W1,hen yo)u hv nthn tirade or want to prhst, adver Our- j uts. ln the Grcono Tiii,ý Coluin will ri ýwg LLE 'COOL Thursday AIR-CONDITIONED COOL Friday- Saturday - JuIy 29, 30, 31 MIDNIHTSHOW SUNDAY, AUJGUST .lst BORIS KARLOFF- - 12.05 pm. LON' CHANEY "1HOUSE 0F FRANKENSTEIN"y - ADDEDFEA*TURtE It Wil Seare You Ouit 0f Yotur Skin! "'THE CAT CREEPS"y M«ATINEE MOl(NDAY, AUGý'UST 2nd - 2 p.m. "Secret Life 0f Walter -Mitty" Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Aug. 2, 3, 4 CAN 1Y01 USE A LOAD 0P F LAUGHS? DANNY KA2Y E and VIRCGINIA MAYO ilÉ 'TH"ESECRET LIFE 0 WALTER MITTY" IN TECHNICOLOR Mr ~ RD &WHITE STORSu Last Minute RemIinders For Long Week-end &g Camping FRENCH'S RREPARED MUSTARD Large jar ...................12e KLIK "A handy ail pork produet, in........ 40e PAPER PLATES One dozen for...... ...... lOc Aylmer Boston Brown PO-RK &BEMANS 2 tins for ý. . . - - . . . . . . KELLOGGý"S VARIETY CEREA.......5 Assorted, ready-cooked cereals, pkg ....... 37c GRAHA-M'S WAXED PAPER 100 feet and heavy, pkg................ 29e WILSON'S DRY GINGER ALE Quart bottie for ......,.. .. ,~ ,,18e FLY TOX Inseet Bomh, Ikfilis ail, each ....$16 BAUMERT SRREADY CHEESE$16 Choice of plain relish and pimento, pkg..... 20e( FANCY PINK S-AMON Large Ilb tini, each .,..53e STOKELY'S SALý',ITINES Honey Pod Salted Sodas, pkg .,..2e Pa VINEGAR pa Blended and Putre W'hite h Wine, galflon ....45è 'VELVET C.AKE AND PAS- 9 TRY FLOUR ______ 5 lb) bag for......43eKlee LEMON iPIE FILLING Jello, 2 pkýgs f lor ,. ..19e MnsSz POST'S BRAýN FLAKES pg Large pkg ...... 21C 29C OORNISH, N. Miss liiez Godinss thee, tele- phone oeatrat te rnoTee ohone Coiriany iMy. adMs tiand nd fL'o- don, are visiing itoh ber ~se Mis. JackGionaiM.Stc- landùof Qroýno, Mrs. iMdCoimîck7, Mrs. lazMiýss Poster adMs Graýdy, alof Hm ilton, visited wihte Armstrongs over thewe-ed Mrs. Arthuî Bishop anddngher Beverley and Jacqueline, 'ofNaar Falls, spent the past 'week is-tii-g Mr. -and Mis, Milton Temnblynj. Mr. and Mrs, Jaek Leis.hmn, of Toronto, accompanied by Mr. George Mithelll, visited at Mi. and àMis, Milton Tamblynp's on Saturîiayý. Mr. and Mis. George Whteof Ottawa, visited Mr. and Ms Carl Bihings anud MIr, and 'Ms. ary M,>ý'r. irnd Mis. Harr y Raiey, Mr. andi Mis.Crl Billin.gs, Mr. and Mis. Websýter isi'dMo. and,,Mrs. Georg1e Cole,.c Pot ope. Mr. and iCyrii French, of Osh aweevisitoîs with Mi. and Mis, B.Wbt and Mi. and Mrs. Donald Graham and family. Mr. HowrdMyles, son of Mr, und Mr,'Deb" Mle','as rnarried 0on Sadu rday,- July 24t,1at Mildbr'ook to 11issJean Mi;,itcell of Balrlyuf. Miss Sheila Wes;t has retuînied homYe to, Toronito aftei spending ai wçeeik's holid(ay vwlth Mi. nndc Mis. A. E. West. Mn. Staýn. Payne bas inistalled a dîug counter ini bis' place ofbunes and bas also nddied new,ý talbles for bis îetsauranit, MYi. nd'Ms Willniott Brent, Mi, Wrii, Brout, of0 Uxhridgte, Mr. and Mis. S. R. i Cnld'well4, Port Hiope, visited witb Mr. anid Mis.. Wrin. Stain1ton Conl Sunday. A nwsdeal shiglaid to, the fr-ont anproacli to the Canadian Bank of Cmec hacfrom ,the 'Main street. Mi. and _Mis, Cordon Leamienan famîily bavc e îetumned to Toronto af- ter a two weeks' vacation luOrono. and at Lake ;Sîmcoe. Mn. Aithur Bell, of Bowmrianiiville, was a weicomne vîsitor et the nmoîn-, ing service of Pe~ Chuich, last Su'awhen Le sanlg twoslos ln bhisý uïsýulfinle ve onto,whed to Orcoad is spenid- an 'a,-eek's holidiays -witb beri gîanmoteî,Mos. Crae, also' W. H1. Mi. Jaek Beatty, C. E., Gray Couty 'MsBeatty ,nna'daughter parhin, OVenSon, e uet of her antYMs. H.L als, Iisý poined y ClîkeTownbip'Council ed tbe (Gi Gides fo rono last Fia'and Sunda, wbo arP, e Ibajppilyý eenoth of B'cyen Mis. al'p Dow o f Bioa:dvew, Ses'., ad Mss 1m CaaphiofRe- Mr.andMo-, IjeRoy .Bro\+n1 and11 Mr.J. rD. iBrwn veteweked LeRyis' hein' 1trans -fe-did ,fr)! iryChrCbfastbM ser.o rob"e fomthe Old'i Land wa 'woî ib-y tho eil,i(' Local News Miss: Aglies Fîgup-s)non f Roches- ton,ý N.Y., is visitjmg hier sýstev, is. Mr. Al1den HTaw, Toronto,) visited( Mrs. H W aisb ad called onl a M"nu- ber-i of Oronýo fiiie!end'sthîis vweek.ý The ei-mploy(ees(if Snt"Box factory at Newcas'te are 1holiîayi ibis week. od- sp'ent Saturdaly with her pjaren1tsMr., nd M1eIsoLn. Bourne at Les'kard. CMi.and iMrs. Walter Can'eton, of Aiax. were in touover the past M"~. Grfiel P~'t, ofTo'ronto., is vi îttir& ithbrterMiSssEthel Ruhrford, M11%nd Mis, Wm3î. F'of Tor- -ntoviitdnt t1he home of 'Missý cadieBîow lestSat]dlay the Wes't CoastAtoviit'Wth rela lives Cforsix weeks', Permanent Waves (COLD WAVE) Done lu your own homie Ail Work Guîaraniteed ~'Satisfaetory Fer ap,-pointmenti phene 56 r19 Orono Tinshop HAVE YOUR F urnace Overhauled iand readly for use du'riug ithe summ-er moniths R. E. LOGAN MAIN STREhFGT - ORONxo ir-iad s.Edwaid Mi1so i, 0of Apix, visited :Mth~r. adMi.J. ~j. Brown,,i on Sunciay, on' their re- irn om from-r a nmotor tri~p through]ý Q~ee(, Nw run ickand N e -% jj,ïigIishi Statesý Thiey were accom- p.-Piied on their trip 'by Mr. n Ms oiýas. uke of Toronto. Whilce fiing at Geo. La iniIg's creek reety Mi. Cif. Cocper, caught ,,a Ilarge eeI that imea.sLIred The et i- liiii nt, uid weighled over tl]ree po 0UnI&ds. When ci the eel took a hold of a hfook, 'Cijf -was sure that he Jhal a large birown trout as the (ee Lit uP ahad1 atiebefor'e it was I)broug2htîinto sýight to He top (il th1mwa, We don kom- ilw what kindl of an îeelit wa. f it wvas a lamiprey eel, tbis would a!ccount for the sr1 atIl of brownl trout thîis 2f 6 n. x 6 ft 6 int 2 ft 8 in x 6 ft 8 in 2ft 10 in x 6ft 10 i With Cep eSreen Phone 89 r- 1, ORONO Sunl Suits, Son Dressesý, Pin2fores, Boy's Cottonl Suits (,2, 3, 4, 6 years), Luncheoni Sets, Place Mats, Linen Guest Toeels AL AT REDUCED PRICES. For rnany other reductions see our table of Specials. We nust make room for new good's Phone 9 r 7' ORON0, Ontario HARTLEY H. BARLOW FUNERAL DIRECTOR & HOME FURNISHINGS Orono, Ontario MODERN EQUIPMENT At Your Service in Tim~e of Need FOURTIEEN YEARS' EXPERIïENCEk Phone 18 r Î (Day or Night) j AmRMSTRONG'SI Clenring ail our Summer Dresse-s, reg $15.00 to $18.00, fo.........$10.00 2 enîy, Suen Dresses, sizes 14 and 16, reg. $3,50, for ý................. ......$1 5 3 only, Chinelle Sunt Suit%~ 2 ta 4 years, reg. $1.35, fer .........--.---------.$1.00 Print Overalîs, sizes 2 to 6 years, reg. $1.00, for -... 75e 4 onfly, Print Slack Suits, sizes 16 te, 18, elearing- $1.75 3English-wNare Sets e>f Dish- es, 97 pieces, of goodi quai- ity china, priced] per set......$45.00 te $6G5.04 ~FOR . YOPUlaR PI l PREERVIN G Rubber Rings, 2 dozen.. Zinc Rings, dozen... Quart Jars, dozen. "'Pint Jar-s, dozen 1Certo, bottie. ... 5 Suminer Parasols, o.f Plats- tic, reg. S2.95, forý...$1.50 Shorts, sizes 12 te 16, mnade of Al1pine cloth, reg. $2.75, for.......... $S2.00 Wash Suits, reg. $1,00 te $1.50, for ......-,.--....--7,-) A few pair of 'White Loaf- ers and Oxfords, reg. $3.95, for............------- $1,50 4 Child's Pinaforte, sizes' 2 te 6, reg. S1.75, for.---$1.1.5 3 enly, Purses, reg. $3.50,~ for...................- -------25e)( Remnants of Curtaining-, 1 te 3 yard lengths, at Baîgain Prices 15e 30e $1,33 $1,17 25e Heinz Chili Sauce, botie . Sweet Mixed Picekl es, 418 oz. 35e jalr ............9 Graves. Apples, 10o5 «S ... 79c Fly Tox, 16 "loz bottie.....43e 8 oz bottle for..... ....24eý WhiteWiieBlendled Vine- gar, gallon .... ý..ý1...50 Texs-un Grapefruit Juice, 20 oz tines, 2 for......215e Ewing's Va !(a,16oz ibottie for........... ..... 21C 4 bs ...... .....$139, 2lbs......... 71c CilOICE PUM1PKIN 2 tins, RICE 2 for COOKING, ONIONS cl, FANC cO09OKIý-E S 'n 'N r- ATT1E NTIO0N FA RMeERlS WE ARE PAYING TUEHGES PREVAdILNG PRICES FOR DEAD OR CRZIPPLED FARMI ANIMALS HORSES - - CTL a-HG Telephione Collect fon nr imediateSeie GORDON YOUNGLIMFtel ,-D Toronto), Adeaide 3ý636 Cobourg 48J N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N 'i N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N 'N 'N N N N Q P2~ ; N N ~0bQ S;ï; i~ N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N >5 N N N N N N N N N N N N 4 N N N N N N N N .5 N a N 'N ZI N N -N N '5 N N 'i. N N N 1' N N -N N N N -N >5 4,. 'a N