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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Jul 1948, p. 7

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=zzz _ It seems as Uf the olt motto might 4 ~ V! 'Dy el e chned t reatil "Eternial vigilanic is théc price of- heaihy tmatos."For thecre is no doubt aboDut it, in maysections of Mhe Couintry tomato duisaes are be- coing more serious avery year. So be sure ai dust yomtomait- oes every ti ias from Oni time the first cluster of fruits ià haîf devel- opeti. Use fermatI(:ýer a mixeI ut cmontiig erniate - lteaing with a fixed copper dust Both these are availabIe under differenit tmade namles. The fermate controls tbe an- thIacuoseý disease whiich causIes the rottinig of tomiatues ante ane] som-e- finies eveni beforepikig The ciop- per dust conitri's leaf diseases. Too dmasteic puning of hetiges duminig very boct weather may me- Suit lu sunlscaling Cf the leajves anti twigs toc, suiItieny poe. This is esei dlytangerons for evergrten btgsor trees. Hw ever, SUmme pruni will save y-ou a lot of trouble wt vrrw vines and shrnbs, sucb as silver- lace vinie, spiraea forsythija, grapes, japanlese yew anti so, forth., Branch- es oif trees that are biangigto w mnay also bc cut off. WhelRsseli loipins weire first introdujcti ini Enîgland some ten, imars or so ago they crecateti quite a stir; ant ithose wIho haýve been suic- Cessful with thiemi on thAis side of tbç vater aeequally e-nthusîastic, Even ini seasonls wheni oDthcrfl- crs look weary anti beaten, thjese pee iasmnacge to metai n crisp, or,ful flowers g cwigoltrib Somle gardenersý stiil daim thiat lupins wiii not do well lui areas wheIire mIitisumm111er heat 18 Sevýere, Or 1111hat tbey mut ave a particlar sort of: aikaline sou Bt fois Who have tried them have grown, themýi succcssfiij,3 in diïfferenit sc tionýs ail the way fromi the Atlantîcý to the Pacifîc--so evenif yo have doubfts about, youýr chances uîtb them, aPf, seeds are weil wovrtb qwjgnist is a1 gooti timie trasow tht seetis, which shotjld bc soaketi Ikewiarm w ater ovenight iu erer to lesseni- their biard ou-,ter- cts. If youir soil is inclîntd to aidity, àt ight' be a good idea to di a trowefu df lime Vno the groiunt where tbecy are toý go. Seeds iran thien be steeiîlghtly over the surface and covered wivth sou., Once you bave: had uceswith Rusýseli lpinis, anti' enjoycd thecir oestriking color antidei, you will neyer want yonr gartien to, be witb- Onit tbiCm;j and ini Spite- of a meputa- tion,-Possibily narei ,o beinlg tmicky and difficut àt bas bmen proeveti that tbeÉy wvil thrive l o caionis %,hiCb, a few years -ago, oldhavu- hben consitieret ont Ofte question. ddeCantior daIimýs that once he went to Wasingonp ant foun tings 50 crowded, tbà itwas Onily withi thec greatest difficulty that he mnanaged to get a rom in- au hotel. He was jusFt sinkîng off te sieep whenici stidenliy he hecard s;norig 'COming fromr the batIhroom.i HE Isuidly intigatet then ruset tMte teephone.t "Gooti Heavens, he yelled, "Ithere's a miigt p hecresnig î inmy bathitubl" just one?ý" r lleirte rooi1 cierk caimljy. "Tie liti -asca] mn-ast hiave puiet onttic plug:. Tees supposeti to be tw,ýo of thum." LIFE'S LIRE THAT 'gave her the' best years of mny life .-.SpeEnt money On lber wlhen a -nickel wxould really beuy sormething i" Three of a Kind-And Al Beauties-Al\most everybody , likes a g-ood dog-, and onie doesn't hiave týo b a xpr t k ta thlese hreposin1Ï as if they Ihad been iodllnail thi ies, are among 'the finýest specimens cf the Great Dan breed to be senayhr.This exclusive picture, taiken epeiyfor these pages, at thie Unionville, Ont., Dog Show recently, show Mrs. ID. T. XVeir of York Milî1s with Champion Tar-Tani-n, Champilion True, and Triumph - just 9 months old but a Champion in the makîng. This m inig, when I first awak- eni, thfle air wý,as tielightfuiiy frcsh anicoolý, anti through the open wnosanti doors, wafted along by a light breeze, came the finst sweet smell of new mown hay. T 1here --ss nothing quite like it. Hayý that bas beencntcu two or tbree days anid properly cuireti bas a tif- ferent smil-hot anti dry, if yon knwwhat 1 mean. 1 can quite un- destn vhwat it woulti do to bay fieenvictimis. Someitimnes 1 wonden, apart from the sme vB3,hyit is that haymakîng alwýays appeals to the imagination of those wbo think wistfnily of hoiidayýinig on- a famm. Appanently it bas sonme sort of momautic appeal. Chiltinen wvill stay arounti alI tiay in a bot, sbideless fieldi while loati af- ter loat is1 being built, and for the sole purpose of iting home on top o' ea-cb boat as it comes to the bamu. Men, who hartily ku'ow a pitchfonk from a table fork are yet wiiling to "lenti a hanti with the hy.For a man to stay on a farmi anti afterwards confess be titin't assist with the haying is aout on a par with au angler coin- ing home without going fishing- 1 tioni't know about women farm vîsi- tons - . . 1 gness Most of themn are content with the smell of the bay, anti the fact of being where it is. Antuiatti(oes haying nmean to thle farm ]Ipeuple tilemsl elves? For, thIe mni it is a periot of hart, bot womk,nrvu strain anti a stern game of gue(ssîng-guessiug what the wealiier wili be furty-eight hours from the time of cutting; tmy- ing to figure out whether it wonlti be -better to coul the bay, or to rush things, loading straight from thie swath to the wagon, aud thuls cheat that threatening storm. Or woulti it' be Wise to invest in a hay load'er, a buckrake orabiln -machine? Anti the women . .-.ah )yes, the womneul How they wish that haying- titi not coincide witb canniog ant bemmy pîcking. time- Maybe a crate of berrnes waits to bc canncd but there are also horses to drive on the hayfok-and the wagon has a way of coming lu 'just as the fruit is ready for the jars. Anti oh my, it's hot, ïdnsty wo 'l'lTe nope (dnags along ithe groui antiby ttýciime thýe oai is off thec farmer's wf- or dau11ghter, as thie casema be, feels more likçe takiig a bath than 1going on wjtih em caninig. Except thtthËe is neyer timie . . . takiug a bath betwe(ln 1oads mIight leati to au embarmassing situation. 'But going ont to the fieldi with the wag- on1-now that's something cisc again, Don't ever be sorry for any womanl'ý you sec ont on a hay wagon -ot if she bas a workînig pairtnier< who10 ioesn't rush things. BuilJding a ba toesn't require a lot- of strenigthl; it 15 knowing how tu place each fomkfnl as it comnes that dioes the trick. Anti as the boad gets higb- cm anti the wiuti blows tbroughi your bair, for some, unknown eason a sense of satisfaction possesses youý anti you feel, not only on topi of the loat but on top of the worltid. But bang on to that fonk-brace younself against any suttin move- ment of the wagzon or thie chances ;Ire You1will be ont cf thir worlrd in a huï_rry. RegîretfnllyIreiz MY wagon aysareover. Not 0ý bu,,t wha I ouli siibilida lnoat-the trouible woult ee Itting.off it. The bJest- I can1 do now is sijt at mY Pantmy wndwanti watch the loats go by. 7. Step22. Worm 10, Period hall il ish 88. ApParent PIU U 7.Out of place 41. Port AC±tuSS 2. Poplar 2pSipe44. Mooedý 4. outh 1. Contingent 24. Craviîng5 7.Fre 4.Srd4. Edge 25. Knot 49. Da-nce stel, 7. Volcano 5. Sharp 26. Purpose 50f. Ter 12, lslnd (Fr.) 6. Smail Spanlsh 29. Old tie.Hae room 13.;Solid water hoes 3.Lgtmotue5.20 l14. Worship hre 1 ih osue5-A, i5. Circuit I2 3 .5 6 7~ î 16. Of a ity7 Q 18: American 3 20. Dogma 21. Building- 23. Glut 27. Owing 18 - - 20 28. secretagn 30. Fastenl 3ï. Farther dovn -- ? T2, 25 P6 34. Surmounted 86. Eagie 1 17- Diamtond- cutters cuï) .1 R PegPýrt,,t3.1 3 3 4C%.lBy me.an, cf fathierand -6 - - 3A 52.le( Dra n e. 1,it l p ed on t e a i- UnconvnionL> 57. Bridges- b8. NumbIIer 8.Unhappy DO9 1, prig lowr Tenswer ta tIila puzzlie la elsewhere on this pige. ~\'I ~ Gooseberry and Rhubarb Jam One quart gooseberries, ,' quarts rhubarb, 1/2 cup aer cups sugar. Remove stem n id bIossom ends from the gooseberiýes, using scis- sors. W a Sh ruaband cut ine one inch cipieces. Do, not water tothe go;oseb)err1ies and gooeberrisar soft. Add rhu.- barb and suigar aud continue cookiing intil the jamn is tbiick-about 30 minutes, stirrinig occasionally so that the jami does not burn. Skimn and pouir into hot sterilized giasses. Whenî cold, cover With melted paratffin wax, i(diust covers, label and store. Apple Mint JeIly 1 cup fineiy chopped m'inIt leaves 1 cup lioiling water 2cups appile juice V;.. cups sugar pour the boiling water over îthe dean inilt laecuver and let step' orI our Srin thejuice from tiehe leves anti-add 4 table- spons t te etract tQ thieqaPpIe uieand su51gar. BOPl rapidly inutil two dIrops of the jely ,vil!Itin to- ge>ther aIt the edge 0f the -pooln, andïl sheet off. Add aà few drops of greenl coloring. Pour and ea with para- ifin. For Summer Drinks fI takes just about twe minutes to makce a big jar of homie-matie chocolate syrup whjic-h will keep and keep ini your refrigerator. Chocolate syrup e7an be one of yorbig suromer stapies. It's a ,narveiilous heilu iiiiîping up last- minute party drinks atidishes. Th'lei chiidren, love it. And here's how ceasy it is tuo make! FIRST-Mix weili ogethier DRY, '/2 cuip of breakfa-st cocoa and -14 ýcup of stiga. THEN,-Sioviy add~ cup boil.- iugýý water, stîrirîg mawie Boil for one minute. Theni pour intLo a dleani, dry, glass Jar. Cover and let cool KEeep in icc-koýx. Goosebery' oo The .dictiouary defines a "ou"(in the culiinar11ywoi) as "dish oCf Crulsh- ed futvwith whipped cream and suigar." Tiaoretîicaiiy, thisis truc ,but tfli amlouls gosbrx ol 'of old Enigiani s 1moCrecomipicated thaýn tha-ati hebest kn-own Cfol f Top andi( stem. a quaiýrt of reaily ripe goosýleerries andi stew fthemi in waqter withi just a littie suigar uintil tender. Pesthem th droug, ýh a colander to remove tough ss To the fruit aid pta-esoo to biitteî, a cup of sýugar, jus', a whiýff of sal it and14 wel-beaten iegg yolks. Pour aFil thîs into a glassbowL.Beat the egg wites stîff anti add 2 table- spospweed sgrto jtem.ý Theýr hap tis lightly on top of'He fritixtre Serve very coiti, withi o atidition1ai saulce. Press the Button You wtoJ uidflt (xpeet iaything ini rad N. l1t(on. Becanlse Mr. Hilton01 15 P'resirIint o9theic argest chain of hoteIs fil the Unitet States, incluti- ing thec 3,000-rooin Ste-vens in Chi- Buit up1) is iverSuite at the Savoy' , wbecre hec is now staying, Mr. Hilton has been i'mpressedi by "thos"e 'cute ittie buittons" whîch bring awatr a maiti or a valet to youir room in',I-aa matter 0of second(s. Even inthie Stvesie would hav1tàt-epone"romservice, 1 anldtilten erap o.a or as nmany The ivoýry-bileti wcood'peckcer 18 fast becomliiug exinct in thec Uniteti States, whîle the pÏlea-teti wood.- pecker is close on its becis. Here She Is-M\iss C.N.E.- 1948 Edition - Chosen ,froni amnong the 300 other teený-agers contending for the h-onocr, shie ia 17-year-old Toby R'obin-s o Toronto. Toby and some 2 othetrs, all of the winni-ers in- thoi C N.E.'s teen -town mo11del corn- ptioare inow Ibeing profes- sionalytriued to 1mod(el at thiýs cear's "x" Black haired andc qiheyes tliat really cspark- le, Toy opes to b(comIe ail ateseventually. TheicfiguIres 5'5ýf' tal; 118 pounlds w éight; bust 3" ;aist25"; ]hips 36ïC," ers sze14 Answer To Thiis 5ý' eek's Puzzle s t J. ,ta~ N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s- N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N * N N N N N * N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NI N N N N N 's. s- N N N N N N N N N N N N N

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