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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Jul 1948, p. 3

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Portugal is Portugal wbrfor moethan -fifteen years, An -lo e Oliveroý Salazar bas rujled unilopposed, n-tomi- inially as Premlier butr actuailly as absoluate d1ictator. Saar'smthods were unsec- tuaras comipared, w,ýith those2 of dictators suicli as Hitler- and -Musso- i.i As one for-eigl orepndn puts it, "Salazar's owni hemperamnent and the- Jac~k of interest: of the Por- tuaguse people have Led imii to as- sumie the' role of becadmnaster ratherý than tyranit; adalthouýtghi lie bas been accused o)f mIakýing undu(e use 4)f bis political police, there is no0 stat of terror in Portgal." Salazaý,r, aS Premier, is rsos- bic onl1Y tG the Presidenitwofr thle pas,'t hwenty yer---hsbeenl bis good frind Carmona. Eletions are hield onice every sceen aersnd Carmona cours up for re election nexh Februiary. This mnitb-for teflirs timie sinice 1928 -- there wasý alkc o)f aul opposition candéidat1e. General de Maoformler W,,ar Miit ra- nouuiîced that lie would rutsagane Carm-onsa aud, if elected, aboijîli the Salazar regime anîd insiut a liel democracy withouti anly poli- ticaI police or censorship. But no onie ini Portugal appears to hume become gr-ely excited by thec announement For une thîng, Generial de Mahos is eighty years of aLge. For aniother, dhe chances are lie willfid plenty of r-oad-blocks and dehours on lus way to th-e .Presiden1cy. As one citizen puint lit, "Ilf the Genieral appears ho lie 1nàaking muitch headway, Salazar willi probaly caîl off the eclectionalo gether. Nol doulit hreare Iolicasi thie Uniited States - and perhaps evenl on Shi ide of dhe border as welwosecretly wvishl that i- fliug elections 'was as simple a matras it Seemsý to bc- in Poý-rtugal IMalaya ofSitud on thu southeastern tip theli mailand of Asia isý Malaýya --a country consisting iar-geljy of anlgle witbi a pouaicù i round ~ milionbuta great producer Ojf ruLliber a, tin. <YSinice the .earlJy pai of the 1l9hh ~etr alaya bia,; been a Briitishi Poszssion Thon, affer tliree anld aý haîf1 years of Japaneose OcCuPation, duiring the laiqt war, theI- people Starhed 'agitatinlg for selfi-ruile, Britain reorgan!Iizedl the adiis!tra- tilonf MalYa and mae certain chaniiges,, bult tlie rea rntrols re- nmied in the hands of the Britih Higi Cmisinr Bu>tt thie Mly eentcts fied, Prices kýept rising whle wge reaudat a lowý level. And for thes past f ew mionithsc the omuit have been expýloitinig this dicntn ho hde limit. A waýve of herror liasbensrd ing. Lnlrsadidsraih have ben mudre industry brouglit ho a sndtl-und the- cuhysonly coal mline puit lut Of -ommlisision. Britisb rops backed by native po(lice, wentit actioni and there Were1- pitche btle na Kua1ýIla L'ampur, the C-apital. A casuaI visiho ho Mio Cit ou rcenit 1vnn 3ig , hav almiost irnaýginedi that Meic a, the UntdStates -cre a ith po1cint of wa. crlwd o)f betce be ltlundedl and a thousanid bad gah ered in front of theUned tas E Emb a ýsy sud thiere were i loudI, , shouns of 'Deahh ho the Yank !ees" -"eio îilot a, Yaneecolu -"ow ith Yne meil m and hIe like. St ,e and hksofcke a weeheaved, ah teù buýiling aI.- tholi Ie oully rasahy r-eportedc was aseodsoewiow Btit waul't as serionsu, asz it l)ookdý suld -onded The wo tig stre hu nJuly 2d a planet carrying mmesof the- Mex1ý,,-icnUnIitedI Shta tes foo sud mouh iseseColumission cýrashed on si snow cappedl mounhain. Si- teen men were Silld--mis An"es- ru sud1( eight Mexcas.Au wbn Awmercn Air Forc rescue crwsý flew dow from i; E l- as ho-1e Harness Horses Comning, Down to the Line 'For'a Quick Start-Harness horse racing- trottersl and pace,ýrs-is boomning as neyer, before ini nuany parts of Oiitario, as well as throughout Canadal and the UiteLd States. Que of the éèhief reasons for the ïincreasing pcipîlarity of the sport wi-th1 the general public is the use of a variety of startJing devices which eliminate much of[ the tediouis "scoring", fai-se starts and recails w1ýich were so boring to ail except the real harnc-,ss hore dvoteSeen in action'in this exclusive picture taken at the Newv Hamburg, Ont,, týrac'k is the Climie-Whitesill starting device. The barrier or "gate" is built into the reaýr of thec starter's car. W7hen the horses are lined tup behind, the car moves, off, slowly at irst thecn witAh -raduially increasîng speed. W'hen the tatigpoint is reachied the car spees1u, the wî,ngs of the gate fold, and the aose re on thecir way', geniera11ly to a pei'fect start, if mechanical iugeuuihy sud in- vcnhive' skill can do it, there slioldnt lie a single squablile or dispu-te in connechion wihh the lahesh 1an it miglit prove hoalie last- rcnewal of the "Olympiing" Gaines, currenitly leing îeld in dear old Lunuon. 'For the sportsmen 'wlo fosher thIese thingi bave gone ho no end of roulile dolliug tup the affair with, scieutifir gadgets sud couîrap- ions dlesigued ho eliminate ail liuman frailhy sud guesswork from the varïius results sud finishes. There m oîs' lieany be-ribboned Badger for finstance,prciosl perheL..~tpein 1hand(1-ou top 'f lieigîit'of a poleo! ute'sleap whiile 'lie crowd looks rahlsl on1, ulliug for th-e laddler ho breaký sud the Badger ho land on b is crumnpet. The pole vauilt uprights will lie rigged wihfi a poiniter sud slidiugscraie which rcau i e clearly read witbont the uise of laddcrs. A * - *> 1* Aso, somlebody continues ho halte aIl the joy ouit of life. We vîividIly recal one rack sud field mecet where the pratt-fall haken by a ,pole-vaulh judge from the top of au untrushworthy lsdder was the !higgýesh bit of the entire afternoon- the only happening, in fach, which rose lhe occupants ofthIe Pres Box from their ilumbers. TIeyý're, goitîg ho fire the start-_ iug gun iifor t he flat rares by remote controlA. Iiu he one hundred, two liundred sud four hundred meter events mun in laneîsud with tihe shartîug positions "staggercd"-the runner on the outside is ýsometimes as imucl as 150 felet away from the one i htIle pole position. The latter wonlId leatrthIe sounid of the start- iug gun as imucl as a teîîth of a s3econd bef1)ýore it aitthIe cars of the otieman-and in cvenhs sncbi as those ateucith of a second raulie' suffic-ient ho malte ail the difference bweua 7inning effort and a Butt wliile this remote controi shif 'Day be au improvement, stilî trewas something hoalie said for thie old miehhod where the starter shoo Iodedgat iu hand-an im- pjressýive figure if ever thîre was one. And Man, ,Oh Man, didn't some of theni know i(, hoo! We remember une of them who used ho stand there posiug for wbat seemcd.like boums iu order ho make sure that fhe,,ýyees of aIl' present - sud es-- pecîIalîy thec feminiue one - were prope(rly fJ'ocused ou himi, whiîe the nirl u sprinters, crazy hoalie off, rem.aine(d cou thie rark rapidly de- velpiu seerecases of thIe fantodo. Btthere caa ay wheîî this gen gt iscorne uppanice. Soe one, areui'h going ý-torealmt agedhto gain acreýss ho tlIc bag in wliih this sl-ipratstarter kýCpt bis gun land bliluk rarhtridges. FÏor thïe ltter hley'vslistiîuted sI ome whlich conhined chiarges o)f abo!t four timtes thie norm-ial power acd noisýe. Thie flrst time that fron the starter pulled the trigger lie not only started the race-lie startled himself into haking an unintcnded lcap into 'the air of near-record pro- portions, sud it was months before he wassbis olti-time master-of-aIl-I-' survey self again. No wonder,, ither. Whcn tliat gun wcnt off it sonnded more like a HE. sîseli than a blank cartridge. However,, if it did nothing else, the incident serYed ho enliven for a too-brief moment an afternoon of track-and-field which - dcvoid of sncb happenings r- au lie about as dedyduilias nyhigyo ill fiuld iiin I-eîir porLts amnc duIced -at the 194,S'renewal of the Games wilinl-diacaàmera- whidh wil1 not only picturec the exact order of a close f1iih but meclianically time tIc. athîctes as well; special sand thiat w iii ret1aini an exact im-' pressî)i o ofu hIe umper's hind lied usîhil a lsriedvc measures the ceap more eacl tan aniy human can do; e-tp starhiug blocks 1that can lie adjfusted -ho suit each inadividual runner sud so deprive sprinters ojfoe of theiir favoýrite aliis-that the.ir fooý,t sllpped ah the starht; hurdlcescof'alumninium so weightc te ît ialepehits one with aulunce ore thaun the pre- scribed eighh poundi "toppi*ng weigît" it will hopple as snrcly as a six-borse paray sd-but wbat's the use? Enongli is enougli; sud we lave already told you more than Suffi- cient ho prove thIe plausibuihty of our oPping stathemeuhn whîch, as you lave doubtîes forgov'tte, was hote effect that "if mechanmical inge-nuîty sud inventive skciccan do it", the Olympirs ah Loudn should lie ei-' tirely without the customnary squal-' bIcs', disputes sud suc!i-like goings-- on' But althongli hhsh would seem, ou the face of ih, like a resonahle enongli shatement w-e wouldn't ad-- vise you ho go making book sund offeriug hoo liberal odds that it turne otho le a shrichly trutîful one. Wh ave hoo vivid a memory of hrack--aud field 'meehs of old, and of OlymIrGamesOf bygone years. And whilc hhIley may introduce meclanical devices for sharting, timing, measnriug sud deciding the order of finisles, thlerc still seems ho lie one essenhial lackînig for a reigu' of peace, perfect peace. For we haven't secu any au- nouncement of a gadget or me- chanical contraphion guaranteed ho gag, muzzle oroiihlerwise render speechleýs thIe horde of coaches, Badgers sud other fficial lianger-s- ou wbo awascltteýr up the track atnd fild icuire, asdudwo care lbe observd-and eard 'ah their deadi- iîs-h n file înterCsts of inter- natinal ood-eelig sd frilnli- lstcO'lympirsC arc being heldi. ns;iug less waes, a ehensu- cessfuliy used by Ausgtralian gro- Crs ln NwSuhWales. Can't Win Elections On Just Plain Wïind It is ilnot extravagaUnt yammler-ing ou îteh,,nistings thsh wiis ecc-' tions, but a parhyv';s succes iii giv-- ing voters the liýElef that ýhlie are getting good goverumiieut, wary for the best inhereshs of ,lie people, sys a writer lu Thle Finaurcial post. The old parties should tink ab)out that. -Bctweeu elechions their po- litical-organizations are prcýtty mudli in dormant hibernation, TIc CCP i5 everywhere ah work every wveek, solidifying iutercsh, building Ioyalhy, cxploiting -the humrnan sdPail-but universal desire of people ho lie part of a gronp. And whlethcr it'sCCP tes parties, encIres, pirirs, study groups or liingoes Ethat iteresh thcm'muet, tIc polîtical resit 'is the same. The old organizationis ae worth ice cuibes in Aýulssa. They sleep ms of the tî1imetlien wake up effective hociwintIcieCanadian voteýrs' intcrcst ins or losly.o itîter of yor partieýs. Thev bore uýS witli las it miute orahory sud wat money on dhca lecintrcs Most CanadIÏins waut demoi-L rary ho survive inii s fiiine asdudo- ble country of ours. Some ha-ve the helief that it wilI orr aB uviei a socisîish goverumeuittae over. 1h woI't. TIis coulutry's fateee nuo ouîy ou the quslity and wisd;ýom of goveruiment it gets, but out He Suc- cesi of democratir parties iii br-iug-' ing homne ho tIc millions in -warmn rompelling human terms, terre- lahîonship 'wihh the ind-ividuiaianîd his personai probcli. That i5 not nov be- iug dýoue,. 1h must ie sud rau lic if outmnoded methods will liealadndihme Eve n As Yu And 1 Psycliah-,rishs lu Detroit hlave ,becu miakliug many htrips ho the muni- cipal zoo) lateîy. Thecir purpose is ho ind lot wly monkcy-s do so miai'.-qucer tig.An-,observer re t that the sràienhishscouîld ~te Icnselv Palot 'of trublîe. "Moneysdo raIzY thng,"Le1sys, "I'bc es he'c 50 mc ike peopile." Woud-Be A ssassin - Autonjo Pallante, 25-year--oId Sicilian law studenti, was seized jIn the attemi-pted assassiniationi of Ita- lian Commiiunist leader Palimire Togliatti. "I considered og liathi ant enemy of myv country, Pahiante toit! poIice. jCLASSIFIED ADVE1RTISING AGE~NTS WA24TBDl OILS, GREASES, TIRES, Lagecticideae. 8]ieloPeýnýe Ootroiiars Hous anýd BarIl Paint. Ro oaigeto. aI erg wanted. Write Wace reas e ~011 Lm ted . To'-ronto '10 OUT 0F 12 AIRE BYN Agn - anbig moneY, tuM or Par't;Lrne, taking orderd for Ou.r doorn eplates. l'ast sellr. Mr. Coull. GrandCaaedaQubc wrlteq: -1 showed ULt to12 PeoDle nd 10 hon1ught. TheY fouad itveu ifi-ee for uch a low price." Write nate for details or sentI 75e for sampie with Your own name on IL. Tinselcraft, Rega *, St. Hilaire. Box .8. Quebec. BUSINESS OPPiIRTUNITIE8 FARMERS WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY In Water Eowte. Stanchions. Miiiing Machinery and Separatore. Our motto. "Eetter Marchan- dise At Lower Prices," NEW IDEA DISTRIBUTINO,ý GODERICH, ONT. LAKEVIEW CHICKS Foc lune andI luly also Sum ner andI Psu Chieka Pr ompt deiivery If von art quiekl,. but book ahead toc Sumniar andI Fait $ breeds andI crosses to choose f ront Started Puliets 2- 4- 8 weeks te readl, to lay' Book goure, now-they wtli be verY srarce and eggs wili be bigh In oce Ready Msde 4 week old Ctapons--Capone are more pro itahie than cokreaevallable dur- ing tuiy Boy Lakeview chiciks front s resi breedine plant for beet sucres$ LAKEVIEW FARMS & 1HATCHERY PHONE 78 & 92 EXETER, ONTAR10 18'e HEAv1, ItEY FILLETS ift Rî Hav Bee nixe"d Chicks 14c. Raavy, B ee le -ts 6 aor.Rock x Le. Su sesLeg Follets 23c, sotd oleS 18e.Stated Cik oles2weks d ei 3. ws atItI12c, 4wk ddîe. sstd 4Wseka oldtýi liets 32c 0Ofder fr'on1 andI enclose tIbis aS witit orderi a!r I 00 pe'r 100deposit HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY LON DON ONTARIO 30,000 PULLETS 8, 10. 12 weeke oid tb Ready-to-lay. For de. lvery in '.uty.Augusi. September. antI Oct- oher. Thesa puliets arae ot surplus Thayi hava been detinlteiy set aside to meet the bie Satand for this age of polis.- AIlinoor- raised under the most ideai conditions. Rend for full particutars. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARMS WEIN BROTHERS EXETER ONTARIO STARTED CRIcKS-. cockerae. putlets non- Ecexed. two and thrae weeks oid: New Hampshires. Barred Rocks, New Hampshire .x Barred Rock, . LIht Sussex. Lîgbt Sussex x New Bamnpehire(s. Aiso older puilets eight weeks 10 laylng. Summer and hIal chines hooked ta order. Frea catalogua. Top Notcb Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario. STARTED CHICKS twa and threa weeks oid non-sexed. puitets and cockerels . Barred Rocks. New Hampshires x BarreS Rock,. White Rock. New Htampshire, Llght Sussex, Llghti Sussex x New Hampshiree. Also older poilats eight weeks to laying. Sommer and Pall dayý old chicke batched to order. Free Catalogue.j Tweddle Chick Hatcherles Llntited, Fergue. Ontario. TO CASH lBINon gurod egg andI meat markets Sept-Oct. chieke. or broilers, shouid bha A1' .e1uIs.dyod and started,. fr prompt de, ver. ryllcey. 1311) John NZ..- Haàn- - DYBINO AND VCLEANING HAVES 10U anïythina neede dyeing or dlean- ingl Write to us for Information. Wa ara glad ta answer youri questions. Department H-1 Parker's Dye Works LImiteS. 791 1 onge Street. Toronto. Ontario. FlOISSALE G-.& S. POTATO PICKER Buiit for the job. The modern way of harv- eating ptatoes. Write f or Information Gras'- Snyder Ltd., Hiilsburg. Ont. GARDEN tractors - threa ises banS andI power lawn mowers wltb ridIng seat.1 Bronze gear pumpe. etaînles steelsaate. Co)mplete range of englues andI ligating plants. Parts antI service for aIl maIres. Gas Engins Co. 33 Church, Toronto. REAVT7 duty White thresher with strass ciuer, Gond conditfon Phone Agin'couri HI-POWE -RED RIFLES- - WVrite for new liste and pires. SCOPE, SALES CO. 326 Queen St.Otaa.ont. 70 ANGORA rahhlts pjedigireed with or with- ont hatches, tiret ponze woer.Sobtz,pt Pellatt Ave.. Wrston. P O0. Box 2,Phone 1539YT. FOR SALE. 141 acres choice dairytam PartlY in corporation on No. 4 Bighway hetween Wingham andI Clinton. Good I-ront bouse. bydro. bath. ihot Seater heatina. New silo. new stahling. tie 40 cowe; water bowls. litter carrier, also large Implement shed and a heu bouse. Fniced for quick sale ai $1500, Apply Box 13. 123-ISth St., New Toronto. Ont. MIASSET BfARRIS seven ft. self-propeiled chper combine. Ea'gger Machine. 1947 miodal. used part of one eason Apply Foar- tan Broc, R. R. 1, Bactn Ont. TER1>ESHiERS. Hay Presses. Potato Dtggere. now vaillabl forirmediate deîivery. SenS for, lltustrated cicculars. Matthew Moody & Sons Company.,Tccc bonne, Qýue. Established 1845. HARLEY DAVIýS-ON- ,.MOTORCYCLES Parts and Service Bert M renoedy & Son 419 Cottage St.. Toronto FOR 8L]D EIlGHT THOUSAN> buYs 280 acres bUshZ elghty roda rive, thirty rodeu laIte f rontaýgk, hait mnillion test standing timber! Power eawý tractor. truck, chaîne, hooke. esaws. ares, camp frurniture and equlpmant. Betwesa Whitefhish and Turtle Lakas on HlghwaY. Hlealth forces sale. J. P. SUllIVan. IHuml- phrey, Ont. ONE BIItDSELL CLOVER HULLER. nrI t bar., u blower anS feeder. Bert lriste TURKEY Ehanke tu our many customere for facIltatiît our poult production by plachea their orderg aarly, and to those who bave written to os a-i thaîr svlendid success with our 11148 Fouît.. Limited quantity stili available for lata .fuki. Orders flow accepteS for Fall Hatebed Fouit.. LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH EXETER ONTARIO NA-CHURS -LIQUID PERTILIZER Wonderful resulta front modem lquid feedsg, locreases yield. produces better crope I[desi for planting. side dressing. iawns and home gardens 16 oz..$1LO0. 32 os.. $1 75 W. prepay postage Na-Chure. London. ('antda. TWENTY HEAD of regietered Shorthorne. t- ctuding femnales of ail agee, and herd eire 'Glenhurn Leader". Accredited and tree listed. L. Wilfred Latimer Greenbrook Fares, Edwards. Ont. NEW CASE THRESHER 28 x 47 on ru1ber.: New Studebaker Trucks. two andI three tans,. Aprjty S. J. Church. Studebaker and .1. L. tCase Dealer, Jarvis. Ont. Phone 60-2. IRISH SETTERS. Mahogany coated ait. crate front imported champions. Safe de- livery guaranteed. Ardee Kennele. DaLmng.v Saskatchewan. NEW RUBBER BE7LTING. for farm impiffe- S mente and mnachinry. 2"' x 3 ply. 18e ft.: 411 1x-1 iy. .18e ft.; r6" x 4 pty.56c ft. Mathe ody& SnsCo-pany. ereoo FRS E.100-acre farn) between Wingham anI Chaton. -rombouse. Baro 48,x70 tfU impuleneni ,hedl660 f andI chickelo bons. 22X27 fýt. Buiidings in good repaît'. DrIle well antidsome bush. AUI for ý 5.000 Apply Bo. 1t3 2-lSh t., New Toronto. Ont EW1848 24_'-42 Wat-ertoo Thresher on rubher. 750(x2O tirero1Ier bearings; Hart weigher and bagger. 100 ft. 8" drive boit. Only usaiý 6 iaYs. $1800. Also Joha Deere D> Tractor ton ruhber $e50.00. . Earendregt. U-nion Ot. II__!AIRDRESSING LEARNE lairdressing the Roberteos mthd Iformation on reriuest ragardine îess Roberteone HRairdreesing Are(iemv 1 A ve. nue Road. Toront. FIELP WANTED QUALIFIRED teacher required for Staniepv .Village Sehol, 16 miles from, Port Wlim grades 1-8. enrolment 26 Excellent accom- mnodation close by, Duties commence Sept. 1. Experience andI extra qualifications apprec- ated Erie Sideen. Sec, ,Teas.. S S Papoonge RR K1, Fort William. Ont, SCI400L NUTRSE wanted for St aelen'. Scbool. Dunhan. Quebec FLN or Traîna A.ttendant ,ath experience Soma suparvisory duties wïth younger children reouired Am4pl Miss R. Hague, Metts Beach. Quebec BRENT, ONT. Renfrew County: Te7acheï 1wanted for Deacon S. S. No, 1. D)utie commence September st. ApffIy staitina s!- ary and qualifications, Thos ixn.Sec.- Troas., Brent. Ont. QUALIFIED TEACHER rqie for Mionck- land Village School. S. 3. No. 19, Roxhor- ough. Duties te commence in September. &A- ply, etating qualifications andI experlence. ta L. H. Coulthart. Secy. -Treas.. Monckland. O)nt DIETICIAN-Housekeepýer wenited fori St. Hfelen'e Sehool. Dunham. Que A.pllc-aet sho ild bave train ing orpatiaexrin. Knowledga of French desirable Aop1lvMs H.iý Bau nid each. Queber mlatic Pains oùr -Neuritis soiuld try Dixon's Raemedy. Mlunro's DrugStoe. 11 7 gl Ottawa. PostpaId $100). TRY T I Every sferroflRhauimatlc Paina or Neuritis should try D1xons emdy Monroe Drug Store. .335 Elgin, Ottawô- Postpaid $1.00. OPPoRTUNITIES FOR WOMEN_ BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIE CANADA'S LEADINO SCHOOL1 Great Opportunity Learn Rairdressi .ng Fleasant dignifieI profession. good vwageýs, thousands successf cI Marvel graýduates, Americe's greateet syster. tIlýustrateid cra- logue fre.e Write or Cali MARTEL RAIRIURE SSING SOHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W.. Toronto Branches: 44 Kina St.. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa PATEN~TS -E-THERSTONAUGB 4&CmpnPttS- licitors. Establislhed 1890. 14 RngWe$ Toronto. Booklet «finformation on reqiuýe FHOTOCQEAPHY THRIFTY PHOTO SERVICE Free entargement with each roll 6 or 8 ex-' posure roll developed and prInted 30aRerit 4, F, . O.Box 145, Toroto WANTED WANTED to purchase pullets ilht weeke tri laylng Pure breede or hybridcrse.Ata age. nurnier and pri.s. AppiyBox'., 3 1231lth St., New Toronto. Ont. QuicItI Stop itching ohfiset Ietesa sh. a e ahivapip e 3, ssecabies.athlete i Bt p aý O rgUse qsick-îacting soothing' antieUteD. Di .. RSCRIPTIONMGeasel m ,stines .c stos o yoe mnybc.Yu rg For constanit'Smoking Pleasure * "EXPOIT" Cigarette Tobaccoý- - - IN YîPOUND INS ,; 1 -, ' m"777

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