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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Jul 1948, p. 4

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r.v il The Orono Weekly Times Adver-tising Rates on request Subscription $1.50 Try our up-to-date Job Plant.. Our prices are sure to please, and oýur \work , is- of the best Ptiblîihedý every Thursday miorninig at theý Times office R. A. Forrester, Publisher Established January, 1937. Soil Testing Eflliency is fast 'beeoming the keyuote for sucýcessful farm:ý ing. The past fe'w year s have seen the inception cf the tra-ctor, up- to-daite iachinery audi odm farmiug ujethodîsý. Much of this ap- parent heaiýway could com-e to niaught bowever, if laudis n iot care- fully studied' aud tes1tedi. The rigkt crop on the right lai-d spelîs sucss while the wrtong crop iay m,-enu failure despite ewey came- fui preparation. itvwould aplpear to he the neme of wisdo, for farmers to take tests of thi soci andl Vg couifide lu the research fueilitiesý ma-de pos- sible by the Deprtment of .Agieulture. A good man Vo kuow is ithe local Reprsentative of the Deparmient of Agriculture. Our people pay flr-the servicstdus rendered. They migbt ns well use thon, Farmn'ers aire discrinatîng and ,vise' iu their owu rigbt, and a pecuiliar- "sevenithses' tells them ha to grow in this field, und wh'at -not o grow in that. The feliow who acýtually bas the advaru- tnge i-s the one 'who goes "a,1l11out" andi niaikes a downright bushiness cf fludng tbOinmuiascientificimaner. So-called poor farmse have mrns'ed, good living for nany discerniug people. Othierfrs eorsddered gond have failed through incrrect ietbod's on thie part of the owuei'. Wbeni lard possesses potentialitiesz for- gond cro'ps, ]etV-us leru w mhaV those' mos hould cpnsis'Vof. Wewill he gettinig ciuto týhe right trck in this way, and tailk over the hue feuce will be ns from one farmer Vo unother unitedi in a profession. Our far- aners are in Mhe husius in a proqfessýýoinutl -auner to-day, and soil tetgsJirouldl fludi a large place lu the picture. Peace 0f Mînd Somwbreor other -we rend a statemient Vo the effeet that meutailj quirilks arecnlwayls the drecV r>esiît of physical ilîýs. In, other 1Aerds,ý people are noV peculiar, -meutulJly deranged or dowuri.gbt strazy unlesa the bodily orguns have first of aIl succunifiedi Vo the ravagesofcsaer undi tear. Reeogniiung these frets, our doctors are keen to study the bodhy healb of dterp~nts luntbe assurrance that pence of mmnd inay be hrought Vo the latter if ntmal health is restowedi. Mauy seActsanud i reils groups daim the pcwer cf lbealing. 'Mayhe tbey baea rih)othe hbouurwheu an recall that imedical education uwent baud lu baud wîtb the eèrly churcb. Jutbte sÀiame, we would stogyprefer the priese(iuce Of a trained phyýsîiýianlu time of needi in lieu nof a meicatl uumaiedyci'V nellmeauiug spirýitual adviser. Possibly this is oly our owu feeling lu the matter. Hlowever, that la b,-ow thiuigs strike us. The Englis hbave iuam teda publicheu&tbservie SI&iVo irk ith the fOuest lunthe marl.Peopie of modest meanus 'iiilbe gusararitecd medwclheop at ail tmes. Cots wiu! noV cspipple e flnu-iil.F'urher'more, Lord so-auio auibis Lady wMllStil ha've acceas Vo Cesr favorite doctor, audino law 0i11 probibit the payiu.g cf a haudisome fee should conscience dictate h. Perce cf .Mindishouldihave an inuings bere, bcae e sfeaarnuiety aud serrcsv Mat follow alou-g ufter 111 heaIlb. Wbatever else miay be saidi about the shortcomiug's cf socilsanshrelxa mmadmittedy worthy effort in the-OldiLundi Vo hriug hetter b-eaith Vo millions of people at mcdest Qost.Ail cf wbich souu'ds snsible to us. What thiuk Yeu, brothr ? "Poem-s" A lovely collection cf poem--s came into our possession noV sb long ago through the me<im cf a local fraternal organizaticu. ln- trigued by some cf the work, ms wrote Vo the author as'kiug per- anission o have copies cf one particulamr poemn priuted i lulage type, framed, and hbug lu a public place. 'The xeply vas particularly griosand 'was' ncccmauied by three copies cf other pooems from the saine bock, ail set Vo munie. Geneosity muiy lbe au attribute cf poets. At lerst iV -would appjear that w-ay. Who but the poet and nathor eau scatter trutb and beauty witb a more lavisb baud ? No wcuder poeum must be sung as weiI as recitedi. Expression simply dlemauds' it, When someune snidi "et me siug the uuatiou's sugs' and I cure lot who makes ber laws" dhey utteredi a great uth. NoV ail poemls and songseprray the ideda fr Which we ought Vo stive. Somie weed- ing out A uecessry.MWho jeisnV be the judge you aslk ? 1eil, that Aa matter for persona discrimination, iV wcuuld seemi-. If tnwdry thiugs are foistei upou us audi we fiud the aility te elimiu. te them in peeec for, that wbicb is better ,e n ay rest as'spred cf some resideuce of the true siugiug heurtwthu A Ilo f satisfacioni is wrnpped up lu the tiuy uock cf pcemns to 'wich wbave referi. Kiusýhip wt the author is ours tbroughbbei-ef lu ber sentimentsand hecuse hree scugs accom- eaned a gracînus letter. One cf thee-duys, more ïqu'd more pqople CHl diseover the trup note cf happiuessaud perce. IV n'ili be wafted lcng l0 words from mwich al meanuess has been erased, ud will be setto musie that ail cruon g Hlonest IDealing Moeutreuds ru a lot cof worthwhi'le improvemeuts lin th1eir 'w-ake, They isco carriy implications thut leave room for imn- prcveent.Perbrýps tis is ju-t anotehr wuy cf suyiuýg thut some àlc-fshionedi chacteses resill soundi, ïnd thut tbey nmust cf necerityiroain a part cf the moder set-up if moderuity is to sur- vive. Take for examle the preseutrday tendeucy towurd "rackets". EverywbereWu har Of thi Mithat m=e11od, wheretby some lu- diiulor ocu f idiuasmybe im-de Vo pay *"thriough theý noe~foriod. evcs ree poeto f life' andiprcperty'. We .uiaysbaibordiasmon, suspcin in tje mater cfnils for lu- ance. Nils are scarce and expensive. Ycu do noV needýI to be m- iindied cf the fuet. The thiug thait puzzles a lot (cf,'us is wýhether the scarciy is entirely due toyV k cf materisan ad derrtb cf labor, or 'hetber a smalbut powerfl minority inlidateuiug ut the ex- CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Wmu.'Curtis, of Kendial, wish- eto exreichr most t,'haikful anid sineere ,thanrks Vo Dr. MKniW. A., Kendalie, anid alsuO Vo Rev. Bunit, fien-ds andnegos for- the most apprpeiated ats Ofkndeescas frit, tcsent to heiuin ,ýýig er- recent ilneistherhoe Pelie. Lunn awgtàa17 inchbrwn trIout ou0e11 sayeveing 1--last, and lost allotheu. larger olle, lie was oly out fô,r tweilttymjinutes. CAPITOL PO0R T HOPE Thurs., Fni., July 29-30 "Lady From Shangliai" With Rita Hayworth and Orson Welles Also 'SLAVE SlIP" (8.20) Satuirday Only, July 31 "STRAWBERRY ROAN" iMCAMPUS HONEYMOON" After Suinday Midnight1 SPOOK SHOAW "The 'Huse of Ilorrors" 'kShe-Wolf of London" Monm. & Tues., Aug. 2-3 "FORT APDACHE" With Johni Waynýe, S1hirley Temple and IHen-ry Fonýda pance in, Pontypool Oddfellows' Hall.o Saturday, July Bist. d miso:Aduluts ,315e.; C1hl e 5. j-ýev@YbodY welcom'e, P'ictuire s'how in th e Ponilt YI)ool OdkfelosHall on Tursday, .luly 29th, at 7.30 and .30j, and unOr o on rdaJuly nkh t 7.3ù and 9).30 pm, TeCorpse C, lme 'C.O.D." CANAAN ýR ED1)C ROS S S ETS falsion Service fias firought re< s'ientific prominencee to the Domi-n- ion as doctors' 'ïÀiiCi 'ljtli officiais from Othe],cunrie0p1pae 1o,11t Ccnadian Red 'Cross Blood Trans- fusioýn Depots ,vith a view te organ- izing sfi1miar prograurs abroad. r. Lorenzo Lapponli of the lian lied ICrous arred iluTOro toc-ay enrou to CaIy, .Aaberta , where Jhe servce has heen in operation four the p-,t year. Ilie w albserve do- nr clin4c procediure, n icinics, teîtng go u piugpriocessinig and othe 1lahratory wock andi te deliv- -rysyte whichi supplies whole thouho'tthe poine without charge. Dr.Lap"pn s mone of three Eur- opean d (oCtors cduld o visit 'Can- ada for this puripose fli te next fePw veeçs. D. JUn Saade a'd Dr. G. Gý. A. îMastenhroek of th-l Nethrlana led 'Cross will r-rive in Halifax early ini Augusat. AU i hee dlotors are studyvstr to the TUnit- Qd States as guet of 'te Ameian Red Cosobs'erving healh, ning and safety service's. While in Cari- ada they wil he the gu'ests of the ranadian Red' Cross Society. Tihe first free pcrn of its kiud in.*the world, the Candan led Cross Blood "Trans>fus-ion Serïviýe lhns been un.derway in Brits'h Columaa for the past, year and a haîf and in Aiberta since last July. This suGm- mler wiil see the opng0f new dle- potg to serve th'e thre tMaritiime Proqvin-cesî, while the So'iety pre- pares Vo extend the servi--cior- mmirion-wide operatin ihinth ext t1walebvemonths. ORONO 'ELECTRIC Phone 55 r 1, Orono WIRING .Indiustrîal, Commercial, Parm and Domaestiu Pole Uànes a Specialty. FIXTURES and APplitnces. REPAIRS To Wiring- Radios ' Toasters - Irons Ranges - Hot Plates - Ail Electrical Equipmnent. Orders for Fall Wiring should be considered now. See ERNIE, JERRY orHEB The property of MR. J. F. LORRIMAN wl'l be held at the EXHIBITION GROUNDS ORONO on the afternoon of Saturday, July 3Ist commencing at 1.00 p.m. sharp Modern and Antique Fuirniture, Dishes, Stoves, Garden To1s, etc. TERMS CASH - Sale Will be held inside Jack Reid, Auctioneer A.M.C.A., Electrie Rangettes ...... ..... Ci6(i-00W A Second Hand 3-burner Monarch Stove .. $10.06 Findley Oval and'Condor Cook Stoves. Screen Doors.........$5.00 and $6.75 11 lbpisDDT, 50% ettable Powvder, pr ai$25 Garden ande Lawn Fertilizers.,- A 51-pierce Set of DJishes....... ....229 Aladdin ,Electrie Lamps......$.5to $00 BetyElectrie VWashier. ......$190 -New BatodWater-prooif Brick Siding, ROLPH HARDWARE Phone 43r1 Orono Phone 79-16 ORONO Radio Service! The combination of experience, Com- plete data onail makes, and moderu test equipmenIt will ensure PROMPT, REASONABLE AIND EXPERT REPAIRS Rl. L. MYLES Phaoe 79 r 4 -ORN Free Estimnates will be Given Cheerfully on Rock Wool Home Insulation 1By Blower System, Four luches thick, GILPIN S& Go. lnsulationî Contractors, 57 Blour St. West, Toronto Diîstrict RepreSentative for Durham CoGunty GEORGE WADDELL Phone 23 r 22 - -GETHilAN Y monuments Th-e RUTTER GRAN1T COMPANY Phkone 501 - P.o. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontarlo Monuments, Gravemarkere Eirravînff. Goldleafine C0M1INW,' EVENTS hloilding ýits ana Sports Daiy in iNewcasrtle AthîcJtie Feld on] (Civilc Hol la y) o 11411 ugut -nd. There will be cole sft allme il th'e monOropo anld Newcastl ~te ftrnonthere wiIl, be twý'o 1hardl- balgamues, thne firs't between Keiudal andi NewcaLýstle, cmecn at 1.30 p.m., with Bwavleplayiug the winnrer. A caruival and -,ra)nd dra-w wvili be held -at 9.00 p.m. ,Thieee are 2J prizes oftered, A dfaiicPwill he heldi 'in the comm-unlity Hall Thlowing the proceedings, w'th Roy, Forrester andi hi's 7-piece tace bah- i at tenrdance, NOTICE The oficeof R.'R. addell, K.C., Inl Orono, illbe closedi from ugs 2nid to August l6th, 14,icuie ANNOUNCEMENT Phone Ke, ain, 50' r , 19,Oron. d-2/7-c, W-ANTED TO RE-NT > Ornsuitaible for fail o0f- r twoc aduits and tw'o ch'ldren,' avaîl- ale Aliuig.- 1 if p)o ssible. Write Ms P.a y Canetonl, 209 Q G raha m St., Woodstocýk (phone 2432W), or conE- tact lMrs.. A. Carleton, Orono. td. FORPSALE A ligh't tar in goo(i conydiTioFn. P'hone 46 r 10, Oriono. a2- FOR SALE One- 'Bate-ry Maniltlýe PRaldio (-ilo,il good conditio)n. ÀA)ppy Vo S. f) S-oUc, ,Orono. 25p old, Aplyto A. H1. Keah'e Phone Une blak -yeajr-old mare, in the v~i~yof Puypo.Also have for l'ae co,1-pLie PuS. mit. 'Neil 'C Urtis, Pone 8SI r 10, 'irono; a-.27-c ORONO Furniture liospital Repholstenn Repairing Refinishing Antiquîes Bought and Sold Se. unr lin. of Drapery 'Kthn Material KthnUnit. made teo rder C. F. Duncan Office 688 Home 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOT-ARY Phones:- Office 825 Residenco 489 BOWMAINVILLE, ONT. VETERJNARY DR. W. W.8SHERWIN VETERINARY SURGEON Office AMain St. Oo Phone 63 r 7, Orono INSUREANCE J. C. GAMEY 1 NSURMA ÀN C E Fire, Casualty, Automobil, and Liability 0ORONO - ONTARIO Hartford Fire Insuranice 'Waterloo Mlutual Fire Insurance' 'Wawanesa Mutual Insurance is rpresntedn this district hy DANE FOUND If it's 1nssnrance, give Dalie a tr& LEROY HAMILTON INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Fire, Automnobile, Liability, Life, H-ospitalization, Plate Glass, Burglary, Casualty Representing the L;eadirqg CANADIAN, BRITZSR tand AMERICAN COMPANIES Office, Main St. - ORRO Phones. office 32 r 10; Rea. 1 rTl phone nme an'd Iwil li lCtosuit yon. Es.timates freely given, no ohigationý INFOCIrMATION Would Yeu 1ke to kno.w more about the following 7 (a) How to will te your famfly Que thousand dolars that you haven't yqÊ saved ? (b) H-ow togarte a salary cchequ. to yoýur famly eeymonth for 10-15 or 20 years should you b. takien out of the piture ? (c) Howý to have a salary cheque every month for yourself as long au You live, commeneing at age 55-60 or 65. (d) How to guarantee that your son or daghter will have the mtoney for an eduqcation beyond highi schools Let us hapve a chat about it some- FRED LYCETT ORONO0 l8 Ir 1 AUCTIONEERS TED JACKDC( 1' Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of ail sizes and at reasonable rates Communicate with hlm at -P«$~~ Pecrry, ontnrio, or see hi. Clerk, A, E. Mlorton, at O-rono, for date. JA"ÀCK R ED Orono's ,Licensed A4,uctioneer and Valu ator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuait me for termu and dates Phone 5r 18 - r- MEDICAL A. F. M,ýcKENZIE, M.D. PHYSIC A sd SURGEON 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 to 8.00 pm-. Swndays ami Wednesdays by appointmirent only PHONE 47r1 - ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. blason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor Bo0WMýANVILLF, ONT. Phones:-

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