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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Jul 1948, p. 1

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1KL1 I ~- VoL. 12. No, >AY, JULY 8th. 1948 ubscription $î.50 .ine rBrings Crowd At Athietie Sports Day )rono Win Softball Games At Field Day, July 1 sti A large nmbrof sporting fn tuneout 0on Thursd(iay, 'J11Y lst, te wituess the softbailland hardibaî ' c ounament beld in Orene omoi-niun:i ýty Mmra Park, under the -auspi- ces cf the Orono Amateur Athelticl Therýe wera two ganses of sfial Th frst game was bet-ween Orenoi and Newcastle boys, M-icn resultedl in a nnfor Orono by a scor of 5 te 2. l the, second gami-e, the Orono girls ,àfea'Le-c Newcastle hy 9 te 4. la Che hardball game lAyed between Kdaiandi Ne'wcastle. the latter teasdefet~dKen-dal by -theý score o)f 4ruste L This gaine 7was aup- po-sEd to lie betweeu 0Oeno and N ew- casitie, but Oronow vere uanable te.I utebey-s' s of tballý gamr-e the -rnoboys otie a coifortable leasi cver Nw'aslelathe first ln- aiaigs, sceing fPour ruals b-y R. viest, Bob Ha -ll, D. Lynch and K. West. Ia het irdmalaga Orpoùsicoredi an- oeruate bning their tetal te five ruas. CNewcastle scoredi on rua in the second by Cti short stop, an-d added another in the thiird iaaiings %y their SAd baseman Gary. Bat- tei -- r Orono nsH. Boyd pitlch-! Fueil Tenniat srukout fi-ve New- asteba-te-ns, w-ile E. Benathan1 -,uik ut three Orono batters. Joan Coper scored three ruals fer Oroiio - andi unaStaples two. la he eve'ning a football ganse RuraillHardball League Formed lu Durha in County 1Basebali enthiusiasts from lifour- Durh.as centres met in the Orange Hal, Kndilanà .orgaï,zd' -the Durhaim Rural aribilLeague on Tue.sd.,y, lurne 29thi. While ail malt- tersý pertinent to tlhesicesfu oper- ation of thep League wvere thoroughly drsussed1 by the delegates, it was d'echÀd etnhing rwould. be finalizedi until the> reac-tion of tbhe idVda Clubs c'oula be determinedi. 11n the imeantimle the LageExe- cive il1 consistoef : Mr. Giinore of 'Newtoniville, Bi--, Douglas of Can- ton, Roy Sleep of Kenda, Frank Me- Mullen of Ne&castle, and Bert Flelr Ce~ of Port Hope. The first îlmed il, president, w%7hile the other mein- be-rs aire therersnais of thieir respective tams. The League swings into action oni Julý 8 thi th Canton at Port Hope,i and Kendal at Nowcýastle. The resti of the ecdde is: July 13 Newcastle at canton. 11.3 Port Hlope at Kendal,. 22 Cantop at Kendal. Newcastle at PortiHoa". 27 Port Hope at Caniton. 29 Newcas;t1e at Ke-ud1ýl. Amgu 5Canitor. at Newcas'tle., ECendal at Port HIope. 10l Kendal at Canton., Port flope at Nwate betwee- nOirono arnd 'Courtïce jumiros finished the activities of the &aY at f-he par1%. This was an exhilition ganme and %was won by Courtice by a score of itwo goals to- one. Later on àn the avening the grand finle was brought to a close by a daneà in the tow'n hall, with Riuthý Wilson andiber orchestra from- Yel- venton in attendiance. A large crowd was in attendance to dance to this ifine orche-stra. The net jiroceeds frin the day wil1î rutn wel qver $0.0 hc B lbe used te 'hell» defray theepne of traininig theyon childr-en, in the different lines of sports, under th~e1 su'pervisio-n ofl Mr. Sarnis, the in- High School Entrance Resuits For Orono And Vi'cinity, Reomenè.dsicandidates wa-ear beeacredîtedi wlt beors ýmy have the sanie indicatedion their cen- tficates' if liey r wijl sen'd th-ese cer- tifiDC,te te he offiee of W. Rl. Carl,- on, !APS, Gcuuwg. Cerifiates of candidates ;Aho passýed andi the m-arks of theose wboi dildi uo- pass the DeparUmental Ex-1 aniatins of June 28t0 andi 29th! wilibu miled -,t an earuy date. (A') Gra'nte-d High Scheoolentrane nie; Holhrbenkhs, Mary- {lI'Qn.; Os- borne, L-enore (Hou.); Toms, Jean; TreHelen -(Rda.). (lB) Obitained IHigh lchool en- Irance -standling by psigth"e De- partmental Hîigh School entlrance ex- ain-ations iii june : Berntardi,Ivani; B Olin 01v-e; Brw ' osse Dwýlt; Eadidy, Nov- 11an11C. (Hon.); Merrnitt, HarryHi- ert (Hon.) ; Rowe, 'Douglas' AIlàlan; Pow'ell, Rsei pneEnst M1illbrook Centre 0f Pro viicial Election FoCl o i g i te officiai electiont returns oaf' the Ontario provincial el ioheld on JuLne 7th, 1948, is- sued by theReurin Officer, -Mr. R. R. Waddjell. Allihen 1F:oote Shield Port !4ane --------627 110<0' 7652 Hope Twp --- -- 141 5 24 541 Cavan iTwî,-p.....58 490 378 îwillbrook -- 3-S '28 100 Mvaïiverýs Twp. 69 606 8834 Newasle . ..64 150 2~ Clarke Twp......---1415 72-"4 6123<ý Cartwright Tnýp - 74 -1199 151'12 ])arlington Twu p -492 C51 861 Bowmianiville - 816j 922 576 Advance Poili, Port Hope------------I1 4 4 2525 5858 4522 IMajority for F~oote, 1836. Mr. And Mrs. Moat Celebrate 6lst Wcdding Anniversaryl la Oakyihle, afoinler aayor Of 'the towm, J. B. Mloat, and Mirs.Mot celelrated their Glslt weddin'g anni- vers1ary quiètlýy at their home on Douglas Ave. Mr, Moat'was nmayo)r from 18033 justice of the peace for nine years and chair-man of tihe lirary board. ile w-s in the leathier g-oodas busi- n5sfor 80 years in Toronte, an d alsoý in Oakville fo-r -ashiort time. The-y were married in Oronio and 4ýettle'd in OIcvllle sh-ortly after- wards. There is no immiediate fam- ily. The couple attend nxPrsy terian Chujresh A quet but very pretty wed!n* tock plac-, Satuirday, June 2S6th, at the parsonag-e, Ceurtice, Qat., Rev. Franl, Yardcley officiating, win Velma Eveiyn, youngest daugliter of Mr. and iMrs, W. J. Martini, Oronio,r Ona ebcame tihe bride of Mr. Frederick C. Berry, eldesit son of M1r, ansi Mmlr. H.Berry, aise of OrooOnt-avio. The bride, given in marriage Pby her father, chose a ficor lenigth gowvn ofpwdrblue sheer 'with helr fne tip veu caughit îina beadeci coron;et. Her ooly onnetwa's a s ing 1e s;tranidi of peais -,and sh1e ->ariedpcla cas~de ouqutmo pin'k a-ndwht carntios th ongwhlite strea- 'Mm, Ray< Found, datïSer of thle bride, was mat,ý'rcýofet' heor, wearingi a fleuýr Int on of rose taffetla, with matc in iger tip xVii' caght to a flowered 'hal1o. Shie ca1rriec -a cascade -bouquet of red and -white caratins.Thegro was support- eci by bis' brot'her, Mr. N'euBerry. Folowînýg the ceremawya rcp tien was' held at the homoe of the bride's parentsL, for thle immnedilate f amii1lîes. The bride's motherwer ineg a brorwn c(repe diress with white- accelssories'11aadf a wýh ite (co rsage, Mrs.. Berry assiste'd, wara'g a re enseimble with white acsolaand a aIstel bhlue corsagýe. The bridle anigroomi-r eft later ou a niotor trip to Brlg-hton-, Gananenque anmi Ottawa, tlienrue to Nia-gara Falls, the bride travelling in a binue su-it wihwieacceîsoriesadacosg of carnations. (,A) Graniited High -Schoel entrancel eanding on the recommnendation ofl On their retuira Mn. and Mrs.J the proi ipai Berry vil reaide la Orono.ý Blcona, Rgena (Hon-.); Daw-__ __ son, Anne ('Hçn.; Pal-N, Helen; Gil- lUa Ros's; lc'k, Robera; ïutch- $224,00 Realized Ir. isant Frances (Hn) ;JamiesonRd hed rv Lis üHon.) ; Keanedy, Barbare;îed rie LeeGraham;Ri:_chards, 'Yvonnre; San0ders-, Pu (Hon.); T1odid, Ruth., The recenit Redi Shieli Dri-ve for1 (B) Obtinesi H i gb Schboo!e- the weoef the Salvation Anmy, car- trance staniding ý by pa>s'sing the De- nL'edi onLt in Oroino andi vicinty w-a a partmental Hlhbool enirancpecx- waetîsces mia ionlJune-: B'onner, Cami--eron (Heu.; Dan-1 The folliwiug can-,vasser-s deserve ford, Donald; Fr, Dos; Falis, g-reat dt for spendig e ncb eýf 1van (!Hon.)ý; FaIsI, Kenneth; FIck- Mer Uti abdis splendid work: 1 ing, LesUi flallE-Wood; Hall., Mrs. N.RrdhaekrdMs.W GiPenna (Hion); lHannah, Lynn; Couch,Mrs. R.Bro-wn, Mvs.' , Han-- Home, Patnlia; Mlan, El izabe pthl cock, Mliss F. Cobbiedik, Misa E. jean; Patton, Bevere (H n.) eid. ýShenwi, MrsE. J. Hna, 1rs, W. Beverl'ey-; Roe,John; SuithMWYI- S. Coblic' , s.E-velyn Hall, nud lis Sewdrt, Donald; Stinaouc, Syl- J J. Mllr sia (Hoan); Wab-it Fridienick, A total Aiin of $224.0.0w-aS senti (Ho.;Wilsonr, Mioun.te Ma.jor Williamnc-1 ifB<i>;mrnfvlie. Cuides Ani Browniie Lead- ers Retirîing Fromp Croups The Local Assocýiation of Orono Girlide met at the homne of Mrs,. MA. H. Stapleýs' last Wed'nesday eveýn- ing to review the work cf the Guides and Brorwniies for the yenr, to plan for Girl Guide Camp near Bobcay- geon' later in this nionth', and te make plans for the Fail. Cp.Mrs. W. E. Armnstron'g of the Guidles, and- Brown 0-wl, Mrs. F. El. Iycett of the Brownies, both find it impjossiibie to i-cary 0on the work* an -hr year, so a commwittee fo the LocalAsoitn was appoited te arrange for leaders. ~Mrs. M.L H. Stapies presided at the m eeting,- an-d dL-irîng the evening an expression of the heartfelt thanks and appreeiation o f aIl present, andý also of the Guides, Brownies and their parents, was ade in a tangi- ble way, wv-hen -Mrs. J. J. Cornlish andi Mrs. 'N. H. Porter presented' to Mrs. Ar-msýtrong, and Mms. Lyctt fa4ncy gla~ dshe, eauifuly wrapped and tied. Both expres'e d regret at having te relinquish nteir work with the gil, whom uthey love, se miuch, b)Ut will be wilin1g te act in an ad- visory capacity te the new lea-ders. A social tise %vas enjoy,,ed when Mibss E. Penfound aind blis- Anna Sts pieýs servedi ice c'aiandcae WAMS. Meeting The July mneeti-ng of thle VWos11-an,'s isinaySoceiety w\ýas Iheld on Tuesdh,,y, July 65h, and wve were pheasýedi te have Mrs. Delve home agaîin and' presiding at the meeting. Thne meeting opened -wîth the "Cali! te WVorsM'p the thene being the Armament of Goed'wihl The uwetîngwas iu char~ge of Airs. b&an'sgren» andi alter tAne- openig exenclses lWrs. Dean gave a reairsig, %I 1 e'-ey have tue". irs. legan reportle~d on týhe Senior Mission Band public meeting that was se mru-ch en- joyed by the merubers ' ofthe WM .S:. Ihere was some Édiseussion un wheth- er a delegate -would be sent te the School- for Leaders held in 1Whiitiby Clgein Au-guet, but nothing was decidledi. The correspondin-g secre- tary, Mrs. AMellor, reaicorrespon1d-! encLe fromi the Comm-unity Friend- s'hip in regard te the newomes ho are coming te Canada, andi mention- ed sever-rl wo are i aour midis-t.Miss Gilfill'an, lîteraturIie secretary, sp ok e about the miterature department and ="etioelsi'aeeriai very inteeti beoks in our library. In the programme Miss Sherwin tcdd a meest interesýt.ag,,F;tory ,,o f a yengman frcmn the Ukýrain1e who came te Winnip-eg', and, after beingz converted', altheugh le lici not !ive very miany years-,le did a great -work in Wnipgduring Zthat tiue. Tis was folowed lyy a weHh render- dered, vocal duet by Ms S. Payne andi Mrs. W.ý S. C'bbledic2k. The meeting closd with prayer by sus. Delve. COWANVILLE Anme Getlick, of Torento, with her parents on Sunday. MIrs. E. Farrow ,,anld ,,Anthzlur at Theodore Stephens on Sunday. Miss Alice Fer-ry, of Scarbore- Junc11tioni, visitedi ber cousinMosn James simsaon. Conraultinste cAudre-y Gra- hani îw-ho passedi ber 'Grade X exaur.- in'atiens ila Newscastlen. Public School Reports For K endal And Rural- District lKeudal Scheel Enrne Candidates - Michael HutPylç, J-oycýe Burley. Grade 7 to Grade 8- RuthJackonJoee Low, Carl Langstaffe, Pa-ul Jacksoni. Grade 6 te Grade 7 Elmier Patton, Marlon 'White, Gr-ide 4 te Grade 5 KahenJackson, Teddy Mathie- -son (H-on.), Betty Martiehi. Grade 3 te Grade 1 PhyMlia Jckgon (Hlonu), Ban! I'vatieson (HIon>. Grade 2 te Grade 3 -Davidi Foster, David Mercer, Mur- ray Gordon, Kathleen ,(HLon.), Peter Reyaolcla(Hfon.), 'Gerdon Laugts;affe. Grade 1 te Gradre 2 Haroldi Ailison. Sn r, ~imer -- Carol Outrans, Su- sun Foster. Jr. Primier -- Saniuel Hlutnyk, Donald Mer.cer. Charles C. Kenny, Teacher. S. S. No. 16, Clarke 1Pupils namenis are arrangeai in or- der of ment. Enrnepupils -lVenhRnth-, QuantriliShirley. 'l' Grade 8 Getlickc, Margaret (75%,), Witty, Ken,71.6%) Merii, Rus-sel To Grade 7 Simpson, Sheila (76.9%1;), Priect- ley, Louise (08') 'Priestley, Ar- thur (671f). - To Grade 5 Priestl'ey, Jean (A), S ï ,p sýon,i Terry (C). oGrd4 Bronisiteln, -Ferry (AhHa nocock, To Grade- 3 Stephens, Stanley (A). To Grade 2 Rromstein, ,A.rnt (A), H-anr-ock, flelen (A>, Siip-s'on, Hilliard (B). Jioan M. Hannes,-, PrincipalI -Leskard Pubiïc Sehool Grade 7 te 8 Lionel Tennanit (55%). Grarde 6 te 7 Adrey Martin (72, R Poy Cam- eron (65%) VJan 'Tennat (6091). Grade 4 LorraineMrtn (8 0%) (Hon.), June Tennant (64%0). Grade 2 te 3 C aro-le Grant (1) Hn) Laurie Bucikley (8) Grade I te 2 Peter ocs HnGary - Son- (Hlon.), URoýs e Tipunt, mvs. Vielet'Mfft Cl eunîinSCh1oel To Grade 8 lene Raine-y 7%(Hn Ethel aw ton 69% Rsýselh Hrris 55%ý'. To Grade 5, -Betty Bullock 81% (Hon),Jac- - qulynBaiey-81% (Ho.),Merle NE WTON VILLE Miss Jean MîlhIganat hon»e Mr.Zeana Cariawv, Wrwr with 'her aister, Mrs, W. . ýJoncîs. Mliss Lorraine lViUligan," lAndray, with-ber brother, Mre I. V Tii ian _Mfr. BudI Jones la witth the Countýy Stirayer for the hoEisays. The loal girl' lst te Courticeand w-on over Orono hast wee Mr. and Mrs. McE'wen' and ar- a ber parents. Mr. Arthur Re-dknap asb-g renovati.ng the comninuity lhall. Mn. Jack Pethik< of Trnc with bissiaterMrs GimenSmith, We are glad tea rep)ort the lin- provemnent of Mrs. Rhenbanc Payne, M.Dave MMuln it r. W-rï.. Bnrley. MiaAllie Nsit Toronite, wsih ber sister Miss Annie Nesbitt. Mrs. Oliv'er Gliena, of isoe- w-ith her sistýer, Mrs. David Dena-ut. ise Gloria Lane is spending a wjeok -xvith fniends in Toýron-to, Mn. and Mrs. Hry Lanle a Leene, of Plattrville, -with bismth er-, -MIrs. Wqn, Lane,ý Mi'r. andMs- Jack Eliio-t ted ed aq famiiy reuniion of ber 1m-ethe-r' people A Toono on Saturay. Have you ceea n.iWibert Han- cock's fowers ? is plot is a beauty spot. 11irs. R. S. Brown, Port fHope, with- ber sisteýr, Mr-s. Joe Sexsmrîith, whli.; net, well. 'Messvs. E. atsýwel-l, C, Brown, C. Burley and~ Don Winkle werFe a L Toryll wit-h their fshngnds. Jim 0iImvcr . ne icf theNesl 111igb Sch-o)icadeb s-.laat GCax* I pes-wash oa Lake lin-on for a -ju of -wee-ka. - Mr. and _Mns. E. BradIey and daugliters El'va and iNorrm, of Ose-- awa, wer-e gutit at the parsenage on Sun>dy. Mrs. RayurionidBruce is lin rnt caring fer ber sister, surs. lir-Y MlceeWh'o le recuîperating foHoa- ing an operation. Mrs. G. Wt. Jones and Mrsý , Mabel L'angsýtaf ttcncdthe' funeral oýf M r z. -Carne Gihlesýpie et PFort Hope on Fridiay.- Me. ami mrs-, Glaeae Dayacrd anld daujghter Barb'oara, Sanît Si- (Co-ti'ue onpage 8) 73%,WaleSapiton58% Te 'Gradie- Tc> Grade 2 Aanif Cain., Dawson. To Grade lA GlenCa. 50 Bushel Clubs In Winter Wheat In Fifteen Counties Mis LaraEdwrds c Toout, iybuehelsç, per acre Wiuter agre the une of goodsi eed, 'ractic Ath hier motber andi siter Geengicta Vbeat Club-sz are vnderway tItis year, disease control,-goreater frility, ove-r the week-endi.i in fiftenr Ontario ceunities, witlh a1 better ccrflpia id ultrai practi- Elden Hiallewell is hoidiayin-g la total of 281 compet'iters la the -mes- (ces lby aisinz at greter yièlS per Pont Hope wt ber grandiparents. bershl of tbese clubs. The tlub s cre; ienencoupre the grewing ofi Mn, andi '1fre. R'us-,,Iý bave been organizedi by the Cvop langer amonuptsof ne'gistcred se-ad MissNoura ani Beulah Hall-- Imiprovemieat Associations lai the fol-1 andi te provide bigh quahity seesi e1 1weili had teý-at at Siidi a"wîV on hcwing conutes, York, Laldimaad, l cmiedddies-eitn van- Sunrday anitndeclthre eeiigLamribtea, Bruce, Ehigin, Peel, Peter-1letics for mlilcto pur-poýses, service. bo(,r ougbh, Middflesex, -Grey, Soutb and te encourage tie gewing Dfa fflVrs, 'azel Stninger spent a fe- wSme, Perthl, Liîn, DurlIanlane ce-ee i motn days at ber bbubr', Clarence Bur- lton andi Huron. BIgl Count," cash cncr. le-y, before taking a position lna with 84, bans the large-st niuniiber c -fi Comi$etlo may use any uxeans Bow-manille liespital.entries ansi MAk 1ssecendi wtitb at their -psa t podcaarp cerd Anaera yseri-ces az Clarke 1crops on 3<2 fanais entercd. Prai y% dof hi-g qait at , -Thre were w-cil attendec on Sunday. Rex, calLy A grcw-ers have usedi either of twbre ih empetis la ne-adi cn-ý A.E. Ensue- pKre-achec two very two vadns, namcly, Dawson's Gel- tY will be eligibke fer the intwr- go-odi sermons. Th e W. A. wvould den élalf or Cornel'l505. ont'ctetfr-wch 88 i like te- thank Mn. Enstace, aisel The objeca of the contests says >prize atoney, plus a trophy w-il ho Misses Arlee Boydc, Gweadolyn A. W. Martia, Direýcte-r foe Copa, prQvided -by the 11/apie iLeaf IVXlllig Chattterton andi Da-wn Moftat for- Seeds and' Weedis Branci, O.tarýID COcmpany, w-i- ao finance-s t'le he-pug te m-ake our aniwersary a- Departuient of A'%gr.culture,ý 'whàch la. cî,xty conipetitions te the Exitent et -coperatng ia tiben, ané 1 enic-i.ir-1 $100 prize nioney for açïl-ahcut 4 - per Year i b b b 't 4-' 4' 4' b >4' b 4- N s r', '4 $ 4 b 4- 4 I I N 4- >4 N N N ) N N --------- - 19, 7-11EC

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