eof-for0y1 and Parsýon spent *'~V~ne4PortPayne, ~ Mr~ Sd Lockartno Port He spent Sunday with M .n is ityattnde th ~Zraneme'sparade -Mr. und rs George !Martyn, of cTue eauttd PO RTlHOVPE, Thursday to Satuirday The Bi-, Comnedy Iit "THE FULLER BiRUSH MAN" Witt, Red Skelton and Janet Blair As MY FDOG RUSTY", Monday to Wè'dnesday Wýith Gary Coo>per, Paulette kGoddard -dand a Great Cast -IN TEINICOL01OR Week Af ter Next "DUEL IN THE 'SUN"e elomspent Su-n.daýy 'hMr. anid Mrs. W. IMason. Mnr. <and Mrs. George Tufford spent unaywit-l' DMn. and Mrs. Arch-ie4 Mi.S'imon Ba:rnowclough spen a, îvew days w iher sister, Mrs. S. O. Milis of Port H-ope. RESULTS OF HORSE RACES AT COBO3UIKMNDYJULY 12 Mn. -Stancl'buny ofCabeloda $5.110ý bill The nex:t pise ofu50 for thehrs akn tebettie MVe. and ýMts. Trumain Austin and l enahwt Mn,. and-Mrs. Ken i by pet he Wiîstlx we:ek-end holidc-ying * Asly. Feolio1 r <'1 e pier-iching a very good sermion,228 Ca on "Why Protestants sbould go Vo! Victony Le-e, Bj. Chuî'ch.1'Petérbeough Mrs. W. T. N'Icholls. of Port Hope,., and 'Mr. Sieleds, of Mount Pleasant, ,wene week-end guests- od Mn. and Vins. ýCarnoîl Nichoils. Mr. and Mrs. Robenýt Hill and Laurel Ann, -of Port )Hope, spent Sunday with 'M.r and (Mrs. Edgar Barrowclough. Mn. and Mes. Normnan Gibson, cl Cold Springs, visited with Mn. and Mrs, îllarold Austin and Mn, and Mrs., W. Tufford on 'Sunday. 'Mrn.ad( Mns. Henb. Glover, of Peteiborough, and Bonnie and Paul Aýstin spent Sunday with Mrs. L. Mrs. Ken Dinnen, Mns. Snell and Mr s'. Cable, of Rochesten, spent Sun- a alernoon with Mrs. Harold Bur- ilev of Ne'wtonville. SIXTHUNE' Congratulations Vo Misses 1-ez and June Gordon on passing their iffigb Shoofl'Entrance Examrinations. Miss Cathernne SI , tewert spent a fewý days with* Mr. and M/ra. G. E, Lcfthouse of Osffawa. Miss Helen Bloy is visîting ber sister, Mrs, Donald Oke at Stan- iboro. - 2 Master Rolland Mannin'g is spend- ii(g part of bis' holiday s with fi'iends in Brantlord. Mn. and ,lVh. Morgan recently * ck a moton trip no Perth whene hiey visited frienis, and attended Old HLome pWeek. Mr. nd Mrs.. Vanderwyck, of Toaronto, are viisting ýwith bis son, Mn. Jas. Vanderwycls, on tbe Bailey the resnits, of the Blewitt, of 1 Pnincese HrvstrStandi(- lurv, C------frd Bii Gratiýtan Jr., Hf. White Felix, B. S onC or .4 Tom Royal], Allen rownof Oshava -. - -.-.5, Betty B, FritzBnigton _e;. Irene Hnvester, G.'Pacýey, T.me-2.2'4,.21, .25.ý 2.94 Cla s-. Petro Lee. Sýtancibury, of 'Canipbellford............---1 Billy WbistLer, G. P'acey, of Roseneath..............-2 Dorothy Girl, White, Col- bonne .3 Dorothy Al)bey, Fnankilin, of Port Hp........4 Lady Signl, .Radfley, Camrp- behjford........-----........ ---5 Iroouoîs MeiKillop, AI._Browïn, of Oshawa..............--------6 Berton Lee. Sutherland.-----7 1Tinia- 2 20, 2.20 1-5. Free-For-Al- Jimnmy Brewer, Dr. Derm,, - Por H ome ------ -- ------12 Bal Stout, Deplew, Victoria Harbour ......... ........1A BbGCano. _-------_ _.... 5 Miss Bese Volo, M. Wade. B rioiý,'on ------- .. .. ------9 Blgc,, Locke, 'Fritz, Brigh- to n - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - -4 1' vinii Trail, A.Brown---.6 pancen ... ----_............ -- Ruth, Harvester...........----7 1i1 3 3 42 24. farm. Improverînnt are being made on our sbool. Ido todlets are being installed, a cistenn will he.iput in and a ne'w fene is to be built. ________________________ I ______________________________________________________________________ n denfather, Clancence C. Cal who passed. away -July 14, 19 47. Hi tobldnighits are paut~ SithLne Srh(ool 111gb Go-don., Grade Grade Griad e Gr-ade Grade 0 0b 1 Enrace- 11)ez dune CGondonCo 7 Vo 8HlnBy(o> 6 to 7--John Gordlon. 5 Vo 6-j'olland 'Vaning. 4 Vo 35-4Leonard Boy. 2 to 4 - Ross Gay (Hon), Tomn Tophamn (Hon.), Donald Cor- don, Billy Maldill.-1 Grade 2 - June Madilil. 'Catherine 'W, Stewart, teacýhen. POWE R SHOR'IAGE CUTTS COMING IN THEF',FALL, W'rnning ýas gvn yt'he fHyduoi Chaiirman iiRobent Saundens on M on- day la.st at thle annuail' eië1ng 1ýofý the Ont arlo Muicipal Electic As-1 aoiatien th rat ci t i zen s generally'thr-ouçgbout the Provinýe nIOntni can expect that Hydroa eticin will be imposed this fal and viiiter, possiibl'y fby Octoben lst. With this posaiility~ in 'mmd, Mn. Saunders told the 'delegates' that' the hydro-electnile power- comumisýsion is wonking on the type of restrictions that should be imposed 'beýcause of the p'ower- shonitage. B-e estimated' 4hat it -will lie acces- cary Vo apiply rsrcin by next October. The commlission hiopes that nature will supply tile' necessýary water shontage for ýthîepln in Que- hec sa that those(, power con[p'anies with iwhom we ýhave contfra-cts will le able teauplythe po'wen cal'led ccfor- by the contracts-t, and, if possi'ble, some additiona1l powen. Hie pinted-(!eut that thiesiuto biefly was-: Su i is unaie ',te.. meet demande 'whicl h have acea by approximnately-1,330',000 hý 1p il-,10 yeans, or more than doubled. IIANDS AT WORKO. LEARNING AERO ENGINE AND AIRFRAME MECHANICS TI,. Parry, 25, of Oshawa, Ontanjo, a Canadian Army veteran, is shown making: anl adjulstrnent to Ëhe engine of a Cub: Tïaner StudntF nivarious types :t oairc-ra[ftranging from the Cub Tramner: :to mtiple engine n.ilitary aircraft. :Many veteranls, trained as ground crew sp tis dring thilewrhave chosen te akepost-war tra,-ining in: tiMS OCCuplation for which: tearptcla r l uted. : É,t For them qthle transýition toý peae-imeemloyment ihas aeý;ksir, ENG ItNiDUSTRlýY '(ONTARIO) The Evening i xliryhaecee invj1 ed to the'ho fe of Mrs. E. Browýn o1husa, 5tb. A se- cdal ~ ~ i, 1vnn o aes an ener the churcnt Ilater hn ,e Paintin, Pape'ng1aJdRepairing. PhIone Ken. aiin, 5(;r Ï9, Oron. EGGS WAiINTED Pieked up onece a w'eek, Trup prices, paid. Phonle Norn I Cemýens, 2438BowanviIeReverýse charges. WANýTED TO RENT Bouse or othier accomrmiodation in Orono, sujtaibJ:e for faily of foc,,r, two di n t'wo chiIdren, a-vaill- able Asig. 1i f possible.' Write Mr11S Rýay Caeo,209 Graham -iiSt., WoodsýtoeCk (h 2432W)ý, or con- tact Mr.s. M. A. Cainetýon, Orono. tf. ini Orono or icint, ouse or romis' to rent. . D. Sii~olr-,n, Phone 51 r,12, Oroijo. c6c FOR SALE 112 Yoi¶shire pigs, 6 weeks oeld. Appiy V Kennieth Hlls, 5- r 3, CAR FOR SALE [nI .good condfition, 189Nash, four dloor Sedan,_Win. C. IL. Mit- chell, Oro,Ii or Iýphonie 46 r 1,0, wjj ilhep ho wssn pickig upse',of wIhlees be- tween !D1% r1 *and Col. Evanas it k rtunsame Whnyou hlave a igV el taeor wanit Vo rhstya advertiseent in te àOronIoTms OurCasiledCohuiimn wýl hIngre-I ORONO Furniture Hospital 1 Reupholsterîing Repairing Antiques Bought and Sold Se. oiur lin. o)f Drapery Kitchen Units made to order C- F. Duncan Phone 79-16 - ORONO ~NTEX PE Radio Srie The combination of exPerience,co- plete data ,ýon ail iakes,nidmoe test equipment will enisure PROMPT, REASONABLE AND EXPERT REPAIRS Cali R. L. MYLES Phone 79 r 4 - ORONO Free Estimiates will be Given -Cheerful-ly on Rock Wool ilome Insulation rBy Blower Systemt, Four luches thic, Prof essonal Dîirectory A. F. M,,,cKENZIE, M.D.. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office br 2.00o to4l.00 P.11., 6.30 t& 8.00 p.E&. SKindays aî)d Wednesdays hy appointmient only PHONE 7r1 - ORONO Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BLOWMA1N VILLE, ONT, Office68 Home 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY office 825 Resdece4O BOWMïANVLLE ONT. VETERINARY DR. W. W. SHERWIN VETERINARY SURGEON Office Main St. OroD. Phone 63 r 7, Orono INSURANCE J1 C. GAMEY INSURANCE Ffire, Casualty, Au1tomobile and Liability ORONO ONTARIO ORONO'S INSURANCE MAN Manu.factuirers Life Insurance, ce Doinio(n of Caniadia General Hnrtford Eire Insurance Watenloo Muftual Fire Insurance Wawane-sa Mýutual Insurance is represeinted n this district by *DANE FOUND OROINO]Phone 8rS If fý nsurance, give Dan. a î% LEROY HAMILTON INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES F.ire, Automobile, Liability, Life, Hospitalization, Plate Glass, Burglary, Casuialty Reprsentng te Lea-ding CANAIANBRITISH and office, Mtain St. -1 ORONO phones: Office 32 r 10; Re8.i 16Io Phonle me and 1 will cal to suit yon. Estimiates freiely vgiven, - uno obligation lINR(FOÈýMATION Would,Ï you like to kno-w More &boue the followring ? (a) How te wilüt your fam!17yone thàousnnd dollars that you have't ;e- saved ? (b) -How' to guaranitee a aalair7 chequie to your famnily every. menti, for i10-15 or 20 years should yon b. tak-en out of the. pciture (C) Hcw to bave a salary chequ.-t every mon1t-h for -yourself as lon-g aN you, live,cmnnin at age556 or 65. Ad) How to uaa teethat yonrl 0son or dauïgh-ten i-wil have the ma1oney for ana education beyond eihigh school? let uis have a chat about it sonre- time. Phonýe FRED LYCETT ORONO 18 r 1 Auctioneer and Valuator, Conducts Aucti(on Sales of al siz.# and at rnonberates Com uictewith hlm at PMI, Perry, ontarlo, or see bhis C1erk, A E. Mortonu, at Ouo-no, for date. JACK AREI Auctineerand Valutator Speciaize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consult ine for terni and date, Phone 5 r18 - 0-e ONTA HrI 'S produets are desired and purchased by people ahl over the ord nId theicapaeit t produce sýucl goode arel determines the econordie welTéfare of every man, woman and chiild within ber borders. Because the sale of every anticle produced in Ontariu brings valuable dollars into this Province, we ail, are more assured ofJjob aecurty... and wýe anid our eilîdren can bave more of lthe botter tinlgs in ifeUý. To prod uce sncb goods in sufficient quantities, skilled la'bouris ia. htis w"%hy every ingle one of wus should be glad that war veterans arecontal beîng traýined to provide the skileýd hands se, needed by industry. Veterans receive ON TUIE JOB training under expert instructors in our Ontario thregb he cooperaionm of the Depariment of 'Veterans' )epartmt of Labourand ?the Onta-îo Department of ans off onI theod toskillde cafsnshuip. Tauhtnt r"!a ner egne and Caifme mwrk bMh nunilhiary and lti alents and trinng.Thir tefforts wlhl t Ce in iwhieâto lireand JEllcentibute te h w elfnud 1 MM r-mm