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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Jul 1948, p. 1

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PFv 1 . 12 , No. -27, OiRONO. ONT., TH-URSUAY. JULY 29th, 1948 Su scinton~I flrw~VA C Newcastle Hardball Club Sports Day and Dance, August 2nd Newtonvilfle And Orono Girls Win Game Each In Finals ? ý. Oono týurnadi Vive tables Don tIse ".' ýetonvi]1e girlýs at Orono park on Weneda aennglasiV by tak- ingiIe secondg1amue la tise finals by tiescore of 25 Vo 112, Joan 'Cooýper ontemounidi forc the Oron-o girlsý iceigood1I balithrough'out, %weak- nngonlýy in tefourth Nben Newý- toýnvilîle scored six of their ton rus. 'Noveýton-ville was calledi pnV s 'opi*tcers iL. Binstedi started and ~iassoo rapaoo byP. Stark. This' nowlits teeotn ams-' a n a fvnfooting., wîtb the next gaine Cde - cingthse issue as Vo who ,,ill ha ise champo f dtrie longue. Nawonvlleiad irst btiniin ;the aieand mwrre blauked in theirl liaifveentwo Sitruck Oui, oaa was 52feut first but the fourt'h'batteri grune i ouL.Orono atarted offi strang On the l'ast bal by scoriný foir nonis hy A. Staples, C. S'affes E,. Tennant aud 1)- West. in the sac. end I eWlton<wiie had twvo runner crasa haine pl-ate, G. Jouas s nd IF -o owbile O)ron(o camre bac'k witl four ore in the hat oat tie second ,-inenscroi hy A, Stap1es, C. Sta. Pies, E.,an ansd iS. Flintoif, msk- iug iV 8 Vo 2 for 'Orno at the end of tho oecninningis.Inu Vise tbi'-d in. iii -gs Newtonvfllesecoredi oua runaCC Csalou L. Penuell's hit. Orou< mahe r k stronger than ever in baîfho of the third Iy coring âve rua C. Stales, E. TennautD. W'ýest, L.Deann and Shirley Flintoif. Tle f ourtls was the bigi ininqg for toeaini.N'eNtouiIe 'securedi sixý 01 hits h yî il B1tedi, P. stsrk, aýmy, M. Bu 1Tey dne Joneaý, wIsie Orono cam. e c ton fruns in the lastIit aîf1,on jrJ. Tenu uît, A. StLa ples,C sE. rTiannant, S. Flintoif, J 'oeM. MoKeInnaJ. Tannant, A.1 1 S tapes sud C. Sals mkn the scorie at the on of he fourtis rond, Orn 3 Netonville 9. Oay ouLr Newlonvllegirls fatced Joan, in ise fCiftb'.sud '1aIl ,,tbycud owaVo geV a runrir oýn second, but no far- '~k.>tisr.Orono was býell corles il their hait of 'tise fiftb, wben theyi m - Lont n laidem, the fis,-Vandi oni iy tisa--. Nwtuvlescoed Vwo osi in VCe llmst of tIse sdxtbon uas hyi C,.CameilsudM. HoLmn. n Li tIsa lis afof VIse sib Oono seo ;(red tw7mrenns,-J. Taijnantand A.i S t aplesA: INawtouvîllpe culdi do' lun hofirat cd tise se-cuth 'soua rus hy G. Walkey, briungtIsgLe 'gaine to an end VwitbOromo s hatting Voi spare, movre Ana suad CmlStapi)es, wltis fv munis asci lusix timer V o bat, wleE. Tonnant wlas a close rua- ae-pwithfoiîeur ru-s in six inies tbat. No Nemourville gilscored! aeethnVwo ruus, Y-i bas noV ho decided asyelt wen tis tird ud decàing, gamae will hol SIanaisd where, but w1hen iV is aid-1 ertisethom ilWho a argMe tumu- outï'Vo sea these two teains baVtîe fr V te cbsmpiouship of thie îague. Ou Fridaýy evenirng, JuIy 23rd. tIsa flrst ganse of the playoffs betwaaui Ormonsd!Newtourvle in tIseinas! for tne girlschampionahp ofVees-1 gue, took placeeat Newcastle. At CHLASING THE NEWS Wht e ean by chasiingi the nesitr yin- Vo secure enougi newsy items to fiA11'I p our:neWS papr. Soma-i weeks this is hard to db, while othier -weeks wve find it a sme iattor. Many- of our cîtizens Ïn Orono and vicînity, couid help us out 'l ifhe-yy wouklby sondingi in the nailles os ftheir. viSifOr-S, aceounts ,,Oi socalh i appenings, church functions, wedlngoand o'ther articles that lire o)finterest. We cannot get around t lo eoolect eert ' ,for if w,,e too'k thant nch ime -from rithe office we wouîd nreyer h 'L he' tune te printý the paiper-. ýEveryone sene.inig i an itemj or two niakes a paper. the erniofhesv hninsth SNewýtonivilile girls weme the vcos _ eetn Oruino by one mnVi1 score baingi 14 Vo 15. '. Oono ivadirsat' battingi and' were h held scorelesa for tace fIrst V.irea lu- ningis. Thay had i two lefit ou bases -in the fi-st iinilgs, went out in or- -dem in the second, andi had É two left f' on bases in the third, but Ists mere -noV forthWomîng Vo score the rus- Snoms' ou thâe bases. Euuice wss on'tVIve isniound ( for Orono, gîvigi up lmveubitsidte f-s eiuings for Vhree runs by ýM. Burlay, C. Caswelî ami 7M. Ialîan. She had tostrikeouts in Vthe iuig. n Vthe -second inugis Nevtonville waa blankod, ggout lin or a-. In the third ths~scored three runse by3M. Hatni n P. Pecnel' sud A ,JoeCs, maikingi tlhe seoio 6 tVo 0atVthe end of V1ive hird for Neowtoivli.eý. Iu that fourth O+ono )scored fNe runs. D. West hit ssf1ely, as did L. Deai n. M M,,cKennn ch-rove eut nhoeao clamng ive basas. J. Taennant sud A. Stples sz comed.luf the Iast of thal fourth ewonila coedan nn that by M iamnmknithe s core11 7 Vo 53 fori e'tnvle.Oono scomedj 1 m-un in ive flftiv, that hy E. Tan- ntwiile Newtony'ilIe put across four unisuin their aîf, by 11.ILBin- sted, G. 'Walkey , M. Bumle, sud M. Ha îunakinigithe score il Vo 6.3 1Emigitt batters were ap to bat fort Oron in the -OrsV of thasith scor- ingi four nous, by J. Tannant, E. MiddIlaetou, C. Stapiles sud E. Tanr- nant, wbile Newtonville scomed oune! muni, by F. e, a home un. AV tise end of tIse 6th innings tise score stoodi at 12 o 10 for Nwtoniilla. Oronon-nde a dSeaminad effort lu the fi-at of the sevantis wben hay t sîomed fouur iuns Vo taka the lesd Vthe fimt timo of Vive gamne. Thea uns wero cored)y A. Staple5, FE. Mid- leton, 'C. Staples; and M. MceXenna. O0rono could noV hold Vbier leadi in 0 tise' lasVbalSof Vive 7tiv Newton- V ville scomed tivmeo ruas, wvith ose outa Vo taIse tIse decisioni. The runs' were1 Scored by M. Burlay tha homne!fi ni, M1. IRalmansd iL.Pei-nell, giv- h m'g Vbe'm tise gaine by 15 Vo 1 4. Auna Staples for O-mrono Sas tIse Iseavy lutter, vwitls four AVoehem edt lu Rve Vises Ao bat. For Newton- V, Ville, M. Raîn,i niade Oive bits at fOve ti tr'O bat, sud scoredfI.ve! e unis. h Newcastle To'Have Arena Debenture Passed At Polsf ýOWadaesdlay, Jsly 21s'Vthie pao- pie, of Newvcasstle voted on a L-y-law te provide for the bo'rowisg of ?f6À'f0Oto aýstbuildingthe New - cas lAe mo-a Arena. A total )f 180 baflots -,are polledwis 119 gîv- ing tIse Newcaste Council 'authoity Vo place a dobautuma of $6A1'0 for th Isa ama. Sxt- n bllots -oe i db j c tioGr. Tive by-law passedi mitIs alnsta 2 o 1 majonî'ty. TIse amena funi nom v s t andoîs' a -aseifor this ppos.It is made up S $,00 inporsonll !s1nhscrip)- Vins 6,00psadby Vth vtrii anid a$,0 granit froni eOntri ustodi lu tsortis poion fIs Namaste PrkTise buildingwil1ý be coutmutedi of cornogated siveet mietdandas wmilI bave 9asYioveraîl - measremnitof 90' Seet y200 foot. An, ice surface of 75 Seet by 175 Seet wilîl Sumnisis plenty of space for hock*ey amid UVig -iL saunder- stood tVIat'wd dressingrons ilI be ui7 under the seats at the cen- t ra, TIse sastingi capacity is Vo ho ose thousand. ToOffer Third' Series .Canadian Sawings Boni The Ban',k of Canada anunn r-econtly 0ou behaîf of ive in,-ýlister Fina-nce ivat arrangements ara ban made for tha offceinig oS a tivird si les of C ,nada Savinga Bonds tV Faîl. Ternis of Vive uew issue W 'h noV ha fnialîy etalsbdunt2l lat --proballly some Vinse lu Sepfüiltiý H1owever, iV is eaxpectedi Vivat the Ps aSef-cumity will moetain ltl!'.e f e atu r ,sjwivich pmvednipopular Iru the fir woseries, Since Vlive introduction of Car. d-a 'SvnsBonds îln 19416, app, *caVions for tIsa lmrst sud second se iols have Votalled soýfatisas ,0, -P Vo a total value lu excess of $8- million. Tisa decîsion, Vo issue a th;- è sem rioé-s is bas-qý;ed4 mia iunî,;on t-th i (1 spraad diem.rand, Prep)amat-*is for iv e Spries Tvrc issue-gotundar -wýay at Ottawa rl jcentîy. As l iv e pa-st, Vive new ,s( cuity wil ho available for cas'h0 througi vanlous', methoda of in-sta' -ment purcivase. Harvesi camps Urgentiy Neesi Men And Womei Wýifis a bumpe'r cmop of fruits au, vegetaibles neariug tIshbe --etstag lu OntVario, tise situstion)1 reg-ardlin, Ivairveot lelip is more ser-ons-tisai ayer befoma, iV la reported by AIe, IMaclaren, Dirctor of the Ontari( <Fans iServiýe Force. Young usni sud women are urgeurtly nreeded frarDi August lst Vo 'Novqniber 15 ta 0î11 ýur the Plarus Service camps -wIsici havE bheau estabîîsised in Vive spta fruit-.and vegoeta-bie amueas. 1)--,ri r that pemiod, baavy crops oSfoco peur, aples, Vomlatoos,aViver "Sali fruits andvgtosd 25 csmn-pý are baiug o pernted, Vo -bousýe os-k- ens wbno are willing Vo d evote Vheiî iseý Von Ilie sa-ýv,,ing 3oS these assouVisl crops. 1BoVIs ouugmen sud m oinsare nueeded ,dfor 'Vise Fani-1s(ervi!c camps. NoV oxy ijlidieds ha equim-cîed fresI Auguatýý 1 ou, but at the end ofi Augstiigiv chool 1students wlbe lev iie campns Vo ratumuiltI scvlsd it la v i tLthat other young men, sud monecorne ffomrd Vo 'Lakce tivefirpla(es in tihe cms Camps are located thiougibout Vive Nigaadiare, alsýo at Hlollasd, Marh, nkvlla Clnksn, utton- vile, WsVqerford, Ruthven sud rhedford. Ste-ady work at excellant rates. of psy is guaranteed, sud with sayci-opa Vto ho hamvasted. hun- (imads of wor),kars milI ho e ýeded for tIse uet tree unontha. Any younig n-en o'r wnanmiv cn give tivrea Mveoko or rm-ore Vo this work, mhile ivinginluonýe oS tIsespendc dfarsn orvie cmps', wi'Da elcomred iths opens-s They are aslkted Vo pro- vide only thîleir omuv blaulcets, sheets 'Mmr, ýMaclaren appoals especiaîly Vo si-nýiera*z' sous suad, dugvtems whose- hasi-voat oi-k, on VIseur owu fanms la ompletad, anid whýo mould, like Vo aru asusatl amojunt of money y-ý takýingi part:lu ivte fruiV sud Al' youn.g nies sud momen inter- sted lu Vis bealtIs outdoom liSe o'f arvest w-%ork ai-a umgeuVly rqese to geVin Vl oucb witb ViveOnai Vari-c Service Force', 9 Richmond' SreeV <Et-t, Torou)to, at once. 135OOOArenaâ Plans Andi Site Are Approvesi Cobourg toms council ou tîda ighViî, July 23rdc, approved of tIse lansa sud site for a riulc sud -acres- on- cete costingi spproximstely 15,000 fo Goourg. The siVe is Vo be Division streeýt outls, fscing eat ftewards tIse park Cha building will be 224x110fl feet, of or pledgedl. Ha said thnat ïtV wïs qwit poslsib)le t'hat tIse bili-ng couii e stýarled amound Septen-,ber 15Vb sud - ha rýeadiy for usa by tise rt of neict Tive ounci paii trbut o bob Rollad. csiini~ M2 Uf th:¾n4aji ,,,,r Judging At Farm 0f -a Mr. ame ithi M .Ja e MALOL -BROOKS ids ;rrinîty Umted Churcb1 zed pilnk giladioli 0on saturdiay, July'24t Of' for theo m1arriage of Ge'lnDo ng 'audaugtorof 111r. andi 'irs. Sa,- er- Ue]p W. Brooks andLawrence Stanli his ý3icom on of Mr. andi rs Sta. TI1 ey 1Mloh-, Rev. J. E. Gripth toý er 1th~ e rvice and' the wediding nmus er xas by Mis. Rets i}udley. e Gve-n in avariage by her fathe osthe bride woro a.gow ofwh i rst ipper satin, floor lengtÉh, -with slio train, veil of niylon i1 ilusijon fal11,i r far~onn 'a s%7eeth1eart tiairra an(, carrà 11-napureroses andi bouvardia.. T]. br ridIal attendants were Miss Jea '0j facl and Misýs ,Lenore Collacul U81 n ptnk taffeta gowns, with nitchir rd ieaddress'es "and' gloves. Th e ns. l- tron cf honour was <Mms. Glen Brool; k-c-wncd' alik'le l inbuetuffetia. Tb, cee sniece, little Nancy Van N;as e in pale à) yellow taffeat, iw e flwer girl, 1Neil Malcolins, broth ; -er cf the g.roo,ywas'ý best m an. Du r o r fi- Ütise sign i ng -of th-e regi!stei Grant Brooks, b-rot her of the b rid0,i sang the Lord's Prayer and "Be A ecptonfollowed at thhom( of the 'bridep'sý parent' s, afterwardi R Vis happy c'ouple Ieft Vo î'pend theil boneymoon in 1 thse States. On ,lheii id irettuin they vu-l rroside o n thý e sgTOOm'Is farm' at North Ncestleton. To Compete At Belleville ThsniaJuy 'Oï. i-Al Sta Gr!ý' oftal tenifrom Dur- tham- 'uny, will ecompote at the [Jnor F Farer' lIdDay S, l wili bhofield. at Beîleville thilis -year. fThis competition takes in ab)ou t seven countlies and -,Lcassgreat In- terest at tis annual field day. Two r1years ago the uh. entry w,ýon 'l this eventand came near dCuplicaýiting the fonagnnl'ast yea1r. * StýV3 Payne, manage-r, b-as colect- od a srog'tain tog!2ethJer and lag-ain expects Vo take the chrmprions'bip. Ris tean will comprise the foown f players : Catchers, McKenna and H-olmun; pitclhers, .E. Tonnantli', J. Tenn'ant aud J. Cooper; Infiaeld, Grasy, Caswell, Bonathan and Wesýt; out- fi'eld, Joncs, Burlay nd taleon In the draw ma.,de Orono wiil play their flrst gamne vith a team fr'om Nortlhu orland, cmecnia 0 p.m. sharp. Member 0f Dogdom lu Court On Tiai Gormley - A d-gi will appear in court in Markhaîm Town rshîp this week Vo face a sheep Ickillingi charge. idinder, -a black Labmadi(or Retrieav- or, owned b3ý Mrs. Wyatt Johuson, is acucused cf beingi one of two dogis wbich killed. seven sbeiolh farm of William Brodie last Novam- ber ,24th. Cinder's mistresa.ý bas heen ordered to have the dog destroyed, but she has déelinodi Vo do so. She says' in- der is innocent. She sys' the dog was raised With a l'amb anid that ho would neyer kili sheep. Wlen 'Mrs. Johnsoni refused, Vo al- '10w the ýdog to bu dcestroyedi, the Torwnship Council asked tihat ýMrs. Johnson be prosecuted. Magiltrate O0. M. Martin hoard VIhe case at. Goriley, 'Ontario. He was to,îd that two constailes examined Cinder the sorni after the s'haep llingi andi t'hat teyfound neoithor. bloodi, nor w,ýooî on the doi Ho heard Mrs. Johmso-ýp1pead Cia- dler's innocenýce,. Thon ho remandfed thle case for s week 50 that - Cinder co-uld be brougiht into court. The mnan wbo lost VIve sheep, Wl l iam Brodie, was paidi $1100,00J as comprensation for thie sevon ' ead sh1eep. The Towni-'p Councilwant the. ohnsnsitlpsybaîf YTIMES unewom Brown e y v ý T w o h n d r a d i e ný th -u s ia s tsý in d a i : a- husband'ry ga'hered, at the fansi ok Mr, Ja mres T. Brown on 'rd ye e nc g, July Gth, fom Duranm Count sud severa! ad.jacenit counties. TI meetin, first of its kînd inl this dIj trict,wa arrai'ged by the Durbia Couuty Holstein Breeders' A ssoaci Vgi n, in co-operation wi-ïth th e O1 vgtario Livestock Branch, 'Vo demor strate poÎints in judigingi, discuss sc lie mgistration asud gradian- ger erally Vo stimulate 1intemest in bel terpeird stock. Mr. W. P. W,ýIa1 son, ne'wy appý.ointedi Ontario Live a- stock Director, gave a spedi al] ýeon farmi economîics andi farm, au 1dairy pmýactice. s Gret intereat was taicen in Vhi y- racica juigigiof ton cowSs select edi from M.Browns hebad. Scor( rcardsi wereisud to ahl who cared tV e5 test Vthe".r jud-lgmien sund these werl e- inter bake agaiust tIse rating -oý G eo. Vauvpatter, Aylmier, official Ëe gradier for the osen-reinAs- bs sociation cof Canada. The -judgin.g ir was not a contest te naine VIse win- ýr ners but simipîy a test for the in- ie divîial jud'es Vo compare tbeiî scores ,'vth ýthe of.19ciaI ratings. A finalcdraw off tickets gave prizes Vco Ton coves werýe spaced' into, twc gýroups of fi've ,wbicle were judged' a!- ternately lby'divid-ýing ,,the nmany ak- -1ingi part, Ratings. rnged' from en- colIln to Voery .good' good plus, gýoocî, fair aud poor. Noue -were in 'tIse latter 'class. The uriforumity otf the bord was shown bIy otais of ?>99 points in the first class sund 395 poiînt:s iMthbe second cýsss. Out'stand- ingi breeders froni ]Yrhnmi-, Ontario auId Ptroocouios vwera se Vo> statersss for their placements suid lthon Mm. Varpattar suimi-pd up wvith his' oficiIatings>.ItV w aa moet intes1tingi sud informative de- monstration for a grant mauy îwho took part. Mr. 'Oruiston suggestod that the t'o hr sires lu, the stable sbouId be seean. IHoe dr7e w particýular at- tenýtinto the year-oldI bull, Glonlaf- ton Futurity, cowned hy a locýal syn- Enni'kilaJaes T. Bow, vison sund Carlos Tmbyn and' Everett Brown, Oroino,qsud THsrry Josae of Newc.sstie. Thý ', bull camne fromi- the bard crf J. J. E. MciCague'I,Alson rd Mr. Vaupatter wasbead. to re- rk thatit 15 the hasýt yo-w- bull ha a ever seanr, Arrangements whicb werc eier- ally ýsopervisad by President Gordon Kellog, Secetary Harold ýMuir sud Agr icultural Hpeet~v .A Summers, left Ynothing I o ha dasirad T.Brw Balimore Sports Day Andi RacesVieil Attended te A large crowd attended' the sot mday and races held at Baltîmnron a beauty contest with MayorSit Eof 'Cobourg as jud!ge, ladies' and e- s softb'li', tug-of-war, the Bal- n-more tire brig-ade tahing oin al cou- tendesnew nachinery on d'ipl'y, along with harness and running races. k Folown'gare the resui1tsý of the draces. aiGrattan Jr,, H. J. White e8 cqîorne........-.... -, t Flicika, B.Samnons', 1borg x ýe Worthiy Girl, H. J. CWhte 3 Z 50 ue ae Cliff. RHie, Cobourg 4 1 e Time 2,17, 2A19. fla the first raýce of ülhe above classi H al Grattan and Fihthe Iast 9mnrtioned horse being ownedl by Os. Cowan, Orono, two years ago, ran a d'eadh't in the firs, race, and in. rthe second' heat Flicka was ith- dr&awn.î Parmer's Race - ý imny Porter, 'Cîiff. Hie......I T Browvnie, Fred Davey, CobouArg 3 2 *Jerry, Bruice iDavey, Bltimiore.,.. 2 3 Baba, W Ferguison, Cobourg-.., 4 4 Gray Ladd, J. Bal......., Time,11.21.0 Runiling Race (First Division) Barney, WV. Cochrane.....I11 skjipj iM. Spry, Cobouirg.......- _2 3 DolI, B. MIvor..............-------B34 Ptchesz, J. Ro, Cobourg.4 2 ('Second Division) White Star, W. arsCh*ug12 Tigg'er, L. 3.Miie Cobourg.. c 1 Judge, Fred Siade, James V'er- m1ilion; Timer, Dick Hea;Sat er, BortReid. Vern ,loy,, of Kendall, won on me ofý the luckydraws, winning$su,0 andth ersmns rovdd y .Mis. Brown iiand ladies, of the district in the farm home' aere gcrealy sp- p-recýiated. Mýr. Brown iiwas gvna vote of hÏ k for the gataon of work lie and is sorL andheer nerokta' mak'e the occasion the scesit wa1s. Much r1egre it ws exprvessed at the loss of âanTe animaIs of' M. Brown' herd' that wee ecently killed1by lgtig Przsfor tlih Iucy Ëdraws wereý contriuted 'y merchants in Port Hope andBo)wmanýville and' the win- niers inch-ided Mrs. Fred Tmln Orono; Keni Gilbank, Burketon -and Subscription $1.50 oer Year ig Phil Samis To Take Red Cross Course At Picton ,Activilties r-t Orono k ýCommunîity l'0 minutes tre'-d( water, flo0at or Memorial Park of. the children has s-,win in place. Water safoty knowlj- s1ackoned' down* considýearbly the edge, test. past week. This is duie to, soine of Forr the intermediates: 120' yards the ch'tîldren niow working, and oth- continuous, made up of 40 yards ers boing away vin holidays. Hw on or side sitroko, 40 yards, elem. ever, there are children attdig ack rbd rwad 0yr the'sosports, sûcb as lawn crochet, crawl or tuge.49 yards contin- quoits,, somoe hardibalý and softbalL nuis, mnade up s 20 yards armai on- ~Mr, Samis, the instructor, wl be ly on back, and 20 yards legs onfly on awayfon Wedn.esday to Friday of the back. 'Standingfront dive. Sur- noxt week when hoe willi tak:e a Redj face di've and 10' feet un'der wventer C-ross, instruction course at icton , wimi. Sýtrýidea pump- into d'eep water. His expenses for tdis course vi'ill be 15minuites tread water, float or swiiu. paidi by the Orono Branch -cf the Red in place, and ,water S'afety knowledge Cross SOUSty test. Somotime during the nionth of For the juniors: Jnmp inLtî eep August, a awii'nsd water safe- atr Level off. 15 yard swim. ty tes:t will be held in the local Turn about. 15 yard return. FIle- swmigtank for Juniors, inter- inietargiy hock strolke (15 yard!s). 2 modiates and seniors. 1 minutes tread water, flent or s'wim 'For the seniors the tests wHi be: in place Water sAfey knowledg-e >00 yrdsOU contin1uu, nmade up of 100 t estÉ. ~rards 'breast or 'si.de stroke, 100 Thiýs plan o3f Javingý an instructor- yards back crawli or back strok-eai-d at thie park is serving its purpose. It NO0 yards crawl or trudigen. 7503; Mnean to oocupy the chdldren's; irarda, 25 yardsQ arma o nly on back, minds with gaines and instructions sod 50 yards legs only on back. Sur-. swin in~ and aIse ,ta, bae the,

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