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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jun 1948, p. 6

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Dii ference in Âges A 1-ya-d girl is distressed. Vie has got herseif enlgaged t aa you,-ng manii who is ?s. Her mother, Jme tells nme, feels i e is too oldfor lier, an lopes slie wiil recon- sider li e r pro- A mot-Vs lie r daugliter better thl iyone else ca.Prliàps this mohr realizes that Ilie i' gir's fa n ce is too s e ttl1e d inlis wvay » to e compatible wthany- otieso yung.She kn owsî that for tlie past 10 years !or so, lie has b)een havîng fun with variouis girls he knew; now, nearly 30, lie is ready to settie down to the serious bu,,sinesýs of marriage. He w'ants his own lhome, lis dhldren, awife wIýlio is uniderstandîng. This girl's mlothier probablyý feels that lier dauighter is nlot sufficiently mature ta match bim, mentally and temp- eramientally. 1I1hope the girl willl heed her. Years And Temperaments 4 Ordinar-ily, it is well tliat a * iman be aider than tlie gilihe * marries. Most girls develop *ear1iri ' an ou n en do, and a * iffic3ýice or five or even 10 years *etenthemi it not, in my opin-, *ion, too great. A man nearing 30 * sbuu1ld1,kn0W what lie wants, If *tis manl wants this girl, lie should *be wýiling to wait until sli'e is aid *enoughi to kniow, what shle's doing, *For- most girls of 17 tbink * tîougl their emnotions. 'T hey *fail in love, and soe -ager are tliey *for- marriage that they cannot * eghsuch mundane angles as * temp)eramnentai differences. Tbey * nwthey enjoy being with a *certatin boy or man, and tliey only * thiink iow wonderful it would lie 1)t0b witb him ail the time. Stay With Crowd *It is almiost impossible for girls *of this age to know tbeir own * inids. Far wiser, it is not tu * eter inito anyl engagement at ail, * to date othiers too, stay witlitlie *crowd-(, and kntowý, the experiences * which the nkext few years wl *bring. They ,villidevelop, ini per- *soniality and ebaracter, rapidly * durinig tose years; at thie end of Sof tbemi, they ii have a bett r Schiance of kntowïing what tliey *seýek in mlarriageý-besides just 1 *buinig togethler.- ,0So many girls whio mryat e 16G or 17 regret it in a few ,years. * Hotnsework is neyer done, babies *keep tbemii tied dow,,n, tbey can't *1-eepup-ilithtle busbands tfhey *adored sucli a littie time ago. *Tliey miiss the good times tbey * used to h1ave, and wvish witli al *thecir liearts tbey, cotild have tliem * gali1i.They mou01ru their iost *freedomi. so tbey %vrite me tbey * ata divorce! 1*Ido flot cdaîim that no girl of * 17 sbould miarry. Occasionaily *somei( of tbemn are mature beyond- * their y ears. Tbley fail in love,» *they milarry and raise families, * ani tev rowup with their bus- * bands But te percentage of *suich miarriages that 5uëcced is *too smlall to dvsethein. To "ek" Doni't bne engaged yet, Take at ieast two more years to grow up. Thlen you w utbe so apt to regret il. Date ti yotnng man if vour mother agrees, but date othiers too -and s ave your promise to himi un- tii you realize what it mecans. I dont believe you do now. Girls of 17 sliould becliaving f un -flot tie bhemselves down witli 2eveln a promiiise to marry aby' one younlg iman. If you are impatient, to lieenag t ell Aine Hirst why. Mayýbe ,she caiîlihelp. 'Address lier at123-l8thi Street, New Toronto, Hou; )Con 1- Chap tc from 'ch whule, in examine Valdez e Synopsis rx XLV: Juanita escapes rsieriff. Weber, mean- vades Bartle's room, As le 4'lie- books,.-and letters, uters and 'akes thom away. DHAPTER XLVI "I liaven't any objections ta your looking t 'hose things," lie deawled. "If you'U give ehem back 'co me aud let me g. «You have no objections!" F-1 Caballero Rojo's laugli was, a sar- cas'cic s ior'c. "Put 'hose books an that chair beside you. Six-gun ou top. Be careful. Sabe?" Clark, Neior obeyed. He watdlied thIe volvet-ciad man stal to 'lie chair. Weber's every nerve and muscle ýere under rigid control, for le new 'hat wien ho moved it must e witb 'cie speed of liglit. ,He saw one gauntleted hand seize paper and 'lie otier mox-e for 'lie top ledger. "Now" lie told himself. Pete Haskell rode down Gold Creek's main street flanked by Luke Wallacean Tim Callaban, and wich 'lie cavalcade of ranchers lie- hind 'demn- They saw 'hat lie sh1ade ini Bartl's livingqure was drawn. and thiat a ligît, glowed behind ià. Haskell pulieJi up lis horse. "Lt was agreed 'hat I speak, fo Bartle alone," lie reminded. "Yep." Wallace nodded. "l'Il ride herd on 'cie boys-but not far from 'che bank.1 Get on witi it, Pote. Good luck-for Bartlo's.sale." lie range veteran got froue es 4632 82-20 Tlie.dress 'hat leadsa dual exist- once! Wear it niow to lunch and 'ea. wear it later on 'cie beach. Pat- tcrui 46'2 docs a wonderful 'trick, witi 'cho ssoider-buttons-tic top of 'lhe bacl lots dowui for suni- trining!i Patteren 463:2 in sizcs 1J?, 1-f, 16, 18, 20j. Size ti1, /eS, 35-.in Send TWENTY-IECENýTS (25c) in coins('ms -inj-,canno ie) accep'ccA) for 'li atteru ta ox1 123 l8t Stret, ew Tor-onto. Pnintplainy 51E, NAME, AD- ISSUE 26 - 1948 hiorse and strode toward,'tie bank, eyes ioWered and chu tlown. 51er- iff Lande would certaincly lie ou lis ueck ater 'lis nigbt's work. It hart 'cie.,cowman to 'cink 'dat Lande would move heaveni and er'cliyes, appeal 'co 'he governo1ýr,i if need be-to get 'cie noose aîriýdi the neck of 'che cowmnen's ringleader. 1 He raised bis banid to ýknock at Bar'cle's outsido bank doter. The hand dropped. Ho gaped, 'béa blinked. Tiere was onily one 'cing about 'che figure ho, saw t irougli the glass door 'hat s'cood ont more 'han 'cie scarlet neclerchief the man wore. Tiat, was the 'wisp oS smoke curl- ing and fading about 'cie, ceiling. It camec from a gun' in 'cie hand coveeed by a gii'c'ering gauntiet. Haifway down 'cie staies was 'cie body of a man. Papers lîttered tcie s'ceps. Even uow 'cie scarllet-mask- ed apparition Yvas scoopi ng 'hem up-anid at Haskell's eibow s'cood Luke Wallace, demanding to krow wby 'cie cowmau could'not gec in.ý Thon V' Alace sawl His baud swooped oe1 lis gun. "El CabaleraRajlhelpd "Wit" askeili omne an anzgry wispqer. Petimo- at,'hose pap rs, rie wouild't expose iief ikr 'hat 'co gct 'Thajt's niot Bartie one 'ce stairs," raspcd \Wallace. 'Fim beginning ta, sec 'clinga! This gent in 'cie-velvet sud 'cings is in cahoots witl 'Bar- 'cIe! He's thiecoie wlio las, been killieîg and buning in tIe vailey, for Bartle, cuese iim!", 'Quiet! Le"s scewia'c happons," "See, your, Aulit Maria! S top him! He's ge'ting back upsairs- lie's ge'ting away! Wallace whird, rau 'cu tir tier ranchers, barkiug orders "Form a ring 'ariound 'cie buiId- ing 1 A pair oS you stand, guard at oaci (rail out of town. Eal Cabal- lero Rojo is in 'cie bank!" t rmust have beele a sixti sense 'chat warued Michael Valdez oSf'cie closing jawvs of a trap,. For even as ho iueriedly glanced- at 'cie ledger of the iaudowner le heard Peto Haskll'svoice. Splitc seconds were peecious 'ime. And ev.en as Luke Wallace ripped ont hus orders. Valdez wen'c over tle sili of 'cie window ic lad leftopn Clutchiiug the edge oS 'ie pordli roof, le swung himself- inito space aud dropped to the gronnd. Bout almost double, lookilig more leke a- giaut ronud Ial] 'claie a man <mni- uing, le, disappeared bel.ind 'hce stable in 'cie rear ofth'le bank. Two ranchers came pouudieîg out of tlie street 'oward 'cie rear of tIe baul, sioutiug as 'hey saw 'che open winidow. Has'cily vanl'iug into 'cie saddle, Valdez frned 'cie roan qnie'ciy, watchîug tice'cwo ranchers. Guns in land, tley stood watciing Bartle's open wiudow, wating for 'che intruder 'co emerge from it 'co 'cie porcl roof wlere 'loy could feed iim lead. Swif'cly Valdez was pictneing 'che four ways ont of Goid Creel for a man wbo must ride bard]. DeatI îurked in ail o' (hem. North would ie 'cie sloetesc way tuo safety-ý. If ho could escape the bul!eýs of tuis pair uow wi'chiu a stcouo's 'cirow of iim, ho lad an evenchanuce 'co get ont of 'cow'i A ander bebeind tic baukl ii- ed ahonit 'o face (he stalîsluiiie !ha-rn. To 'cIe other hlic whispured:J "Thongîit 1har- A ýguinSlow [1p. Itcrce.O e blazed fouir shotsf at a s'crcakýing ri;der Vwho Loole(d flcarc i he )nly 'our ftlashengleg prclaned Fat littie,*bltuebirds are icbig ers for- 'chat rnew bride's 1kitchent. Onie for e very day of th~e we-ek, each witli a different designiý Easy-stitch embroîdery for a t'caussvau present. Pattera 626. 'ransfý-rof 7 motifs about 6x'7 in. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins (stamps cannot lie accepted) for 'lis pattern ta tlie Needlecraft Dept., Box 1. L?3 - l8th SStrec, New' Toronto. Pnin'c plainly eA- TERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. it at leas'c part horse-, and 'le wliole wraîthlike, object, dimily aglitfer, disappeared behind another bidn as suddenly as it liat corne fromn be-, hind the bank stable. A cry went up in the street,. From thIe nortli two ranchers rode swiftly, guns ready, headed for 'lie bank, Ia an alley tliree buildings away from Bartle's bank, Michael Valdez touched bis blue roan gently wi'ci his heels "Northi, pronto" lie mutierçed. Gold Creek liummed behind him. Over hîs shouider lie saw ridera jcininig- tieeddy at the bank dJoor. Their ange red yeils stýili edloed in us ese when the lîglists'hat wýere stii' a iin the towin werebote ont by distanice. And niotretn ing tfhud n o bofs sounided behiînd him. Back i:ntbe cow'cown Luke Wal- lace, who by virtue of liavin-g taken abrupt command bad' superseded Pete Haskell as tbe guiding hand of the randlhers, bad heard the geins bark behind the bank. (Ta Be Continued) SjUnday .School Lesson Froru nMalachi r hris Malc .73,15 ; -2,- Gol'den Text -llssdb the Loý_)rd GoS ) iracl; for1Ho ath- vsi t edandLi' eeC ed Hi(-eopue Du tg'hi, qlqurtr c hve ee studying'li captivity -and'1retuilrn oStejewýs. OnN1 em1bsîsecond relturu ta J 0sale ,Old Tstameti bistory cose. Te crad stao tep again by Goýsp-el wrîfeîs mr than 400 5,ears lateýr. The history of 'che Jewsi during these 400 years of silence is gleaned from other sourceýs. Fo aj century they con tinuied undor mild Persian rule. Tien cam-,e the cea of Alex- ander the Great, to whom *jerusalern mcekly suirrendered. On lis death the domaîn was divided. At first J udea wvas under thie domination of tbe Egyptian rulers and tien later of thie Syrian ki;ngs. Onie of 'cheso latter-, Antiocbusý Epîhanes, a proto- type of VHiter, 1ma,ýsacred 40,000 jews and dotilod 'lie temp)le. Revoit followd andthe Jews ga1i1ed theýir indepenidnico-. Thon 'the RmnEm-, pire arose asud 'hey were gain sui- jugate-d. 'ThIiswas the i,7tuiation Malachi's las the last voice of the- Old Testament. Hec foro'cold the coming of john 'clie Bap'cist, a mies- senger to prepar- tbe ,vay for the Messiali. But Maladchi was more^ empressod iwith the nminigry. of, 4es siah imseif- He would ýuriJy tlie priests. He would lie a, witness against sorcerers, aduiterers, faîte swearers and 'chose tbat oppresa 'lie hireling in lis wages, the widow, Puzzled Little Peggyý: eMotlier was 'chat policemnan ever a littie baby?" Mother-: "Yes, dear." Petggy: "Thiat's funny. I don't believec 1 evor saw a baby police- man." ulnith faIthjcss. He wouîd Iift Jeis u Crist was ail 'chat Malacii liad! sad - and more. Andl, hest oi -wa Meney BICk Fnr qufrlr relie, frons ttchigeSsed by ezm, atlietcsotc,ï ýLscahies, ïImip1isaRd otherlthw uodto s u n",e11-1ormg. ,nedicated. 1= l O. 9 O. RESRIPTON.Greauelesa am atailes. Soothes, nd aa quickly ca.1 intenseitdtng. Don1t sifr Ahrordrugi today for P. U. a. P~ClTOl Arp, you goýipg 'chrougli the funetiona 'middle age' peýiud peculiar ta wamÏ 58 2 ys Does this make you suffi f-rm hot fas efel 80 nervous, higli. strung-, tired? Then Do try Lydia E. Pinikham-'s vegetabie Compound ta, reliuvt sucli symptome. Pinkham'a Comporini aa lias whlat Doctors cati a stomnaci to.wc ef 1e't! NLYDIA E. PINïKIIAM'S ~~ DÛES INDIGESTION WALLOP YOU BELOW THE BELTe? HeIp Youi Forgotten "28" Fer The Kind 01 Reiel TWa Help Make You Rarin' To Go More t"anhait ci your d eion je done be4ow the it-ina our 28 lt aof bowuls. go whenidigent,sti tkus. 'try aomethmg that help digestion in the stomach ANtS What you easy nemýdisi.Canr'e sLittle Levw P" late gveneeded hj elp te that "agte 28 test" et bowe1à Take one Car'te'.Littie Liver plu beiov& and onb aftte meals. Take t1hem tacardi2ig ta dieto. hey help wake U p fA [argur 11w et the 3 mai digesýtive j1qices in y our stomaebè AND bowels -leelp you digest 3what you hv esten in Nature's own way. Thun most folk@ get the kind ai1 relet thaS makes- you fuel better tram yaour head ta gour tous. Jueýt hase eyu get the genuinie Carter'@ Little Liver Pilfram your druggit-8s Wool w Dankets 0, Wool SAVE COMMVISSIONS, ETC., HAVE YOUR RAW SHEEP WOOL Mý,ADE INTO LIFETIE BLANKETS Car Robes, Cloth, Yarns, Bat'cs, etc. Or if you have Old Wooliens we wïil remake tlemr into Hard Wearing Biankets at a surprising-ly low cost. Write for New Price List. Tiousands o' Sa.isfied Customeris from C (oas'c ta Coast BRANDON WOOLLEN MILLS CO. Ltd. BRANDON, Manito%a Ihfs~gomt' Double Acfo T ENDER cakes, littiecae and cookies . i'gh'c, even- tex'cured muffins and batter puddings- that's' the story when you use Calumet Baking Powder! And cnitnl fine - ~ resuits with Calumet will -makze you join tche 'chousands of Canadian women wvho, once 'rying C-alumqet, wïill use Do Other î î baking -powýder. ~ Calumet procc's bakzing from start'to finish, in 'lie mixîing. (/ k ~bowï, myriads of littI bles BDý form when liquid is added. ln the V/Y' Yoveni, thoýusanids more tinly, eveni-sized bubIbles are- releasedc. ,.-.... - continue raising tche mixure, bholding it higtiht andeen Follow directions on the: tc for any recipe., .APoce f Generro oade IU U ' W F V W W The 1Qualt ea -19-1111M711, -

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