ý I' ROYAL FLEXALUM VENETIAN DLINDS As id-verti3ed on your radio. A A A A A A' A A' A A' A j- "e e' e" e' t-' A t- -e 'A e- A t" A Ch A- t- e' t'- e'- t-' A- e- t- t- t-i t-, e'- A t- -t Bn il' e' e-' t- e Do' Wl: lng Tll~ - gle, w t- \IGHM CLIPPER COAL and WOOD RANGES ',85.50 and up BEACH ELECTRIC RANGES $207350 and up N ATION A L RANGETTES chrome Top - $63100 WINDOW SCREENS AIl Sizes 75e and up BURPEE HOME TIN CAN SEALER $21,95 SCREEN DOORS $4.95 and up, ELECTRIC F-ANS $8.95 TYPE WRITFERS REMINGTON AND' ROGERS MAJESTIC, RECORD PLAYERS $39.95 EwLECTRIC MOTORS 1-4, 1-3 and 11-2 horse power 51995endupv Coleman & Philp Electric Phole 89 rl OO KING DUG KILLER FOR QUICK AND SURE INSECTICIDE Special in 10 - 20 - 50 lb bags 3 Der cent D.D.T. in 10 and 20 lb bag-s Orono and vicinity) RARIT DAILEY Phone 87-16 -Orono- rndr heauspices of Élhe Board of Management wiIl be hield in the NEWCASTLE COMMUI'NIITY HALL On the evening of Friday, July I6th, 9 p.nî' Russ ýCreigh-ton and his new 5-piece Band, Adimission - - -50c. Per Person Defore You BuiId, Se. ~DAMS LUMBER COMPANY arke 1213A - NEWCASTLE - Clarke 1213A [ck, Cernent, Tite, Lumber, of ail kinds (B. C. Ontario and Eastern Canada) ers (700 to choose from), 'Nails, Sash, Door and idow Frames, Gyproc, Lime (.Ilardwall, Finish- and Spray), Ilardwood Floorîng, Masonite, lboairds, Walb»ards, ýAsphaît and Cedar Shin- s,'Rouofiûg, Mouldings and Trim, Plyw,-oods, Fence Posts (Cedar and Stel) Fencing KENDAL ,a nd Mrs James Swa Lu'rick anld r.F. Stoker U1et2hedajy inl Oshaw\\a oniday ýMi. and Mis. T. Hilditch have re- utined hme fram a couple aof ,veekýs ýMi. and' Mrs. EdeCuoxand R, y aehldyn ihthe formner's M r ni.MitnRisoMsJ.W ýJackýson and Miýs, J. Hasik-in visited Misý. <teand -MaaiLangstaff, Newotonvilie, on Monday. Mr. and l'irs.'Radph Bock, 'Di In- gso1,and Dr. and Mr.R. D. Wal- lace, of Toronto, sp,,ent Sund'ay with Mr. and ýMis. Heri1b. Reynolds. Sunday visitors wvitli Mrs. J. Hos- kin were, iMis. J. W. Jacks;on, ' NeW- nstl*e, Mars. L. Paedon and( Doreeni and MVrs. Vidaà St. Clair, Toronto. Mr. Art Mercer-was also presented with a purse of money on F ida niglit. Art happened witl anaci- dent while playing hail and has been unea'hle to play sînce, and his . fellow, bail players took this )Ioportui-ity of showing their syn.pathy for hi-, mis- fortune. On Fricl'ay nig-lit tihe baselbail l em gYave Mr. iC. JKenny a presentation of a signet ringl when a dance -was held. In anj address iccoipa-iyiîng-the ~pesentaLioi, lMr. Kenny's palsa on the tun spoke Oai the sincere friendiship they feit towards hlim anýid t heir profound reg ret that they hadi to brd htm farewe.ll. They mention'- ed thiat as their, star catcher, heha alway~s been a big factor in ail their games and an inspiration and help to them ail, and the presentation Was in appreciation. of a good pal, ai true friend and a grand bas;e1ball player. Friends and. neighbors in th'e cimimunity as made a presenýq-: tion to _Mr. and iMrs. Kenny ip, the Sunday sclhoo1 raom on saturdiay i vN ' wh'en a spedi usclpro- oramwas ivenby 'Misses agae aksnand BibaaCariey. The Mi-vFI. A. Bunit îead the -addreSsý as-olw Deair Mi. and -Mrs. Kenny. WV_ e, herembers af this -einn ie, regret that you- must leave us t.1 kaup teacing l-dutiensewee "ir graeiûuS pron 'tishave en- d(1ere you to our heait an'w baive gathîered toge(thier this evenling ta s1k yen te--oacepl-t this talble lampj, 'U Ster anid purse in mamýjîory of your ~'ajurn ithus, an[d as' an expi)es- of ai ur gaiueand açpr eeia- tion of your iilflns n the cain- muiy in sa many kiindl.v asa fPeýc'he1rs in thle Sund'ay Scliool and in o -hr a.yS ybu bhave camne to aur h-ieln wlien calIed upon and the fine Spirit whi'h lnsbeen manaie "un'yaur teachdng *"yers inte MdLean's and Kendal 1sclioals. Iti 1ras been a d1eligh't t!0o observe thie cauV'teaus, epcil c-prtv .id inteierýted b1ehviaîur i hecofi dreqn under yaur Iealership. 'We 'wish, yau imach h1appjiness and pra'sper-ity! yeu are'n, and kn'aw t'hait 'ou, ilaSe isdaPmks hmkind, Ma Gd iess and keelp -au bath is Misse Jay'e Burley, Ktlen JaceanandMatster Ras Elattpre- sentedthegifts.M)Irs. Xnythený aserdiin a few well cliasen i wordsz md gae eveyanean invitatian ta visitweever tliey were in Ganan- oque, anid Wr. Kenny sidthat he w5us mn mîse by thie splendid s'Pirit of c-prainhe lad found in Kend l ichli he mwa idCIneyer farget. Reïýfrte simnienrit s and a s o c ial im re thien enjayed anid god- byes wvere reg-retfuuiiy exchanged. A banu dance will Ihe held at ýMrs. Irwin Bragg's, 21/ miles north af Sliaw's &Shool, uinder the auspices of Bowmianville Order of Foresters. Noice to Farmers If you wýant us to remoýve your dead farmn stock wthin an houx without echarge CALL UTS COLLECT Boewmanville 2679 For Crippled Rorses we Pay as high as-- -------- $8O And for Old Horses as high as-----------$30.00 We are able to pay these prices because wve feed the meat toi our own aniniajs» NE WTON VILLE Mis. Sam Smith r.iththMr. andi tle. with Mis. Cea.Kiba. Mi"s Jui)p'pMr. a Jd Mis. Elr 'mnd dauhteil aF Trntwith Mr. andi r.Ena ly Mi.Fi"rence Sond fs f or- nt.wlth MI,." andl Mis. Jas. Da-Iv nard, Berttha Tliompson. Mi.Milton Rabinszon an i1-S . Jenie Has40kin vizited Ms.Tone and Mas. . Lanstaff Bey. fdesnathi recenit m e r- niagleinBow-maille. Mr. and Ms.E. Waltkey anid Mf. ind Mrs. Alfred Redknmarip ere in Toronto m, Wodbrdgeon Satni- day. îM% andi Mis. Clarence Turner and Mr. and Mrs.R, selmcNeil, O7sh- avven , ith M.and(M[ .Willis Far- raw. ixty-ane attendIed Sund!ay Se")hool on Sunday marninig. Sunday even- mng tho pa]Sto-r officiaitedi inComn ion ýService, twenty -three nartak'inz. Congratulations t,) os Brown, Hary 'Meritt andi Douglas Lane on successfluilly p assing -theîir Entrance examIinatiCmnsý. 'mr. a'nd Mr'. Cirton Farrowan Mr. and -Mi.CarlTodd oaf Stark- ville, attenided Decoration Dyseri ces it, Little Britain on SuLntiay. Mr. and' is Cifford Rc>binsont mdnè ainditwa ci i'ofPeterbor- oug-h, ith lher mother, Ms.John Anderson. Mr,. A½m Pa ms nrent anl operatIian f'r-1 oii In ok'o Cliniie. VWe wN'Iliher asp'dy re- covery. to bepr ownhie opniedi y two) daetrMis. H1rris (-Ma r- j rie) anid'Ms Lila aif Port Robin-'ý "Mi. WryneEiott iand 'his od Qurfacing gagwho have.'aitee -wîk ' at Pertli, were hoe for th a trailer for linszin' acamoato wueaway, and Mrs. Eîotaccolm- panlied him,-I Permisýsin bsben.' nt the 'Bnîley 'Bus eviet etni hi OdenIHfili sauli inito Paîrt flape. Thley intnd a srve this aiea with an erymoing l- bus, Permlyit "forser- vrp ' i Weof m ino Port Haie wns -týnot gianted. Slipping n a mat1 on a freshiY wedfloorita the ceIajr 'was the naifulexpriecefoi Mis. CGeorge Stapletan recently. IUer s ýhouiders akghe imp-et sýved'fhel, fromr >moue seriOus head irjIirielalhugi 'in inast wun on the sid 'a the head cau7sed by vtlhe si f aiapail -7ic -hewa aryig lad ta be ciosed 1 b(nylps. A peculiar siuatn srung upl. in ouirl'stbl sceue Cor tice, NemwcastIe aýnd - Newtonivile aÏil 'fiefor first place. The ofii1 were llaced witli t-hepobenfpa- ngmore gmsand i tIcjirl s osing t'iir much laok e d for- ho1lidinys or -dwiglots for sadn.The la,-t- trasdonle, Nwatedaiglt 1Courtice Zdad NwovleSd P- pc e. LasI e vecn ing si inals. Several from lhere tookG, in te Orange Wialk in C-o-org on _Mond'ay 12tli. In oui sa-nalil tewn we mp nissed' the band and tlie aid timne zes.Cv- ilizatian owes ta thie Orange Order a iebt it can nover iepay, PerhapOs this setting, aside ai pomip and onut- waîd display, is an indicatio)n .tha the Order 13is iv-riably feeling trhe îesponsibïiity o' the task co far frOm acmlsiet The freedbm>n -of an pen bible wiii lot th lste nnless the booïk is readi and becomeyt a -part ai our everydaylii. The moth--iy meeting ofDiethe Wo- men'5 Asslociation w-s heid Jnly 8th in the ïhome ai Mr. andirMs. George YOU CAN LJY ALL TUE KL E EN EX you want at TYRRELL'S DRUG STORE There is only one Kleenex Chubby and Medium size ....18c. 2 fr,, 35e Mfen's size......., .. ,.29c Sý-UlMMERSALINES Are cooling and refreshing and ivgrtn.Wec Eist a few of the favorite produets at lowest prices Eno's Fruit Sait ,.............. 98c and 59c Kkovah SaIts...........79c and 29e Rexail Grape and Lemon Sait ................ 59c Sal]Ilepatica ....... $1,27, 63c and 35e Bromo-Seltzer................95e, 449, 2 4,5e Certifie4 Health Sait, CoQling and ref reshing,i lb tin ,,,....59C Alka-Seltzer Tabets ,.~..... 29e and 57c Tyrrell's Antacid Powýder ....49c C',.harles B..TYr~I I~UI - AGENT FOR JACKMAIN FïL9WEPS Phone 68 :: : Orono, -Ont.. Colorful Paper Drapesl, rose pattervn on white or blue, pair.............. ...... _... $1.49 Children's Plastic Tea Sets, priced set 69cenld $1.00~ Striped Tea Towvelsl, in red and blue check, part , linen, each............... "Aristolite" Plastic Table Cloths, blue od. white check, 54 inches by 54 inches, each....-$1.29 Lipstick-, ail leading mnakes, Woodlbury, Càsh- merel, Bouquet, Do.n Juan, Lady Esther, West- more, Ponds, Princes Pat, etc, etc19c to 39t Boys' Covert Cloth- Suits in bluie, sizes 2 and 4i, each ....................$L35 Floweredl Hair Barrettes, eýach ..... .3 9eC Plastic Pie Containers for lunich boxes, each_ 25C TidCy-Locks "All Purpi-iose" Kit, contai.ning, three hair nets for all t-ie protection. For drst or sport and for slumber, complete kit .... 0 GROCERY FEATUTRES lb, 28c Pineapple Marin lad, lahrge 24 o>z. jar far ----- --- ------ -- - . 5l0 SPECIAL - Triibest Pie Crlsit Mix, pk-g..............25ec Libby's Sahet withl Meat Sauce, for--....-- ------17f, 2f'Gr -......33c Slirriff's Bïlac.k Currant Jelly, 124 ounice jar for - ---- - ----- --- ----- e Shirriff's s'eville Orang-eManaa, large lb fina --- - -- ---- ----- . SPECIAL - Kam, a ta.sty Luincheon iMeat, tin------------- --------.-..-...---------.M34 SPEGIAL - k. sale "oinodEasy ix for tea biscuits, pkg- 39c. 2 pkgs- 40e Snap Rand Cleaner---------------- ... 17c Daly's Coffee, ail purpo.seý grind. lb 59 LIHIN Mùid New Cheese, lb.................... 49 Aylmner Prune Plums, cho)iCe quality, 20> oZ. tins-------- 19C. 2 for3e49 ORONO 5c. TO $"1,00 STORE YOUR, POPTJTLAR 'SHOPPING CENTRE Meter Equlpmopt Apitvat. muat .Northcutt and SnI Funem ete R. u ri *n-DemI KINDNESS COURTESY Equippetd t. take tare se th*. medeet fun*ratl4 r.unbechà&gamau well autho larce. meut ,zatingÏ Telephone:. 05o t US euidnee: ïs~ Teloph.ne C*eett iith SER VICE 44 the oazt 19 aud 721 q J 114" ~ 4 i -i '3