dlroppe(d the can, threýw bock his head and lauighed until he sank te the grotuid exhausted. His companiientviped a laugli-tear away. "What, didt you do, Mike?." ihe panited. 'Broil our worm1s ?" Mike noddedl. "The fsigwas., getfing terrible, 2,nywýay." He rose wearily off the ground. "Corne on, let's 1look for the canoe a nd tiart homei, And please rememiber, deaýr brother, that it'rs your Isrn 10 take monther te a fl'sh dre t the ea food Grotto." doD a lot of that affer thie graýin is in the barni; iad here are some o)f the things yen canî do te, foi] hm 1. Cleani your emnpty bins thor- ougbly before relfilinig. Spray the, floors amd inside wvalls %wifh an, ou solution oC4f ater ssenincon1- fainiug 5% or less co- DDT.' 2. Clean up outs0-ide't1L bin]s f00. Doni't keep miilcd feed Corepf feed bags near stored graÀins as f tenl they conta-iiii insects breuighfi from the m -ilI. 3. Hiave yo-ur grini as dry suld as free as posýsible from b!roken 1kerls wheu you ýistore. 4. usýpe'ct steredcl grain! at least once a monthi. [f buigs are wvorkin1g, fumligafe. Use aredymi e ety- lene dichiloride-carbon feýtrachloride soluitioni. Lt woo't hrt tire grain, but watch eut for fumels. Somie Notes Froni The Farm Front 0f Special IntereSt TO RuiralI ,,derS By'Johà Russell Maybe the mothers wh)o edto try and slip junior a dose of castojr oil disguised with a thin. film ci f boney bad the right idea, onily Jddn't goD far enough \vith it. Aniyway, ever in Russia thiey're prodïucing flot onîy vitamnized honeiy, buit also medicatcd honey conaiinig quin- ine, streptocide, sulifidinl and o:thýer medical peaain.Ruissias ag, ricultural eeac Centre does it by feediug the bees on fruiit soluî- fions coufaiuling the nrecessaryrus Now tbcre's an, Austrailian vefer- mary surgeon wh1o cdaims that a new metbod (-f treaýfiu1gmlL known as hoferisatîin---is suiper- ior te pasteurîzatiion-.Une this treatnmeut the m1ilk iîs placed under oxygen pressure, kýept he(ated at 131 degrees for an iour, thien ,coolcd under pressure- It is claimed thiat the miilk bias theoi beeni kept fromî thrce te six m ths, der ipressur1e, wthut losiing ny' of ifs ftreshnless. ln 1947 Cna i pr capî)tz con- sumption of beef nais 67.7 pouuids; of Pork, 52.7 pouuids. Butt wbcen if camne to Mutton and Lamjb the f ig- ure hadped te a me1re48 pounds. Our indiïferenlce te, Mutton andc Lamb, accordinig to Tbelindulstrial audDveomn Council of Ca- adian Meat Packers, mjay ble as- cribed to severa7 cau1ses. 'Lhle avail- able quaniîi-, s ilited; if is nef ou the mar-kefevry ay; adprices are so much aoebeef levels, as a rule, that mrosf folký look ou lamib as a luxury dish. But undouI)ibtedly one of the greatest limiting-factors in the de- mand for lamnb, bas been the ge-i- erally low average quiaity or our domestic produet as comipaered .fo the- New Zeailand( or Aus traliani variefy. Almcst couinfiuosly the market offers a premnium for blocky, well-finished ewe or wfhrlamt's weigbing 80 to 90 ouuomds alive- and almost contiuuously thiùre is a shorfage of samie. Canadian hog muen hiave gone aý long way in elimiuafing unisuiitable breeds and producing a near-ideal market type. Perhaps somnething similar mighf bie doue as one of the first steps in revitaliziug fthe Cani- adian lamb trade. WVith prospects oe spiay heavy crops iii the strawberry and c:herry areas, aI-ccoring f0 l tothe On1- fario Faýrmi Service Caps pckers are u.rgen'lJy uee.Unles"s at lcast àù00 more girls are wîlling f0 undertake picking and ofhier essen- fiaI tasks there are liable te be greatL losses of botb fruit aod vegetables. There will bie steady work, atc good rates of pay, for the enitire season for ail girls sixteeu or over who wish te spend a bappy arud pleasant summer woriniig on rui and vegetable farmns and livinig af eune of the comforfable anid vell- appoiured Farm Service Camps, whicb are operated untder tlie Y.W. C.A. supervision, aud hc make adequafe -provision for recreaý,tional and social activities ding ii-off-dity hours. Camips are alreadly open at Thedford, CLottami, Ruitbveni, Wat- erford, Huttonville, Oak1ville, Clark- son and varionls points ini theNig ara Peuinsula, and al are far short of their required n mbro girls. For the lasIfw or thiree years there's beeui quif e;a lot of talk about holding back ou grain for fateniing cattle-that is, giv-iug -_thierroly half or two-thirds of a normali; feed. A test aleng thie hue w ýas tmadle at au Experiniental Saiii Kan- sas Tweuty head o:f steers were di- vided into two lots. Onie lo)tvas given full feed cf grain1, thle other only two thirdls as îmuch. The steers that wenit short ou graini got about twice as much corn silage as the others. Both lots receivcd the saine amounit of protein) and limestone. What was the difference iii their grades after the 180 day testing period? Noue-af aIl. Eighit steers in each lot graded chioi ce, and two went good. The steers tha.t were full fed gaiuied 59 pouuds more, but they ate, 17.6 more bu,-shels of grain. The silage total was three tous for USES BARE HANDS Onecbild escaped the land- sfide uaharmed . .. but a little boy and Nancy Wrighàt were buried under the heavy earth. Mary Youing, somnehow extri- cated herself, pulling one foot completely eut cf lber shoe.. and then, seeing Nancy's fingers sbowing, she frantically clawed at the rock anmd eartb until she had cieared a smahllspace, aro,,n-d the imprisone2d glirl's head. This done, she dasbed te the ne-arest bouse, gave thL~ alarm, and re- tuirned te the task cof frceing ber Cbu. Un fort unate ly, the little bo died. But, due te Mary's quick thinking and courage, a double tragedly was averted. Nancy Wr7ighs suffered enly mniner in- juries and shocli. We are prend te psy tri bute te Girl Guide Mary Youni,-g of Picton, Onitarlo, througb the presentaien of- The Dow Awvarci. Hier training standing her in geed stead, Mary Younig coolly extrîcated herself .. . sud, risking?.a'further caýve- in, she clawed desperatelýy at the earth te rescue ber friend. THE DOW AWARD is a citation for ousanding hero- ism a(mà iicliudes, as a tangible cxprcýS.on eýf ippreciation, a $1oo Canlada Savings Bond. WinuerS are scdcctcd*by the DoitAwLard Comm-ritte, a roup of editors of Ileading Canadian nerwspapcrs. Needè, A Tra-nsiator? A plumber recently wrote te, the Bureau ef Stand(ardls, statiug thaf lie bad found hyd(rocloric acid goodï fer -cleanIing eut cle)gged drains. Th'le buireau wvrotc lml: "The, quite dpabe but thie corro ive: resiue is inicomnpile withi mectallic peýrmianence." The plumber was pleased and r e plied! that lbe a glad the bures.t--9 agre ed. The bureaui wrote again: "We canuo)t assýumie resýpousibility fer Ille protection o toxic sud noxieus resiue ith hydrochlioric acid 2sud suggest thatyen use au ýmalternative procedure".'*' This pleascd the plumiber, xvbo wrote fhaniinIg fthe burleau for agrceing wihm. The breufinaýlly wrete him: "Dou't use thebeboie acid. If cats lbell ettf Élie lpipes." iii fluide in Heroine n LandeNid. Trapdy

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